VOL. VIIL DRYDEN, Ontarie, April 6th, 1928 cis == Locals A. S. McKenzie of Eagle River, was a visitor to Dryden, Monday, J. L. Parent, who operates a livery between Quibell and Vermilion Bay, was a visitor to town this week. Mr Parent informs us that his car has been running between these two points counts to the amount of $7059.50 and the ' these were passed for payment, on for over a week now, and that roads are in real good condition. Doug McKay is now sporting a new Chevrolet Coupe. A really classy looking car too, let's tell you. Miss Alice Evans left for Dauphin and Grandview, Manitoba, where she will visit her father and other relatives Mrs McCarthur left Monday for Portage La Prairie for a short visit. L. Greenhill has purchased the build ing his Shoe Repair Shop now occupies from M. Bailey, and carpenters are now busy enlarging the interior. Mr» Greenhill is also installlng a new and up-to-date stitching machine. Paul Klementick also believes ir closed cars and accordingly has pui- chased a new Chevrolet Sedan. Mesdames Robertson, Depew, anc Nash, of Ignace, were visitors to Dry- den, Wednesday. Mr and Mrs J. L. Duncan have re- turned from Winnipeg where Mr Duncan has been undergoing treat- ment at the General Hospital. M. D. Hambly and Dr Morison paid a short visit to Kenora during the weekend. Percy Bicknell is the proud owner of new Chevrolet Coach. Max Ray, Kenora spent the week- end at his home in Dryden. Easter holidays for the schocl child- ren have begun and there is general], rejoicing among them. That is all of them except a few young members of the sterner sex who have a woud pile to tackle. "Holidays aint all gravy for me" says young gent "and {: I hope school starts again before Ifgireet be accepted. get them four cords of weod s_lit and piled." Mrs M. D. Hambly is visiting in Kenora, the guest of Mr and Mrs W. H. Dingwall. The following Dryden gentleren were called for jury duty at the spring assizes in Kenora this week--Alessis T. Cullen, A. Clempson, R. J Pronger, | y Alfred Pitt, R. Begg, W. Fresborn | Laval "A. McPhail, S. V. Rigbey, A_E. Ber- Mr E rey, H. Coats, J. Beck and R. Sweeney. perf oy pts | the work performed. The mack Did You ever get fooled-- Did you ever get fooled on April has ' has reduced the At 2 house in town | two 2nd ope half hours Fools Day? _ where the folks although they ma; not be noted for their intelligen neither are they renowned for thei: dumbness, a phone call on Sunda; | ment over morning advising them that a chimney | was on fire, either near. the family could smell smoke, whil= another engaged in shampooing, dash- ed out into the yard with a head look ing mere like a Turk than a rcspect- able Canadian citizen should lock on Sunday morning, The result of th: trip showed no smoke coming cut of the chimney and none even in the vicinity of the house. Still anxious, the excited one rushed to the phone to ask central the where and what o° it all, only to hear her burst out with those two horrible words "April Fool.' 'Born--At Bedworth on Sunday, March 18th, 1928 to Mr and Mrs George Pilkey, a daughter (premature), == Make it safe fron. financial loss with INSURANCE i EGESON, get, Dryden) « : 1] Right away one member of] In every theirs or one i this system was found not to be en- Council Meets No. enrolled 37 35 .36 .36 Teacher M. E. Lucas M. Dobie M. Wyville S. Thorp F. Campbell E, Gallagher * M. Heard M. E. Adams J. Miller . 1 Room THE regular monthly meeting of the Town Council was held in the Council Chamber on Tuesday evening. Mayor Dingwall, and all members with the exception of Councillor Clempson were present. The Clerk presented ac- 41 44 Al 48 Total 363 Room 9--Sr IV. (Hons )--James Rigbey, Vada Robinson, Marget Cole, Pass--Fred Yaworski, Orville Adair James Smth; Dick Ccle, Phyllis Hawke Hilda Olsen, Phil Wright, Howanl Wilson, William Bicline Alice Halder- son, Florence Zentil David Mere:s, Bella Blake, tie Steiner, Eunice Gough. ! Jr IV. (Pass)--Evelyn Pinkerton, ! Vera Bailey, Evelyn Strutt Walte: | Davis, May Wils Room 8 Kat hleen n Mill Mores, Pass--Beity Swanson Palle Molin Ivan Klose k Proudfoct, Yola Sferd- ra Joes, Cyril Wri the motion of Councillors Wood and Klose, The question cof granting free electricity to Town employees was reopened and in view of the fact that DCW Ih UTOg0 tively satisfactory, it was decided to discontieue this praclice and rails: the salaries of those concerned :nstead Accordingly motions to this effect were made and the salary of Mr J. E. Gibson, Clerk and Treasurer, increas- ed to $160.00 per month. Mr S_ Bart- lett the Town Electrician's salary was nereased to $185.00 per month, while gat of the Telephone Operator, Mrs . Russell was raised to $80.00 pe Bo and in each cace these parti must pay their own light. A discussion on the reopening cf *h C.P.R, crossing opposite Self's Hot:1 took place. It was pointed out tha: the closing of this crossing has inter- ferred greatly with getting over to}d the Fair grounds and the result « A the discussion was that Councillor J. | S. Wilson was appointed to interview | Mr J. J. Horn and Mr D. C. Calman dl of the CP.R. ia soulfetion with a) the : reopening of same at the n Couneil. The ten per on Mcliaster. ies lie Baker, Bath' Mary Dzioba | bo der of R. E, Barker for the avenger was aces ied oni the motion of Councillors McKay Proudfoot. It was moved by Lau cillor Wood and seconded by Councl- lor Wilson that a bid of $175.00 for cis 68. 