Paterson's Meat Market COTTAGE ROLLS PICNIC HAMS LAMB CHOPS SPECIAL-- GLENDALE BUTTER, per Ib Phone No. 6 A. PATTERSON, Prop. Blissful Innocence He was so innocent when he got marred that re cut down al the trees arbdund home because his wife son. Another little wint r arrived last week. At. a-Boy Billy; we have had nice weather ever since, "Out of fight, out of coin" are usually the last words of pug lists. The coming drops through the boots of your grain drill. A good deal depends on crop | his | goon, died very sudden- | Iv # 3. 14s. | was buried Waidnosdav said she wanted a little | Was buried Wednesday. it is dropped | te all pos. Published weekly in the Interest of the People of Kenora District. Mr Rob't McKee, well known and highly res- pected farmer, who Liv- ed north of the Wabi- Sunday, and Much sympathy is ex- pressed for the bereav- ed family. Don't put ; all your | eggs in one basket--- | try an incubator, | Deering tractors are go The purchase of mod- | ern, labor saving farm | equipment is a wisz and profitable investment. | farms of Western Car- "Fighling may be all right--if you do it in- telligently." "Yes, but you can't| 1 s find a small-r always mr vtw beh 2 0 Lg -- Co rner' s Li it le Co rner CT Vol 2 May May 24th, 1929 No, 13 S bf O E S Se last night without wak- ing my wife, and I have been trying to learn QUALITY SPECIALS--Give us a trial and be convinced that our styles will meet with the approval of young and old. that trick for 10 years" Dimitys and Novelty Prints. There may be other CHILDRENS WASH DRESSES in colored Ginghams, good places to buy farm machinery, but why waste your time hunt- Ing for them? We are here to serve, LADIES' trimmed and embroidered NIGHT GOWNS Nightgowns made from good quality cotton material, neatly O5cC. Car load after car load of MecCormick-- fabrics and colors for immediate wear. New Arrivals in Summer Dresses in the most popular styles, ing west every day, ov- er 3000 of these sturdy handy, long lived tract- ors have gone to the PERLE ROU a ALLE BRAG RL SE IBET FOR 3. BB. Cates | I rrr : | vo = - = ada already this year, | * and not a kick on any of them. That's McCor- mick-Deering satisfac- Winterbottom Lumber Yard tion, in earnest, ing near, we feel that yOu LUMBER, COAL & BUILDERS' SUPPLIES : BUILDERS and CONTRACTORS | man" 1 We have just reccived wWardaro it e with ing a fresh shipment of i IH r the warmer weather. i ah 0 Irs : or We always have a Dunlop Tires & Tubes, EVERYTHING FOR A BUILDING We have just received the miick--Deeting Drills. {4 stock of gasoline and the prices are QUALITY----:----SERVICE ar Motor oil, Machine oil | right BT a . Cup greases, ete. DRYDEN Jas. Winterbottom, Ontario 3 "Where is the man J. 8. CORIER ra busily! y ht burgling ick -Deering M J C k : iii of Ril ; Si ""% 11:0:0:F: DRYDEN LODGR « Jo ROSIER os . laconically : asked the home owner ! No. 417, meets in the Town Hall General Merchant the i ~ "Throat trouble" "He got into my house OXDRIFT, Ont. Dryden every Monday evening at OXDRIFT, ONTARIO The t and Cheapest Clothe | . 8 p.m. on the Market. -- ; RR > . . ~. - p, . ' | wr 1 I AIAS NAPS PII NPERINTSRENER : : J J :G: Fea { Please Consider this an Invitatio | LOCAL PLAY COMING ; B. R. EVANS, N:G Dealer in BOOTS AND SHOES i LIVERY AND DRAY i K. COLLINS, Ree.