5 7%, 23 2 a L l The skating rink i now open on Toe i G. Hetherington to Conduct Service ccais day, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday | Pastor A. G, Hetherington of Toron- T . Friday and Saturday being reserved to, will conduct the services at the HE ay ower the Bonourod for hockey practice, Season tickets Baptist Church, Dryden, next Sunday oan Nu ens MOU | ave now on sale at $56:00 & $3:00. hTe "and will remain in charge of the work : : i rai anus Save Se ice is cold and very smooths mooth SO here until spring. $ g gar 0 0 r (& T. Scott, Gates were played dur.|t Would be wise wise to bring a, : = ing the evening and at the auspicious cushion in case you fall DRESSMAKING--CHILDREN'S moment Norah was showered with EO aa -- CLOTHES, KNITTING AND many various gifts useful & ornament- j Missionary from China to Speak Here- CROCHETING. ed. Not the least among the former] Lhose Who heard Rev. Ww. F. Road- Satisfaction Guaranteed, was an article described as "Maggie's |ouse speak in the Baptist Church, Mrs L. DAGG, Man Managing Missle" with detailed jrecently, will remember his promise Dryden, Ont, instructions for use, to try and arrange fro Mr Norman oo Grubb to stop off at Dryden and give us a first hand account of his 0 Prov. Const. Douglas Hall was a experience in the heart of Africa. We 0 arn £€SS o visitor to Port Arthur this week All are pleased to announce that Mr Grully 8 the provincial police in this district will (DV.) speak in Dryden, Decemb- 3 ®) [were called to that' city to meet er 7th. He comes fresh from the Complete Set, with Collar--8$s.00 @) General V. A. S. Williams, com- mission field and it may be your only Breast Collar Harness--$2.50 ¢ 2) XMAS? We Just Received a New Ship- missioner of the Ontario Provincial opportunity of hearing him. Rememb- | Qur Special--$3.50 Police, who was there on a trip of er the date--December 7th in the SOX, RUBBERS and good assortment of Men's Odd ; inspection, i Baptist Church. WORK SHOES I b= ; go : --also-- > : : : \ ; | Styles and Shades, from $13.00 : : : N/ 0 0 2 0 0 0 G0 TO Om ODD (1 ARN LSS ae A neoRins 0 en na $22.00 'SHOE REPAIRING If you can't pay cash now, we can A 66 LY | eC a'? f Or A RY fs & SKATES GROUND larrange with you to pay so much J 3 | N } F. WILLARD. down, the balance later. Or if : 4 J = nothing in the store suits you, ask ) ; HY [to see the New Sam les, just ar- Christmas | eromar_ ~satvroay 3 ROBI. SWEENEY fio cee the New sampte just ar H General Blacksmith ie : y . LGD measure for $27.00. Dempsey-Tunney Fight Pictures § toons FOR 7 : The Greatest Battle in the History of the Ring 5 dassey- Harris Implements ; oppers R= LA = ARBUN REMOVED Men's Dress and Work Shirts - ; ' COMEDIES--Three of Them 1 FROM CYLINDER! at osc. : & "HIGH SPOTS," "HANDY DUKE" <"SKALLER THE SHEIK" 4 by aE i Harry Gatombn at . j| Acetylene Burning 4g the Plario; : a ta re ort Es Men's Coat Sweaters, wool and : We do not exa ggerate, because CATO ON --xews gd eel fie con Lite, ww goed J | PRICES--25¢, & 40c. Matinee 15c. & 30c g Acetlyene Welding We have them in All Sizes. we really have a large stock, and ! prephy BOX 14° | joo ; pS I - ntario. - ou . MONDAY-- --TUESDAY Enquire At-- . Men's Woolen Underwear ; s ve = a »per a wonderful range of gifts. ZANE CRATE Unsl obs | A. PatterSon or Observer. Soran Undemnoatn 5 cc 93 = T%{ pergarment ys on 98 . 0-980 0 GED) GED (SEED ()-EEED (ED (ERED (EID) ERD (OEE ()-€ED The M an of 4 he F orest | ion oad : Ladies' Kid three 'E' width Strap 2 COMING, December 9'h-- ¢ Kenora : 20 dl For Her = For Him "THE FOURTH COMMANDMENT" { ; Stopes, fe eushion = .; Ed te] + ®) Stockings, Socks, COMING, December 16th.-- Business Sale Price--$2.95 Underwear SeArvel "THE BETTER OLE" Cc A / . ' ~CReQC } str Pyjamas, Ties Th? Show will be Closed Wednesday and Thursday ' A ain eo the Ici: ® House Slippers oe KENORA, Ontario ong The Line Of , Fanev Dishes Shirts, | BO SEE 0 TI 0 EE 0 ERD) SIS) ED) EI GD 0 GD) SSSI 0 GER occas : ANC) y i oats, Mackinaw Pants p Handkerchiefs Gloves, 4 Spier ; i § Breec eather Vests, Wind- Shoe Trees, Pipes, / TB TH ET RT HE Shorthand | preakers, Felt Boots, Fleece Un- Scarves, Purses, E 2 x " 5 . ; derwear, 3 Ses, ee also , = = onc ypewriting, tMen's and 'Boys' Ca s, different Gloves Sweaters, Ee Wi n te r 0 ver h a ul e = 1 2 5 istyles and prices. A npr assort- : Solar Chasse House Slippers, = =! Spelling, {ment is here to choose from. Any Toilet Articles Club Bags, THE MOTORING SEASON IS OVER FOR gz. £! | Business Correspondence de ny bev Gators = Garters, g Now is the time to have your car put in shape for 1928 £ Office Routine-- Nag out of 2 ont for them: We Bridge 'Sots Arm Bands, EH OUR SHOP WILL BE OPEN ALL WINTER Eg Individual Instruction. 