Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 20 Jan 1928, page 3

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THE DRYDEN OBSERVER. ys ag = in atu sngms 2 i - oi r-- -- i : . Vel To Give Scholarships FARA ARAARRARRRERRRAR | THE DRYDEN OBSERVER t0 Agriculturists. hit Visit Member of Canadian Weekly : Newspapers Association. Q OTTAWA, Ont, Jan, 17--With 5 Published at DRYDEN, Ostasie [IPs y Si {mi Eyl F/T J. A. STRUTT, - 5 General Blacksmith and I= Ie i UE a= , paper in the Kenora District. A 8 (to g0 on to higher post-graduate § if Week, Feb. 7 to 17 {in the world of agriculture, five Woodworker gift of a prominent Toronto com- FAR ES 1 3 ~~ -- re -- DRYDEN LODGE, Ne Subscription, $1.50 per year. Qe and incidently to help . in 2 ° Take advantage of the Special i scholarships are to be awarded 3 Where work is done ganization, are avail From all stations in Manitoba and in Ontario LO.O.F 417 meats at the Tow pS je object of assisting graduates a Daring Every Friday Morning | irom Canada's agricultural coi- { It : Largest circulation of any weekly {leges, particular those who wish b= BONSPIEL ..ib --3 ilkeeping pace with the increasing inumber of scientific discoveries & {valued at $600 each REDUCED : Bhan fn aril ; 0 suit your Purse. i The scholarships which are the RAILWAY Desde SPB we pV ates" of Canadia: who are members o § mer oo CS & tl 1 Society of Techni i (Port Arthur and West. Hall, every Monday night. § Bi IS 2 body, Sh SH Tickets on Sale via j Third Degree, 3 | co ctically ail thos } Is no Monday Night, © \ ! te th fig Feb, 6, 7, 13, 1 4, 15 L J. M'PHERSON, N.G 2a 08 ne I Good Returning Until LRTI F.'E. RAY, Rec-Sec, > H Sas ay Tas a -- H) At: - : $ 2 Si SEE = Feb. 18th , 1928 L.0.L. PRYDEN LODGE No. 168+ > hody to include : § I5 For Full Information as the Ticket Agent. meets the first and third =H] Wednesday of each month, at eight pr., in the Town Hall, Visiting brethren cordially invited. re J. D. NICHOLSON, W:M. iE) BADEN SMITH, Sec'y, eats Li of the donors. Lv LUE LAT) EE TT {a \ Cr 3 \Varnin 44 SRE EE EER £ Golden Star Lodre 3! n 2 5 AF. & AM, 5 Ne. 484, G.R.C. Meets th the Masonic Hall, Dryden the Second Tuesday of each month Vigiters Cordially invited. H. WIEDE, W.M, A. E. BERRY, Secretary JUST A SMALL DOWN-PAYMENT NOW the World's Finest en tk {uSic is Played wand Enamelware IBY Tust arrived, a Large Assortment of Enamelware, something EJ -ntirely new, and at remarkable low prices, now on display, 2 Lhis will give you an idea of the value we are giving, for 4 nstance you buy a large Tea Kettle for $1.40 and a large OIL SA tvavi And wh YO S hh SA 0) () IS \ | -* a - ( 5} ( ©, Moyet A + " » J 1 y 1 S85 A r / + & hn ) J 1 | J MAARARRARAINIG Poe NP LOPE, ' orp A A eR eH ae oe I al l= BE SEAS I ~ my Td " oa a em \ fh A BE The = A RO = at ale hd "J ' 4 0 ia Es as t = I Ema O of, ~ oP : + 1 pr \$/[\®T1 8) ht ali , 0 a 3 z o = \ recent c BE water pail for $1.25. 5S Ww, A, Ww E A R E en itself ral Electri {|B Another Great Special is our Simmon's Bed Outfit. The ie General Merchant 5 2 fviess - sets --- ont S s S iy, Nev || consists of an all-White Felt Mattress, Full Coil ke AIINNITAKI, ONTARIO os HE 3 4 Y = Valnut Finished Bed, 2" Posts in 4 ft. and 4ft. @ Avrnt For. eit La . = = i ¥ € 2 2 In, 3 ZES, ny: The outfit for Sr eludeiein ae Aaa $27.50 i® JUHN DESRFW PLOW co. f ance In appe ce € {ih S 257% Discount off all our Skies, Snowshoes, Sleighs, Jaere is John Deere Equipment withiz manv dollars & |ing 5 Toboggans, Skates and Boots. We will also include p for Every Farm Use, | €|" 23. = Hocwey Selchs. Kl] "et QUALITY and SERVICE i PRL ae $ pur {| Je wh Py you to Sg and lok ney Pedy ie TIME PAYMENTS lhese special terms are lor a I= Special Attention Given to the Charging of Car Zl Airanged Suit Purrhzaers. short time only $ i . ol ES and Radio Batteries, also Battery Repairs. 