= riven DRYDEN, Catering, March 2nd, 1928 No. XXXV. The "Merry Sunbeams" met :" the home of Mrs Percy Bicknell, last Friday, F ebruary 24th, to en- joy a musical evening. Twelve of the girls and their leader, Mrs J J Bowman were present. The roll was answered by the name of some famous singer or music- ian. After the business of the even- 'first number was a partner cont-|ing was attended to, the girls est, everyone being asked to take|spent an enjoyable and profitable a picture from the wall and to, time learning the ciub songs, und- in it with that of someone else! er the leadership of Mrs P. Bick-| 0 make the whole--the first to!nell. : 0 this were Mrs Mercer and Mrs| After the Bible reading, Mrs itt, who were the recipients of a! Bicknell served a very dainty aud ery pretty plate each. The second | delicious lunch. tem was to serve a yard of thread| The next meeting is to be held, nd a life-saver to each one pres-|at the school, where the girls are ent, who were asked to see whe going to do some sewing for their | could make the thread disappear | club. the quickest and get at the life- saver, Mrs Peitch being the smart est, she was presented with a prize. The third item probably caused the greatest fun of all and certainly kept everyone laughing from the beginning to end, includ- ing the six ladies taking part, who all entered into the spirit of the thing and had some real fun. This took the form of a "dressing up" Na bes Sm 3 Competition ---- each pair had a Mr v wy Was the &! portmanteau of clothes of a past 3 the semi Alr 2nd Mrs Good generation, long dresses, irills,|°Y, Sunday last. ak | tight waists, huge hats, etc, etc.,| Rev. Mr Heatherington will hold ~ which one had to be dressed in by service on Friday, March 2nd, in the other---the pair who were fuliy | the Britton Schoolhouse. attired first getting a prize each---| LOST-- Were you ever 2. china cream jug. = These were vou will know how to s: Mrs H A Rivers and Mrs : A Lock. We all felt glad the present day clothing does not take quite so long to get into. in Musical solos were given by C. Colliss and A. Larson, also a duet y C. Gammon and A. Berrey, hich everyone enjoyed and dain- refreshments were served by the Committee in charge. Everyone went home in good pirits after an afternoon spent in fun and frolic and hoping to meet | dgain. The next meeting will be held | Friday afternoon, March 3oth, at 5 00 p.m., in the Town Hall with the Publicity Committee in charge t which all members and friends 11 be welcome. lay was voted a huge success by all who were fortunate enough to attend, and there were about Xty members and friends and a number of small children also who ere made happy with a coloured salloon. The meeting started off with a little community singing order to get acquainted. Ou | ti tl 12 J i is C T poe BRITTON NOTES ¥ Mr S. Cole spent the week-end at his home here Mr F. Brown met with cident one day last week, while in the bush cutting wood, hig; axe caughton a which | iB 2 ac-;w < Limb, caused it to glance and cut quite a gash in his head. T 10st lost on Sunday | A Community the Brittoo n Sh and all report a good™ti Mr I Tanner is staying a days with- Mr J. M Mr J. Saunders and son v the tall pines west of the Bicknell homestead and spent noon with Mr D Bicknell. Mr P. Feilder was a visito Mr Herman's Sunday. enzies. C Discussion exercises the Mind Believing it might be of interest to many, Mr Green hands us the following article clipped from the Merry Sunbeams Bigger and Better, Wifz of Minist ceived a carload of new Chevrolet | cars. They are exceedingly bedu- 3odies by Fisher are finished in' | beautiful shades of Duco and the body is much longer than the for- {m base which is 4 inches longer than previous. 34 increase in the power of the engine are other improvements. It demonstration of these cars was given in the Strand, under the supervision o \ 1 FLIES the proving grounds where shown and Mr Morriss ou.linc heraaSar prietly large crowd who attended. the prize drawing, Mr Field the $25.00 and Mr Davidson the sue certainly creajed an awful S1 ol I> m Sra a Te Chevrolet Labor Entertains Durance Brothers have just re- noon at the Tourist Hotel. ful models, the finest yet, and ie price is astoundingly low. scarf. The prettily arranged tea table was centered with a silver basket of tulips, tied with pale pink tulle and flanked with four orchid tap- ers. During the different intervals Mrs Jas Perrault and Mrs W Whittaker, Mrs Sherman Murph- ey, and Mrs J T Brett, Mrs Cau- [cett and Mrs H Belyea presided over the tea cups. Mrs B.T echnical Division of Geie al| Herriott was tea hostess and as 'otors. A moving picture of|sisting at the tables were Mrs the| Joe Derry, Mrs Jas Horan, Mrs tested was| Jas Doherty, Mrs J A C Poirier, d| Mrs S Donnelly, Mrs Geo Moshi- theier and Miss Marion Horan -- It| Kenora Miner & News. he - In| That innocent little paragraph won | about moustaches in last weeks is- 1 er model. It has a 107" wheel- | Four wheel brakes and "Bigger