Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 11 Nov 1927, page 4

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Gp rues Squ ment finiShed in a lighter colour. prices. CASH PRICE--1-ply 2-ply Which is the next thing to stealing it. Sak io 5 pn AB arePStore "We atk you to look these over. Inquire at the Main Store. If you are short of money just now, and would like something in this Furniture, we will sell on approved credit at regular FERN CT Tr a a ET 1 oss Thaa Cost 4 OWING TO CHANGES IN THE PREMISES NEXT OUR € LUTCHER SHEP, WE ARE FORCED to DISCONTINUE &, FURNITURE TEMPORARILY. $® r SPOT CASH, we offer 5 the following;- i CHIFFROBE i... v. canine Reg. $27.50 Sale.$20.00 1 WICKER COMMODE CHILD'S 3 HAIR, ovr Reg. 400 Sale 2.35 ce 3: DRESSERS Small... -. ..-. Reg. 1800 Sale 12.05 1 CHIFFROBE ..*............ Reg. 37.50 Sale 26.95 I CHITFONIER o.oo eivnne Reg. 22.530 Sale 15.95 TT WASHSTAND .... conde. Reg. 10.00 Sale 6.95 ft SEWING CABINET .... .<.... Reg. 18.00 Sale 12.95 i DIGH CHAIRS, .........c 0. Reg. 3.00 Sale 1.95 6 HIGHCHAIRS ..........~-. Reg. 275 Sale 1.85 t VANITY DBESSER ....-. reg. 60.00 Sale 43.95 1 DRESSING TABLE .......... Reg. 20.30 Sale 21.45 TRI SS a SE Reg. 33.00 Sale 23.95 1 JCHAFFONIER, ........-..... Reg. 4000 Sale 37.5 EVIANNTY aia sag Reg. 73.00 Sale 49.75 ¥ DRESSER, ©. Laotec hin Reg. 39.00 Sale 26.95 IE DRESSER, (oS Ses Reg. 37.50 Sale 24.95 8. DRESSERS, ©. ..vev cian ioven Reg. 46.50 Sale 32.75 6 TORONTO COUCHES, with MATTRESS, ... i. Reg., 1500 Sale 10.95 1 WICKER CHAIR, evs. Reg. 15.00 Sale 10.95 ? 3 WASHSTANDS, ............. Reg. 10.50 Sale 7.35 ? + BEDROOM CHAIRS, ....... reg. 7.75 Sale 545 2-RADIO TABLES, .......... reg. 7.50 Sale 5.35 2: ARM ROCKERS, .;~. hv... s Reg. 4.00 Sale 2.95 2. ARM CHAIRS, ..... i. cone Reg. 325 Sale 2.25 vr CFILD'S ROCKERS, ../...: Reg. 200 Sale 1.49 3 COMMODE CHAIRS, ........ Reg. 275 Sale 1.95 43 HIGH BACK DINERS, ....... reg. 2.25 Sale 1.59 2. BEDROOM 'ROCKERS, ..... reg. 10.50 Sale 7.05 8 iy EPRESSER, Tinie emda reg. 46.50 Sale 32.95 Ef DRESSER. tiv. van reg. 40.00 Sale 28.95 y 1 WASHSTARD, 4. olla reg. 15.00 Sale 10.75 , 1 LEATHER UPHOLSTERED ROCKER. 1... ....- reg. 2000 Sale 13.95 1 WICKER PESK and CHAIR, ; Siightly Damaged, ....... .ceiaenns Sale 20.00 7 ARM. CHAIRS, «.. eo ine. rEg. 4.50 Sale 2.95 3 VANITY BENCHES, ....:#... reg.. 7.50 Sale 5.35 b 1 PARLOUR TABLE, ..i.é:. reg. 1000 Sale : 6.95 y 1. PARTLOUR TABLE, ison in vn reg. 18.00 Sale 12.95 y I "BUFFET, Slight Flaw .....4.. reg. 30,00 Sale 33.95 2 LEATHER CHAIR SETS-- ; be "ARM & ROCKER, ....reg. 16.50 Sale 11.95 E21 DRESSER, iss vi tart nis reg. 55.00 Sale 39.75 21 NANITY DRESSER, ........ reg. 65.00 Sale 44.95 1 AFTERNOON FOLDING » SERVER, ........ 0x reg. 0.00 Sale 6.35 i» 3 GATELEG TABLE, .......... reg. 2200 Sale 1595 1. CHINA CABINET, .........L.. reg. 30.00 Sale 21.95 g 10° OFFICE CHAIRS, .... ...... reg. 500 Sale 3.85 gz BRITCHEN 510015, <....... reg. 1.60 Sale 1r.I9 Nearly all the above articles are finished in Dark Walnut. § There are some excepticnally high-grade pieces in this assort- £ ® And for fear you forget, we still have nearly one hundred rolls & of WIGWALN ROOFING PAPER. $ opportunity. ~' DRYDEN : em -- ALFRED PITT, We are continuing .this Sale, 2 for one week more, when all ¢ remaining Furniture will be ® moved to the Main Store. % Meantime if you need any- & thing that we have, it is your Limited ONTARIO . 7 ---- "ED (GD) «GID OCH CED) (ED (NDC) COTE) SH () A (---" TAKE NOTICE THAT: frontage is $1.45. Board way and Municipal 1927, © thereaiter. SCHEDULE "B"-- SPC or at a regular or spe Street From Whyte St. Princess St. King St. Whyte St. Date at Dryde - Local Improvement Notice THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF DRYDEN 1. