Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 13 Jan 1928, page 2

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- oh wth 2 Sa c 3 - a: 4 i i & or te i Sn ee THE DRYDEN OBSERVER 5 : ART RE RTT] Sate balm TUTTE Lows bm a . . im SalI AEE Te di SF Ornamental Livestock Meeting Sh i S I § L d is . " i 2 I srt eriii's Sale of Lands for Arrears of 5 ' fe Maples. Contract. : ; P = RT : k aterson's Meat Market © Fume Sougbon Cyisry Statute Labour Taxes bt 0 BRE ee a will be given an opportunity ol TOWN AR Sioa - Ls No less than ten varieties Of | 1a rketing their cattle, sheep, and TC SHIP OF EAST AUBREY, = od To hwo he Tor. rea aeeies oe I maple trees have been tested un hogs on a strictly co-operative bas District of Kenora, Province of Ontario Pate TRrBATRIG Tall +o... din ensiosa sn rr ASAIO i ue ornamental grounds of the Load The shareholders of ne 'By virtue of a Warrant under the hands of the Chairman and Scerctary- Tack Bacon. per dh io i. fuifvidiahgorianes an Ar gf Ex Farm at Ottawa. | U nited ; Farmers Co-operative Treasurer of the East Aubrey Read Commissioners, dated 1st day of Septem- \ z 5 of Dri pu bs : ; Ser aftex kinins nr ainnn aan = Ez : fable. j Company, Limited, at thelr ga ber, 1927, commanding the Sheriff to levy upon the lands hereinafter de- i Sel nna Pvp DO rE! 2 BE {ual meeting a few weeks ago} eriped for the arrears of taxes respaitively due thereon, together with the Fal Smoked Haddie Fillets .......oooiviinnnennnnnn. 20 B= ve the directors authority to ar- | ots, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that unless such arrears of taxes are = YocshilnddiaTilletls vic oii asa irs anens 22 =| gc for meetings at which to di: | .ooner paid, I shall in compliance with the Act Respecting Statute Labour, Bl Selected BIPPRrS. vp vais dex de rnss asking as tome dann 2; El 8 the : tiog Pool and Tree Chapter 196, R.S.0., 1914 on MCNDAY THE FEBRUARY, yo. I'resh Trout, per Ib 1: BE 5, ant en to il 1928, AT THE SHERIFF'S OFFICL, IN THE C He h ut, ig 1) REP I GOR ry el -13 = who se NSE ba a, Aa . et ers or White Fil SE who sell their ivi | 7oWN OF KENORA, AT THE HOUR OF 11 O'CLOCK IN THE FORE- rsh White Fish | lta cd rsaanee. I3 f= wwe of this new svsten NOON. nroceed io self by Poblic Auch the land = on Brills, per 1b 1233 = satheling" which has . Deer}: ces 5s pr C sell by Public Auction the lands, or so much thereof as Si PpercIb. cai Li thar ie 233 rd nay a Bin Asiact os t may be necessary to discharge such arrears of taxes and charges thereon, ~= ©d Witn such saust 1( « T a il TOWNSHIP OF EAST AUBREY iL farmer in recent years. Wns WEN GA j Be ET EAL SIE I i Phene Xo. € A. PATERSON, Prep 3 Directors. 'met Deceribe Name of Owner Tat Coa. Aue Years Arrears Costs Total Pid, : TEE = y 22nd., and decided to asl Te, . cop or : lL Cal {8 Foti Emi Bel Fam § ret rf ey Fo et Fd [ed | mn Ao dha YO <A renresent: un-pid. A Cy CC Eo a Eb Ca Sh pas to send a representz | op I Bort 160" rihite i mre hh Hos . with the Compan zr, R. H., pt 2 160 1 26 32.77 6.50 40.27 pid. : oromtoor" Tamer Trueman, J H Npt. 7 5 160 1323-26 45.95 6.85 52.80 ptd, EE TE EE Rr Ce SSC I SE ESSE, Te . - Dated at the Sheriff's Office at the Town of Kenora, in the District :f JOHN W. HUMBLE, y . ierora this 22nd day of Oclober, Sheriff of the District oan Ss fe sue Sadi : 1927, of Kenora. WE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO THANK CUR Lon many Customers and Friends for their Support during the To Crave CL past year, and wish you ail a