THE DRYDEN OBSERVER RAN Paterson's Meat Marke BROOKFIELD PATTIES, per Ib BROOKFIELD CHEESE, 5-1b Box BROOKFIELD CHEESE, Family Size SIDE BACON---Whole or Half, per 1b BEEF DRIPPING, per Ib Phone No. 6 A. PATTERSON, Prop. LIVERY AND DRAY {LIV 3 PROMPT SERVICE OATS a mning speed, and pos Ww AT SIL HOURS $ "Good Equipment! pop over your Me-| fively prevents a Kick: interbottom Lumber Yard 3 makes a Good Farmer : A. WEAVER, Phone 56 { Dryden, Ontario Ak SUITS AND ¥ITH the Spring Season draw- ing near, we feel that you will be thinking of repleneshing your wardrobe with Clothes suitable for the warmer weather. Corner's Little Corner en Vol 2 : May May 24th, 1929 Neo, 15 Published weekly in the Intercst of the People of Kenora District. She Had Reason Doubt-- Mose Jackson was dead and was having a large funeral. The min ister told all about the good things he could think of about the de- ceased. Mose had been such a loving husband, a wonderfully kind fath er, a genial neighbour, a very solicitous prov- ider for his family, and a constant and benevo- lent church member, i About this time, Eli * za, the widow, began to get uneasy, Leaning to she said: look in dat coffin an' see Better." of Daniel in the lions den always show him with a calm, down to her young son "Sammy, youall go The pictures we have) serene €x- | 1. Heat-treated beams that cannot be bent or broken. 2. Simple, durable pow- | er lift that operates quickly and easily 3. Zerk oiling s systet] that saves time and] bearings. 4. Spring-release hitch | that saves broken plow | shares, 5. All levers placed con- veniently for the tract- or operator. He'll Learn "] can't marry him, mother. He's an atheist, and doesn't believe in Hell " "Marry him, my dea; and between uus we'll convince him that he is Cormick-Deering mach- ines ahead of the sea-| son so that broken and worn parts can be ord- | ered by freight. That saves your express, par Skene in talking about her McCormick-Deering cream separator, The modern restaur- j ant is a place where the public pays the proprie- tor for the privilege of tipping the waiter for something to eat. You have heard of | people having troubl: starting tractor engines & even of getting their wrists broken at this job. But you never heard of the owners of McCormick -- Deer'ng tractors having this . trouble, because the im- pulse starter on the high tension magn-tes givesjust as hot a spark at cranking speed os at back and a broken or badly bruised wrist, Our heartfelt symp- athy goes to Mrs E_ G. Spreng and family of rire. ] = SHOES CHER EAR QU ITY SPECIALS--Give us a trial and be convinced that our wii will meet with the approval of young and old. LERIETER. Dimitys and CHILDRENS WAST DRESSES in colored Ginghams, Novelty Prints. LADIES' NIGHT GOWNS Nightgowns made from good quality cotton material, neatly trimmed and embroidered seen walvis wise nisin ne Q5C. PRC IC RR New Arrivals in Summer Dresses in the most papain styles, fabrics and colors for immediate wear. : J. A 3. Gates HT EE nnn | | | Fed E - E LUMBER, COAL & BUILDERS' BUILDERS and CONTRACTORS EVERYTHING FOR A BUILDING SUPPLIES | I Mardis nnd Granite We hate just received fe pression. Possibly that's| cel and telephone ex- Waldhof, in the sudden QUAL AT. ITY- hs SERVICE | MONUMENTS | Suiesh samples, sad they j&se because he knows he! pense. | loss of their husband & pe i fi} the most attractive range we Hi not be called on Lok Rh re x ; i A. J. LOCK, Dryden I'! have ever had. > os salled =) 2 amnibal Is 5 bests he ee x DRYDEN Jas. Wintel tom Ontario SS New weaves; new patterns; newjd ip. noo) "len hobo who never , - rd & 5 rorks but lives on oth- 230 : - [DED oe i leading mills Look what you £°t| or peo le 1. 