------ -- Poe ln VOL. VIII. eS -- DRYDEN; Ontario, September 28th, 1928 No. XI111 L] Ld Ld 11 District ; 4 ---- one. The first case of infantile paral; in this district has been reported fr Wabigoon. The victim is live: two mil Wabigoon, . Doetors Morrison and Mcntielh a attending the Tittle girl and wired to Toronto to obtain th es nerth of the village ha disease. Immediately upon learning of the case the Wabigoon schocl was closed and every nreccaution is being prevent the spread of the disease, = en wim | | My Madder will be greatly misse HARVEST THANKSGIVING in the affairs of this town, He was a St. Luke's Church, Dryden Special Services for Thanksgiving for the Harvest, will be held St. Luke's Church, on Sunday, September 30th, Your offerings of Fruit, F lowers, Vegetables, ete, will be greatly received on Sat- urday afternoon in the Church, by The Guild for the Sanctuary; The W.A for the Chancel and Choir Stalls; The Sr. and Jr. Girls for the Nave, ---- -- - in InfantileParalysis the seven.ycar_old daughter of Mr and Mrs Graham, who e serum i that is used in the tleatment of tre 1a taken t i Passes after Long liiness 5; ON Thursday of last week, after ar i illness extending over several month i Mr Frank Madder passed away, i ha { years, and ever sinc f has Leld the Te: Pitt's vel of Limited, Before coming t Dryden, Mr Madder spent lwo years i Keewatin, where he was manager o the Hunter Store, which was later ac i quired by Alfred Pitt, and is [Re England in the year 1862, and had jus lived in Canada fifteen years, position for the Dryden School Board the Hospital Besides his widow Mr Madder is survived by one son, Frank, and three daughters, Dorothy, Florence (Mrs W_ Dempster), and Sylvia (Mrs O.- H. TENDERS FOR SECRETARY TREASURER. TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED by October 1st, 1928, for the position of Secretary- the undersigned until Treasurer for Dryden School Section, The lowest or any tender not neces. sarily accepted, Tenders to be addressed to M. F. COOK, Acting-Sec'y. Pronger), and to these bereaved mem- bers of the family much sympathy is extended. Funeral service, which was very largely attended, was held from the United Church on Sunday afternoon. Rev. H. A. Rivers conducting the service, The pall bearers all fellow employees of the deceased were : Messrs A. E, Berrey, Jno, Hardie, J. Pitt, Dan Wright, Robt, McMonagle, The late Mr Madder, with his family s resided in Dryden for over elever e coming here he position of accountant a now «owned by J, S. Sectt. Mr Madder was {born in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, good citizen and has filled many public positions thoroughly and well. For several years he was secretary of the United Church, he filled the game and ever since its inauguration here Mr Madder has been self_sacrificing secretary of the Red Cross Society and a 5, « 3 i + v ] CEDERMARK BROTHERS Noted gymnasts and physical culture experts, who are on a tour through the district as a preliminary to the season's en- gagements. Their marvellous development and entertain'ng exhibition is a demonstration of the secret of great strength without any sacrifice of grace and agility. ---- RS Instantly Killed at Level Crossing Community Chantangia The Community Chautauqua at the Strand closed on Wednesday evening, acter six senarat- performances in Dryden. They were all good, the outstanding ones being the nlav 'Annie sauce" on Tuesday evening au. the Bessie Larcher Orchestra on V dng. day evening, whic! was combined wh the lectures by Judge Fred G Dale for the last two performances, Tha Bessie Larcher Orchestra was ccee'}. ent and every number the played wag thoroughly enjoyed. Judge Bale's lect es were'of a It very high standard, in fact we "clio. n-'he is one of the best that has «<.or ss been heard in Dryden, It is extrc n- ss] ely regrettable that more parents who were not present on Wednesdoy ob». was driving the car, did not see the noon to hear his lecture "The I train which was approaching from'and the Fire" Judge Bale h- tthe east till they were right on the real messages for mothers anc + [track and it was too late to stop. { ers and his understanding of 1 | The engine hit the Sedan and flung is wonderful, His experiero. lit about a hunered yards from the Judge of the Juvenile Cort of crossing, The gas expleded in the Columbus, Ohio, for several vears and tank and the car immediately burned. his keen insight into the nyt .e Annie was thrown from the car and, youth made his lecture parti ula.i; instantly killed by the train. The interesting. younger girl who was driving did] His address "The Fourth Line of