Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 4 Apr 1930, page 1

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HOME-COOKING SALE-- The Junior W: A: of St. Luke's church will hold a Sale of Home- cooking at Pronger and Armstrong's Store on Saturday, April 18th from 3 to 6 p.m. me SILVER TPA-- A Silver Tea in aid of the Junior = == ment of the United Church, Wednes- day, April 23rd from 8 to 6 p.m. Everybody Welcome. VOL. IX DRYDEN, Catario, April 4th, 1930 McKay hag received word of the East. Below is reprinted the ac- count of the funeral of his brother James McKay 'and following this sad news a week later came word of the death of his eldest brother, Angus McKay, which occurred at Bracebridge, following a lingering ill ness. __ JAMES McKAY AT REST The funeral of Mr James McKay on Saturday afiernoon was most im- pressive. All aft rnoon, until the body was taken tothe cemetery, a large: gathering lined both sides of the streets. Hundreds of men from all parts of the Distriet, old boyhood chums from Draper, chums and com- panions of the bush and river, friends of the family, relatives, gathered to- gether awed by the suddenness of the end of life to one so full of life. The body lay in W. H K'nsey's funeral parlor where all available space was filled with magnificent flowers. Bur- ial took pace in St. Thomas' cemet- ery, Rev. Wm. Farmer conducting the service. The pall. bearers were Messrs Angus and Hector McKay, Ken. Crockford, Robert Crockford, Marvin McClennan and Ray Ruggles. Hoockeyists Pay Respect J. McKay Bereaved or 20 : ilar meeting of death of two of his brothers in the {which was held Tuesday Council Meeting Mayor Wood presided at the regu- the Town Council evening, with Councillors Pitt, Wright, Bail- ey and Klose present. After he minutes of the previous meetng had been read and approved accounts to the amount of $4,059.85 passed for payment on the of Councillors Pitt and were motion Wright. There were three tenders for the position of Scavenger but only two appeared in person at the meeting, as was requested and the tender of R. E. Barker was accepted on the asual terms, except that $50:00 be kept back until the end of the term. F.fteen applications were received or -the position of Telephone Opera- tor for the Town of Dryden. Owing MEETING OF CAN. LEGION-- Glorious Vimy ALL over the Dominion, in some form, or other, will be on Wednes- day, April 9th celebrated the glor- ious acrievements of the Canadians at Vimy Ridge and to keep in re- membrance their fame, the Dryden; branch of the Legion will hold on the anniversary a the Pulp Mill, Hall a Grand Dance. i No effort will be spared to make the evening one of the best held in' the district. #7 In addition to the Novelty Prizes there will be , draw for the Lucky numbered ticket. i The names of lad'es interested and! willing to assist in the'catering wll, be gladly received by Mrs J. Win- terbottom to the large number of applicants 'o consider and the fact tha; the full! council was not present, i; was de-! cided io lay this appointment over t11 a special meeting to be held the middle of April uesting a water Ine to the court was read and this business was also 'eft for further consideration. Tt was moved by Pitt, seconded by Klose that a regular aFowance of 190:00 be made annually 'o R. H. "ronger, Police Magistrate to cover The Peterborough Examiner ip re- porting a hockey match at Cambell- ford said in part: "Archie McKay, the smart right wing, had been called to his home in Bracebridge by an accident to his father who had been crushed to death by a tree. Young McKay is a warm favorite of all the fans and to 'he sense of his loss to the team was ad- ded the sympathy of all his friends here. As an expressio, of 'he sym- pathy of the Trent. Valey League and the big crowd of 1100 last night the Cambellford players wore black arm bands and at 'he beginn'ng of the second period the teams lined up on the opposite blue lines and the crowd stood bare-head-d and silen: while the referee, Edd'e Wortley of Toronto, ticked off a memorab ¢ min- ute, a splendid gesture of a hockey crowd's respect. The absence of Me- Kay disrupted the local front line." --Bracebridge Gazette. IN THE MATI®R OF D. B. PARADIS, RICHAN, Ontario NOTICE IS HEREBY, GIVEN that DAVID BENJAMIN PARADIS, of the Hamlet of Richan in the district of Kenora, has this day ener d in- ent, fuel and telephone incidental 'o his office. This allowance to start April first, and be paid quarterly This motion was carried. > In view of the fact that the Coun- ¢il Chambers would be required for 'he sitting of the Division Court the "rst Tuesday in May, it was decided o hold the next regular meeting on Vlonday evening, May fifth. The aeeting then adjourned. 