BE FE, ~The Dryd n Obser Vv er yn VOL. VIII DRYDEN, Ontario, Dceemiver 28th, 1928 Neo. XXII. ee ---- Locals Mr and Mrs C. Kelley and baby daughter from Kenora spent Christmas with Mr C. O. Self. Miss Olive Ray of Winnipeg is spending a holiday at her home in Dryden. Jack Skillen spent the weekend at his home in Fort William. Miss Florence Tustain returned to Winnipeg Wednesday after spending Christmas with her par- ents, Mr and Mrs E. Tustain. Jack Reid has returned from the west where he has spent the past few months. Miss Elizabeth Johnson, who i$ attending business college in Win- nipeg, is spending the Christmas holidays at her home here. Mr J. Hardie and Miss Grace Hardie spent. Christmas in Port Arthur with Mr and Mrs Percy Hake. Ralph Davidson from Port Ar- thur spent Christmas at his home in Dryden. Homer Gough from Fort Wil- liam spent the holiday at his home in Dryden. Miss Mona Morris of Winnipeg is spending a week's vacation at her home in Dryden. Gordon Campbell of Winnipeg was the guest of Mr and Mrs J. A. Wilson for Christmas. Ernie Dickson of the Winnipeg police force is spending a holiday in Dryden. Miss Lizzie Morton has leit for Hornepaine. Mr and Mrs S. Daiter were from Kenora for a couple of days last week. Mr and Mrs Sawyer of Winni- peg were the guests of Mr and Mrs Frank Foulis for Christmas. The 1.0O.L. and the L.O.BA, held a delightful Christmas tree and party for members and their families on Dec. 19. Mr and Mrs Harold Lawrence from Sioux Lookout spent Christ- mas with Mr and Mrs A. M. Tay- lor. Mrs J. L. Quirk, Ignace, was in town Sunday. The smiling stranger always on the streets these days is Russ Lott who has returned from the far east. Ignace was his last address. a Harry Nymark is spending holiday at his home here. Hugo Benda of Pitt's staff spent Christmas at his home in Vermil- ion Bay. Mr and Mrs J. M. DeGeer spent Chrismas in Keewatin with Mr and Mrs Wm. Drew. Archie McQuarries spent Chrst- mas at his home in Clanwiilliam. Montreal, Dec. 17--Dr and Mrs D. G. Dingwall have spent the last few days at the Ritz Carlton, Montreal. t's TWO KILLED IN MOTOR CRASHES AT WINDSOR o> -- Gilbert Veighey, 19, . Detroit, and Gordon Robinson, Walker- ville, are dead, and Miss Doris Weeks, 18, is in hospital in a ser- ious condition, the result of mot- or accidents in Windsor and vic- inity during the Christmas holi- days. Veighy and Miss Weeks were riding in a light coupe which was struck by a C.P.R. train at a level crossing. The car was struck and then crushed under the plat- form of a nearby freight shed. Veighey, who suffered a fractur- ed skull and similar . injuries to both legs, died a few hours later in hospital. Miss Weeks hdd just returned to Windsor from Winnipeg this Pianoforte Recital A successful pianoforte recital was given by the pupils of Mrs. V Cooper in the town hall on satur- day afternoon December fifteenth. All the pupils did exceedingly well and much credit is due to their teacher, Mrs Cooper. A very pleasing item on the pro- gram was a rythm band accomp- ied by Miss J. Reid on the piano. Following the program presentation of certificates by Mrs! H. Morrison, to the nineteen pup-| ils who had passed their Toronto Conservatory of Music examin- ations. Mrs Cooper was presented with a bouquet of flowers by Miss Eileen Wigle and a silver cake! basket by the Misses A. Larsoni and J. Reid on behalf of the can-' didates as a token of appreciation' for her efforts. It was very encouraging to Mrs Cooper and the pupils as well te see sO many parents and interest- ed friends present. Those taking part were: Piano--Ruth Norgate, Dorothy Griffith, Jim Baker, Lila Fouls, Margaret Nevin, Cyril Wright, Lillian Davis, Hazel Adair, Lloyd Wigle, Mona Proudioot, Hilda Olsen, Rose Davis, Irene Hender- son, Ellen Norgate, Orville Adair, Charlie Gammon, Margery Craw- ley, Ab Berrey, Lilian Bicknell, Alma Larson, Doris Thorpe, Jeanette Reid. Rythm Band -- Marilyn Wilsen Mary Wood, Barbara Humph- reys, Violet Davis, Nina Proud- foot, Eileen Wigle, Ruth Nor gate, Leila Foulis, Hazel Adar, Tommy Cooper. CHRISTMAS PARTY Last Saturday Mr J. M. Bathum manager, entertained the employ- ees of the Bates-Valve Bag Co. at! a most enjoyable Christmas party, in the town Hall. About eighty} were present and dancing to mus- i ic furnished