Sh er, a Tn rem Yor x DRYDEN, Ontario, October 10th, 1931 and who carried his hand, y "Good a handsome twenty, leaned -- "The Phantom Squadron" "(by RAOUL DE BOURLAIS) Chapter I. Introducing Dick Howa'd «What a rotten shot" The spezk- youth of about, and on his mashie dle aged man in riding breeches a riding crop in morning, squire, the Squire walked across the Ever- 6 sley Park golf links k's home. «Diek immediatly the way to his room, » said Dick and entered | > v led Regular Mgeting-- Council Meeting No important business was before the Council at the regular monthly meeting held on Tuesday evening. The usua] routine of business was quickly dealt with and accounts fo he amount of $6,346.91 were pas- sed for payment on the motion of Councillors" Wright and Pitt. A communication was read from The Kenora Teachers Institute is ; holding its Convention in the Dry- {den Public School on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, October 15, p.m. Silver collection. ~The Regular Monthly Meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Can- Locals Mrs J. N. Daiter and rvey, were visitors to st week. Ee Attention, Yonng Authors. Mr and baby son By request, beginning this week, Winniveg3 we will devote a column for the use of budding authors, so if you 5 have ever had a yen to write a,resume his story, and really see it printed, now j versity, a is your chance. Mr and M The first story we publish entitled dies at Manitoba Uni- B. C. Peterson, At the home of Miss A. farson the United} Church, "who retired 3 mx 5 sn Wednesday evening a dslightfal year-and-a-Half ago, after 40 years | niscellaneous shower was held in in the minisiry, died suddenly at 1 130] onor of a recent bride, Mrs S. O (o'clock yesterday afternoor. as wanson (nee Astrid Edgren) commenced the process of unloading to the accompainmen: of much, The Matron of the Red Cross laughter and merriment. Many love- | Hospital, Miss Cunningham, ae- 'ly -and- useful gifts were display knowl with ~ thanks, dona- and ithe happy bride respended with | "tio of vegetables from thel, Bruno Pet rson has returned to] visiting his parents from Melbourn "But I'm thinking of my wife." © "Well, I'll have to go mow, 'wards the station. Receiving the telegram from ick or had disappeared on his way! a to British. Guinea, ™: Sharp... 3 ; ntain- Moreover, valuable papers contal Sale of Work-- a word of thanks to each one. Aft- sing-song. The guests incinded the following rs S. O Swanson, Mrs O. Trotter,' s ries on Bible Themes-- following Seuwrces-- The School hat | adian Legion, B, E. 8S. L., will he 3 : el : the Squire read it. : It Hl - held in the Central Hot: on Mon © partaking of a delicious supper, | Fair, the Baptist and English Colonel Lockhart, the noted 1 day, September 13th, ot 800 p. the entire company had a merry . Churches and the Womans Aux- iliary of the English Church. AAA -- Ghosts will Glide "] don't expect they n trouble to , Whistle on Thursday, October 30th, come this far, anyway" said Dick ; {in the Parish Hall tom 8 to 11 at and Witches West Orange, N. 7, Ir and Mrs Alfred Pitt. at diss ss pe The W. A. of St Matthew's and the Misses Larson, Gough,| ¥ Ray gun had disappeared with hi i Bit go 8 ES 'Woeks, # and M. Reid, Adair, Lewis | a g The message requested Dick to 0 Ch i dwiu a Sale of Sark n Procter. Foolis' sud Flaming Another series of Sermons by, at headquarters as S-on as the gle River Schoo] on Saturday ng S : | Rev. T. E McAllister on popular DL {Supe 18th at 8 pm. Bible Themes will be preached in poss tist Church, beginnnig Sun- ""Guess I'll have to go," said Si. iake's W. A. Chicken Supper Messrs D.. W Scott, Thos. Stoft He Boptiet 3 pn Gi pe frees « = i we! : --{and H. Wilde made the trip to Dy- 92% a