3 --ee =] i REGULAR MEETING-- __ ; Sunday, APril 6th at 3:30 p:m: ~ A meeting of all members will be held on the above date in the Mill hall to make final arrangements for - the Vimy Ridge Dance. * A letter from the Tennis Club re- "WHIST DRIVE & DANCE-- A Whist Drive and Dance will be held in the Town Hall on Wedn~sd2y | May 7th, at Eigh; o'Cock p.m: under | the auspices of the L: O: L: There will be a Heavyweigh: and Fe-ther-! weight Contest; the admission will be the third of a cent per pound. | Good prizes will be given to both' ladies and gents. Remember the Big Night, April 25 at 8:00 p.m. THE DRYDEN FOLLIES Programme in three parts 1--Songs and Choruses; 2--One-acy Play 3--Noveity Skits--Singng, Tancing BEAN CONTEST-- Fhe Bean guessing contest held at the Strand Theatre las: week proved There was a splendid tomo: at very popular, over a thousand ti ks the regular meeting of the W: I:on being used. The contest is be- Fiday afternoon last and the prog- ing continued this week, and ti-ad- ramme in charge of the Committee was much enjoyed Musical dis ion to the ten dolla~s prize, a ; _ pass good for two weeks will be giv- A paper on "The Place of Music| = 0 ho family turning in the in «he school curriculum was ably most ticge's during the contest. All given by Mrs I: J: McPherson and tickets mu much appreciated Clande Stansfield, accompan'ed by Mrs Cooper rendered a violin :olo, and Mrs Hamilton favored with a' Miss Flavie Sovoie also rend-| -red a pleasng piano solo Mrs J: A Pi:. gave 2 clever readmg of Drummond's "Litile Bantise" and replied to an encore with anoher shor: recitation, an appropriate 'ake- solo. to'a Trust Agreement with his creditors and tha: the creditors have appointed the undersigned. fo be the Trustees in the said Agreement. AND TAKE NOY'CE that if you have any claim against the said D. B. Paradis for which you are entitl- ed to rank, proof of such claim must be filed with the undersigned within thirty days from the date of this notice, and after the expiration of such period of time I shall dist ibute the proceeds of the said D. B. Para- dis Estate among the parties entitl- ed- to- thereto, having regard to the notice. ; Labour, ! ground and sustained painful injuries i when struck claims only to which I then have; + off op curling. Refreshments were served by the Commitee and 2 most delightful afternoon brought to , close. MARGARET HEENAN THROWN FROM HORSE Ottawa, April 1--When her sadd'e horse ran away, stumbled and fell Margaret Heenan, daughter of Hon.' Peter Heenan, Domin'on Minister of was thrown heavily to she by the fiying hoofs of he horse. She is resting comfort- 'Dated' af 'Sioux Lookout this 21st}is not thought the injuries will prove day of March, A. D, 1930 28/4/11 J. T. SHILLINGTON MACHIN & DONLEY, Barris- _ ters, Solicitors, etc, Office on Main: Floor, Donnelly Block, . Corner Matheson & First St. i South Kenora Ont. PREVENT FIRE as far as possible gh five- : PREVENT nancial loss {Fis rigte- hed | FIRE INSURANCE ESM NE WITH } £. GIBSON, Agent, Dryden hh Ss i Bo : serious. _WABIGOON SCHOOL REPORT-- i Primer--Millicent Wright. {i Grade I--Dorothy Wright, Melom 3 : Harris, Maudel Smith; Viltor Smith. Grade II--Iren, Graham; Harry Graham; Agnes Smith; Robert Mer- ril; Elsie Neustrum; Olga Shushack Edwin Little, Hazel Wright, Flor- Edwin Olson, Mary Helen Collen; Emma ence Burns; Shushack, Erickson. Grade TII -- Peggy Hons.; Joyce Rhind, Hons.; Norman, Hons.; Alfred Neustrum, Hons.; Ethel Collon, Hons; | Eva Jornston, Hons.; Ralph Nord- i strum, pass 2 Grade IV--Hons.-- Carol Nerman, 'Bert Robinson, Helen Johnson, Ern- ie Ponton; Passed--Ted Johnstn Ponton. Grade V--Ev4 Johnson. Grade VI & VII--Hon.--Margaret Merrill, Bill Ponton; Passed-- Milko Shushack; Signe Melander; Bill Col- len; = Clair Robinson; + Knut Lund- mark. Miss BAYNE, teacher ably at her father's residence and it gd Armstrong, J% Lassie Armstrong, 3 Hons.; Alfred Melander, Hons.; Bert HY us; be turned in Saturday, fand on Monday, the winner will be announced. 