5 CORNER {:0:0:F: DRYDEN LODG! | M J CROSIER ANDER ON & HARRI: Productions ot the g : with 2 McCormick-Deer people, McCormick -Deering 2): Gy E| v : i Bis gil Esghnd, Scotland, id -ing Li Ge i i "Tt is 7'to k Dealer, No. 417, meets in the Town Hall| General Merchant pe the Continent. an ne i le Genius Trac es Soa op intr on NN To Sta i FUNERAL DIRECTORS The Best and Cheapest Clotac \ 3 on on the Market. = SEE B. R. EVANS, N.G: Dealer in-- DAY OR NIGHT CALLS Please Consider this an Invitation PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO PHONE Day, 62 R 3 entire range. i : 4 ii wistide "The Dryden Tailor" to call at our store and inspect the T. PROUDFOOT, INQUEST INTO THE DEATH OF E. G. SPRENG The inquest into the death of Mr E. G. Spreng and grandson Richard Schram of Waldhof, who were killed by a train at the level #4 | crossing at Waldhof on saturday #2 of the C. P. R. ®t | the deceased were driving was in 4% | no way to blame for the accident. EVERY CHILD PURCHASING A CASH! a BA | removal of a pile of pulpwood and Order to the amount of $2:00 or over will be 3 : £1 Waldhof. given a Kite FREE. Pal Winnipeg being the inspecting RB | presided in the absence Morison the local coroner. Xa) the effect that the deceased E | attempting J! Cadet Corps took place on tuesday EXCURSIONS Tickets on Sale May 15 to Sept. 30 Return Limit OCTOBER 30, 1929 Pacific Coast On the way, see Banff; Lake Louise, Emerald Lake and other renowned Mountain resorts. Great Lakes Alaska A delightful diversion on your "The 1 Romantic Northland. Eastern Trip. West Coast Vancouver island Overseas Tours A pleasing five day Cruise of the Western Coast. ASK THE TICKET AGENT FOR FULL PARTICULARS CANADIAN PACIFIC Gr eat Britain - Continent fand were complimented by the was held in the town hall, Dryden monday afternoon. Coroner Kinney, of Kenora, of Dr It was a non-jury inquest and the coroner rendered a verdict to vw Ge. Spreng and Richard Schram met their death accidently while to cross the level crossing and that the train crew express noz tne train that hit the truck in which The coroner also recommended t some ties which somewhat obst- ruct the view of crossing at ANNUAL INSPECTION The inspection of the Dryden May 21.7 Cole. G.. Gillespie of officer.The corp looked quite smart in thir newly-dyed tunics The carried officer on their appearance. drill and exercises were out in very good order. EA KLOSE You'll save a lot of l{ trouble and expense later if you have your car properly equipped now. Look to your tires first. No time Like the pre- sent to buy a set of these sturdy long-wear- ing tires. Each the best at the price. DOMINION ROYAL CORDS AND ROYAL MASTERS In his remarks to the boys Colonel Gillespie pointed out the adv ant age of Cadet training, particularil in developing strong, healthy men, who would be better fitted to take their place in the world. Ee also spoke of the Cadet camp which is to be held at WinnipeZ beach early in July, at which the Dryden Cadets may have the op- portunity of spending a w eck at the lake. "OH, SUSAN! The St. Luke's Girl's Guild will hold a play entitled "Oh Susan!" in Quibell, on Mon- day, June 3rd. K. COLLINS, Rec.-Sec. 11.0 L DRYDEN LODGE, He 1834 Meets the First end Tid Wednesday of each month at eight p.m., in the Town Hall. Visiting brethren cordially imvited. W. JONES, W.M. B. SMITH, Sec'y. TTT GOLDEN STAR LODGE AF: & A: M:, No. 484, G:R:C: Meets in the Masonic Hall Dryden, the Second Tuesday of each month. Visitors Cordially Invited. F. FOULIS, WH. A_ E. BERREY, Secretary BOOTS AND SHOES DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE FARM IMPLEMENTS. Agent for-- LIFE INSURANCE FROST AND WOOD & COCKSHUTT IMPLEMENTS "aNADIAN LEGION, B.ES.I. REGULAR MEETINGS WILL be held in the Paper Mill Hall, Dryden, the first Friday of each month, at 8:00 pm, Visiting Comrades invited. W. K. Edye, Pres. H. M. Davidson, Sec. he FORD CARN One Ride Will Convince You of Its Unusual Performance + + + There is definite pride and con- fidence in our invitation to you to take 2 demonstration ride in the New Ford Car. It is our basiness to know motor cars and motor car performance and to pass this knowledge along to you -- honestly, sincerely and Car. Butthe 2 as you ride in it. Arrange mow for a demonstration DINGWALL MOTORS DRYDEN, Ontario without overstatement of anykind. We have tried to give you an adequate idea of the New Ford 's about this car's performance are so far beyond everything elsz in our experience that we prefer to have you learn them from the car itself,