by Gammon's or- chestra was much enjoyed. i Lunch was served at midnight. after which the guests were invit- ed to gather round a huge Christ- mas tree laden with gifts. Harry Beddome, in the role of Santa Claus, distributed the presents. | Each employee received a turkey, and also a box of ' candy for the girls and a box of cigars for the men. On behalf of ' the employees, Santa then presented Mr Bathum with a bath robe. Miss Astrid Edgren, who acted as hostess was given a vote of thanks by Mr /Bathum and the employees expressed their .2ppre- ciation of the entertainment in 2 speech by Miss May Quirk. The singing of "For He's a Joi- ly Good Fellow" closed the party. Hatry Beddome, jr., we belive, was the youngest fellow to receive a present from the tree. The young moose, which was much admired during the summer, but considered something of a nuisance lately, put an end to its freedom last week when it attack- ed the young son of Mr and Mrs Thos. Graham. The young fellow was playing in his yard when the animal attacked him. Before his mother rescued the child the moose had trampled him and inflicted several painful wounds. Constable Cunningham immediat- ely ordered the animal locked uv and the owner, G. W. Kelly has now secured a place in the coun-y. try for it afternoon to spend the Christ- mas holidays with her parents. She was pinned beneath the wreckage, and it took a great deal of effort on the part of train- men and citizens to release her. The other fatality occurrred at an intersect in the residential part of the city. Robinson was found lying on the road and pol-}- ice state he fell from a moving motor car. was tha's= He died while being Wishing Foerghody & Happy and Hrosperous THE DRYDEN Nefu Year- | OBSERVER i Report of Dryden "Continuation School Pupils making highest average in classes are as follows: Form 111.--Nona Reany; 90% Form I1.--Elsie Hunter, 84% did chairman, OXDRIFT CONCERT One of the best concerts that has been held jn Oxdrift commun-. ity hall was on Wed.,, Dec. 19, when Miss Tiffin, the Oxdriit school teacher put her schol through dnlls, dialogues, etc. Mr H. Rivers as usual made a ton} iICn-3 i while Mr V. Kich Form I.--Effie Tavlor, 78.2% ardson took the place of Santa C 1a¥Vior, /O Cc 53 bo ¥ The following is the standing? Claus. The program was as fol of the pupils in all subjects fory lows: the fall term, the names appear in order of merit. Form III.--Nona Reany; Fran- ces Wilson ; Ronald Whiteley; "imer: Foulis; Lenore McRae; ilazel] Kings of the Orient; dialogue, At the Last Chorus, Hello Everybody ; ad- dress of chairman; dialegue, The sprit of Christmas; song, ThreejEagle River met at the home of : Mr Lundin for the purpese of oment ;: drawing recitauion A : S Silver: Alma Larson: Lulu Hun-t piano solo, Ruby McTavish; dia- ter; Evelyn Adair; Edith Lewis ;! logue, Parade of the Wooden Sol- Bob Berrey; Ethel Darr; Claragdiers; lo McGonegal ; Winkie Edgar. Form 11.--Elsie Hunter; Alice 1s Playing; song, The C Mildred Dean; Art-gare Coming; hur Doudiet; Frank W Hiteley Aiiatogue; That's Nothing; piano" Elsie Moorehouse; Elmer Wice;? solo, Roma! Iren gue, piano Wilkinson; Kathleen = Wilkinson; Spears; Charlie Gammon; Jean-! ette Reid; Patricia White; Bessie Gardiner ; Edwin Haldorsen; Jul- Yds Volkmar; Minnie Reid; Ab Berrey; Edna McTavish. Form L--Efhe Taylor; Rigbey:; Phyllis Hawke; Cole; Howard Wilson; Jame: Dick Mabel King ; Bruce Collen ; Hilda Olsen; |¢ Katie Steiner; David Mercer; Margaret Cole; Greta Hoffstrom Eunice Gough ; Bella Blake; Alic Haldorsen; George Nelson; T McMonagle; Fred: Aaron; Phil Wright; Orville Adair: Charlotte Dixon ; Jim Smith ; Margaret Cre- rar; Dons Lukenbill; Fred Yaw- orski left Mr J M Bathum there owing to the serious iliness of his mother. Miss Constance Kerney of Win nipeg spent Christmas with hes parents, Mr and Mrs Wm Kerney. college in Winnipeg is visiting at his home here. . NEW YEAR GREETINGS TO ALL Dingwall Motors Cook ; chorus, Golly! Here C Ray} 3 wednes-1..