the education of our children, and hi meeting on a common ground we ought to be able to present a united ib front in our efforts to obtain better con- . ditions for the benefit of the district as| The following is a list of new a whole. 1 have discussed the matter {books recently placed on the shelves - Zz with our late Agricultural Representa-jof the Public Library. Another ship- >4 2 fy, 2X er tive, Mr M. F, Cook, and he is heartily jment has arrived which will be releas- ~~ | |in 2ccord with the proposal. May Ijed to the public shortly, Watch this pod ask that if this suggestion meets with |paper next week for this additional Your Best Friend the approval of the various sections }list. that they instruct their Secretary to List of Titles in time of trouble write Mr Cook to that effect, also giv-|Lost Exstasy, Rinehart; Black Knight : ing the names of their chosen represen- Dell; Job's Niece, Hill; Wind of Com- Fire, Sickness, Acci- tative, I am giving for the informa- plication, Ertz; Honour Bound, Bstha; 3 dent, Death, Haij, tion of those interested the assessmentjThe Upcrade, Gibbs; The Dead Fall, The Dryden Observer a 3 pincin VOL. VIII. DRYDEN, Ontario, December 23rd, 1927 ES No. XXV. -e = Birthday Party. WABIGOON--Mrs J. Harris celebrat- ed her son Earnest's twentieth birth- day by entertaining at her Main St, home. Among the guests were: Mr and Mrs C Betts, Mr and Mrs A Johnson, Mr and Mrs B Graham, Mr and Mrs R Olsen, Mr and Mrs Aaron Mesdames | F J Johnson, J A Johnson, T Little, C Collen and M Wright; Mr Wm Ham- | ilton and J Smith. Cards and dancing passed the even- ing quickly, the musical numbers be- ing rendered by F Smith and L. Wright. Near midnight a substantial repasi was served, Mrs E Harriss presiding. In moving the health of the young couple, Mr C Betts, by an eloquent speech conveyed the best wishes o those present. The radio coming in good and clea: was an added enjoyment and th guests departed in the 'wee sma" hours after a very pleasant evening. At the monthly meeting of the Wo- men's Institute on Tuesday last, at the Public Hall, arrangements were made for the Social end of the school con- A committee was selected and Mrs C Betts elected to the chair. Every effort will be made to provide the voungsters with a time to their lik- ing. After some discussion it was decided to suspend the monthly meet- ings for two months during the celebra- tion. One Municipality? The Season of MINNITAKI, Ont, Decomber 19. 1927 |CHRISTMAS TIME--all civilization cember 19, 1927. welcomes the softness of its love, its glow of affection its spirit of forget- fulness on the one hand, its spirit of remembrance on the other, And Christmas is heré again, Let us take a trip down Memory's Lane! At the end of the lane we are back Dear Editor, Will you allow me a little space to make a suggestion which may per- haps be of help to the Dryden District as a whole. Last year, at the annual meeting of the ratepayers in each school section in an old fashioned home. It is Christ- a letter was read, asking consideration 'mas Eve, and all outdoors is coverarl of a scheme to form one big muniei- | ! k .. iwith a soft, white mask of snow, We pity ig Tonnes fo at iLave been put to bed early, for we are y it did not appeal to the outly: Pe 2) D8 only a few years old, and little folks a as nothing more was heard}, <4 be out of the way when Santa of it, : : comes. Under the warm blankets we : The suggestion I would like to make | piver with excitement as we listen for is the formation of a Trustees and a "the muflled patter of reindeer hoofs Ratepayers' Association, for the Dist- and the silvery jingle of sleighbells. riet. The Annual Meetings this year Presently, however, in the midst of will be held on D ecember 28, and I our vigil, the Sandman has his way would ask that the question be given consideration and if favourably that two members from each section be elec- ted to meet in Dryden sometime in the! immediate future, with powers to act in the formation of the Associaton. The success of the meeting called to discuss the Provincial Land Tax shows what can be done by united activn, From the scant courtesy we received from our elected representative in Ken- ora in our hour of need, it is ev dent that if we are to go ahead in this dist- rict, it will only be by our own efforts. The statement that there had been no complaint in Kenora about the Land Tax will go down in the history of the from Santa's workshop. With a thrill district as a classic. The inference of purest joy, we set about inspecting drawn is that if Kenora doesn't com- these