a, Li little * bandits who robbed their home. An "said, er The Dryden Observ VOL. IX DRYDEN, Ontario, March 28th, 1930 -- = FT og eee Christ BeforePilats] Waldhof Notes THE painter of this piciure is Mich- | WALDHOF-- After a long silence ael Munkacsy. His real name was Michael Lieb. He was born in the litle Hungarian village of Munkacs § in 1844. It was only after he had' achieved _ distinction that he was affectionately called Munacsky by his fellow countrymen in loving rec- ognition of the renown he lad brought his native village. His childhood was of privation and sor- 'row. His mother died shortly after his birth and his father, who was a political revolutionist, became invol- ved in the war with Russia and was taken prisoner where he languished for a number of years in jail, When Mackie was about five years old when his father was condemned and sentenced to death. This oc- currence made a very vivid impres- sion on the mind of the little child --so vivid indeed that he used the incident for a theme for his first successful picture. An aunt and uncle adopted him, but tragically enough she and her husband were murdered a short while later by uncle took the little chap and ap prenticed him to a carpenter. Thi- life was distasteful to Michael and at the age of fourteen he ran away from home and wer to Ared wher he worked as a carpenter, but onlr enough to gain the bare necessitie your correspondent again feels the urge and here we are. It seems to me that we have just gone throuh one of those real old fashioned winters, however if signs mean anything, we are getting back to normal again. Since we havn't seen anything about our settlement 'n the Observer lately it occurred te us that the community might think that the reporter had ded or lost his head. And now to our pleasure and the chagin of others it appears hat he is still alive but very _----- Do you know what that means? Well gettin back to the talk a- hout winter--although it has been very uncertain, incidently it has given settlers a very fa'r chance to lo bush work and although the re- turns are not just what we expect- ed there is some comfort in t he fact that we have received a nearly fair return for our work. In spite of the fat: that conditions at times were very uncertain, this winters vosults will not be below the aver age of 1929 and perhaps may prove an even greater number of cords. Sleighing is nearly done ard 2 ouple of bright days will put an nd to hauling operations. And hat's that. Meantime the young people of valdhof have s*aried a Dramatic of living. Most of his iime was spent in art galleries where he studi- - ed and copied pictures. Due to priva- tion and hardship of living, he was taken sick and was sent home to his uncle. It is said re used to sing for his own comfort the popular song "Why Should I Mourn as Tho' There were no Sorrow But Mine." This shady and unfortunate ch'ld- hood left ap indelible impression en Munkacsy. The Picture -- The canvas was a tremendous size The atmosphere is tense and dram- atic. Munkacsy here resorts to the same device used by Da Vinci in his "Last Supper." He places the win- dows at the back of the room in order that the view of the distant landscape may bring, in some meas- ure, relaxation to the overdrawn nerves. Through these windows the highly charged atmosphere finds vent. The pent-up emotions of the throng are relieved by this artistic and. techmical touch. Munkaecsy knew his Bible, and nowhere in his acquaintance with it made more manifest than in this picture. He has grasped the ess-nce of this scene in a wonderful way, and has dramatically reflected the emo'ions of those present. Just as Da Vinci sought to fix the expression and gratitude of the disciples at the moment when Christ said, "One Shall Betray Me," so Munkacsy in this picture, seeks to catch and fix the action of the mob wh-n Plate "What shall T do with Jesus, who is called the Christ?" This question, which has come down the ages, continues to arouse cal emotions represented here. What is in the picture ? conscience-stirring message. Come early and enjoy the Service. Questions answered. Song ters, Solicitors, etc. Office on Main Floor, Donnelly Biock, Corner Matheson & First St. Sonth. Kenora Ont. PREVENT FIRE far as possible & wits Agent, Dryden the identi- * © well, | come and hear this soul gripping & |, musical enterta'nmen i lies of 1930." The cast will be prac- i i production MACHIN & DONLEY, Barris-| 1924 Society (some big sounding name) and they are now very busy