and Better Some weeks ago a truly a hevrolet." f M r Morris of it hevrolet cars are y the construction of igger and Better Chevrolet. all much enjoyed by ad -- 0.00. {bavoc in town. Next day Bob McMonagle, of Pitt's staff' went lout and ruthlessly had his hand- f7some moustache massacred. An 1e United) unnecessary sacrifice, we be- urcl i lieve and hope that he lives to see the day he will regret that moment of madness. Then there is another side to it. By persist- nt effort and a large amount of y Rum, Sid Lappage has actu- ly got cne sprouting. As yet n't be seen without a micros- 2, but its there just the same. 1 Paul Klementic informs us tthe write up was so inspir- hat he immediately decided itivate one, and his has every dication of being an awful cute uxis Boys-- e Cc omptor, Eddie Halderson The next meeting is to be ~h the a Lic the after-jda American Magazine, under the heading of "If You Ask Me"'-- The difference between discus- sion and argument is the differ- ence between a man who is try ing to go somewhere and a man who is trying to stay just where he is. The man who enters into a dis- cussion is full of a passion for truth and eager to hear it. The man who argues is full of vanity and desires only to hear himself talk. : When two intelligent men bein a discussion, there is a tact und r- standing that each will place his cards on the table, reveal what ie believes to be the truth and leave his mind open to conviction. His desire is to learn the truth, even though he must sacrifice con- eekly Report of Dryden Continuation School-- Form IIL.-- Chemistry-- Beth obinson, Alma Larson, (Lulu unter, Grace Robinson). ( , Hazel Wilson, rancis Foulis, Ronald Whiteley, 'ma Milanese, Gladys Noble. Form IL-- Art-- Elsie Hunter, ore Stefaniuk, Alice Wilkin- Olive Lewis, Mildred Dean, ner Wice, Ab Berrey, Patricia White, Kathleen Wilkinson, Ed- alderson, Edith Lewis, Edna chanan, Julius Volkmar, Ray cTavish, Roma Spears, Frank iteley, Charlie Gammon. Bigger & Better Chevrolet LATEST PRICE F: O: B: DRYDEN Complete with Bumper and Bumperetts, and a full tank of Gas. TOURING nD -\. ROADST CGUPE SEDAN IMPERIAL SEDAN ad france Dryden E Ontario victions that now are dear to him, and his hope is that the sparks generated by the clash of wits will give light. Men who argue expect to end]; where they began. The avowed! purpose of each is to defend, with | La logic or insult, as the contest| may require, the convictions he! now holds. He will deny truth, and decide it, if it threatens his position. The fact that he delights in ar- gument proves that his mind is closed against new ideas; the fact that his mind is closed proves 4 that he lacks intelligence; the fact that he lacks intellivence|! proves that you have nothing to gain through him. : ; Let him alone. He is a men- ace. If he is plausable, his sophis | try may make impressions that you never will be able to erase. And all experience combines to prove that truth is not to be ex- pected in a mind closed to new ideas. The lover of argument may be right; but if so, his rightness is accidental. You can't trust the! business of developing your mind to one who had rather be wrong than admit being wrong. v NOTICE There will be a whist drive in _ommunity Hall, at Oxdrift, rday, March 3rd at Light ock sharp. Prizes better than r. Admission-- 25c. Ladies e bring lunch. Come and a good time. - from. NPN AAAS Do You Catch Cold Easily ? You need a tonic and builder. Somethi: g to increase your powers of resistance to germs, Nval Crecphos will make you strong. = Creophos rebuilds waste tissues, relieves deep-seated coughs & bronchitis nat nat ure, drives out URYDEN PHARMACY Robt. Quillen (Not Skillen) : y 6 ON, agent, Dryden} er of Mrs Peter Heenean entertained at the tea hour on Monday after- Mrs Heenan, who received her many guests in the parlour of the hotel wore a very becoming gown of! orchid ring velvet and an ermine | the appointment of a public health CURRANT TRAGEDY Locals LONDON, Ont. Feb. 2g--What 5s 3 : . at first looked like a tragedy and The Junior Ladies Aid of thel> : Foay one United Charch Joraeyed br) tater turned out to be a ludicr- sleigh to the home of Mr and rsd OMS dent bi Pleapig a Wy 3 McGregor on Monday even oO a an, Hie on enjoyed a most pleasant kitchen while carrying a bowl of FLEES : red currants, One of her daughi- ® Miss Katherine Osborne, Prov- ers heard her fall and running fo jincial Public Health nurse, wasfthe kitchen saw, as she thought, Frys OU Seno this week. Mics) per niother lying on the floor cov- | Osborne wis inv ted to aud.esstored with blood. She promptly In connection With irinted, The other daughter heard the uproar and ran to the scene and the seemingly gory spectacle was too much for her, With a scream she fell to the floor in a swooon. Py this time the father reached the kitchen, and what he saw convinced him that - 11" +1 : none the counc nurse in Kenora which is being urged Dy the Women's Institute there, and in company with a dcl- egation from the W.I. she attend- ded the Council meeting, Monday evening. Tuesday afternoon, Mr J. Col-1a hammer murder or a suicide pact let received a wire telling ~ of the had been carried out. He called death of his daughter, Mrs A.i for help and a doctor was summon Myleart, which occurred in the ed. By this time the three ladies St. Boniface hospital that day.