Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 2 Dec 1927, page 3

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Sas S TRADE 2Your Old " fHE DRYDEN OBSERVER ---- -- Bowling | Sand Pit vs. CP.R-- {Sand Pit--D Anderson, 441; J Harris {--1855, {C:P:R:--A Payne, 512; 440; T Miles, 520; W McMaster, 435. --1907. i H | Royal Bank vs, Doctor's-- IN Tinney Loud Speaker for a G Curley, Royal Bank--M D Hambly, 459; J Davidson, 484; J Cox, 466; H Humph- ilton, 494; J E Gibson, 456; Dr P H B Wood, 420--1903, Town vs. Paper-makers-- ® Town--T Miles, 474; S Wright 468; e J Riddell, 432; S Thorsen, 473.--1847. @ Paper-makers--B smith, 435; H Bed- dome, 583; M Upton 502; J Nichol- reys, 457.--1866. son, 524.--2044, ! Pitt's Store vs. Hawks-- 'Pitt's--J Hardie, 429; F Foulis, 426; A Berrey, 389; H Saunders, 566. --1819 Hawks--H Humphreys, 442; A Clemp- son, 546; T Crawley, 435; G Dechert, | { At the conclusion of the first series {Art Payne has high score with 250, Victor Northern : Cone Reproducer We will make vou an allowance on your poor or defective Speaker and you 'can purchase on easy payments a Victor Northern Cone, with the assurance that you will be able to enjoy the finest reception it is possible to get. Perfect audience reception from any good make of Radio Set--Please note in this Cone the natural frequencies of the diaphragm being lower, responds instantly with full depth in | the bass at the same time the flexibility of this diaphragm S the high Eat Broceht ith fide; i The second series is now on. ensures the gl notes being rought out with exact hdelity, §- There Will be tree bowling for ladies imparting a rich round fullness of natural tone unusually lsatarday: from = Hl 4 pitt | Gi 5 $27.50 Classified D A Doctors--Dr Dingwall, 524; G R Ham- 435h,--1858. the Sand Pit team is in the lead and periect. Finis} hed in Rustic Bronze and Tastefully Decorated, 18 inches in diameter, only SRE NE NN WO Be i ar Se Ra A FOR horse, 1400-Ibs.--Apply 5 FRANZ TITZE, 112]27 >) Waldhof, Ontario, Ralph J. Pronger Radios, - Phonographs, Stationery, Dry Goods, Ready-To-Wear. Phone j5 IFOR SALE--GOATS, THREE FOR {$25.00--Apply Musical InStruments, Books, A, GUMMESON, 18]1127. Wabigoon, Ont. ONTARIO FOR SALE -- QUEBEC HEATER, Electric Washing Machine.--Apply at OBSERVER OFFICE. $2000.00 BUYS FOUR - ROOMED Cottages, furnished. Good Well and basement, Terms to Suitable party, T. MORRETTIN, Dryden, Ontarlo. Winterbottom Lumber Yard LUMBER, COAL and BUILDERS SUPPLIES : DRUMHELLER LUMP COAL S HARD COAL KOPPERS COKE BLACKSMITH COAL" Service -- and -- Quality. FOR SALE--BALED HAY, $1400 a ton. Farm to rent on shares, Two Houses for rent or sale; one large and one small.--Apply R. HA PRONGER, Dryden, Ont. 2/1127. rr FOR RENT--5-ROOM BUNGALOW, 2 i tt : DRYDEN Jas. Winterbottom, ontario xe OON HUNG LOW, house; good big garden.--Apply Ss STE Ee C. J. WRIGHT, : igo ay LE EEE EERE | 2511127 Dryden, Ont. EEC CE En Eich a ani | Tenia ws 3 HOUSE TO LET--SIX ROOMS WITH 0 BE | Bath, Hot and Cold Water; Paniry & 1 New Xmas Goodsi =u =x pe i JAS McFAYDEN, Dryden, Ontaric -) = | WANTED TO TRADE--1923 MODEL £5 Ford Car for Horse and Harness, Now On Display Horse should weigh 1500 Ibs TOYS, for: Boys and Girls Gl" = == Siege LM. ALA 2 FREE--300 School Scribblers will be Given Away to Boys Vermillion Bay, Ontario. = and Girls between the hours of g:00 to 10:00 o'clock, Saturday Durance Bros. & Co. ! SPICES, EXTRACTS, Ete ISTOCK & POULTRY TONIC PIE FILLERS, FRUIT SALTS, FOOTH PASTE AND BRUSH il RRR Raa ST - : : COUGH MEDICINES, LAXATIVES, SALVES, MEDICINES, I BEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT ALL MY CHRISTMAS FRUITS and BE. T. (DAD) ROWLAND NUTS HAVE ARRIVED DAY OR NIGHT CALLS a in-- 1 'alnuts 2 =D From France and Spain--Shelled Walnuts and Almonds, per Ib PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO {462; D Warren, 446; H Adair, 506. : SALE--ONE GOOD WORK P California Sun Maid Raisins; seedless, per pkt -- oem. 20 : ; Sun Maid Seeded Raisins, 2 pkt. for ----------___. .45 ANDERSON & i ARRIS = Bulk Scedless Raisins, per Ib 15 : -- Bull rants, 16-0z. hi A RE Re i 5 ||FUNERAL DIRECTORS THE DRYDEN OBSERVER Member of Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. Published at DRYDEN, Ontarie Every Friday Morning Largest circulation of any weekly paper in the Kenora District. Subscription, $1.60 per year. --------" & J]. A STRUTT a General Blacle=mith