making preparations for a big opening in the spring. We havn't been allow- ed to learn much, buy by all ap- pearances and the activity of the Society, it is going to be some hig surpriseing affair. We will re- nort new details later. Oh yes, Wwe nearly forgot Gust Gangloff and Miss Borghard refused to play sing- ALL over the Dominion, in some form, or other, will be on Wednes- day, April 9th, celebrated the glor- jous acrievements of the Canadians at Vimy Ridge and to keep in re- membrance their fame, the Dryden branch Jf the Legion will hold on the anniversary 3g the Hall a Grand Dance. No effort will be spared to make the evening one of the best held in the district. The names of. lades interested and willing to assist in the "catering Ww 11 be gladly received by Mrs J. Win- terbottom LEGION WHIST DRIVE-- = The members of the Dryden branch of the Canadian Legion have good reason to be proud of the Mill Hall on the 21st inst. a big success, thanks in no small measure to Mrs J. Winterbottom. who organized the catering, assis: ted by her committee: Mrs Andersou Mrs D.McKay, Mrs C Boyle, Mrs Stansfield, and Mrs E Anderson. Mrs M. Morris as M:C: fulfilled It was other highly attructions, it ir satis- factory to note, that about 100 play- ors competed for the four valuable prizes which were offered. The two first: prizes, free monthly pas- ses to the ever popular Strand, kind- ly donated by the proprietor Mr Marshall Bailey, were won by Mrs W. H Brownhill and Joe Russell, the consolation prizes going to Mr Buchanan and Pete Morettin. Taking advantage of a break in the proceedings, the President of the Branch, Mr Win'erbottom, an- le roles any longer and went and got married. The other evening . circle of friends gathered ag the | newlyweds home and if there is! anything in Good Wishes, this hap-} py young couple will certainly get, their share of the good fortune. a We are all busy wondering what kind of a new car to buy this month as soon as the roads are open for travel One prominent citizen went so far as to tell us we had no show, but we are not sure of the meaning of his expression & in any case, hope that this fellow 's wrong and we will "urthermore try to prove that we have 2 show after all. | ? Editors Note-- Welcome back to our columns. We've missed your contributions from Waldhof because we like them very much. Come again. --- ---- HOME-COOKING SALE-- The Junior W: A: of St. Luke's | church will hold a Sale of Home- | cooking at Pronger and Armstrong's Store on Saturday, April 18th from 3 to 6 pm. : «THE FOLLIES OF 1930V.-- Dryden Tennis Club will produce "The tically the same as that successful the Dryden Folles in The play will be held in the , Pulp Mil Hall on Friday, April 25. 'IN TRE MATER OF D. B. PARADIS, RICHAN, Ontario NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thal yz DAVID BENJAMIN PARADIS, of § the Hamlet of Richan in the district of Kenora, to a Trust Agreement creditors and tha; the creditors have appointed the undersigned te be the ¥ Trustees 'n the said Agreement. AND TAKE NOQCE that if you X 4 'have any claim against the said D. 2 B. Paradis for which you are entitl- be filed with the undersigned within notice, and after the expiration of dis Estate among the parties entitl- od to thereto, having regard to the notice. Dated at Sioux day of March, A. D, 1930 foie Fol- § has this day enter d in- ® with his 3 ed to rank, proof of such claim must thirty days from the date of this § such period of time I shal} distribute oN the proceeds of the gaid D. B. Para- claims only to which I then have Lookoug this "otst i J. J. SHILLINGTON nounced tha; on a near date, Mrs T C Scott, Keewa.in would visit here with a view to organizing 2a Ladies' Auxiliary of the Legion, He expressed his thanks to those ladies who had assisted by the loan of tables and to those who contributed to the excellent repast which re- flected the highest credit on them. The High School Orchestra provi- ded the tuneful music to a very pleasant dance. To the ladies and gentlemen who aided by service, and contribut=d the "eats" the Legion extends their very sincere thanks. PARTY & WHIST DRIVE-- A Mutt and Jeff Party and Whist Drive will be held in the Town Hall under the auspices of the L:0:B:A: on Tuesday, April 1st at 9p.m. Put one cent in the pocket For each two inches you are tall, And bring it to the party; But if you cannot come Please send it back--that's all. Prizes and Refreshments. Aprons will be supplied at door. Pulp Mill Whist Drive they held in the Pulp | Glorious Vimy Dryden Playwright Possibly there are few residents in Dryden that realize just what as- sets we have among the youths of the town. A play-wright was un- carthed last week in the person of Lester Pronger. Lester not only wrote a play, but trained the vari- ous actors, he was al-o stage manag- 'er, scene shifter; cashier ete:; ete. fond carried the whole affair over {with laudable success. His valued { assistants were Bobby Foote, Mick- ey and Vernon Pronger. The cntor- tainment was staged op Friday even ting for adults and Saturday after- noon for children. Besides the play various musical items were render- ed, and among the offerings was an item by Miss Shirley Pronger, whose song brought the house down. Taking into consi eration the i youth of the performance, the en- tertainment was very well done and each one is to be congratulated on the success. " The worthy motive which inspired the originators of this entertainment is also very com her duties admirably, with so many jover to the mendable. Apparently there was a desire to assist the Local Red Cross Society, therefore the proce ds a- mounting to $9:00 have been handed Treasuver of the Red Cross. The capacity of the Agricultural Representative's Cffice was taxed to the very limit, and we fear that should another such en: ertainment be put on at a later dats, nothing but the Paper M1 Hall will be large enough to hold the crowd. The Red Cross Society ackn-wled- ges with thanks the receipt of $9.00 from the youthful quintete, Lester Pronger, Bob Foo.e; Ver-on Pronger Mickey Pronger and Shirley Prong- er. A. J LOCK, Sec: NOTICE TO CREDITCRS NOT;CE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims aga nst the estate of John Finken, late of the Town of Dryd-n. in the District of Kenora, who ded on or about the 10th day of February, 1925 are required to forward their claims duly proven, to the undersigned on or before the 18th day of April, 1930. T= -- AND NOTICE is further give that after the said date the Public Tyus- tees will proceed to distribute the estate, having regard only to such claims of which he shall then have had notice. Dated at Toronto this 18th day of March, 1930. A. N. MIDDLETON Public Tructee, Osgoode Hall, Toronto for this week Fresh Marshmaliows 3-1b tia for 98¢ Linen Playing Cards Bridge Size 2 pkgs. for Tac Pe: FL 'Dryden Pharmacy Ltd. ~ W W WHITE, Sec.-treas,, _3 An organization meetng of t h e { was indulged in until early morning Bi POLICE COURT NEWS-- §\ All the defendants i} TENDERS FOR ASSESSOR-- ile Local Jas. P Dickson, Distric; Manager of the Investors' Syndicate, Winni- peg, is a business visitor to D yden +his weels. W.D. Bayley Here ms e-- Ww. D Bayley, M:L:A. director of Qnientific Temmerance Institution for 'he Province of Manitoba is now v.zXing go tour of Canadian cities & town from Ottawa to Vancouver. He Mrs Jas. O Gough has left for will be in Dryden Friday, April 4th Fort William to attend the wedding During therday Mr Bayley will speak of her neice, Miss Alice Gough, ji the Public and Continuation which takes place on Monday at j Schools and n the evening will 2d- Fort William. . {dress a public meeting, time & place {will be annovnced later. Mrs H. Cairns was a visitor from. The committee in charge of Mr Kenora for a few days this week. Bayley's coming to Dryden would D. Paradis. Richan, was a visitor urge upon all to hear this eminent So Howry heels lecturer; there will be no charge of 3 : admission, but g collection will ba Egan Ray and Arthur Clempson | taken to assist in defraying the went down to Porgy Arthur to see the { expenses incurred. The Subject of big hockey game between that city {the evern'ng address will be "The the Traill, last Saturday. Public School" Remember the date J. Shillington, Barrister from and be sure to keep it open, you Sioux Lookout, was g business visit- 1 will do well to hear Mr Bayley in or to Dryden this week. | his Scientific Instructing and en- }tertaining disourse. r Mrs O. H. Pronger is spending 2 "ew days in Winnipeg. Miss Phoebe Skillen of Fort wil' liam, Fas been the guest «f Ler brother Jack, for the past week. YN THE MATTER OF D. B. PARADIS, RICHAN, Ont. The undersigned have duly becn M Ms A have authorized to call for tenders and Found i Clempson Sore 'sell the following parcels returned from an extended visit to} Fngland and the Continent. i PARCEL No. [--South part of brok- en Lot 2, Concession 5, Town- ship of Rowell, Richan, Ont. and 1 log cabin located thereon. PARCEL No. II--South half Lot 