5 Phone No. § jG HALIBUT, per 1 _ CHOPPED SUET, 21bs DAIRY BUTTER, rE Ye eR UNSMOKED BACON, Backs, per Ib COOKED TRIPE, two Bs for -- a _ BLACK CoD, per 1b _ SMOGKD GOLD EYES, per Ib _ Fresh Caught WHITE FISH Fresh Caught JACK FISH A. BATERSON, Prep BUILD A HOME FIRST Get our PRICES on BUILDING MATERIAL of all Kinds. SASH -- DOORS -- BRICK -- LIME -- PLASTER ROOFING PAPER -- BUILDING PAPER PLASTER BOARD and WALL BOARD SCREEN DOORS & WINDOWS. BUILDERS' HARDWARE ~CEMENT -- : Screen Wire Cioth, --14 mesh--Black & Galvanized Lismber -- Lath -- Shingles. Call or Write for Plans and Estimates 'Dryden Lumber Co. = E n A ECR H i | | i a | : 5 Just Around Pn Coron Err ts ELL LLL CL TTT TI TE IT IS NOT TOO EARLY TO THINK OF Gift Shoovping We have the largest range of GIFTS this year that we have ever had and NEW GOODS coming in daily. We are prepared with an abundance of Small Gifts --Something New in Children's Handkerchiefs. CREPE DE CHINE HANDKIES, PRINTED HAA DE CHINE, WITH TINY ROLLED NOVELTY SWISS & IRISH LAWN HANDKERCHIEFS, 15¢. Considering Quality, Our Prices Are Right J. B. CPR SA AE SSN ye. Gates i i es £0). GEE 0 EE GEO EI EES 0 GRR) ED SED (GED ( 65D SD (OED As You Please --help yourself --Ask the Clerk --Telephone Red & White CHAIN STORES O: H: PRONGER, Proprietor THESE PRICES ARE GOOD FOR ONE WEEK, Nov. 28th, to Dee, 3rd RELIABLE service, better quality, the lowest prices--right in your own town. SUGAR--Pure granulated, 10-1bs TT % Pure Granulated, 20-Ibs -- 154 5 White Icing, per Ib, 12: SERV-US Bakinz Powder, 1-1b tins ian SRE CURRANTS, wet cleaned, per Ib -- 19 RAISINS, seedless, 2-ib pkts, = 22:30 Extracts--Western Vanilla, or Lemon, 2-0z. bottles, each __--_.. .22 Mixed Nuts in shell, a fine mixture of Walnuts, Almonds, Brazils, Filberts and Peanuts, per ib, ---- meee 25 SERV-US COFFEE--Parchment packed in 1-b tins, each -------- .75 MOLASSES. Pennant, 214's tins, each 32°39 SERV-US ELBOW MAC 'ARONNI, A KS packages, three for ----. .25 MACARONI, 5-1b boxes, each __ B57 SERV-US TOMATOES, No. 212 tins, each 13 three for --.- D2 CHOICE HALLOWI DATES, {wo Ibs for 25 RED and WHITE TEA, 1-1b pkg. each - --- a 0 five lbs for -- $3.45 Fancy BLEACHED SULTANA RAIS'NS per --coeeme 20 SEEDED RAISINS, 15-oz. pkts., cach __._ 18 CHEESE, finest Ontario, per 1b __ - 32 ICING, in packages, each 14 MINCEMEAT, ¢hoice buik, per lb. 24 two Ibs for 45 mio am mm cm cr cm mem There's a way to double the wear- ing quality of your clothes. GOOD clothes can still look well after months of wear! The secret lies in the sort of care they have-- MASTER cleansing can restore clothes to their original spic and span appearance. It's the only thing that will keep them looking their best, day in and day out. ur way show the fit meant them to have--and our 's things means a saving in MEN'S suits when cleaned and pressed o and hang the tailor orig ial a> a Let es Fon Who Know "0 1 Pig The DRYDEN DYE WORKS? Corner Queen and Earl St pposite C. P. R. Station "Phone 77 Dryden - Ontario Our Plant. Devoted Exclusively to Dry Cleaning & Dyeing. ERTL THERE THEE EAT TELL LLLUL EEL LLL LULL LLL = (ann 1 PAN M. J. CROSIER: HARDWARE & FARM PRODUCE FROST AND WOOD A] CARDINE! General Merchant DRBRIFT 2 ONTARIO General Merchant, EAGLE RIVER --Dealer in-- BOOTS and SHOES, Agent for DRY GOODS, GROCERIES Frost & Woed IMPLEMENTS. CQCKSHUTT