Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 10 Jan 1930, page 1

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The Dryden Observ - DRYDEN, Ontario, Jassary Meh 1839 _. | __ : 3 lrg . = Ts a nin oS Figeral of Kenneth! Municipal Election(Believe It or Net ping Dates. Ts Downey Wilson ReSulls [ome There was an election sad I} ICE - Friday, January 103 i 2 . ever Besed SE afer ® wus over 700 PM. THE Dryder United Church was] DESPITE fhe severe wafer of Say nd Bed Cross was Sp with- 2 Montieth IE, | Sena SASSI SRG, - fall to capacsy Tuesday afterngo- | Memday. voting day, 3 messi woe] ETF Their Dest in the eepita' 2 Fowiie Rn he i --- Meggison to pay the commons tics respects ajuas yalled Sete being 353 wate IE Jew mummy Seosad ® owas to 386 PM. Eemneth Downey Wilson, the nly) st. She hopes ever demcded pio Doles, and bow mo 2 1 Hehe ---- vs ____ Phillips e-- som of Mr amd Mrs = A Wilson | Dryden would muse Se thoes Cogld moc > ref vs Hailes "znd Gentlemen: {vio so megectally passed to Se] The remit of Mamdn's mie PT Tt Spmes S-tupday, Janua®y 11th = ae DEA ERE RE LEE pepo PR 7:00 PM. : Git in the recent |Sespitel en Jaouary Sh 500 wil be zs Sellewsc Hast ar Dome cmmectsd wih the } Waren ve. Am The Send armapemests meses) Magee Dr P- B BR Wend by sed oF" OTT 0 0 WH bo 2 VWinterlottom vs _ Watt (The duds of Messy Amdessm sat cumtims Comellors-- MX. Bulerly oo = Sey Bad h toa ,PH. : Sams, whe cued of Se ar iE A Doe, Aud FET Pond | = creed Bo en V5 ee __ Hontisth : napements wid eSrener See. 2 S Wien ad C James) 8 , muy Cex mpl el Spare 10 - === The we inpresie sevice wus Wogae feet A df an Nylen, 2nd Djs Monday, January 13th I Eocen « Drie _ -- omiuted by Dew IW Eowexie | E A Kose beaded Se pul OE tie EE = Be stile 7:00 PM. " Fra all Ser EST nese ar "Sees Desire" na i Wright Sillowed with jot sic' Sfcr of SHER wii : fmm 1 Taylor vs Fowlie 2S Se 40 Swing i Se "Pouce of Bees wets Joss. Mimees Buiier, Prd ivet For Se hot tus Se) = NeBae vs --.. Warren x ou of = Pep mg The minister ecgomed Se Sree, Wien sf Weigh, aor me Bas Been alan $1500 amd . 9:00 P.M. | Seugit, & seied aetier IS 50 besy of but yess Cemell Mewes a . kd Toex Ve. =. Silllen Shs pear. whew Se Satement = » Sons Sin, ar Sis ome wos E20 Else P=, Being alu : - - ~ Smith ___ vs Pitt Nl Boremy guna Bs 2 Benim Seo? 3 ile wal be | : Tuesda 3 y 14t So Gtemnine Se way bis woul shod) : a Jy age Sey yeovidd E 7 00 yum = uy Those slected Sor Se Scheel Boxed Ser badges $99 Sowaris a PHRaP % % 00 PM. » cm Become 2 wm of Goff Neues = Bongteos. J A and Soe Bulls geod pet. They ast! eps ooo VS eee. Phillips Jor Smee by smd Sewgh meg PE Gesrpe Wiese, sod 7 Whiter on 5» meet Se Sa md F 24 2 Tork vs Watt a Spiny pemmoally wih sfc] The sell of Se woe a Spt Sele DR deficz 3 oper I]. 3:5 PM. BAULEY ence to Kenmecd, She spenier endoderm -- -- welt goeume Sey wid seme prot Espen iVS rennin Hamilton of Emmet prod guifes bd] Fer Cooler --O Sade 8 3 Ise Dr Bootie enpiasined = = 0 mm YS ee -- Fowlia Ends, esifertior of ches be] MOA Buller ME FJ Cages She Set Sut Depden was deine ex _-- -- Wednesdry, Jonuary 15th 2 5 Setwmghy ging bmesty smd dewu-iD C Dingwall 16 EA Klee IT cepa wef for S 7:00 ™M. Ser Bospiital, amd . ay Sum S heme atid puencs. His spies fT 4 Milks 38 A. Phen 5 A J Rew i paing Sis Sennch special, |] PR iil Tow Taylor a " = dd eden amd ms _ devation i hs BE T Poet 2 J Somer dh 2 3 _--e_ vg McRae cme 3» Sor her wm EiWisen INN. W. A Wien 48 C J Now & Se begs wus of sh . Sa 3:00 PM. -- | Wrighe mm vial cmcers, wiy Se nedadey © aoa - Holtrof Scripture of oeefort 20d 38] Sel Tratees--J E Swe 100 jowagnds, why Se seeror. aod 4 (ae Tr m= Smith monies, Se Hymes od prgersiE Bosgleeys IE J A PE IR why She might culls Why met Bae -- -- Thuile, January 16% -- . uifress of mited to pedwely Witwer 38, Win TR, I ie Se mies 2 Sar com | - 7:00 PM. Sng and beatified service lo wighe 8 [== ad called 3 clipes meeting 1 Safle --_-- eee eee. Foulle