Happy and Prosperous New AANA AAANP PPO PPPP AL POF POF AAI AI g P 3 4 " rr. k Year, } Try Our Ceals 3 CUT COAL § Are You Taking Advantage of the-- rT oo Ph a y WILDRIRE COAL mn Ih ng delegate at the Toront BREAD DELIVERY SERVICE KOPPERS CCKE manle g on January 24th. De PRICES REASONABLE & 390 is falls will herd be yore out for New Customers are being served every day and . wal meetings ar a campaign PT DE stein | n-|. $3 : : EI : ; : --PROMPT DELIVERY 2 for membership. | the convenience of this delivery is becoming a -- Ic T Lasirn ee ee -- " f the other vaie- "Lr necessity to housewives. § Fh, § c maple has the | Classified : : Dr den ! gmber & 0 peculiarity of having downy, dull | 2 ag ER id G green leaves that turn a pleasing LOST, STRAYED or STOLEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES : yellow shade in the autumn The | Sable and White Collie Dog-- T oT Th oe Siri et AGDie 2 is rte be answers to name of Murphy, any HEAD 1L.ETTEH CE, CELERY, TOMATOES, Fic, TD of Cn APR that an. |O0€ found harbouring same after aus Eh WV iri S at ap- . . a . . « <% 1h 3 on Sis an harks tt I" I publication of this notice will be MALAGA GRAPES perdb...5..... 45 3, i S i . : . . Pr ba a iaptilie prosecuted. Finder please notify . fs z 5 . EE 1 1) gt dd at y ald « - T + 5 RE RS caboose with other trons HOS. tial aiid rather than as an dndividuall oo nd ~T specimen in the open. The Nor- WANTED-- YOUNG GIRL way maple is credited with the Sink about 15 years of age for general housework.--Apply Mrs HUMPHREYS, Dryden, Ont. The Cabin. | WANTED TO RENT--ONE SINGLE Horse and One Working Team, good fast walkers desired. Will receive best of Attention, For further in- formation please write A. REINO NIEMI, Dinorwic, Ont. disadvantage of being lowheaded, with bad crotches, making it less desirable than the sugar maple, for instance, as an ornamental tree. The Schwedler, which in 35 vears has reached a height of 44 feet and a spread of 4o feet, pres- ents a particularly striking appear ance in the early part of the season when the leaves take on a delightful mahogany or purplish shade. The Red maple, not un- anuary Gash Discount FROM JANUARY 1st, to JANUARY 31st, 1928 o Gough's Confectioney J. O. GOUGH, Proprietor. : Agent For-- NEILSON'S CHOCOLATES, KODAKS & SUPPLIES We Will Give TEN PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH 7/2|28|p FARM FOR SALE--CONSIST- On Everything in the Store. / Now is the Time to Buy at a Saving. SHH HEHE RU HIGH INHER HH EHH EHH HLTH EHH HERE PE HLH TFT FH EEL HLA LHL J. 2. Gates © EE pny Just Around 5 L As You Please tha Cerner 2 :) | --help yourself wom § | : --Ask the Clerk Everywhere --Telephone CHAIN STORES O: H: PRONGER, Proprietor TEAM of HORSES, HARNESS, SLEIGH, Complete for OE nh Sale at Reasonable Price. A Large Stock on Hand of-- HEAD LETTUCE, Nice WHITE CELERY APPLES--AIll Kinds, per box ....... 2.75 : CARROTS-- --TURNIPS-- BEETS FRESH CABBAGE GERD () ETE Ub CIT 5 CRED ERED (ER (CEI CII SHED O CREO GED) CRS FE 0 GID BD (CEE (ARE BACON, COOKED MEATS--AIll Kinds. PEANUTS--Special perlb...... 6,00 hi 135 dgrseventihafor on oo 0, iia $1.00 SPANISH GNIONS SMALL PRUNES--Special, two Ibs for ............. 22 LARGE PRUNES, reg. 3sc., per Ihe Lan 25 § ammo am 0 ER 0 GID © EI-0- GE 0-H 0) GSI 0 TIED 0 SOTO 0G | . 