-Sec. t our store and inspect th: | range. DRY GOODS, , entr The Management of the Strand PROMPT SERVICE gf GROCERIES . : Late, ; ; ; EPs A DRYDEN LODGE, Re, 16% ) a PRESTON, ONT. . T: PROUDFOOT. has engaged the Waldhof Dyamat- AT ALL HOURS 1.0.1, Yects Bo 3 and Tug HARDWARE ok ------- "The Dryden Tailor" i¢ Club to play here, Thursday i | Wednesday of each month, at eight| FARM IMPLEMENTS tr £23 wily mais OC June 6th, in a play entitled "Fun A. WEAVER, Eoin. in the Toa dal. rv on the Local." This play was}? Phone 56 4 Bais e ; lating | Agent for-- brethren cordislly invited. W. JONES, W.M. B. SMITH, Sec'y. LIFE INSURANCE FROST AND WOOD & COCKSHUTT IMPLEMENTS Dryden, Ontario i ANDERSON & HARRIS FUNERAL DIRECTORS {DAY OR NIGET CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO PHONE-- Day, 62 R 8 presented in Waldhof, some time ago and many prominent citizens irom Dryden. were present. So many requests were made for the play, that Manager Bailey decid- ed that this great comedy should make a decided hit in Dryden, and as fifty per cent of the receip's will be donated to the Red Cross Hospital at Dryden, it is request- ed that Dryden people get out 1d see the greatest comedy hit ever been seen in the {Wrig t's Look Kids! EVERY CHILD PURCHASING A CASH ibe ce ots ht "ANADIAN LEGION, B.ES.L. REGULAR MEETINGS WILL be held in the Paper Mill Hall, Dryden, the first Friday of each month, at 8:00 pm, Visiting Comrades invited. W. K. Edye, Pres. H. M. Davidson, Sec. GOLDEN STAR LODGE AF: & A: MM: No. 484, GRC: Meets in the Masonic Hall Dryden the Second Tuesday of each month. Visitors Cordially Invited. F. FOULIS, WM. A. E. BERREY, Secretary town. Alfred Pitt says: "This play is the funniest thing I have ever seen on the stage and Dryden people are sure of a good laugh." Frank Whiteley says: "Funniest thing in years, everybody should seetit." And for good measure, a two- I reel comedy will be shown. Re- member June 6, for the big show. TE TOWN OF DRYDEN Notice | RESIDENTS and Property-own- ers of the Town, are hereby warn-- ed that Mr Thos. Cunningham has been appointed Weed Inspec " tor for the Town 'of Dryden, for the current year. 3 J. E. GIBSON, Clerk. Order to the amount of $2:00 or over will be given a Kite FREE. ight Sport Coupe A ride will prove all that has been said-- and more : A single look at the New Ford 8 is sufficient to convince you that it is an achievement in grace, symmetry and beduty. But the most painstaking inspection tells only half the story. 0 3 Il.ow Fare ation--its power on a steep hill --the smooth, positive grip of its four-wheel brakes--the quiet, easy operation of the gears--its riding comfort even on the roughest road. The New Ford is absolutely without equal in the light car field. Drive it yourself and prove every dezail of its per formance. XCURSIONS Wm Tickets on Sale May 15 to Sept. 30 Return Linit OCTOBER 30, 1929 Pacific Coast For a more adequate appredi. ation you must know what this New Car will do--the ease with which it performs every task-- its instaat response to acceler. AiR TRS A You'll save { trouble and expense later if you have your On the way, see Banff; Lake Louise, Emerald Lake and other renowned Mountain resorts. Great Lakes Alaska soa A delightful diversion on your The Romantic Northland. Eastern Trip. Overseas Tours Bites Sih ol Great Britain - Continent West (Coast Vancouver 1 sland A pleasing five day Cruise of the Western Coast. ASK THE TICKET AGENT FOR FULL PARTICULARS * car properly equipped now. YY Look to your tires first. No time like the pre- sent to buy a set of these sturdy long-wear- ing tires. Each the best at the price. DOMINION ROYAL CORDS AND ROYAL MASTERS EET CANADIAN PACIFIC EA. KLOSE § We shall gladly demonstrate at Jour convenience DINGWALL MOTORS DRYDEN, Ontario