PLOW (OY- EEE --Agent for-- Sharple's Cream Separators. LIFE INSURANCE and COCKSHUTT IMPLEBIENTS - Si RAW FURS BOUGHT & SOLD. Ll i re By virtue of a Warrant under the Treasurer of the East Aubrey Road Comm: ber, 1927, commanding the Sheriff to levy scribed for costs, 2 sooner paid, I shall in complianc Chapter 196, R.S.0., 1914, on MON 1928 AT THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE, TOWN OF KENORA, AT THE may be necessary to discharge such arre Sheriit's Sale of Lands for Arrears of Statute Labour Taxes TOWNSHIP OF EAST AUBREY, District of Kenora, Province of Ontario nc---- upon the lands hereinafter the arrears of taxes respectively due thereon, NOTICE IS HEREBY TOWNSHIP OF EAST AUBREY hands of the Chairman and Secretary- issioners, dated 1st day of Septem- de- together with the GIVEN, that unless such arrears of taxes are e with the Act Respecting Statute Labour, DAY THE. 6th DAY OF FEBRUARY, IN THE COURT HOUSE, IN THZ HOUR OF 11 O°CLOCK IN THE FORE- Auction the lands, or so much thereof as ars of taxes and charges thereon, - Name of Owner Lot Con. Acres Years Arrears Costs Total Ptd. No, cession or un-ptd, French W. W. 83% 12 6 171 1920-26 $93.95 $8.05 $102.00 ptd. : Pronger, R. H, Npt2 1 160 1924-26 82.77 6.50 40.27 ptd. . Trueman, J, H, Npt. 7 5 160 1923-26 45.95 6.85 52.80 ptd, Dated at the Sherifi's Office at the Town of Kenora, in the Disirict of Kenora, this 29nd day of OCciober, ; 1927, y j ] NOON, proceed to sell by Public of Kenora. JOHN W. HUMBLE, Sheriff of the District Vp SE PD PNAIIAIS PILES PIRSA EE SOE Saba A wa NY Le --g TY WINTER EXCURSIONS Canadian Pacific | Pacific_Coast = TICKETS ON SALE Dec. 1, 6, 8, 18, 15, 20, 22, 27, 29 Jan. 3, 5, 10, 12, 17, 19; 2¢ Feb, 2 and 7 Return Limit, April 15th, 1928, Eastern Canada TICKETS ON SALE December 1st to January 5 4 from stations i : Manitoba (Winnipeg and West) Saskatchewan and Alberta Return Limit Three Months. French Excursions SPECIAL TRAIN From Winnipeg 8:00 P.M. December 17th for Montreal Ottawa Sherbrooke Quebec Shawinigan Falls Ey For Detail basmati n Er J. A. PAYN E, Ask the PACIFIC Ticket Agent (HEA Ticket Agent Dryden, Ont. LAS a Rh For This Week- CREAM PUFFS, per dozen veins vivir nsers .50 Also PUFF PASTRY BULK CHOCOLATES, A Fine Assortment, CS 35 Ear a ea SE an) .20 "SALLY BROWN" LAYER CARES + iiair os 35 ahd a i vie rein ves .60 VAN CAMPS SOUP two for... ic iiunsinaan .25 ROBIN HOOD CHINA OATS, Special ............. 40 TOMATOES, CELERY, LETTUCE, Also---- CHOICE LINE OF FRESH FRUITS Gough's Confectione J. O. GOUGH, Proprietor. Agent For-- NEILSON'S CHOCOLATES, KODAKS & SUPPLIES AUB UBONOS DEERING MCCORMICK PRIMROSILE CREAM SFPARATORS Are the last words in Cream Separator construction. The BALL BEARINGS ensure easy turning and smooth running machines. They get all the Cream and last a lifetime, and are backed by the largest firm of Farm Equipment Manufacturer's in the world to- day. Why experiment with some unknown make, that is peddled around, you are bound to get stung. Try a PRIMROSE in your own home, if it is not satisfactory in every way, we will not ask you to keep it, we take chances on this. MADE IN FIVE DIFFERENT SIZES J, 8. Corner, Oxdrit ----Agent for-- Yitomations! Harvester Company ¢ of Canada, Limited Hamilton - Canada. BONUS AEBOLONOT ES CREO aOR EO JE I ES AR EUS Se Ve AD