35 ng Rit Jule e2asre - known temper = CS Trem 1: |= = 00 ; 5 i HARNESS $10. Down. a : danires = : 2 i and 4 : Balance on Convenient Terms the pati ent. 5 : 5 Il ad | HE 0S, 0 Bb: 2 SHOE REPAIRING iio =n te i 1 =, 2 For the past three years I have : RADIO SPECIAL cience, it was | [= . =] been in Dryden, I have given E+. ur Entire stock of New 201 "A" a tory of the ig > ¢3!] satisfaction in Shoe Repairing, 2 Our Entire stock of New 201 "A Central Electric mpany that ex of and intend doing some in the Tubes, in factory sealed pkgs. penments are being ducted DRYDEN --Phone 41-- ONTARIO Harness line, Reduced from $2.50 to $2.00 each eo ed p ny : r= BE EE er = ei To PRICES VERY MODERATE Now is your chance to get that experiments | : Childrens Boots Repaired ry brie fc 20 gy thal A 4 tod x = high-| ee After School Hours. 1 M oS a SS A Ae v new set of Tubes at the bes b ¢ , q y tube it was d scovered kL. GREENKRILL price < = 3 eO¥] ip NEXT TO POST OFFICE Phone.or'call >< ; e JOSEponed mall 24 i hase os FV EVP PCN a vere harmial. 4 Ac: eXbaria: 3 "WHY DRY CLEAN CLOTHES" CONTEST LIVERY AND DRAY Nw 3s have igh tod] Absolutely FREE! Ral h J : P Id onger Puli abuts $ senrrLeMaNs MADE-TO-ORDER SI'"T, Value up to PROMPT SERVICE p 3 -- 2 ©3500 Or LADIES' GARMENT, SAN. VALUE ... ... AT ALL HO Musical InStruments, Radios, Phonographs, ; Now is vourch ance > 7 5 HOURS Books, Stationery, Dry Goods, > of 2% 55: I'S FOR THE BEST ANSWER OR NUMBER OF ANSWERS S---- Buds Toes g| toe' a Suit or $ ACH 103, OF SUS PAS A Lo SUE LOTRES? Nr E hon NTARIO ¢& rercoat « a : one 58 DRYDEN Phone 5 0 | $ Overcoat ata $ TO ONE ENTRY--ONE ANSWER TO AN ENTRY. Dryden, Ontario 5 big sa ving 5 CONTEST CLOSES MARCH 31st. ; totin btsinnt cd oatabritecit, ppt » Three Prominent Citizens Will Act As Judges. i ANUARS EDUCTI & : ! JANUARY REDUCTIONS. 2: 54 ANDERSON &H ARRI g 20% off al & p75 Py | 9 SUITS and OVERCOATS [2 ' FUNERAL DIRECTORS WRIGHT S ves sins (9 [16 DRYDEN DYE W Lg : Fancy and Tweed Suitings. Sy : § PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO : ! -- g ' PHONE- : : : T. PROUDFQOOQOT, Corner Queen and Earl St Day, 61 % 2; Night, 52 2 ¢ ° hb S = oh . - GOCD TIMOTHY HAY --CaSh--per ton $17.00 "The Dryden Tailos" R Opposite C.P R. Station "Phone 77 AAAAAAAAAAS For AAAARAA Fd : Solid White POTATOES, perbus. ©. ovo... . $1.23 Dryden = Ontario : Starting Wednesday next, I will have a full line of FRESH re | PIL Dolbeet Sritntvety to Dry Cleasine 8 Dit STOCK TAKING TIME IS FISH-- ur Plant. Devoted Exclusively to Dry Cleaning eing. NOW ON AND AT THIS a Lake Superior Herring, sths for ........0. oi 25 TIME THERE ARE Al. Fresh Halibut, whole or half, per tb ................ .20 Feith Bay vo5 saat sad evoke to WAYS MANY ARTICLES Fresh Salmon, whole or half, peril oa oon .20 | train in Winnipeg where emvloy- - Black Cod, wholeor half, pers... ............. 20 | ie San where vos SOLD CHEAD e Smelt, per ib......... i... cn 23 | Coteus. wins 2a are given So for anything you may need in : fold Eyes, Bloaters, Kippers, Herrings, per Ib ........ 25 ! ws. The Sucows Postues Colles, the Hardware line, come to this Soles, per By sweet pa 2 5 il schooliia superior service bas re. 3 store, You can get it cheaper Eilet Haddie, perth... ........ .. . v. ... + .. .20 5 cited is J faa enrollment a) hele th % 1 Th ' = | greatly exceeding the combin iere than at any other place. 4 ol re Winterbottom Lumber Yard ai fern pn Soni Ti TET. TO CLEAR AT COST-- Strea 31 ho eh we § The Secason's Greetings To All ie Assortment of Dishes-- Bac 45 prospectus. / HARD CCAI Stov £ P s SAUCERS & PLATES RE A Al -- Per tony... oc... isle i 0.00 . : gt Prem -35 Na HARD COAL--Nut, Der ton ....venesnenn HE A Bargain Offer .: a 40 : io 1] 7 ) KOPPERS COKE, per ton ..cu.convoenr om vs 16:60 -_-- - i = --_-- > iL cars NEWCASTLE LUMP, Double Screened, per ton .... 13.50 ae Vv, : : - : ISINES TERMS----CASH 2 i K | S E : BUSINESS COLLEGE | Limited it Half Ton Lots, 50c. Extra . Cor. Portage Ave. and Edmonton St. if SR = 2 Bene : | B C. James Wright Phone 49 Ig Si et Ea hie Shar te A DRYDEN Jas. Winterbottoin, ontario : N, 2 ' i 4 > 4

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