plain then there is no need for the east of the country to arise a disturbance, thing we remember is when we are startled into a glad wakefulness by mother's voice --or father's-- "Santa Claus has been here; come and see what he left for you!" We need no second call. We come, round eyed with expectancy. What a vision! A corner of fairy. land, trnasplanted into the familiar room, the dusky green of a tall Christmas tree, their light reflected in twinkling splendor by brilliant, colored ornaments and glittering tinsel. On the boughs & all about the tree ave things straight cert. Never, in after life, do we experience with us and we fall asleep, The next |' Candles gleam softly against] Remembrance. approach to it, perhaps, lies in the reflected joy that is ours as we stand in the background at Christmas time while today's generation of little folk takes the place that once was ours. The years, as they roll around, bring their changes to us all--some welcome some glad, some sorrowful, Of course any more. A mad rush to buy- things for pedple who won't appreciate what we send them, a last-minute fight to buy some little thing for some one whom we absolutely must not forget, a momentary feeling Christmas morn- ing of rather being out of it and then it's all over. _ Not really over, you understand--there is the enormous dinner to eat a lot of cigars toy smoke and parties to attend, But, after all, Christmas is Christ- mas. No other time during the whole year is nearly so important. No man is so hardened to the life he lives that he doesn't, at Christmas time, think of someone that he would like to please, some one to whom he would like to make a gift, ever so smal! a gift, perhaps, yet a gift whatever it may be, Since the day when some worldly- wise playmate told us that Santa Claus wasn't so at all, we have been disillusioned, but we have not forgotten the thrill that comes to every child and every man with a child's heart at Christroas time. May that thrill, that joy, and all the pleasant merriment of Holiday Time, ba yours in full measure this coming an hour just like that one. The nearest We are all interested or should be, in Justjue Christmas tide. of the local school sections as well as}Marshall; Dawn Bachelor; Grey Dawn the average attendance of each school. Terhune; Under the Tonto Rim, Grey; "| They are taken from the Minister's re- | Horseshoe Nails, Weston; Mat'ng Call, port of 1926. Beach; God and the Groceryman, Windstorm, Bur- glary, Holdup, ete. You can get protection against loss from each or all of these School Section Assessment Av,{ Wright; Dear Old Templeton, Brown; from Att, JEmily's Guest, Mongtomery; Toward: Quibcll $99,600... 32{Sodom, Dunham; Jalna Roche; The ee Ae. 3. ; LOCK, Vermilion Bay __..__.. $15,400,__... 7}Lord of the Silver Dragon, Salverson; DRYDEN, Ontario : Waldhof =... 0 $24,500... 22{Beau Geste, Wren; Beau Sabreur, Ss uNa Eagle River $131 300....----.. 43} Wren; Wallflower, Bailey; When is THB EANADIAN FINE New Books For Dryden Public Library. Cody; Rivers to Cross, Pertwee; Helen Christmas doesn't mean so much to us' Final Meeting of Town Council THE final statutory meeting of the Town Council was held on the evening of Thursday, December 15th. Mayor Dingwall presided with Councillors, Clempson, Bailey' McKay, Wilson and Wood present. Ye : All the business of the year just end- ed was settled up and accounts to the amount of $3 970.52 were passed for payment. The Clerk was also instruci- ed to issue the necessary salary cheques at the end of the month on the motion of Councillors Bailey and Clempson, An incident of interest at this final meeting was the reading and passing of an amendment to By-law No, 199. By-law No. 199 relates to early clos- ing and formerly read that the stores would close every Thursday afterncon during the months from May to Octob- er. Upon receiving a petition signed by the majority of the merchants, requesting that this By-law be amend- ed, itwas decided to change the By-law to read that early closing will be in effect during all the months of the vear, This applies to all stores deal- ing in hardware, dry goods, Men's furnishings, groceries, flour and feed, meat and fancy goods, and comes into effect January 1st, 1928. ther motions passed were: Wilson- son-Wood--That the account of James, Proctor and Redfern Company, dated December 12th, 1927 and amounting to $1800.00 be paid, Bailey-Clempson--That the midget Hockey Club be given a relate of $13.00 for rent of hall on December 9th, Wilson-Wood--That those who appli- ed for and had installed this ear, water