'can give you just as good a price Ex : = ALL WORK GUARANTEED PRICES RIGHT BE. and save you the postage. § i BATTERIES STORED and CHARGED, ~~ E Address inquiries to: $9 Cardboard Boxes, with Holly Designs, are Attractive & Useful. 5 2 { p For Gifts--We Stock all sizes. Prices Range From E Z M F ' e i "PEI i i 4 : : DINGWALL MOTORS £1 V. M. Fraser | oo; THE SECONDHAND : DRYDEN = ONTARIO SF P.O. Box os {TTORE WHILE UP ON THE EE : : TOYS TOYS TOYS i en eae LONI aa KENORA, ONTARIO There is always something you 5 ¢ . : : : ---- ; ; } will want. We just got in a Our Upstairs has been converted into a Real TOYLAND : THE CHEAP BAZAAR Jackets, in all shades and differ- One can see nothing but Toys, and such a variety. i WEEKLY STORE NEWS Drvden United Church] ent styles. - Guaranteed to fit . We invite you to bring your children down to see . = 11 am--Sunday School and Bible, Fy doesn't matter how AR Pr mail or or them, or if you cannot come, let them come alone. ? Class, ! pr We will show them around. THEY WILL SURELY SAY "OH GEE!" 7 p.m.--Evening Worship, "Incidents in the Life of Christ." "The Nobleman's Son Healed." You can easily get an Odd pair be of Trousers to match, and the whole outfit wouldn't cost you very much. We also have a DOLLS of all kinds-~-single jointed--double jointed-- : . OXDRIFT few Secondhand Overcoats, a i 1 Vi . J Fa sleeping dolls, China Dolls, Mamma Dolls '2 p.m.--Sunday School & Bible Class, few Mackinaws and Sheep- that talk. » 8 p.m.--Public Worship skins. ' Horses Sheep, Birds, Automobiles, Rattles, Horns, D All are welcome, especially * Sleds, Violins, Blocks, Teddy Bears, Doll Houses, strangers in our town. HS dd Odd Vests, each ....... 25c, Doll Carriages, Stoves, - Balls, Noah Arks, Guns, E -- =a [7 : H. A. RIVERS, Pastor. a 5¢ Tops, Swords, Boats that Sail, Sand Games, Mouth > SS © Sa " ; ¢ Organs, Jumping Jacks, Railways, Whips, Tools, : > > aa ST. LUKES, CHURCH, Drydes How about a Heater? It's cold 2 States, Dominous Books : An Answer to every Gift Problem awaits the Xmas Shoppers who Wisely, Second Sunday in Advent, enough to have one. You can + = 2 always go to the "CHEAP BAZAAR. i Holy Communion--8:00 a.m. get a good Secondhand Heater It makes Gift Shopping easy--a gaily decorated little shop devoted solely Sunday School-- 10:00 am. that will do the same purpose to the interest of gift seekers, The most casual glance about today re- Morning Prayer and Sermon --11:00f as a new one, at less than half vealed some of the daintiest things one likes to give or receive at Xmas. a.m, price. Do your Xmas Shopping-- --18 more Shopping Days Subj:--"Why God Gave the Bible." Gifts For Everyone in the Family Lvening Prayer and Sermon--7:00 p.m} : "Christ's Return in Relation to {We have at present a good assort- For Mother-- For Father-- For Sister-- For Brother Religion." ment of Bed, Spring & Mattress. Berry Sets, Cuff Links, Bead Neclace, Silk Ties, TUESDAY Evening, 8:00 p.n.-- Beds 1 + Se: Aluminum Ware, Shaving Outfit, Vanity Sets, Pocket Knives, { studies in Prophecy. Subj:-- €ds, complete a $5 00 up. Sugar & Cream Handkerchiefs, Table Bon-Bon, Faney Socks, Israel of God, The Past. Sets. ete. ete. « efe. ALL ARE WELCOME For the Children, Straight from Santa Claus to Toyland, R. A, SMITH, Rector, i 30 different Games, all new 25 dozen Mechanical Toys . = £40 dozen Dolls, not one alike Sewing Outfits for girls Drvden Baptist CE urch OU i125 dozen Books, some 160 pages 15 dozen Toys, for the small ones. ; IT a:m:--Family Worship And Many Other Things; Also Xmas Decorations 6:50 pm :--Gospel Song Service HY : :- . » TOYStom oo. Se to 25¢, Subject :-- GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIP- ALFRED PITT, Limited, Come in and look around, you can sec everything and serve yourself--every } Tuesday, 8 p.m--B: Y: P: U:--| TION BOUGHT AND SOLD. thing Priced. Come now before the best of them goes, Thursday, 8 p:m:--Pravyer and | DRYDEN-- -- -- _ONTARIG DRYDEN - ONTARIO Praise : W. E THORSEN & SON W-E-L-C-0-M-E! ares New and Second Hand 8toze.