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Dryden, intends to construct as a local improvement nine-inch sanitary sewers on the following streets as listed below in Schedule "B" and intends to specially assess a part of the cost of the work upon the land abutting directly on it. 2. The estimated cost of the work is $1,135.00 of which $433.20 is to be paid by the Corporation. The special assessment is to be paid in thirty annual installments of 10 cents per foot per year. 3. A petition to the said Council will not avail to prevent its construction, but a petition against the work or the manner in' which it has been undertaken may be made pursuant to section 8, of the Local Improvement Act to the Ontario Rail- 1 to 220 ft. north $319:00 $341:00 $660:00 165 ft. east 3%2:00 by a majority representing at least one-half of the value of the lots which are specially assessed therefor. 4. A By-law for undertaking: the work will be considered by Council at a meeting to be held on the 6th day of December cial meeting thereof to be held "1. E. GIBSON, Clerk, Annual Bazaar-- . The St. Luke's W. A. Will hold their Annual Bazaar, on Thursday, November 24th. SR ----e. WM. THOMSON . "&I The cost per foot of the owners Owner's Corpora- Total tion share share cost. 02:20 475:00 $701 :80 $433:20 1,135:00 \It Seems that Plumbing and Heating, Acetlyene Welding 2 THE P.O. BOX 145 DRYDEN - Ontario. Fae A Cold Weather A. PatterSon or Observer. TENDERS FOR TAX COLLECTOR --HAS-- TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to and including Sat- urday, November 19, for a Tax Collec- tor for S.S. No. 2, Zealand. Lowest cr any tender not necessarily accepted. For further particulars apply to W. W, WHITE, Sec-Treas, Bedworth, Ontario. Kenora School KENQORA, Ontario Dryden, Ontario TEESE IEEE DEE. TRATES STRAND THEATRE Ui FRIDAY-- () ED ( ) A () ) - we have ¢ ten SCP O DRAWING for the Saturday night. to win prizes. - + this lao BY] mo "Rookies" : icture--it will stand it. FREE GROCERIES will be held on Ticket-holders must be in the Theatre ' 0 --SATURDAY | Pin gm --_ nd that's saying anc er offered shino MONDAY-- JACK MULHALL "The Crystal Cup" wi and DOROTHY McKAIL --TUESDAY ith Kelly Entertainers, delayed through Sickness Will Not Appear on hionday. WEDNESDAY -- "Mismates"' --THURSDAY $5:00 to the winner. prize. &) E () ERED () ESD () ED (GEE () SEED NOTICE--A WHISTLING CONTEST will be held Friday November 18th, open to Boys or Girls from 7 to 15 years. Anybody can whiStle and win this OE (CE (GED (GE (OES (EID (GES 13] Ari DRYDEN King Street EE EE ee EEE ELE ET The White Lunch ¢ ONTARIO up-to-date place.-- Theatie with your friends. We We wish to announce to the Citizens of Dryden and District that we have opened a First Class Cafe in Dryden. We invite you to come and have your meals in a clean, We also specialize in Lunches, and ask you to drop in in some evening and give us a trial, or come in after the serve you--We also serve Ice Cream and Cold Drinks. Carry TOBACCO, CIGARETTES and CANDY. Of All Kinds. We will always be pleased tc A Stock of E. JOHNSON, Proprietor, RAR RAR THE supply before 'Xmas. "SERVE YOURSELF STORE" ENAMELWARE 3 We have a good stock in Enamelware and it is time now to get your In The Future 71 Class, test. 3112 p.m.--Sunday School & Bible Class, CHEAP BAZAAR WEEKLY S8TORE NEWS Shorthand, Touch Typewriting, Spelling, Business Correspondence, : Office Routine-- Individual Instruction. Address inquiries to: V. M. Fraser P.O. Box 95 KENORA, ONTARIO SHOES NOW ON DISPLAY A Splendid Line of MEN'S WORK BOOTS, Solid Leather, A Good Heavy Shoe for Every- day Wear. A Complete Stock of HARNESS & ACCESSORIES Always on Hand. Harness Repaired-- Boots--and--Shoes REPAIRED F. WILLARD. 