69 70 Florence VIv - ro~ifion of son ol scx of c™ Councillor Proudfoot moved and and Councillor Klose scconded motion to the effect that the {ender} of Mr F. Kochon for $30.00 Tor -- of Gordon rporperty be accepted | The meeting then adjourned. i I &F su } compose « zd single units time of ER SE resoect is the old method. DEPT. OF PUBLIC HIGHWAYS Christing ¥ Notice Pess-- Fic Cwners, Dealers and others get your! markers. Every person that drives apm a car or truck, ete, must have either | a 'chavfeurs or operator's license. i, n. Procecdings will be taken against ony field that have not complied with this law 5, after May 1st, 1928, THOS. COLLISS, lee = Kee A RECONSTRUCTIVE TONIC AND BLOOD PURIFIER Mus Purely Vegetable and Recommended for use in cases where all other remedies have failed. It is particularly effective in removing the causes creating Coughs and Colds. 35.77 son, May Howarth Dryden Public School Report Average Attend, Aggregate Attend. 787 749 examinzalions--3izy Howzrh Heard, Miners Medicmag tt, Romzld Freoeh tn | ud Berns May Chak Row Aymer Cooper, Dori PE a -- a r--Roth Norge Lia A "Bart! ett, Ernest Curley} Pasc--Beairice Degg Amcus Al } Archie Baper, Norman Bender, Vern! (ad Mas mie Reany, Von Preager, BK °F fi al. Gaurpe MeMomarle, Whist, Bridge and | Dance, April 10th Have you got your ticket for the Card and Dance party being ; Tut on by the Women's Institute, next ues- y cvening, April 10th, in' the Town Come and enjoy the last of affairs and help the zeneral Funds. ses, Old Tyme Dances, ic, tee. Mnsie supplied ey Orchesiza Refresh- Tickets 0c & 7 little town east of us are te. Prvden next week to presen re-guers of the town a three-A ~omedy entitled "Mrs Temple's Teleg- am." Now this telegram that Mrs Temple sends is well worth paying fifty cents to see, as it will provid: many new wrinkles in the art of love making--this is not the same old stuff you're used to--this is something new, sc.| You'll enj.; this dramatic cast. son S¥>=>, T. Cunningham, Jchn Brown, H. Brown, ; Mrs John Brown, Miss M. Tapes: Wigson, the Butler, H, Colley, Master of Ceremonies, Mr D. Stev _ emson, +i Capt 30 Curtain 8:00 p.m. p---- em -- with the W. L begins Mone=: 3 Sth, in the Agricultural Office | The: e are still vacancies for a few | more applicants. Leave your nam: with Mrs M. F. Cock, or the Seeteters erin, Gorden 3 a Bed, Gertrode shisen. | PLUMBING, TINSMITH AND. iF Bape, | "HEATING i Archibald = Fig, 1 he Glades Oler, Chorlic have 2 special price on BE. &- Mme room Fixtures and Plumbing g 31 - The wrod diinlbssd tli A le St. pag: Tre i - rr estimate and price. | casH OR TERMS 75s Dryden, Box 3. «nr mrt to see "Mrs - when Ideal As A Spring Tonic Banishes that lazy indolent feeling Price--ONE DOLLAR The DRYDEN PHARMACY tunities for these cars have ¢ tra compared of Unused Trans represent . . . adores below what vou would expect. Let us demonstrat= to you how easy it is to own a good used car. Low-Pri ice ransporiation | GOOD nsid car is © tremsporistion you ooo unused mules of dependebic - rvice in the used cars we have on our floor at the present time offer remarksble oppor mony Durance Bros & Dryden. Savin 3. The distance ayia = Is insignificant- | Note the date--Tuesday 10th, Dryden Tennis Association-- : A Setiig: of "the Dryden Tenis iation was held in the Council ers, April 2nd, with a good : of Tennis enthusiasts, The 7 officers were elected for the memb- L530 The Associ ki: ..Tward to 2 tennis ear and hopes that there e men.dership in order | tournament can be worked' Ze close of the summer. [ ris will be put in first calss con- ! as so~n as the weather permits. (Juaraateed Used cars Maxwell, 1925 Model, Bargain '........ big Tw » The ~--- CIV. : ds of miles ortation wishes they $550.07 Ford, 1923 Mode 1, reconditioned, new 'Battery and top. Snap Chevrolet Special, 1922, class shape, new Battery Lo Only. ... $200 Star Coach, 1926, in fine rumning order. : For Co. Ontario. Ford Sport Roadster, 1926. A Bareainrat .... 5. . $eo5. BR ---- Chevrolet, 1923 Model, resold : tioned. : Snap . EASY PAYWENTS