2mm 0 a2 0-550 ED OEE CER (E25 05 ) SED OES) IED 0 SS 0 ETD Tem aE OER CE (ETE O-GRED () mI CTI (AED IED (GED () ED () ERED (GT (CIE () RD () STRED- OTH (33 like the sugar maple in many re-| spects, is particularly well suited for low ground where the sugar maple may not succeed. The Silver maple is a fast grower. In 37 years from the time it was set out, specimens at Ottawa have reached 66 feet in height with a spread of 56 feet. It is one of the hardiest of Canadian maples and is recommended for the colder parts of Canada. The Sugar maple is regarded as the best all- round ornamental tree hardy al Ottawa. The Tartarian maple has ~ deeply cut leaves, is very hardy and its leaves take on a high colour on ripening. This bulletin, written by Mr. W. T. Macoun, Dominion Horticulturist not only describes many varicties of woody ornamental plants prov- ed hardy at Ottawa, but it gives viewss of .many representative specimens peculiar charm. Car Cwners Ct ssessing See Us For COLD WEATHER NEEDS ALCOHOL, | WINTER COVERS, | CELLULOID -- for SIDE : CURTAINS. Book Your Orders for Winter Overhaul Now. chased a Cylinder Hone and can We have pur- make a perfect job. i Dryden Motors, HUGHIE HILL, Mgr. ing of 160 acres, with 30 under cultivation, 14 acres fall plowed; comfortable house, cement base- ment, good well; log stable. One half mile from school, two miles from Oxdrift station. Price Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars. Will sell, rent or exchange for house in town. B., BRIGNALL, sr, Oxdrift, Ont. FOR SALE--TWO BEDS, ONE Walnut and one White ; One Sew- ing Machine; Baby Chair, and Wagon.--Apply A HUTZAL, Dryden, Ont. FCR SALE--BALED HAY, $1400 a ton. Farm to rent on shares, Two Houses for rent or sale; one large and one small.--Apply R. HL PRONGER, 27|1|28 >0'1{28 . ' A.].GARDINE! General Merchant, EAGLE RIVER Agent for Frost & Wood IMPLEMENTS. COCKSHUTT PLOW (OV se Skarple"s Cream Separators. RAW FURS BOUGHT & SULD. GI ET WATKIN'S PRODUCTS } SPICES, EXTRACTS, Etc. {STOCK & POULTRY TONIC | PIE FILLERS, FRUIT SALTS. TOOTH PASTE AND BRUSH HOLDER LINIMENT, COUGH MEDICINES, LAXATIVES, SALVES, MEDICINES, E. T. (DAD) ROWLAND LL LL LLL TE EE TEPER TET - -- -- - AULLLLELEL CELL TET ERLE ELLER EEL LEER | 2/1127. Dryden, Ont.' HU OTHER: The McCormick-Decring Line of Farm Equipment is Complete Consist'ng of-- Tractor 10-20 and 15-30--Thre Plows, 2 and 3 bottom, 12 Breaker-- Tractor Disks, tors--Tractor 10-it. Grain all sizes--Reapers, 5-ft.--Sel her, 22-38 and 28-46--Tractor, and 14 inch--Tractor Steel Brush 10-it. tandem-- Tractor Cultiva- Binders--Combination Harvester f Dump Rakes, 8-{t to 12-ft.--Side Delivery Rakes and Tedders--Crain Drills, single and Double Disks, from 13 disk up to the wide Tractor Drill--Harrows- - Harrow Scufilers ivators--Vessot as well as the McCormick-Deering Grain ler--OQOat Crusher--Hay Load- ers--Potato Planters and Potato Diggers--Crgam Separators, from 3350 Ibs capacity up to 1100 Ibs--Ensilage Cutters, all sizes--Hay Presses; both horse and power engines from 11 to 10 horse power--Sulkey Flows--Gang Plows--\Walking Plows -- Breaker Plows--McCormick-Deering Wagons--{hatham Wagons--Climax Trucks--Stcel Wheel Trucks--Sleighs--- Binder Twine--Knife Grinders, or any Machine used around the farm, as well as The INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCK, wh ich is in a class by itself, if. you do not believe this just order one and find out. 2 Prices and Literature on any of the above will be sent on application. "Good Equipment Makes A Good Farmer Better." J. 8. Corner, Gxdritb ----Agent for Internaticnal Harvester Company of Canada, Limited Hamilton Canada. _

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