Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 11 Nov 1927, page 3

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If you could look through every part of a DC Radio with X-Ray eyes, you would be amazed to ob- serve how precision, strength and fine adjustment enter into even th= smallest detail of construction. Like the smooth and dependabie action of a good watch, DC lasting accuracy assures you satisfaction. Free Demonstration Let us demonstrate any of the Royal Series in your home--no obligation--call or phone. Seven Models $46.00 $465.00 5 | ~ THE DRYDEN OBSERVER - Banking After 3 (In the Vancouver "Daily Province") by P. W. Luce from "The Royal Bank Magazine" CALGARY has just had its first at- tempted bank robbery. Why bandits have overlooked this promising field until now is a mystefy, as is also the reason why the first attempt should have been staged by rank amateurs instead of seasoned professionals. It was a very disappointing hold-up. The bandits got no money at all and had engine trouble when they werei n a hurry to get away. Members of the Bank staff fired seven shots and scored a clean miss every time, & the eastern headquarters of the bank is far from satisfied with the whole proceedings. "We accept with reserve certain statements made in the press regarding what purports to have been an attempt- ed holdup of our Calgary Branch," headquarters is writing to Manager Granger, "and we desire to have more definite particulars from you at yourr early convenience. Please use Form BK23 in making your report and for- ward in triplicate. "Meanwhile we wish to point out that we strongly disapprove of the} proceedings, There should no hol- ups in the branch in your charge unless authorized by headquarters, and we must ask you to be very particular re- garding this in future. This is a hard- and-fast rule to which there can be no exceptions, "If we are correctly informed, the three (3) bandits were admitted to the general after 3 o'clock in company with a customer who was late; a woman, naturaily. It is hardly necessary to remind you that banking hours are from 10 a.m, to 3 p.m. In future please see that all business is transact- ed within these limits, whether with women or bandits. "We gather, by inference from the press reports, that you have a highly inefficient sfenographer. There is no mention of her having screamed when it became apparent that the three strangers were bandits, and we feel Ralph J. Pronger 3 Winterbottom Lumber Yard LUMBER, COAL and BUILDERS' SUPPLIES DRUMHELLER LUMP COAL "HARD COAL BLACKSMITH COAL Service -- and -- Quality. a. KOPPERS COKE DRYDEN Jas. Winterbottom, Ontario WRIGHT'S FRESH GROCERIES and Ee : PROVISIONS # FLOUR and FEED = JE FRESH FRUITS --and-- VEGETABLES Mail Orders Given Special Care. -- C. James Wright Phone 49 we that she was not living up to the best traditions of her craft in remaining silent at such a critical moment. We are not personally acquainted with the young lady (or with any young lady), and the range of her voice is a mat- ter of indifference, but it should have| been used. In saying this, please rest assured that we are not casting reflec- tions on her private character; we merely wish to point out that she lacks the true business instinet in a crisis. As bankers we have a high re- gard for silent stenographers, but there are moments when screams are. desir- able. Please point this out to the young lady, often and earnestly. "Your Paying Teller, too, appears to have conducted himself in an un- becoming maner. Advised by a bandit to 'Hold up your hands and pass over the dough,' this Teller is reported to have resorted: "How can I pass over the dough when I'm holding up my hands?' "Your Teller is stated to have laughed as he said this, Please verify this and if found correct, admonish your Teller in suitable terms. Headquarters con- siders ti uct very indecorous in- deed. Such flippancy towards custom- ers is unpardonable--for jn all probab- ility these bandits have accounts at some other branches, This bank has always prided itself on the dignity of its Tellers, and we can assure you that this breach of etiquette will be remembered when Calgary promotions are being considered. "We are much grieved to learn that you yourself are declared to have 'hop- ped sideways' into your private office when confronted with a revolver, We sincerely trust this is an exaggeration and that you will be able to inform us, on oath, that you walked sedately into your own quarters without hopping or}: jumping. "A few of our branch managers have skipped in the past but we have searched the records without learning of any other who hopped sideways. We do not consider this movement at all in keeping with the responsible position you hold, - In fact, it is so shocking as to be almost unethjcal. "From this distance, and after having given the matter ample reflection, we are inclined to believe that you lacked poise in dealing with a situation which demanded a certain firmness on your part, We sincerely trust that your hop- pig sideways will not be taken as a precedent by other bank Managers, and we are sending out a circular letter strongly deprecating the practice. "We would like to be advised in strict confidence, as to the reason why vou had your revolver on your desk BE- FORE the bandits arrived. This is not thé usual practice here, and we have always been under the impression that you had mastered the art ofy account. | We also have a good supply of Wood Cutters Outfits. [! persuading a Calgary merchant that he is not entitled to a loan without having to threaten him with a revolver, We do not approve of the use of fire- arms, even in the west, unless there is no other way of straightening an "Please explain why seven (7) shots were fired without anybody being hit, Cartridges cost money