not fall in the path of the train, bat| Defence" in the evening was equally was tossed off the track. as pleasing, and the Bessie Larcher There were several witnesses to the Orchestra delighted the large audi-ncs accident and the injured girl was im-{that filléd the theatre for the final mediately cared for in the best pos- | performance. x sible way, till the Doctors arrived and | __ a she was removed to the hospital THE most sad and tragic accident that has ever happened in Dryden, oc. curred on Tuesday evening, wheh { Annie, daughter of Mr and Mrs Ed: gH ud Dawkins was instantly killed and "Lor younger sister, Tucy, scverely in. .Jured, when the car in which they vee driving was struck by a freight - Myain at the eo .p'n crossing here, just west of the depct. It appears that the girls were re turning to their home north of town , after attending to some duties, I was about ceven-thirty in the eve jing and with the frost on the gla {in the car windows and the brightne tof the light at the depot, Lucy, oi Lucy was found to be suffering from 2 dislocation of the left hip, fractured town Wednesday, Mrs C. Merrill, Wabigoon, was in y TENDERS WANTED PREMIER KING WILL 4 : -- SPEAK IN LONDON Dryden, Ontario = = --.. jand H_ Saunders, SEALED Tenders addressed to the LONDON, September 26.-- Premier --BIRTHS-- A undersigned and endorsed on the Stanley Baldwin and the whole cabi. GUTHRIE--At the Red Cross Hospital on Tuesday, September 18th, 1928, to Mr and Mrs J. Guthrie, a son. WETLAINER--At Dryden on Monday September 24th, 1928, to Mr and Mrs Jonas Wetelaiser, a son, MILLER--At Quibell, Ont. on Friday September 21st, 1928, to Mr and Mrs Wm, Miller, a daughter, ROBINSON---At the Red Cross Hospi- tal, Dryden, on Sunday, September 23 1928, to Mr and Mrs C, S. Robinsen, of Minnitaki, a daughter. Fen NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE of JAMES LEITH DUNCAN, Late of the Township of Zealand, in the District of Kenora, Farmer, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all parties having claims agains the Estate of James Leith Duncan, late of the Township of Zealand, in the District of Kenora, in the Province of Ontario, who died on or about the 21st day of June, 1928, are required to deliver their claims and full par- ticulars of such claims to Mrs MARY DAVIDSON DUNCAN, of the Town- ship of Zealand, in the District of Ke. nora, on or hefore the 15th day of October, 1928, And that after the said 15th day of October, 1928, only those claims of which I shall have re- ceived notice, shall be given regard, Dated at Dryden this 14th day of September, 1928, MARY DAVIDSON DUNCAN, Dryden, P.O. Administratrix, i ee oh : . INSURANCE CHICKEN SUPPER, Th HANDLEY--SMITH--On September 20th, 1928, by the Rev T. A. McQueen the marriage of Lt-Colonel John Handley, to Aldra Louella Smith of Dryden, Ont --Winnipeg Tribune, Result o ---- The Coroner, Dr H. Morison, presid- ed at an inquest which was held on Wednesday afternoon to inquire inte the death of Miss Annie Dawkins, which occured on Tuesday evesing. Major H, P, Cook, K.C,, and several prominent C.PR, officials in the Divi. sion were present. The jury was composed of the following gentlemen: Messrs J, Winterbottom, A. Paterson, C. J. Wright, Dunc Reid, James Gordon, A. Durance, A. E, Berrey, J. 0, Gough, G. N. Dechert, W_ Sutton, F. Whiteley and T, Alexander, J. A, Strutt, an eye witness gave his version of the accident, and the engineer, fireman and brakeman on the freight which hit the sedan in which Miss Dawkins was riding also testified, : The following is the verdict: "We the jury find that Annie Dawkins met her death by accident at the level crossing in Dryden " (1) "We exonerate the train crew from all blame, but we are of the opinion that this could have been avoi. ded had the trees on the south side of the track not been there" (2) "Had safety gates been installed f Inquest -above mentioned building. National Railway Bonds will accepted as security or Bonds ard cheques if required to make up an odd amount) which amount will be for. feited if the person or persons tender- ing decline to enter into a contract when called upon to do so. or fail to complete the work contracted for, sarily accepted. Department of Indian Affairs, envelope "Tenders for Indian Residen- tial School near Kenora, Ont," will be received up to noon of the 1st day of October, 1928, for the erection of the net have been in be tendered Canada vited to the dinner to 'remier Mckenzie King of by the Canadion. club on This will be Mr King's Plans and specifications may be seen fj; at the Post Office at Keewatin and Dryden, at the Office of the Indian