Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 7 Oct 1927, page 4

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THE SquarePStore We Must Continually Pound on Our Theme THE FACT OF OUR LARGE STOCK THE GREATNESS OF ITS VARIETY THE ECONOMY OF ITS PURCHASE OUR INTENSE DESIRE TO TURN IT OVER ITS CONSEQUENT VALUE TO THIS COMMUNITY Ferhaps nowhere else in Canada is there a stock of nearly one -, hundred thousand dollars, in such a small town as Dryden. To keep this going at all, we must be on our toes. If we fell down, it would be no benefit to anyone. Perhaps it is too early for Toques 4 Yet Wwe cannot resist writing about a lovely shipment just re- ceived. Made of the finest Wool and particularly dainty in coloring. ForBeoys ane For Ladies and Children at 75 and $1.00 Included in this shipment is a very fine line of Ladies Mitts, at 83 Bes essrs tess trart iss stn dit srr uns iar vtess MEN'S MACKINAWS > We invite you look at the window for sample of these." We g bave really excelled ourselves in this selection. & Mackinaw Coats, Carrse and other makes in colors from brown & Grays, Blacks and Plaid Effects. Sizes 34 to 44. Self Lined and Leather Lined. Prices....$8.00 to $20.00 4 p Te 'BREECEIES in Khaki, Brown, Blues, Checks and Black - * Buckle or Lace Knee Finish. Priced $7:00, $7:75 & $3:00 Shirts and Jumpers and Windbreakers in all kinds of fancy checks and colorings. Priced from $3:00 to $10:00 PEI RE LE Da Special MACKINA'W CAPS to match above, at ... $1.50 and $1.75 € zovs MACKINAWS--This year our stock is fairly large. The prices are from $4:50 to $7:50 and sizes from 22 to 36. We have these in many checks and colors, and we think our prices are right. WILL you kindly note that all our Dry Goods are subject to ten per cent discount if bought through the Mail Order. Thus putting all our prices in line with the very lowest outside catalogue. : We except of course the special cash bargains, set out from time to time. And a Touch of Ladies Smart Hats. Just in from Chicago and only $4 95 Only twelve but very Chic. A few left to clear at $2:00 About fifty Ladies and Misses to clear at $1:00 - > ) Once more we say FLANNELETTE BLANKETS, Gray or @ White. Large size. Special, per pair $2:50. § ALFRED PITT, Limited, DRYDEN 2 ONTARIO % a GID O-@ED O-CEED-O CEE O GERD OO -IED () GREED (EI O) <u () $4.00 to $7. 50 o > " Bran ads uP CARS (GREED OCH D (GID OGRE Om 1) Ra a STRAND THEATRE FRIDAY-- --SATURDAY DOROTHY MACKAILL "SUBWAY SADIE" A Side-Splitting Comedy. NEWS COMEDY and MONDAY-- --TUESDAY RIN-TIN-TIN "HILLS OF KENTUCKEY" The Dog is Great in this Picture. FRIDAY Next Week SATURDAY THE BIG SUPER-WESTERN "The Flaming Frontier" FREE TRIP to the Royal Winter Fair TORONTO, NOVEMBER 15th to 19th (inclusive) Exceptional Opportunity offered by the Ontario Department of Agriculture to the Young Farmers of Ontario fis Ontario Department of Agriculture wishes to entertain about 500 representative young Ontario Farmers at the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto, November 15th to 19th (inclusive), 1927. The object is to enable them to see the Royal Winter Fair and the other places of interest in the belief that this educational experience will benefit both them and their communities by the information and enthusiasm they will gather. All expenses for travelling, lodging and transportation will be paid by the Qntario Department of Agriculture, with whom a number of Commercial * Organizations will co-operate, : "ROYAL JUNIOR FARMER JUDGING