Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 4 May 1928, page 1

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a = A much more optimistic and get- pin pricks and think outside of self. to be sneezed at in this day and "lot, do you think you could show the The Dryden Observer RE ee cr VOL. VIII DRYDEN, Ontario, May 4th, 1928. No. XLIV. pol comm ror Agricultural Society News (By the Secretary) tobether spirit was evident at the Annual Meeting of the Agricultural Society held last week, There is little doubt that the dist-' rict needs a live organization of this kind, the difficulty seems to be to diagnose the cause of its lack of vitality during the past few years. No discredit is upon those who held office, for they worked well, but they can- not fill a hall and ground with ex hibits unless the people will bring them in. If the whole communit would make up their mind to show something we could have the. bes Agricultural show in Canada, From an observers point of view it seems that too much thought is paid to the few dollars given as prizes, rather than the fact of the thousands worth of the very finest advertising it is possible to give this district by making a worth-while Agri- cultural Show, One hears rumours of different persons refusing to show because they did not think they had a square deal some years ago. Let your cattle chew the cud, that's their business, but you forget all the little By boosting the Agricultural Exhibi- tion you boost the district, and in the end you will benifet with others, it is very true that to get the most out of this life one must look beyond the limits of his own confines, don't be self-centered, but think of the other fellow, 3 To go back to the disappointmen" of not always winning a prize, sup- pose the judges were mistaken have not you had the opportunity of show- ing that you can raise cattle, or cab- bage, and your farmer friends will draw their own conclusions, they will compliment you on your prowess and sympathise with you for not getting the red ticket and you surely will feel if the other fellow had five dol- lars cash, you have five hundred dol- lars worth of publicity, which is not generation, ? Now a word to Mr and Mrs Town- dweller: why not a special depart- ment in the show for yourselves; sup- pose there were a class for exhibitors having not more than a quarter acre agriculturalist how to grow carrots? We need a bigger membership in the Society, it only costs one dollar a year, if the people residing in Dry- den and its suburbs would like tc help make a real show, bring in your membership fees to the Secretary, A, J. Lock, and we will give you special opportunity to reveal your capabili- ties in producing onions like the far ge RYDER Ss. PLUMBING, TINSMITH AND HEATING. PHONE OR CALL 'leaves three sons, John and Arthur of Death of W.Fisher ONE of Dryden's earliest settlers passed away last Friday, in the per- son of William Fisher. The late Mr Fisher who was eighty- five years old, had resided here for 32 vears, coming here from Chesley, Ont- ario, He had lived in Canada for sixty-five years, and was a native of Ireland. Mr Fisher and his family have always resided on their farm at Wain- wright, North of Dryden, and the, family is very well and favourably znown. Besides his wife, Mr Fisher Oryden, and Robert, of London, Ont- rio, and one daughter, Mrs R | Jlewitson, of Regina Saskatchewan. The funeral which was largely at- enced, was held from the United church, Dryden on Sunday afternoon. | SIXTH CALENDAR TEA Remember the May Pole Tea, under the auspices of the Ladies Aid in the United Church, next Wednesday after- noon, from 4 to 6 p.m. famed Paul Bunion, wasn't it ten team of Oxen he had to lift it from the ground at harvest time? I forget. Joking aside though, there is an opportunity for you to help, the challenge is thrown out, will you take it up? Maybe some of our intercs'- ed citizens will donate special prizes for best kept front gardens, and the best kitchen garden, in the old days we had lots of pleasure out of com- petition of this sort, why can we not have them teday, Remember a half hour spent in your garden will be | benificial to your own health, the health of your family, and the health of your pocket-book, so let the car stay in the garage for a time each day, and save on gas, oil and tires. Get the boys and girls interested, sez if they can grow better spuds than dad, they sure put the grown-ups ta shame at the last exhibition, Accord- ing to no lesser authority than the local M, H. O., a little real work in the garden each ddy is a most in- vigorating tonic to man or woman, The Directors will be meeting in a few days, an effort will be made to get out a prize list, so that you can do your planning early. If you have any suggestions, pass them on, due notice will be