services which they did not wish to have turned.on as yet, be charged a semi-annual fee of $2.00 to apply as carrying charges on such services. cf the Old House, Wright; Prairie Child Stringer ; Wacousta, Richardson ;° Purple Springs, McClung; Timber! Pile, Jenkins; Kings Arrow, Cody; Evil Shepherd, Oppenheim; Saturday's Children, Cruse; Ann's House of' Dreams, Montgomery ; Canadian @rusoes, Trail; Golden Dog; Kirby; Adven. in Beaver Stream Camp, Dug-! more; Two Little Savages, Selon; Esther De Warren, Saunders; Complete' Poems, Drummond ; Friendly Arctie,' Steffanson; Dr Luke of the Larbrad-' or, Duncan; Canadian Flag Day Book | Edmunds; Christ of the Indian Road,' Jones; Jack Miner and the Birds,* Miner; Flint and Feather, Johnston. The Central Hotel. XMAS DINNER, -- Sunday Dec, 25 INSURANCE COMDAKY Minnitakd --...._ $46,400._...... 16} Always, Dawson; Treading the Wine- Cream of Tomato Soup to a point 220 fee" north be read a first Wifiniess, Sanea Pine Grove oo... $27 250. --..... 19 press Connor; Inn of the Hawk and Fried Halibut, Tarter Sauce and second time. On the motion of MR Ra Oxduift oe $56,935, --.... 26 {the Raven McCutcheon; Daughter of Braized Sweetbreads Councillors Wiiscn and Wood this By- = Bashy a. $24,030.._....... 16 ithe Land, Porter; Kindred of the Dust, | Beef Tenderloin, Borderlaise Sauce law was read a third time and passed. Glengolond ....neee.. $86,000... 17{Kyne; Betty Zane, Grey; Understand- | Roast Beef, Yorkshire Pudding} phe meeting then adjourned. BEST WISHES Aubrey $24 350 14}ing Heart, Kyne; Four Horsemen,|{ Roast Stuffed Turkey, Cranberry ----e i -------- for Wainwright ____.__. 393,205... 13 Ibanez; Bull Dog Drummond, MeNaill; Sauce. a Briton ia . $85,000.__.... 11} At the Earth's Core, Burroughs; Tarz- Roast Goose, Apple Sauce CHRISTMAS Zealand ooo 3T.VE0. 0 18%an the Terrible, Burroughs; Covered Cold Ham 5) Bedworth ......... $61,500, _.... 46} Wagon, Hough; Wild Fire, Grey; Cold Jellied Veal and the Wablgeon $41,270.......... 25 Rivers End, Curwood; Great Heart, Mashed Potatoes NEW YEAR Dinorwie <i. $32,600... 24{Dell; Up the Hill, McKay; Bra'ns Ltd. Corn Fritters Dyment we 325.000, 7{McKishnee; My Brave and Gallant| Deep Apple, Cream and Lemon Pie . Ossquan --__.._ _...- $39,42.__... 20}Gentleman, Watson; Master Revenge, Plum Pudding, Hard Sauce Department of Ignmeei=: lc. $176,000 48 Northern Development For Comparison I add the four towns ereiece S, Hl Y i I i of the "Hi BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANAS NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS : Dryden _........ $1,200,000. --..... 20618 ENTERS Age anay % oT ® . ° a : : Tinsmithing, Plumbing Side a z ana 2 aired for the CLEARING, tas HR Lokont £640,000.__..332 | § ) Soon : REMOVAL or BURNING of the & Heating Sue For the manifold kindness which you, 'timber on a section of the right-of-way i y r kindness inj&. . Phone Thanking you for your P.O., Box 2 5 giving publicity to this suggestion, 1 am Yours truly . & W. W, HOWELL. IN MEMORIAM CRERAR--In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Johnny, who passed away one year ago today, December 21st, 1926. We were not there to clasp is hand, Or hear life's fleeting breath, Or listen to his dying wish, Ere his eyelids closed in death. The blow was great, the shock severe, for the New Year. are truly grateful. foroneand all aright . . MERRIE CHRISTMAS . . 'with much Happiness and Prosperity jfirst and second time, The By-law was Wood-Wilson--That the account of A J Lock for part payment of salary as Tax Collector and expenses amount- ing to $103.76 be paid. Bailey-Wood--That By-law No. 210 to amend By-law No. 199 be read a then read a third time and passed on the motion of Councillors Bailey and Wood. Bailey-McKay--That Mr Wilfard be charged a license fee of $10.00 in ac- cordance with the By-law covering 'Some other pl OUR COUNCILLOR. Who sceks election from his ward That seats him on the council board? Who, thinks he'll please his ratepayers right, And be a big man in their sight And goes to work with all his might To make his public record, bright? Our Councillor! Who, then, is asked to build and make A special road for Bill and Jake Who, if he can'd do it--"divect" Must be so very circumspect In his delays, or else, "by heck" They will some other man elect? Our Councillor! Who--hears the delegations when He's just a hundred "bones" to spend To buy supplies and build their bridge Across the creek to Hortons ridge A matter of, full sixty feet, Who--if he can't will lose his seat? Our Councillor! Who does, when his allotment's done