Agent, Kenora, and the Inspector of Indian Agencies at Winnipeg, also the Department of Indian Affairs, at Ottawa, Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank of Canada for ten per cent of the amount of the tender, payable to the order of the undersigned, (War Bonds of the Dominion or Canadian BREAKS NECK IN JUMP TORONTO, Sept. When he jump. ed through a double glass window on the C. N. R. Vancouver_Toronto train, near Sunbury, a Dutchman believed to be a harvester broke his neck, on Have you entered the LloTus lawn WORD CONTEST | Yet 2 Lotus Lawn is the finest quality of linen finished Stationery pro- curable at Popular Prices. also be The lowest or any tender not neces- DUNCAN C. SCOTT, : Deputy Superintendent General.| 40r particulars and entry blanks enquire of DRYDEN PHARMACY, LTD. Ottawa, September 11,1928. at the crossing " (3) "Had the two lights at the west end of the station been shaded." We strongly recommend: (1) "That the trees be removed im- mediately, (2) "That safety gates be instalied immediately. (3) "That the above mensioned lights be shaded. For Donation of Vegetables-- The Red Cross Hospital wishes to thank the School Children of Dryden for donations of vegetables last week, ursday The W_ A_ of St. Luke's Church will hold a CHICKEN SUPPER on THURSDAY, October 11th, in the Parish Hall, from 5:00 to 7:00 o'clock pm, Supper Tse. | | | CARD OF THANKS Mrs Madder and family wish | to thank zil kind friends for their symnthy in their great 2 from 4.66850 bereavement and also for flowers, | | ; N, Agent, Dryden | Children Need, #:VITAMINES ., WAMPOLE'S EXTRACT OF COD LIVER Vitamines -- that mysterious "something" which makes the young grow--will be found in Wampole's Extract of Cod Liver, as well as other ele- ments necessary for the devel- opmentof health and strength, Children who seem to be at a standstill--lacking in energy ~or vitality--and convalescents who do not improve readily, get just the needed tonic stim ulart effect from a short treat- ment with' Wampole's Extract of Cod Liver. . Price $1.00 per bottle XXX XX XK Ke Dryden Pharmacy Limited pelvis and many severe lacerations end bruises, and it was found neces. Sary to ampnutate her right foot, There is, however, hope for her recovery. Never has anything effected the hearts of the people of this district so much. The utmost sympathy of everyone is extended to the bereaved parents and sisters in the loss of their beloved daughter and sister and to ° Lucy who is so bravely bearing her injuries, nay : Funeral service will he held from the United Church, on Saturday, Sept- ember 20th, at 2:30 pan. Interment will be made in Dryden Cometery. ne Years Abead 3 § Marconi Batteryless Radio$ Offers Advancements never before Achieved. Masterpiece of Marconi Radio Engineering. BNW and finer selectivity achieved through the use of Four Condensers in line. * Operated by One Central Knob. Assuring a standard of operative simplicity and certainty that is new to One Dial Radio. Backed by a living 'presence' of reception that revolun- : tionizes all previous Fine Tone Standards. A new and i thrilling realism made pos- #7 sible by fresh Power Tube 3 developments, and by the wonderful Temple Aijr- Chrome Speaker--a built-in € feature of the New Season's Marconi Radio. FOR CANADIAN RECEPTION TWO SUPREME BATTERYLESS MODELS--A 6 Tube 33 Receiver, opcrating from any light socket without batteries, "9 charger or accessories. And the New Therm-ion-ic Phonograph and Radio, the wonderful combination instrument offering the p 7-Tube Batteryless Radio with Electrical Reproduction of Recorded Music. ; Ser Hear the new Marconi Receivers, Operate them. Realizc @ now what Marconi research and engineering has accomplished in the development of Radio that is years ahead. :, --FEATURES-- --Six Tube including Power Radiotion. Scientifically Shielded Circut. --Illuminated Indicator showing - Station wavelengths metres and kilocycles. ~ --Four Straight Line Frequency Conden cuits--assuring vastly finer selectivity. --Scientifically constructed' Audio Transformers giving finer tonal realism. ~--Built-in Temple Air-C ble frequencies with Ii --Output Choke, removi DESIGNED One Dial Control. 3 ; in % sers tuning all cir € hrome Speaker reproducing al! audi- ving, vivid "presence." ng D. C. from the Speaker and iraproving the tone quality. Protects the Speaker Win --Practically uniform amplification an al] wavelengths. --Cabinet by McLagan. v Specially designed for use w Radiotrons--Five TU. X. 201 Power Radiotron. A: G: RIPLEY Authorized Dealer ~~ ONTARIO ¢ vastly © dings. ith genuine Marconi R. V. C. € A Tubes and one U. X. 7 A DRYDEN