COMPETITION This free trip will be available to ten winning boys in a special "Royal" Junior Farmer Judging Competition to be held in each county of Old Ontario and to the five winning in a similar competition in each New Ontario District where an Agricultural Representative is located. Make this your opportunity to take a holiday, visiting the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto. It will not cost you a cent for living and travelling expenses and will prove an interesting experience of inestimable value to you in your future profession. Read the conditions, then ask the local Agricultural Representative in your district concerning date and place of competition, ete, ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE HON. JOHN S. MARTIN, Minister of Agriculture. - R. S, DUNCAN, Director, Agricultural Representatives. For Further Information, apply to local Agricultural Representative. % D. E. McCRAE, Dryden, Ont. Contestants shall judge five rings of live stock and five classes of crop products, such as grain, small seeds, potatoes, roots, fruit and vegetables, Special crops may be included where production is general over the county. The competition shall be open to all farmers and farmers' sons, living on the farm, between the ages of 16 and 23 on October 1, 1927 (must not have reached 23rd birthday) and who have not previously represented the county as a member of a Stock Judging Team at the Royal Winter Fair or are not graduates of an Agricultural College or Agricultural School. Prizes shall be awarded on aggregate scores only, 50% will be allowed for olacing and 509% for eral reasons on each class. When computing aggregate scores Live Stock and Crop products shall have a ratio of 2 to 1. The possible score, therefore, will be: Live Stock, 500; Crop Products, 250. WEEKLY STORE NEWS THE CHEAP BAZAAR ED OE (SED (EER (GER (SD (6 GE (SD (GED OR (SED (aD (1) (ESE (EER (EES (GED (GND (GED (GED (65 (GED (EDO €D (0 @En Organize L.0.B.A. TUESDAY evening a meeting held in the Town Hall, the purpose of which was to organize a branch of the L.O.B,A_in Dryden, Grand Mistress Mrs Ada Mayne, from Pilot Mound Manitoba, in company with the fol- lowing members from the Kenora branch, Mesdames Myles Woodrow, was fiend Miss Woodrow, and Mrs Lundy 2 Grand Organizer installed the officers i for the new local Branch, After this < ceremony, a very pleasant social hour : spent and lunch was served, ¥ The following are the officers--W. g@ M., Mrs Gibson; Deputy M, Mrs A, § Paterson; Rec.-Secy,, Mrs J, Nichol- $ son; Fin. Secy,, Miss Richardson; Treas : Mrs E, Robinson; Dir. Cer, Mrs Shap- ¢ land; Lec, Mrs Dempster; Chap, Mrs forte; Inner G. Mrs Kelly; Outer 2G. Mr J. Markes; Guardian, Mr J, f Nicholson. T Mrs C. Caucutt and Mrs Ball came down from Kenora, Saturday to at- tend the Heenan Meeting. | During their stay in Dryden, Mr J. P Earngey, M .P.P. and Mrs Earngey Mrs H, were the guests of Dr and Morison. Miss Knox, of the Provincial Depart- ment of Health, Child Hygiene Divis- ion, is a visitor to Dryden, this week. Dr Conboy ahd Mr Jones, Toronto were motored down to Dryden from Quibell Wednesday, to hold a meeting in the Strand the same evening. NOTICE! in recent tests of river water, it has been found to be somewhat polluted. To render this water perfectly safe, health authorities advise boiling the water before it is used for drinking purposes, OBRIEN--CROSIER- The wedding took place in Kenora, Friday, September 80th, of Myrtle F, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs M. J, Crosier, of Oxdrift to Mr J. P, Obrien, of Kenora, Mr and Mrs Obrien left Saturday for Winnipeg and other places west. On their return they will reside at Kenora, Ontario, ama SR Se geo] WM. THOMSON, Plumbing & Heating, P.O. BOX 145 Dryden, Ontario Or orders may be left at the Observer Office. SS TR TEETER BARGAINS A number of USED CARS, and LIGHT DELIVERY i in Good Running Condition i At Bargain Prices t From $275.00 Down. DINGWALL MOTORS, Dryden, Ontario. Ta a a a a a aa Ni Drvden United Church IT a.m.--Sunday School and Bible ; Class ' 7:00 p.m--Evening Worship i --"UNCONSCIOUS DECAY." ... RR ! k f : 4 b DON'T MISS THE SPECIAL BARGAIN-- OXDRIFT -- Community Hall. 2:00 p.m--Sunday School and Bible Class 3:00 p.m--Public Worship. All are welcome, especially strangers in our town. H. A. RIVERS, Pastor. Bread Ting cas oo 15 & 25 Mixing Spoons 25 Cake Tins ---. coe ia 156 & .25| Graters 25 ST. LUKES, CHURCH, Dryden Muffin Tins, 8-hole ----.._ ecco 25 Flour Sifters .25 | Sunday School--10:00 a.m, Muffin Tins, 6-hole ----.__...--.._.. .15 Strainers 15 & 25] Morning Prayer and Sermon-- * Colanders .25| Milk Skimmers 15 11:00 a.m,' Pie Plates .15] Tin Table Spoons .....eicmmeaanw 10 Evening Prayer and Sermon--- «"Save-all" Pie Plate ....cmvmme .25|Tea Spoons 05 7:00 p.m. : Jelly=Cake Ting ic... 15] Fork and Knife, pair ......cumimuem 25 Wednesday Evening--Second Ad- Roasting Pans 25 | Dish Pan, large 33¢ vent Testimony Service--8 p.m. Cake Cutter aie 101Tin Pails --_-- 39 Subj: --St, Paul's Prophecy-- Cookie Forms __ Jd0 Nutmeg Grater Tn 15 "THE MAN OF SIN" Lunch Pails _ .25| Soap Stands 15 . Dalry Pals 25 {Cover Knobs 05 All are Welcome at all Services. Wash Basing ....omvicnimeneaew .25 | Pot Covers 15 R. A, SMITH, Rector, THAYS oes ohiSoup-ladels 15 ---- Set, Three Cake Ting A iTeh: Kettles ummm n--ae AD Milk Mrolners oa .80 | Shelf Brackets, pair __.__.__... 25 Drv den Baptist Church Funnels 10 & 26 SEE OUR WINDOW 11 a:m:--Family Worship i b] 4 FOR SALE, SPECIAL--HICKORY HEATING STOVE, Good as New. When in Town, Come in and Look Around W. E THORSEN & SON 6:50 p:m:--Gospel Song Service Subject :i-- Tuesday, 8 pm--B: Y: P: U:-- Thursday, 8 p:m:--Prayer and Praise W-E-L-C-O-M-E! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that}, New ock and New Prices OUR SHELVES ARE NOW FULL OF FALL AND WINTER STOCK AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES As A Special We Offer-- Ladies', Children's and Boys Rubbers, per pair ..... .50 For Men We Have-- Good Quality Work Shirts, in alsizes at o.oo. 5, .95 Men's Flannel Shirts, big roomy make, dt... .... i docs $1.65 UNDERWEAR-- Penman's Wool Under Shirt, each ria eee 45 or-two for .......;. ae 75 All sizes. Boys Leather Mitts, lined to clear at two pair for Men's Caps, at A Quality Cap too. We have just finished unpacking Several New Lines in Women's Shoes--Slippers and Oxfords.-- The Latest Styles and the Prices are Quite Reasonable. VISIT OUR SECOND-HAND STORE We have just received a shipment of-- MEN'S & BOYS ODD COATS & JACKETS Prices From $2:00 up. Our HEATERS and STOVES 'are selling fast. We still have some left At Low Prices. FOR QUICK SALE-- One Dominion Organ, at a LOW PRICE. -- Also -- Edison Gramophone, with Records. : One White Sewing Machine. D, DAITER, New and Second Hand Stes. GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIP- TION BOUGHT AND SOLD. DRYDEN-- -- -- --ONTARIQ

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