Take his own man, and "just for fun" Regrades a road, or cuts some weeds Along the trail? While his farm needs The meadows sown to clover scels, Who--works at like unselfish deeds? Our Councillor! Who is it rises with the morn? Who---drives away to spots forlorn To fix some road by gravelling To make it smoother for travelling For men who like unravelling His reputation? Our Councillor! Who--lays him down at night to slecp And prays the Lora hus soul to keep, {And just has reached his second snore When Bill Joes pounds upon his door And swears soniebody's stole his bear, Then asks him what he pays him for? Our Councillor! Who is it when his year is done And "lection time has once more come Has grown a hide so thick and tough He does not care a pinch of snuff What others say, nor yet how rough They talk of him Our Councillor ! Who--stands up then to talk a spell And tells them all to go to -- well -- cation Le A patriot true, woh's saved our nation; Then put him back "by acclamation" Our Councillor ! woo 3 transient traders, Clempson-Wilson--That the rate for! 4 ob electric power used on X-Ray machine be $1.00 a month, dated from August. 1st and that a previous account sub- | mitted by the town be cancelled. Wilson-Wood--That By-law No. 209 to au'horize the construction of a sewer on Whyte Street from Princess Street FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS . have bestowed upon us aforetime we So we bespeak E Ye hL We never thought his death so near, Z our nome wm And only those who have lost can tell he stolen by fire The pain of parting without "Fare- lightning or wind well" x | storm --Sadly missed by parents & friends. REEL BSA TS Make it safe from financial loss with St, Luke's Church, Dryden-- There will be no Sunday School nn Christmas Day. The Christmas Tree INSURANCE and Entertainment which was to have from been held on December 29th, has been J. E.G'BSON, Agent, Dryden sist =e to he adie fl} ew - 'The DRYDEN PHARMAGY OPEN SUNDAY--12 to 2 p.m. 8.30 to 10 p.m. of road to connect KENORA in the District of Kenora with the District 'of Rainy River, up until noon, Decem- ber 28th, 1927. This contract refers to that section .of the High-way extending from the east boundary of the Town of Kenora, Lot 4, Con. 2) Haycock Township to 'mileage 89 on the final location Sur- vey, a distance of approximately 20 "miles, | TENDER FORMS and further in- formation may be obtained at the office ,of the District Engineer of the De- partment at Kenora. The lowest or any tender not necess- arily accepted. A marked cheque for 10% of the amount of the bid, pay- 'able to the Provincial Treasurer, must accompany the tender, G. A. CRANE, District Engineer, Dept, Northern Development. Dated at Kenora this 14th sday of Decemb.r, 1927. Li WATCH, NORTH OF C.P.R, finder please leave at the Mr and Mrs Witzell wish to thank Drs Morison and Dingwall for the sill and kindnes with which they treat- ed Mr Witzell after his terrible aceid- ent, also the nurses of the Red Cross Hospital for all the kindness given him. rm petro] TOWN OF DRYDEN Proclamation. NOTICE is hereby given that I will attend at the Town Hall, Dryden, on Monday, December 26th, 1927 between the hours of 7:50 and 8:30 p.m, to re- ceive nominations for a Mayor and Councillors for the year 1928. Nominations will also be received for Three School Trustees, Notice is also given that if more candidates that are required be nomi-_ nated, a poll will be held on Monday, January 2nd, 1928 betweend the hours of 9 a:m. and 5 p:m, at the same place. J. E. GIBSON, Clerk. Dryden, Ont., Dec. 16th, 1927, GOD SAVE THE KING. TOWNSHIP OF VAN HORNE Proclamation NOTICE is hereby given that I will attend at the Township Hall, Van Horne, on Monday, December 26th, 1927, between the hours of 1:00 and 2:00. p:m: to receive nominations for Reeve and Councillors for the year 1923 Notice is also given that if more candidates that are required by nomi- nated, a poll will be held on Monday, January 2nd, 1928, between the hours of 9 a:m: and 5 p:m:, at the same place. G. WICE, Clerk. Dryden, Ont., Dec 23rd, 1927 GOD SAVE THE KING MUNICIPALITY OF MACHIN. Proclamation TAKE NOTICE that I will be at the Schoolhouse, Eagle River, on Monday December 26th between the hours of Twelve noon and One pm. for the purpose of receiving nominations for the Office of One Reeve and Four Coun- cillors for the Municipality of Machin. In the even of an Election, Polls will be held at Minnitaki, Eagle River. and Vermilion Bay, on Monday the 2nd day of January, 1928. GEO, RUETE, Clerk, ___ OBSERVER OFFICE | yrseveTerEat ~