11 a.m --Sunday School and Bible 7 p.m.--Evening Worship, The three Protestant churches are uniting in the Annual Memorial Service this Sunday in the United Church at the evening hour of wor- ship. The choirs of the three churches are putting forth a united effort in music. This is always a splendid service, Come and let us all unite jn our praise to Good znd in glorious memory of those whose love stood the supremem OXDRIFT 3 p.m.--Public Worship All are welcome, especially strangers in our town. H. A. RIVERS, Pastor. [a -- ST. LUKES, CHURCH, Dryden (22nd Sunday after Trinity) Sunday School 10 a m. Morning Prayer, Litany and Sermon, 11 a.m, Subject: --"The Power of Silence" t United Church Memorjal Service 7 p.m ® Drvden United Church Come to Stay. WE NOW CARRY A COM- PLETE LINE OF FALL And WINTER GOODS, SUCH AS: . Men's, Ladies and Children' Business shah UNDERWEAR Fleece Lined, Wool and Light Wool. - We have a special lot of Boys' all-wool Shirts, and a small lot of drawers at 40c each. { Men's, Ladies & Childrens Wool Sox and Stockings, at different prices. Sweaters & Windbreakers, plain or fancy, in different styles and sizes. Mackiaw Coats, Men's and Boys' Mackinaw Breeches, in Check khaki and whipcord. Boys' and Men's Pants, heavy Wool, Tweeds, Moleskin; Also a good variety of Men's Dress Pants, suitable for Fall wear. Men's and Boys Work Shirts, Flannel and Flannelette, plain & check, a good big roomy shirt from g3c up. the Men's g3c. ood value. oe a = a & nq 1 and Winter Don't fail to see us for your Rubber Supply. We sure can give you a good price on them. We also have about a hundred pairs of Rubbers, which includes - Men's, Ladies, and Childrens, at soc pair. Of course they are just broken lines. t While up the hill, look into our Second Hand Store, you will always see something that you need. / We just received a shipment of Men's Odd Jackets in good roomy makes, practically as good as new ; also a few Men's Overcoats and Mackinaws. » 3 Anything in the line of House Furniture, Heaters, Cook Stoves, could be arranged on easy terms. We are having an alteration in our in the store and serve yourself, and everything is priced. W. E THORSEN & SON - ~ store which will mean that there will only be serving counters and no shelves, so you can go all the way round Saucepans, ----. ci vegmnm 25 & . 30 Coffee Pots wa in the United Church, SAUCCPANS init mpm mmm eam - .20 Water Dippers 25 WEDNESDAY EVENING, 8:00 p.m.-- Cooking Kettles __.___-- 20, .20 & 35 Soap Dish 25 Studies of Prophecy--Subj: "Visione Mixing Bowls ..onmic--ir ae .20 Mugs 15 & .25}the Dawn," Sign of the Times,' Pudding Pans __..--.....--.. 26 & 30 Special Clearing-- ' Revival of the Roman Empire." rattan SERB 25 gs Taian Moiese 1 he Speer 13 ALL ARE WELCOME qb: Kettles... Lo. oa .25 Large Cups and Saucers, per pair . : R. A SMI 6-qt. Convex Kettle __...--..__..----.. .65 -Cups and Saucers, pair _.. J2 : TL Bec j Colanders eri ---- ee ceD AiO COM. Mots. 2. 25 Te Zinc Drainers --mtme 25 Child's Mugs 20, Drvden Baptist Church Pia Plates... 0 ie .20. Child's Cups & Saucers, pair __... .25 iy Famll : | Dish Pans, large __.______. 0 & SIEChalr Bouts woken 25811 2ani--Family Worship Wor Palle ee iim TEMG Pane alien 25,0:50 p:m:--Gospel Song Servic: Subject: -- Tuesday, 8 p.m--B: Y: P: U:-- Thursday, 8 p:m:--Prayer and Praise W-E-L-C-O-M-E! D, DAITER, New and Second Hand Stese. GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIP- TION BOUGHT AND SOLD. DRYDEN-- -- -- --ONTARIC

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