| had recovered and the tragic Mrs Mayleart whose home was at screams of a moment before were Middlechurch, Man., had just re- replaced by hysterical laughter.-- turned to the west after visiting | Winnipeg Tribune.. her parents at Dryden. She had, = been in ill health for several months, and soon after her return from here she was removed to St. Boniface hospital. Besides her husband and two children, at Middlechurch, in Dryden she leaves her parents and five broth- ers and sisters to mourn her loss. Mr Jas Beddome, of Quorn, Ont! Carload of Horses arrived this Mr H O Beddome, of Winn'peg, week----Belgains and Percheons-- and Mrs J McDonald of Clande-: ages from 4 to 6 years. May be 'boy, Man., returned after attend-! seen at Fisher's Barn ing the funeral of their brother! --DAVID BURNS. the late Mr W E Beddome, which | was held from St. Luke's church; New Mechanical Man-- Sunday. . Televox the new mechanical Owing to the fact that the date! man will revolutionize the indust- set for the L: O: L: dance and al world, says Mr R J Wens- whist drive was duing Lent, the 1ey his inventor. He has eyes, committee in charge have post- ars, voice and everything but a poaed the affair that was adverti- Prain, and when you come to sed for March gth. Watch for chink of it, there are lots of uses further announcement of this he could be put to outside of the event. 'ndustrial world. For instance in AF r.- 'the Senate. Here at st is relief Mr ¥ 2 Buddome, of Winsl.!1he Zenme, Have of least Is relied a : ( those v "aL 4 1 peg and Mrs F J Porter, of Hol- that Choither: 20, Lee i en : land, Man. were also in town to O- stitetod asd th 1 a attend the funeral of their fa. her, iy e founity the late Mr ----c a BORN-- On Monday, February 27, 1928, to Mr and Mrs G. J Kellar, Britton, a daughter. At Dryden, on Tuesday, February 28, 1928, to Mr and Mrs K. ___ Murray, a daughter. \ be substit large would be none the wiser and think of the saving in salaries. Cabinet ministers would at least be able to take a hr liday by leav- ing Mr Televox in their place and ther too: could rest assured that things would run along i iite smoothly. Faq" Industrallly too, we are iamclin- 1. p30 to believe that he will be a = eat boom. Supposing we h his mechanical man in the printng office. It would be wonderfid ' When the secretary of the hocke club came in to pay their accomnt we would all disappear and let him collect the dough and write the receipt, thus avoiding all the arguing and crabbing that Skil- len does. When the printer decid ed it was time for his semi-annual holiday old Televox could turn out the posters and run the papers ff just the same. It would all be fine except for one thing he can't talk back, so who would the boss have to argue with. J L Quirk, Ignace, was a visit- or to Dryden, Monday. Hon. Peter Heenan and Mrs Heenan passed through here on luesday on their return to Otta- wa, from Kenora. Mrs F. Gilbert, from River, was the guest of -Morcttine this week. Svan Swanson journeyed to Kenora Monday ot attend the big banquet in honor of ex-May- or File, held in the Tourist Hotel t evenir~ and at which the Heenan was one of od al the speakers. Mr and Mrs Myles and children from Kenora, were the guests of Mr and Mrs F. Pinkerton this veek. Don't forget the hockey game between Kenora and Dryden ight (Friday). S. Daiter spent several days in Kenora on business this week. Miss Rissa Adams from Port - 3 omen eevee Arthur, who is visiting her par- ents at Oxdrift, spent Monday in Dryden with relatives. { Dryden Lumber Company are inow busy fixing up a new show- i room for the 'Bigger and Better' Chevrolet, it will be ready by the first of the week. ; A Swell Looking Chicken-- I We read and hear a lot about freedom for women these days, young women especially. Now Ig to cite a case that ced to our atten- freedom and independ- hink this about the last A dame, not mentioning : . €s, but a dame has come] in {ime of trouble *n up residence in our: | - Yes! our garage, can] || Fire, Sickness, Aed- eat that? may be oni; dent, Death, Hal, rary, but she's living there Windstors, Bag he same and makes no glary, Folds, wa s1es for the fact either. She's | You can get protection agalagk. white under forty ves, quiet and; ; good encugh to look at too. How loss from each or ali of theso © & from A. ishe eats is a mystery, but she how] J LOCK, DRYDEN, Ontario. % REPRESENTING » 't lock too thin, and lez she is going to stay is IZ CAnNRDInN rng ESERRUCE CONDRAY J+ il id i doesn another thing that hasn't been set- 'tled vet, however, if 'you hear of the Editor having a chicken din- ner, you can be sure that her term of residence is up. re