given of directors' meet- ings and it may be you could be of great assistance. Let's start now Mr Farmer and Mr City Man and put the 1928 Dryden and District Agri- thing ever known before, We will endeavour to keep you acquainted with all the doings from time to time through these columns, If you know of something that was carried out successfully in other towns write it down and pass it on to the Secretary. In a district of some two or three membership of 45! How about mzk- ing it 450? Send in your one dollar bills, and have your name put down. acknowledgment will be made in every case. § {of the Council. | that the dock was in a very bad con- | these alte cultural Exhibition away ahead of any |. thousand people, the Society has a} Regular Council Meeting Dryden District SEVERAL matters of importance were dealt with at the regular meect- ing of the Town Council, which was held on Tuesday evening. Mayor Dingwall presided and all Councillors with the exception of Councillor Wil- son were preesnt, The condition of the Government dock on Earl Street was one matter which was brought to the attention It was pointed oui dition, and altogether unfit for use. it was decided {0 have a letter written to Hon, Peler Heenan, pointing ovt this condition and asking for his in- fluence in having the Government re- pair the dock at once, and also to build a break-water from the end of the dock tcwards the bridge, A motion to this effect was made by Councillors Wood and McKay. Several tenders for the Town bonds were received, which is indeed very encouraging. The tenders, however, were not considered as it was not thought advisable to do so till a later date, after tenders had been advertised for, A communication from His Honour Judge Dowler, Kenora, was read, ask- ing that certain alterations be made in the Council Chamber to make i more suitable for the holding of court, A platform at the head of the table and an additional table were really necessary for ihe prorer holding of court the Judge advisad and his hcrour also requested tha rations be made before the next sitting of the court. This matter was referred to Councillor Clempson. Band gets Grant of $250.00 Tree Planting to Start at once--Other Matters of Civic Interest. Chairman of the Property Committee. | The police report was read and pas-| sed, and a request for a new uniform for the chief was left over till a later date, Accounts to the amount of $1,629.83 were passed for payment cn the motion of Councillors Wood and McKay, and on the motion of the same gentle- men the final account of Messrs James Proctor & Redfern, amounting to $5557.00 was also passed for payment. Councillor Proudfoot moved and Councillor Clempson seconded a mot- ion granting the Dryden District Band' the sum of $250.00, and this was un-! animously carried, The Hockey Club was granted a rebate for rental of the Town Hali. on March 16 on the motion of Coun- cillors, and on the motion of Council lors Wood and McKay, the Women's Institute was also grantcd a refu d of $13.00 for rent of hall on April 30. The planting of the trees which the Council ordered some time 2go was discussed and Mayor Dingwall and Councillors Wilson, Klose, Wood, Mec- Kay and Clempscn were appointed a a committee to lock after the matter, These gentlemen were given the pow- er to enlarge this committee if ther saw fit. The L.O.L. asked for the use of the Town Hall on the first and thizd Tuesdays of each month anl wee granted same at a rental of $40.00 per year, Councillors Proudfoot and Klose moved that the assessment roll be iaid over until a special meet'ng of the Council to be called by the May- or. This was carried. It was decided to offer N. Shasky, Lot 69, Flan M 104, for $75.00. The meeting then adjourned. 'Eves Tested Free Dear Friend: As the local representative of} the Crown Spectacle Company of | Toronto, I can save you consider- able money on a pair of guaran- teed spectacles. My company is the largest spectacle house in Canada, selling by mail vou spectacles guaranteed for five r under a Satisf 1 $135.00 value to you Test any of your obligation cientific -ithout eyes -- Ww Just telephone or write me as ill be convenient W.