Dick, "I suppose they will make me, 1p. Chicken Suppeer in the Par. | 2 a the Hig a a. > D - follows--October 19,-"The Man With ~ chase the beggar. li sh-Hall, given by the W. A. of Stig. oo in ean firi g " the Secret Care"; 26th, The Wom. "Well I hope you find him," re-igke's on Thursday was a srlendid Pp advent Wn y an as Temptress; November 2nd- - plied the Squire sincerely. "By | success and. attracted a very large the. oa Ce "Job and His Troubles"; ih. the way, if war is declared, I wond- | crowd. Tables were well filled =z11 ad ond < met "Three Men who Seldom Go to] if the Yanks will bomb us here the while and the supper, wes in- Eo schon or die "other de. wh Church" 16th, "The Boaster', 25nd | at Winchmore Hill, =s we are actu-| deed an excellent. one, The -pro-° " thei th ie op ys "The Self Made Fool"; 30th, Who ally within the outskirts of London,' ceds were most gratifying rnd a' rover. tiic ests. of = ug Is Your Master?"; December Tih, and they'll certainly bomb London." {Stall of Homemade Candy in charge 3 eC. ry ge or Cp bs mouldering Fires" 14th, "The "Not getting chicken Fearted al- of the Girls Guild was also well | rs olratken at Viel? .new Tome. San. Wilks 21st, } ready, are you Squire?" laughed patronized. i "Man's . Dick. Mrs L. F. Chart:r & bab - Testament™; 28th, The wud "Oh, no," returned the Squire; llailow E'En-- _iter have returned io t Wept For ti nblie i pudnc Is this series. after visiting the the Childrens Masquerade, unier train leaves in ten minutes. Coming the watchful eyes of the First Dry- f = to the station?" den Troop, C.G.G, "Yes," came the answer, sp they 8 both walked out of the house to- Preliminary Announcemeut-- a 5: In Dryden United Church base- ment, Friday, November 7th, a Tea wil] be held from 3 to 6 o'clock, under the auspi-es of the Senior Ladies Aid. Young Peoples Rally __ The first church parade of the CSET and CGT groups was held last Sunday evening at the United Church. A splendid eon- gregation greeted the young peo- ple. The C.GIT choir gave a spec- ,ial selection of music, The min'st- fers address was on "The Great Ad-| venture. At the close of the serv- J ice Messrs Wilson and Pitt presen- .ted Certificates of Recognition lo, "C.GIT Groups, and cups and pict- "ures to the boys who attended camp & i this summer, New Society Formed-- 3 A United Young People's Society | has been formed to meet on Wed- § " They arrived there just as the train was coming in, "Well s'long Squire," said Dick as he got on, I'll send you the latest news while I'm on the job." (Cont'd. on page two). & nesday evenings at 8 p.m, The Kd \Cfficers clected for the season Wy PREVENT wore: Hon. President--Dr LH, Morison; President--Miss Blakeston; Vice-presid t--Mr Joe Russell; Secretary--Miss F. Barker; Treasurer--Mr Egan Ray; { Chairman of Comuittees-- Messrs McKinney, Froud asd Scott. inancial loss with Jom 2 FIRE INSURANCE {peo as wine b & GIBBON, Agent, Drydes SPECIAL Boo CER OEE CEE CGE Ram = Ld A Fresh Assortment of Best Grade Lowney's Chocolates At A Special Price The Assortment Includes -- --DMaraschino Cherries, --Covered Almonds, --Covered Dates, --Walnut Tops, --Cinnamon Sticks, ----Caramels, --Creams, in different flavors, ete. - 49°C ONE POUND for .... HALF POUND for........ kh! ty. B Blake. Winters, J. Wilson, E. King, J. Wilson, 100 Yards--M. Blake, J, Wilson, B. School Field Day Mercer 220 Yards--M. Blake, J. Wilson Results B. Mercer. : 50 Yards--M. Blake, J. Wilson, sR. Winters, E. King. ; Potato Race--J Wilson, B. Blais G. Vankoughnett. Hurdles--M. Blake, B. Mercer, Y. Standing Broad --E. Wice, C. Stan- field, E. Silver, Record ga Running Broad --Silver, Stanfield :Gammon. Record 17°11" hop Step & Jump--Silver, Stans- al 3 field, Cole. Record 344' 2 i Race-- L. Dean, J. Wilson, Baseball Throw--Silver, Stanfield; ! Ru High--T. Wilson, G. Van- Running Hig' n, th jes Auxiliary of t ad- | 8 . : ~ glooily watched the golf ball fying Te Tas eg The Qanat The Phantom Squadron' appears in| Miss F. Mettan has arrived from McMonagle. Record 250°6" Re 'through space. Dick Howard, "Haw hg ? 