2, Concession 4. Britton Township Richan, Ont., upon which there is estimated to be about One thousand cords of uncut Pulp- wood, ani about four hundred pieces «f uncut Piling; Pulp Camps located thereon, consist- ing of five large log buildings: camp stove, heater, tables and benches ete. PARCEL No. III--One wagon, one disc mower, one walking plow, three sections drag harrows. PARCEL No. IV--Improvements on Parad's' homestead at Richanm comprising large, well construc. E. C Popham, Barrister, from Ke- nora. was a business visitor to Dryden, Tuesday J L Parcnt, Quibell. was in town Thesday. Sunday, April 6th the Minister's Apn'versary will be celebrated. Special music by the Choir and 2 message on "One Years Ministery tn Dryden." You are cordially in- vited on this occasion. * | ; CANADIAN LEGION, B:E:S:L: -- DRYDEN LADIES AUXILIARY NOTICE-- -- jabove named society will be held in the Dent. of Aorcultue's Office, ted 5-room house barp (log), Pov.1 Bank Bulding on Friday, garage (frame), and log chicken Aprl 4th at 8:00 pm. Mrs T © house. i PARCEL No. V-- Large and com- plete pulp camp equipment com- pris'ng in part: cooking utensifs ' Qeott 'he district director of Keewa- 1tin will be present 'n charge of the { proceedings. Ladies interested ave haart le invited (whether relatives knives, forks, spoons, plates, of ex service men or not. cups for crew of forty or fifty x men: 5 used Swede saws and BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY-- frames; 20 new extension forms i Last Thursday the friends of Mrs for swede saws; axes; handies { Robt Tadley gathered together and cross-cut saw, lamps, lanterns; i paid 2 survrise visiy to her home pails, kettles, wash tub; 'small on 'Ta oerasion of her birthdar Al ' heate-s. numerous lengths ' of thor<h much surp~sed, Mrs Hadl y stove pipes, etc; ete. : war 1+ welcomed the guests and Tenders may be made on all or tables arranged for cards. These } ony of the above Parcels. A marked were enjoyed for 4 couple of hours, ~heque for twenty per cent of the when Mrs Hadley was proclaimed § amount ten'er raust accompaly the winner and presented with a each tender. beautiful floor lamp from her frie ds] Tenders must be delivered to the } chowing the esteem they have for nders: med on cr before the 12th "her. the recipient thanked everyone. day of April, 1920. Personal gifts from her family and : J. T SHILLINGTON, intimate friends were also received. Sioux Lookout, Oat. "A delicious lunch was then served, all 'Trustee. replete with a frosted birthday cake eS] TOWN OF DRYDEN ApPlications Wanted-- Shkl Applications will be received by the undersigned up untjl Arpil. 1st, 1930, for an operator for Telephone Switchboard. Duties to ecemmeince June 1st. The lowest or any fend- er not necessarily accepted. J. B. GIBSON, Towy Clerk Dated at Dryden this 5th day of March. 1988 hah ey san TOWN OF DRYDEN __ made by Mrs Lappage. Afterwards the rooms were cleared and te the strains of the radio, ete. dancing whey, all departed after g very hap- py evening. Nine residents appeared before Magistrate R. H Pronger ~n Tuesday morning in the local polce court to answer charges laid by the Depart- ment of Marine and Fisheries, nam- ely that of operating a radio receiv { ing set without a lirense. Mr E C eet Popham represented the government pleaded guilty. and with the remark that the offence was more from neglect tha, wilful. pose the minimum fine of $1:00 and costs was levied, which resulted in each of the accused handing over $5:65. ne . Coy | applicants are requested to be par- Remember 211 radio licenses should sonally present at the C a : Tenders for Scavenger 5 Tenders will be received by the undersigned until April 1st, 1823, for , scavenger for the year. Pur ticulars of duties required may be | -htained from E. A Kloss, Charen .of the Sanitation C ommittee, and i AE : ; be r-newed not later than April ing to be hold on the above dste in ist. They may be had from A. Yor Nor to further di particu- Tock, local issuer. lars. Dutiss to commences April 5. 'Lowest or any tender mot mecessir- {ity accepted. Tenders will be received by the un' J. E. GIBSON, Tow, Clee dersigned up to and including Fri-{ Dated at Dryden this 6th uF of day April 4th 1930, for an Assessor March, 1984, for S: S: No. 2, Zealand Township. mppu-------- J.owest or any tender not necessar- Coming Event--"Come out of the ly accepted. Kitchen" to be staged by the Dry. : V "den W: I: right after Easter. Wael S: S: No. 2, Zealand for further announcement, J : EB