° . day for Chicago, being called}, Dennis Wright who is atteding]." Old recitation, Hubbard; drill, Dorothy Griffiths; duet, e and Jim Henderson; dialo-} These Husbands of Ours; solo, Irene Henderson; song, Away in the Manger, Mary! f nuts umoe ~ A vote mn 31SS 1 ~~ EON TATION Dr J. Monteith assisting Dr = of Dr Di PR +R wWhno na ks advertised CY in our [fake it safe from financial loss with INSURANCE i a Diyden as a } ing them in the stores during the - { PROTEST AGAINST to the goverment protesting a- ga: er cannot have more than one nan to cut pulpwood or to clear land mes 3 Shopping Centre One could not help but be im- pressed last week, especially be- tween the locals and the trains, No. one and two. A visitor to the station seeing the people getting off and again getting on these trains, joining in the processions, and then see- early afternoon, felt that Dryden was truly the Mecca of the Dis- trict. Possibly no medium sized town in Canada occupies a more Municipal Affairs As usual, little interest being taken. Whatever is going on be- 'hind the scenes no discussion is apparent on the streets. No names for mayor and coun- cil have been publicly announced. --------rnen-- > ihe, _ There is no controversial qucs- tion and everyone seems satisfied. At the same time, some in t should be taken at the nomina- tion meeting, because Dryden is not the backwoods town of ni=c- teen years ago, and a great deal unique position than Dryd-.. In her shops are certainly great rar) ieties of merchandise, and the merchants tell us that because of small overhead goods are sold at relatively lower prices than usual to the small town.' 'there was a complaint early in Decerier of poor business. This} was probably owing to the open fall and absence of snow. But the crowded stores of last week indicated thhat many came from somewhere, .and as far as we can gather'all the merchants were satisfied. So we think we are right in gain saying that Dryden is an important shopping centre. 3 Pp a NEW HOMESTEAD LAW rn, Last . FridayA the farmers of g up a petition to be sent ns t the new homestead regula- As the law stands now a farm- until the patent is obtained. Also if onc takes a contract for 300 cords of wood and 500 ties he can- not hire enough help to take out this amount. It was also agreed: at this meeting that a higher pri-z be asked for pulpwood. © meeting was Leid ~t M-! ipbell's on Wednesd.y of this week and an organization called the Homesteaders of Ken-! ora district was formed. The fol | lowing officers were elected: Pres., D.-Campbell; secv., Ej il; treas., Chris Peterson. § The membership feeis one dol-{ < H lar and all homesteaders are invit- Lt fcc te hr a Ee - 2k ed to join this organization which iS to bettr~ conditions concerning; of homesteaders inj i ¢ F. I. Charter and Miss their many friends a ha i Eva Pitt of New York are visiting | "{ their parents Mr and Mts Alfred of money is being spent. Evidently well spent and weil looked after, but those Yesponsible for the spending would appreciate a good audience to give their ac- counting. sm TI A me gn Municipality of Machin PROCLAIIATION TAKE NOTICE that I will be -+ the school house at Eagle River, between the hours « 12 : noont to 1 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 31st, 1928, for the purpose of receiving nominations for one Reeve and Four Councillors for year 1924. In the event of there beino more candidates nominated thon are required an election will held on Mon, Jan. 7, 1929 GEO. RUETE tier GOD SAVE THE KING FOUND-- Tire Chain.-- apply at the Town Hall. -- ---- The Whitely orchestra wih ppy and prosperous New Year. : Netice of Application for Divorce. NOTICE is hereby given 1 William John Blight of the: of Kenora, in the Pistrict Ken of ora in the Province of Onts- rio, Locomotive Enpineer, will apply to the Parliament of Cag ada, at the next ses:=ion therec! for a Bill of Divorce fom his wif Elizabeth Mary Blight, of the said town of Kenora, hous wife, on the grounds of adultery. _ Dated at Kenora, Province of Ontario, This 6th day of Dec. 7928. To Whom It May Cracern-- ; IIy wife, Hannah Wallir hav- ing left my bed and board, 1 wii} no longer be responsible {or any debts contracted by her until she returus to my home. (Signed) ERIC W. WALLY December 3, 1928 Deydnn 21|12/28 Ontario, the Season. The mutual relations existing during the past have been of so pleasant a nature that it is pos- sible to look forward with happy confidence to the coming year and extend to you hearty Greetings of i from DRYDEN -- ONTARIO removed to hospital. HE G'BSON, ageat, bryden Dryden Pharmacy Limited