Cinir sung besetifally, abd: IE is mot too hte yet for Sects! * 2 Afkens TN -- a Watt acrompasied by Mr HE Comer to call 2 meeting aod pet the slime J crgamist. | VAN BORNE ELECTIONS _ |g information from fhe mfpmes! [| Mezgisen ERE sean, pall besrers were chums of The Resriest wate ever polled in SOWTCES for 1 zm certain the hosp 2 Pamitom 1 'vg iF _; o . Phillips and 3 mprsestaion frami. Township was poled en Monday Hal board would only be too plessed -- -- Friday, J-nu3ry 17th en = Cotimation School was 2is wien the election for Beeve and 2° Zive 2B data T00 PM. a the service Come Sik ul y Heth Wiie A rumor was circulated >mong 1 MR ---- Fm oF Noo. Dun Beavers wore Fred Asem lo oo be year, was relected ihe volers that the Mill mamege- 2 Toylor ES SL --. Phillips Berrey, AR Bervey, Bruce, voor J. E Guthrie by 3 major. ent was looking towards a eut in 9:00PM. alegs Collen, Bob Dougles, Oucar Swan- By of six The Councd dlecied is the assessment ths year, _thos 2 Warren Saiz -- vg FR 1X3 Moggen BE Speer. J. Hatch, J. Gibson, A. Moore 2nd T3'sing the Town Taxes I Bave 1 Smith _ ¥S . ime YAH There was 2 profusion of beanti- ¥ made it a pont to investigate this' _Saturdsy J 243 5 he ii J Ready. Eo = E-- 3 ; 3 a -- -= E-Sat 7 -January 13: - ~ --- Soral zhutes from: the folly: The following is a list of eand'd. Tumor and find it to be absolutely' 7:00 P.M. ather and Mother, Mr an'y and the votes they reccived: Izlse and without foundation. I. 1 McRae TEL Bai Aken . A. Wilson, 2nd Grandma "For Reeve--H. - Wilde 43; J. K vonder if the party who is tring 2 Hehwef = 7% tees Taylor Mrs S. L. Groves, Winni ~uthrie 37 fo stir enmity between the Mill and 9:00 P.M S. Swanson ard famiy }™ "CU oT Croan" ma: the Town knows that the Ml is 1 _ Fowlie VS=p pat TEN Swgeamer Mrs A. Paterson, Mr and] For Counclllors--J. Hatch 58; % paying approximately fifty (50) per. 2 Skillen ____ Tx; oo Winterbottom Mrs Orr, Dingwall Motors, Mr and]Hi- Gibson 56; A. E Moore 52; Jos. " : op 'moves ! y AIS " Ready 44: C. C Pilkey 49. cent of tae oi F | ewTImTem oe ------ = I RTT IRN I Sd Mrs . P. Gordon, Mr znd Mrs D.§==2°7F =% y I we had a cit'zens meeting, it jastinct them} 3 McKenzie, Mr and Mrs B. Bla'r, Mr§---------- or might be interesting to hear wny less there is co-operation and real] "occ 'hem in their duties. and Mrs R. J. Pronger, Mr and "Mrs ; Fields, Mrs Ankney and Rhes, Con- -- tinpation School and Mss Lucas & Star Chapter, "were installed for 1930 The sympathy of the whole com- held recently. NEW CLUB FOR? RED some who have practically no inter- A pew Badminton Club has beer est in the Town, have been 50 in- JJormed by a grup-of he youuser terested. set. An organization meeting was Much the exception w former Games will be played years the platform bas been con- e followng twice weekly on Wednesday and spicous by i absence. No issue of N= Wor: Bro: Wm Jones, munity goes out to Mr and Mrs prog. ic from 4 to 7. Several great import before the Wilson and relatives Sox the SOTTOW- bers are stl required to make election Yet the ra'epayer mast ful experience through which they _ jc emomgh Clsh. There wish remember that he or she has an n- SE . Deal of Cli i i ford = ing to qualify for memb rship wi vesiment totalling $212000. in d= Hesse communicate wih Miss M1E- beatores and that there have been a : McGomegzl, Secretary, or J. great many complanis of late with Aken, President some of our public wiiit'es, and =n- Boyd of everrome Mrs Roy Bod, gs Ox- Clifford, who was aecidently Killed by 2 falling tree, Thorsdsy of kat week, at Ondr CEford. wie was only years old was wih his forriem father when the aocident heppemed k appears that Mr Boyd lad just ot the tree down and in falling &, took 2 sodden whirl to one side, striking the lad on the head, and causing death instantly. : Clifford who attended the Oxdrift 8 cho was a favorite with the young 'folks. He was a member of the Bw and Trail Rangers groups and a faithful