- E. Representative DRYDEN Phone No. 4 Box 2 DRYDEN, Ontario <c-- ------ £ We Offer Women A BETTER, MORE COMFORTABLE IMPROVED TYPE SANITARY NAPKIN of the country. "BABS"™--A product manufactured by forming to the desires of many women in all | But there was one detail in w ted were more te all women consulted any other--and tha Ran 2 Rl ! - bauer «¢ black, Con Claas . iTom The DRYDEN PHARMACY | which occurred at Santa Monica Cal, That's why I can offer; - ~ i faction Guar- - 4 -_ :mother she leaves two brothers, Ted a cordial in-} ! Burial took place at Santa Monica, Death of Former | Dryden Resident The Free Press of Tuesday morn- ing contained announcement of the death of Margaret (Luta), daughter of Mrs and the late Mr George Sharpe this week. Born at Uxbridge, Ont. Luta Sharpe spent most of h-r child- hood days in Dryden, her parcn's be- ing one of the first families to settle here, and the many Dryden friends of the family extend their sympathy to ihe bereaved family. Besides her and one and Sam, sister, Mildred, ------------ ---- Dryden Agricultural Society-- The Directors meeting of the Dry- den and District Agricultural Society was held on Wednesday afternoon. The date of the 1928 Exhibitic been fixed at Wed i day, 8 $10 Field Crop Compelilion--The Sociel; has i he two classes as on previous viz ts and ors should at once send in their en ries . A J. Lock Furthe: regarding this will be blished next week, Prize List Committee, Messrs ¢R2e and Lock, have he 1928 list in to the Secretary information eg promoucn oi | help them by giving your contribution |v v the way of buying a membership ticket. And then get busy and have { come exhibit for the Fall Fair, don't Locals Mrs McCoombs, of Kenora, was the guest of Mrs G, Larsen for a few days last week. Mr and Mr O. H, Pronger were visi- tors to Winnipeg this week. Miss Alice Evans has returned from the west Coorge Turner, Teller at the Royal Bank here, has been transfered to Killarney, Manitoba, : Con Snider, of Oxdrift, was a visit- or to Dryden yesterday. Mr Snider expects to leave for Kenora shortly where he will be engaged in the con- struction of the highway to Fort Francis. P. Mcline was a business visitor to Kencra this week: W. H, Davies, C:P:R: Cperator hee has been transferred to Minnedo:a, Manitoba, and with his wife and daughter, will leave shortly to reside there, Mrs R. J. Pronger and son, Lester, spent a few days in Winnigeg this week. J. S. Wilson was a business visitor to Winnipeg this week, Mr A. A. Gould has returned from Torcn'o, Mr Gould accompanied Mrs Gould who has Leen ill for several weeks, to the Ontario hospital at Toronto, where she will remain for a few months' treatment, Silver Star Chapter, No, 177, 0.E.8 will hoid a Whist Drive and Dance, on Frilay evening, May 11th, Intending competi:-} not later. than} he District Fair, ani; CARD OF THANKS } {The family of the late Willium| bh wish 'o express thei vpreciation for the kindness) iand sympathy shown them dur-| 'ne their recent bereavement, | ----A Regular Monthly Business Meeting The April monthly business meeting of the Women's Institute was held of members and friends, After the regular business was dealt with, Mrs McCoombes, Kenora, District Presid- ent, gave a very inspiring and whole- some address on "Friendliness" which she stressed as her motto for the vear--specially pleading for friendship towards the new-comers to the coun- try, who in their turn must be willing to be friendly, Pianoforte solos were given by rene Henderson, Patty Wright, Vinkie Edgar and Jeanette Reid, who -11 displayed remarkable musical 'alent and we hope to hear our young friends again. sung and refreshments served a! lie social half-hour, The next meetiing--Our Annual Business one--will be held on Friday, May 18th, instead of the 25th inst, All members are requested tc note change of date. Which was Which? -- There was a large and respectable meeting of the Library Board, Thu: - day night. Those present were: Mesdames Wigle and Hutchison. Heenan Takes Action in S¢rike-- Winnipeg--Hon P, Heenan minister of labor, has interested himself in the lispute involving a group o! teamstcrs ~mployed by the National Cartags Company, accerding to statements made by BR. B. Russell, general seeret- ary of the One Big Unicn.--Winnipeg Tribune, B-- ---- My customers say when we meet, "You're a fellow we're sure glad to greet"! Each one of 'em's told me, "That Used Car you sold me Is the finest I'l car on the street." r EQ Satisfied" "You bet-- square deal the car you buy, Guaranteed USED Dodge Touring __. $250. EASY PAYMENT USED i Dryden, ibe satisfied to be a member, be an jactive member: Says Okay Karr Chevrolet, 12-ton Truck, Stake body & Cab, Chevrolet, 1-Ton Truck, Stake body & Cab, $775. ith an 7) ¢ that esuuts Durance Bros & Co All my buyers are" | you want to buy a Used Car with the full knowledge of what you buy . . . if you want to feel that you are getting a . if you want to know you are going to be satisfied . . . if you want to get honest value for every dollar you spend . . . then YOU are the man for whom this O. K. Used Car policy was established. By using the Chevrolet O. K. tag em our Used Cars we are offering you the utmost protece tion and satisfaction. Lock for the tag om CK-628C °° CARS-- Ford Touring --_.._._ $135. PLAN--If Desired CA Ont, 0% 0 I a # last Friday, with a good attendance Some Community numbers wera:

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