and THE TRAPPING AND HUNT- ING SEASON IS' DRAWING NEAR . Come Here for your Supplies. New Fall Goods "ps Suits and TRAPS, of all kinds, Overcoats BLANKETS, PACK SACKS & COOKING UTENSILS. HEATERS and STOVES, We have a good stock to choose Woodworker from at all prices. creer ---- Where work is done We also have a good supply of : to suit your Purse. Wood Cutters Outfits, The line of Scotch and Irish Dryden, Onmario Dainty White--a wonderful 2id| Tweeds for this season are |== S,,... for washing, per bottle 35c. E. A, KLOSE DRYDEN, DRYDEN LODGE, He LO.O.F 417 meets at the Town Hall, every Monday night. FIRST DEGREE MONDAY NIGHT H. MORISON, N.G, Bro F. WHITELEY, Rec, -Sec, 1. PROUDF O0T L.O.L. DRYDEN LODGE No. 1684 'Th : 1) meets the first and third e Dryden Tailor. Wednesday of each month, at eight p.m. in the Town Hall, Visiting brethren cordially invited. J. D. NICHOLSON, W:M. BADEN SMITH, Sec'y, Ee Golden Star Lodse AF. & AM, No. 484, G.R.C. Meets in the Masonic Hall, Dryden, ' the Second Tuesday of each month Visiters Cordially invited. H, WIMDE, W.M, A. E. BERRY, Secretary == . W. A. WEARE General Merchant MINNITAKI, ONTARIO Azent For-- JUHN DEERE PLOW CO. There is John Deere Equipment for Every Farm Use. Cet QUALITY and SERVICE TIME PAYMENTS Arronged 9 Suit Purchasers. the best that have evere been seen, Come in and Look Them Over. LIVERY AND DRAY PROMPT SERVICE AT ALL HOURS : A. WEAVER, ' Phone 56 Dryden, Ontario HARNESS and SHOE REPAIRING For the past three years I have been in Dryden. I have given satisfaction in Shoe Repairing, and irtend doing some in the Harness line. PRICES VERY MODERATE Childrens Boots Repaired After School Hours. i. GREENHILL NEXT TO POST OFFICE 5 in Once But NecessitiesNow PRACTICALLY any Canadian citizen may own today an automo- bile possessing elements of beauty, style, comfort and efficiency which no amount of wealth could have com- manded a dozen years ago. of beauty, his desire for comfort, his need for dependability. General Motors has at its command the master minds of the industry. It : has the finest automotive research § laboratories and the greatest automo- Make a National Cake and Pudding. Fresh Celery, per Ib 15c. Grages, 20c. Oranges, 50, 60c., T0c Fresh Tomatoes 23c: Grape Fruit, large, 15c: Bananas, doz 50e. ALL KINDS of APPLES and NUTS, New Laid Eggs, dozen 65c. Storage First Eggs, doz. .50c, Old Canadian Cheese, Ib 35¢, New Canadian Cheese, 1b 80c. C. James Wright Phone 49 Iahien Citron Peal, mer ID om DD) England Orange and Lemon Peel, per Ib -. 35 PHO NE-- Mesopotania New Dales 2 lbs, for 25 Day, 62 R 2: - Night, 83 R ¢ From Turkey--New Figs, cooking, two Ibs for 25 = : ss Italian Glassy Cherries, per lb. .60 Canadian Icing Sugar, two lbs for --_._ a 25 C| Canadian Castor Sugar, two lbs for 25 Fe] RB California Bleached Raisins, per lb. 25 Smyria Sultanas, per Ib aly 25 Spanish Valencin Raisins, per lb. : - 2D O WEL ers Jamicia and Zanzibar--All kinds of Spices, percan ooo. 13 See Us For Spanish Fresh Sweet Ground Almonds, %-1b, 30 COLD WEATHER NEEDS Canadian Almond Paste, %1b 35 ALCOHOL 3 Almond Paste, 1-1b tins .60 WINTER COVERS Canadian Robin Hood Flour 08, .49. $245 : CELLULOID -- for SIDE CURTAINS. Book Your Orders for Winter Overhaul Now. We have pur- chased a Cylinder Hone and can make a perfect job. Dryden Motors, HUGHIE HILL, Mgr. " iss For the automobile industry has out- grown its original function as a sup- plier of transportation, and has in an amazingly short time, brought about the refinements which are exemplified fa the present-day General Motors car. Since its foundations first were laid sixty years ago, this institution has clieved that every Canadian has a right to the best his country pro- cuces, hag g right to satisfy his sense CHEVROLET PONTIAC MSLAUGHLIN-BUICK LA SALLE GENERALE bile proving grounds in the world, wherein have been pioneered and developed some of the industry's most revolutionary advances. And General Motors has used its prosperity and success unstintingly in improving the quality and increas- ing the value of its products, . . It is thus that General Motors of Canada has played its part in trans- lating once-inconceivable luxury into terms of every-day necessity. . « = OLDSMOBILE DAKLAND of CANADA mie Home Qffice and Factories : OSHAWA, ONTARIO 2 x : > © 'oH-628B neg CADILLAC GENERAL MOTORS TRUCK MOTORS

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