member of the Sunday | School of the United Church at Ox- drift, and interested in all its act- ivities. The funeral service was held from the Community Hall, Oxdrif, Sun- day and was the most largely atten- 'ded ever held there. Rev. J. W. | Howes, conducted a very beautiful service, following wh'ch the remains were conveyed to Dryden, where in- ternment took place. at Dryden Cemetery. The pall bearers, all pals of the deceased lad were:-- Stanley Cook, | Allan Skene, Ray M'Tavish, Kenneth Browning, Tom Amos, and Alfrad - Pollard. : : AAA AA AAAAA A a -------------------- : RNIN TOR INA I gn mixes s readily with milk, n this way toiniants and very 20-02. Size, $1.00 i ©. 0 8 A A Et CSR IEA RRR rmNAS SANITRIN §-0z. Size, S02. Dryden Pharmacy, Lid. hah a) WANN ITINTR. EN i criticise their work and on ogcason team work between the Mil and Town and members of the Counc], the taxpayer will suffer and particu- larly the heavy taxpayer. Having no Board of Trade or Rotary we are entirely dependen: o 14 the foresight of initiative of thei | Council to deal with questions ozly pertaining to the Town; but t¢ the District as well Yours truly, D. G. DINGWALL. not Knowing this, any serious crit. icism applied in the future on the score of 'moompetenca or misadmin. istiation 1 Mun ec pal affairs, ghonld ba levelled 2; public indiference. PHILIP W. CARR JRYDEN- BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday, January 12th, we Prechode Changless Christ fo A Changiess Age. 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 am--Momn'nz Worship 6:50 p.m.-- Gospel Service. Subject "A YOUNG WOMAN'S SONG ix oF Editor, Oryden Observer-- Ed:lor,--The tumul ¢ and the hou iig dies, having cand per. baps a review of the political situa. tion might not be untimely. It is] very much regreited that a rather unsavoury group with their seci=t: meetings and insidious propoganda,' should, for reasons best known to} themselves, have so influenced the electroate as to produce the collec- tion which we refer to as a Town Council. Most of us realise that our own livings, and in fact the life of the town and much of the surrounding . d'strict is dependent entirely upon the cont'nued operation of the Mill; vet grant'ng the fact that the Mill; supports our families the rosult of recent Municipal Elections tends to} show that, we as employees, do not } rec'procate to the extent of support.' ing the Mill It has been openly stated during the past year or so, that a ccrtainy. I'ttle clique are, to us2z a coloquisl. ism, irving to ron the town. Grant. ing that ths is true, my per-onal feelin would be rather to trust my destinies in the hands. of_ honest gentlemen than to the tender merc. ies of a group whose deliberara_ tions are veiled under a kindly cloak of secrecy. I= pe2-sing 1 might add that our present Councillors are of their own cho'ce public servants and that the public is enttled at any time to { believe. AND SCRROW." Rev. T. E. McALLISTER, Pastog UNITED CHURCE OF CANADA, Dryden OXDRIFT--1:30 p.m Sunday School --2:30 p.m Divine Worship DEN: Sunday School 11 em. Divine Worship 7 pam. In these days of theological ednirov- ersy, science and philosophical spec- ulation, i; is hard to know what '0 Come and hear a modem man's faith worked out In & ceiies of sermons ent i: 2 "WHAT WE BELIEVE" "he first of these thoroughly ho) date messages will be on GOD Don't miss any of these sermons Annual Congregational Meetings Dryden, January 1F:ih Oxdrift, January 19th. J. W. HOWES, Miniat.r DRYDEN PARISH CHUB. 37 i DRY (St Lukes) i -- TPIPHANY ¥ a 1am -....... _ Sunday School ome. oo Holy Communion tom... ... Fvonsene WwW 2, TINY XE Boba At the Oshawa General Hospital ber 26th, 1929, to Mr and Mrs theott (nee Greta Autten) ol Dryden, a son, (Austin Decomb dM No Jormerly Keith). At Dryden, Ont... on Saturday, Janyary. 4th, 1930, to Mr and Mrs W. W. White a daughter.

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