52nd BATT'N REUNION-- wl. The sixth reunion dinner of the Fi'ty-second Bat:. C:E:F:, Old Boys wl be held ait he Avenue Hotel, Fort William on Friday evening, April 11th a; Eight o'Clock. Tickets as in former years will be $1:50. A good programme is being arranged. "he dimmers in former years have been very successful and this year nothing will be lef; undon= to bring the reunion up to the standard of others. Comrades wishing to a'tend should write C. Coombs, 52nd Old Boys' or A. Morgan, Presi- dent care of Canadian Rooms; May S:. Fort William «uch lent music NOTICE-- Secr-tary | Dryden friends were shocked to learn of the sudden death of Jas A. Caven, which occurred at the Gen- eral Hospital, Kenora night. Although Mr Caven had been un- well for several months his death was most unexpected, and on the same day as he passed away, he had received some Dryden friends who were in Kenora on the Jury. The late Mr Caven was the mana-- ger of the Oxdrift Co-Operative Store, here for a couple of years, after which he zssisted Mr A. R. Tiuichison with the manazement of the Tourist Hotel at Kenora, until recently when he was employed with the Northern Devecl-pment Dept. Mr Caven's business brought him _|to Dryden often since he left to re- side in Ke an i i t 2s i side in Kenora nd his death is fel fviofk. but. suthorities GW ar. Som deeply by a large circle of friends here. His wife predeceased him a- boug a year ago and no family sur- vives. 'He was 56 years of ag= and came from Bruce County, Ontario. ------ FIRST REGULAR MEETING-- The firs: regular rieeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Can dian Legion, B:E:S:L: wll be h id in the Paper Mill Hall, M-nday, April 14th, 2: Eight o'clock p.m. L:0:B:A: Entert?ins-- __ Splendid success greeted 'he eff-| orts of the L-:0:B:A:, which staged a Mut; and Jeff party in the Tewn Hall on Tuesday even'ng. The novel way of charg'ng admission by meas- uring the guests and cha ging one cent for each two inches of height, caused much merrment and the prizes for the were awarded to Mr H. Wnil> and Mrs B. Buchanan respectively. tallest and shor est The hall was crowded, there was an oveellent 'urn-out. Wh'st was plaved and the winners Following the cards delicious 'Te- "reshments were served and thon r commenced. The High yool Orchestra supplied h excel such exccl- wor *hat the dancers had no after wish to cease even hours midnight. To r Price on Evethrough & Conluctor Pip. reduced during the month of April to 20c Fneal foo: 107; 15c for the end: 20¢ elbs: 15c Tb Comper, & 20¢ for Fibs 37 Elbows all com- plete on your building wth a2 writ- tem guarantee for one year. Big Ime Ho: Air Furnaces: prices from $60 up to $600, to suit amy pUrpose © OLAF TSAKSON, General Sheet 2] Worker and t Met Heat'ng Contractor RITE TE TET TETHER HBRR Two Specials for this week Fresh Marshmaliows 3-1b tia for 98c Linen Playing Cards Bridge Size Olga Olson, Victor Shushack, Leslie ¥% 5 A) iN ¢ Dryden Pharmacy Lid. on Tuesday | | 3 2 pkgs. for Tac !THE above is the tenth in a series of messages that are being given inl the Taptict Church cn Snundav cven- 'ngs based on Famous Paintings. The reader is referred to the dos- cription as given last week for the history of the life and work of the artist of the above picture "fhe Crucifixion" like most of Munvacsy's work is done op a calos- : sal scale. for irying to depict scenes of such 'ntense feeling and tragic atmos- phere, but the fact remains that practically all of his paint'ngs dezl j With such "drasiic moments; and if he does not depict to the very fullest exten; the tensness of the scenes, he Ki as well in that directionor bet- ter than any other pain'er who has ever I'ved. It has become quite the fashion in later days to critic'se his {igg more and more. te 'declare that | painting of the eighteenth or nine i teenth centuries has excelled or n- deed approached in vividness of ex- ecution the dramatic and moving power of Munkaesy's. "Crucifixion" or Christ Before Plate." His back- erounds are black and forbi'ding. Like Rembrand:, his foregrows char- acters vU stand out in a blaze of ¥eft. Ir ths var ing, upon f which we are to think, his figures jone and , half times life-size. | This painting has created a pro- {found impression. I; was exhibited iat one time in Ham'lton, Ontario whare it was set off in a room by 'tself with heavy velvet draperies shout it and artistically lighted. The whele seti'ng was such as to cause a most profound emotion in the hearts of the behollers. Tha story is ead alls 'told that a sa'lor asked of the keep-': ~r somewhat breaihlessly "Is Jesus here?" On being questioned he said he came to see Jesus and, throwing ad . . j down the admittance price as he was 'direcied to do, he swaggered 'n*o the : : sont" Theva the: "pie : were: Ladies first, Miss C. Weeks; 3 el PP ture. was being ronsolation. Mrs R. Ray Gont's ved. As he saw it, in-tantly first, Mr S:ansfield; Consolation, Mr Ls] thereat od ha Set gowr, B. Bulhznanm, 4 chair before it, looking with 10% earnes; intensity upo, it. 1 a few moments his hat came off. Continu'ng infertly to study the figure of Christ and the faces of the oroup surrounding the Saviour, he "rears more and more reveren. un- #1 'n a few minvtes his face was in 'hic hands and tears were trickling hreugl After hav'n~ ave than an hone bof rs tho peiure Yo {iptoed ut of - to the keeper "My mother rz and see this. am 2 sailor and in my time I have been a rough, brt from this tim~ on |} preose to 'he better for 'he sake of Him and by the grace of Him who hung there on the cross for me" «The experi-nce of this rough sailor {could be dupl'ca'ed many times. - hv his fingers he baa a bv =a' urged me to come h 4 ! Some say tha; it was His life; s others His 'eaching 'hat saves, b: , Jesus lemonctrates thay it was His Atonement for we ave assured that "he blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son cleanseth us from all sin." Come and hear what your cost God. a sins He is sometimes critised _ A. Caren Di Th Guin | Well! Nats: B WALPHOF---{The genijus' who pre- tiated the ond of the winter last . ek was.just about right for once {again in our community things are {looking hopeful and like summer. Even the Lumber Companies are of 'the same opinion and have announc- 'ed thas after Apri! first they would not accept any rore puipwood. Note he first: of April date, this may be joke or they may be honost in their advertisement, in any case it is kind of hard on some of us, but it or not, from all reports thare h-s been more wood shipped this year than in former years, Ev- en some people travelled all the way from Dryden to enlarge our output. believe Mr J. Armsirong, former school principal here, paid us a visit recen- tly and was much impressed with the work Mr P. T Secollard, our teacher, is doing which promises most surprising results. very We have been able to get some in- formation in connection. with the :ovening of Summer amusements and if ice and snow continues to disap- , pear from the roads it is planned to. have a big op ming the second East- er doy. The young people of the Dramaiic sssoc'at'on are working like niggers to make thc dey and the play a th'ng never to be forgotten, and if you knew who was driving , them you would know just as your humble servant does that they will make it. If we are allowed to make a suggestion, we might advise 2 little advertising, becouse we are all anxious to get some of the de- tails. About Roads oe In connection with road building i, the District, we have picked un a few rumors, but since i; is only ramours we havn't poid much a'ten- ton. It is said that this year the ".ans-Caraia Highway from Kenora o 'Fort William will be completed. Of course it is surprising thst this has been done long ago. At least there are no; many countries in the world where a person cannot travel from one end to the other by pubiiz highways. It may be a good excuse tha: C-nada is a very yong country only latel~ disccovered. but mot of us are =' ck of this excuse and feel that some honest effor; should be os 2 have the highway complet- ed. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOT™CE 'S HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims against the estate of John Finken, late of the Town of Dryden. in the District of Kenore. ~he dicd on or about the 10th '~y of February, 1925 are required to forward their claims aly prcren, to the undersiined on {oF before the 18th day of April, 1 0 NT NOTICE is further give, that jater +" ~ said date th, Public Tyus + tees will proceed to distribute the j estate, having regard only to such claims of which he chall then have had notice. Dated at Toronto this 18th day of - | March, 19290. > "Coming Even' "Come out of the Kitchen" to be staged by the Dry- den W: I: right after Easter. Walch for further announcement : A. N. MIDDLETON | Public Trustee. f Osgoode Hall . 284 Toronte 19 REPORT, the ADDRE a FULL LIST OF and may be had on Room 409, Mont Sun Life Assurance Company Of Canada, A BOOKLET embodying the DIRECTORS' DENT AT THE ANNUAL MEETING and HELD BY THE COMPANY, is now available Sun i Assurance Company of Canada '0M 29 SS OF THE PRESI- THE SECURITIES Application, to Head Office' real 1 "C:G:I:Tr will be held in the base-

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