and should not be wasted in that promiscuous manner. The newspapers intimate that you missed the bandits by several feet and that the Ledgerkeeper missed you by inches. Such poor shooting is deplor- able, "We trust that the report of damage to the walls and furniture has been greatly overstated. Please let us have full details as to this, and also an es- timate of the cots of repairs, It would have been better if you and the memb- ers of your staff had shot low so that the bullets would have buried them- selves in the floor, where the damage would have been negligible. "You will understand, of course, that we are writing you at this length in the best interest of the Bank, You must not interpret this as a letter of censure; it 15 merely an interim com- mentary until such time as we are more fully seized of the facts. "You will continue in charge of the Calgary Branch until further notice, which will reach you the day after to-morrow in the personal care of your successor, You will then proceed to take charge of our small branch at Okotoks, where we predict for you a brilliant future, bandits permitting." THE TRAPPING AND HUNT- ING SEASON IS'DRAWING NEAR Come Here for your Supplies. We have a complete Stock of-- AMMUNITION, RIFLES and GUNS, TRAPS, of all kinds, BLANKETS, PACK SACKS & COOKING UTENSILS. HEATERS and STOVES, We have a good stock to choose from at all prices. Dainty White--a wonderful aid for washing, per bottle 33c. E. A, KLOSE DRYDEN, LIVERY AND DRAY PROMPT SERVICE AT ALL HOURS A. WEAVER, Phone 56 Dryden, Ontario ROBT. SWEENEY General Blacksmith $ GENTS FOR-- dassey- Harris Implements CARBUN REMOVED FROM CYLINDER by Acetyiene Burning WATKIN'S PRODUCTS SPICES, EXTRACTS, Fic. STOCK & POULTRY TONIC PIE FILLERS, FRUIT SALTS, TOOTH PASTE AND BRUSH HOLDER LINIMENT, COUGH MEDICINES, LAXATIVES, SALVES, MEDICINES, B. T. (DAD) ROWLAND Car Owners See Us For COLD WEATHER NEEDS AT.COHOL, ; WINTER COVERS, CELLULOID -- for SIDE CURTAINS. Book Your Orders for Winter Overhaul Now. We have pur- chased a Cylinder Hone and can make a perfect job. Dryden Motors, HUGHIE HILL, ¥q New Fall Goods Suits and Uvercoats The line of Scotch and Irish Tweeds for this season are the best that have evere been seen. Come in and Look Them Over. T. PROUDFOOT 'The Dryden Tailor.' Plentiful in Winnipeg It will pay yeu again and again to i tratn in Winnipeg i greatly exeseding the yearly attendanee of all other Busi- || ness Colleges in the whole province § of Manitoba--it 8 now nada's |} largest and most influential Busi- ness College. Open all the year. Enroll at any time. Write for free prospectus. BUSINESS COLLEGE Cer. Portage Ave. and Edmonton St. Winnipeg, Mgn. Not conn with any other (Buecess) Callege in Canada. = J THE DRYDEN OBSERVER Member of Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. Published at DRYDEN, Ontario Every Friday Morning Largest circulation of any weekly paper in the Kenora Distriet. Subscription, $1.50 per year. e | A. STRUTT, & General! Blacksmith and Woodworker Where work is done to suit your Purse. Dryden, Ontario : --_-- LO.O.F DRYDEN LODGE, Ne 417 meets at the Town Hall, every Monday night. SECOND DEGREE MONDAY NIGHT H. MORISON, N.G, Bro F. WHITELEY, Rec. -Sec, L.O.L. DRYDEN LODGE Wo. 1684 meets the first and third Wednesday of each month, at eight p.m. in the Town Hall, Visiting brethren cordially invited. J. D. NICHOLSON, W:}M. BADEN SMITH, Sec'y, Golden Star Lodge AF. & AM, No. 484, G.R.C. Meets in the Masonic Hall, Drydes the Second Tuesday of each momth Visitors Cordially invited. H. WILDE, W.M, A. E. BERRY, Secretary W. A. WEARE General Ji-rchant AIINNITAKI, ONTARIO Agent For-- JOHN DEERE PLOW CO. tuere is John Deere Equipment for Every Farm Use. Cet QUALITY and SERVICE TIME PAYMENTS Arranged " Suit Purchasers. ee Sheriff's Sale of La nds for Arrears of Statute Labour Taxes TOWNSHIP OF District of Kenora, EAST AUBREY, Province of Ontario By virtue of a Warrant under the hands of the Chairman and Secretary- Treasurer of the East Aubrey Road Commissioners, dated 1st day of Septem- ber, 1927, commanding the Sheriff to. levy upon the lands hereinafter de- scribed for the arrears of taxes respectively due thereon, together with the cost, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that unless such arrears of taxes are sooner paid, I shall in compliance with the Act Respecting Statute Labour, Chapter 196, RS.0., 1914, on MONDAY THE 6th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1928 AT THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE, IN THE COURT HOUSE, IN THE TOWN OF KENORA, AT THE HOUR OF 11 O'CLOCK IN THE FORE- NOON, proceed to sell by Public Auction the lands, or so much thereof as may be necessary to discharge such arrears of taxes and charges thereon, TOWNSHIP OF EAST AUBREY Name of Owner Lot Con. Acres Years Arrears Costs Total Ptd, No, cession or un-ptd, French W. W. S.12 12 6 171 1920-26 $93.95 $8.05 $102.00 ptd. Pronger, R. H., Npt 2 1 160 1924-26 3277 6.50 40.27 ptd. Trueman, J HA Npt. 7 5 160 .1923-26 45.95 6.85 52.80 ptd Dated at the Sheriff's Office at the Town of Kenora, in the District of Kenora this 22nd day of October, 1927, JOHN W. HUMBLE, Sheriff of the District of Kenora. Dry Cleaners Here At Last. WE DRY CLEAN, DYE, SPONGE AND PRESS. y your clothes look shabby just bring them in to our & place. » We also Dye, Clean and Block Ladies', Men'S, and Children's 4 0 - Hats. of ® Have Your Sweaters Cleaned or Dyed. We do 2 &, all Repairs & Alterations. Furs Cleaned. Car © AY & Chesterfield Upholsteries and Carpet ( {=aning our Specialty. Special care given to Curtains. We Guarantee to Satisfy in all Work Stated Above. LET THE PEOPLE WHO KNOW HOW, KEEP - YOU CLEAN. Dryden Dyers & Cleaners Corner Queen and Earl St. Dryden Ontario oO

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