2 pam of a a ancther column, and will be publish-; Egnland is the guest of her Jbvelin Throw--P, Wright, Silver ; £0ug! hnett. E, Mercer. : the British Secret Service was 2a Se 5 | in ot ah ex.Serv- ed weekly, and is written by a stud. sister Mrs § V. Rigbey Cole. "Record 1286... .... "> ..} oh Cpen Events typical Saxon, with fair curly Ea jice he The Clerk, at the Eh es- BAL: 3 the Dryden Continuation | Pe 160 Yards--Gammon, Cole, Silver, | Bi cycle--J. Reid," R. Reid, J blue eyes and clean cut features. ; ; ? EEE" | school. Short yarns are best for, Miss Watida Weeks spent the 11 s-conds. ilson, % tion of Councillor Proudfoot was in- Sli : i 8 Es I miei 3 A b Relays sain 12 Pohm 30 2 "Guess I was thinking too' much 2 -|t structed to rdvise the Auxiliary rublication, so that the complete week-end imi Fort William. Vards--Cole, Ca=mon, Silver.) , Sy subly = A i y bout war, with United States and st ° : 3 story may appear in one issue. Fol-} 3 cconds, § lee 22g ilson- can De Jur ot say malinte, 0 tthat the Ejecirician had bezn engag- fow. this one up, through it is very | 440 Yards Cole, Gammon, Doud- B.- Blake-J. Reid, R. Winters-M. Bong jed for a pericd of three months and : pred - : a : ' Blake fear at each other's throats, one' antil that Liste was up, it would not interesting, and s-nd your contribu- MRS J. Ww. RIDD, MOTHER OF ict. 1 min. 17 seconds. can't expect to make a good shot be possible to take an 3 adtion. ion for the column to the Observer __MRS H, A. RIVERS DIES IN Potato Race--Silver, Wice, Cole. em > La gr anything gise" » The meeting then doce d Difige. } WINNIPEG Hurdles--Gammon, Silver, Wice, § CALL AND SEE OUR FARM s the latest news, Dick?" 2 i i Sack--Gammon, Wice, Cole. HOIT® LIGHTING PLANT, : : ' Ee Running High-- Silver, Stansfield,] made by Fairbanks Morse Co, Tog a voice behind him. Turn. Kenora Teachers' Institute, Con- Miscellaneous Shower-- Mrs Elizabeth Anne Ridd, wife © MB nes aa t DE ' ing around, Dick saw a stout, mid-' ; : gle, 4'8 3235: 00-- 'vention in Dryden-- {Rev. J. W.iRidd, pioneer diving of | Pole Vault-- Silver, Wice, Gam-! _ DINGWALL MOTORS, Id. . ---- i : Open Events Silver Star Chapter Dmee-- Ee Tr Silver Star Chapter, No 177, 0. KE, Bi cycle--Gammon, Rigbey, Baker. 8S. will hold a dance In the Mog. "Nothing much, except that United qo, 4 "47g, On the Thursday * result of heart disease. 315. Pps States refuses to recognize Britain 'evening there wil] be a Public To the strains of Lohensren's porme; officer and life member of: "R ie--Fori' iv. Fors ii, Forni onic Hal] on October 31. More as mistress of the seas. Of course,'np oi. in th. Pulp Mill Hall: at]vedding march, played my Miss 4, Womens Missionary Service of ii 2 min 35 seconds. i details latam. : ~ public hatred is growing in both 18:15 p.m, to which everyone in the 'eanette Reid, the company of gues's (h, United (Church, Mrs Ridd had | x a countries, from jealousy if nothing | munity "is invited. Professor F.|oroceeded in pairs to the tastefully (,pen 5 Jeading part in all beaches) Junior Boys iC. G. G. Masquerade Party-- clse." W. Clark, of the Manitoba Univers- lecorated living-room, the bride and f church aetivity. i Running Broad-- Turnbull, Peter-{ The First Dryden Troop C. G, G. Just then a boy came running UP, jty will give an address, the subject | he hostess in the lead. Besides her husband, Mrs Ridd js son, Whiteley. Record 143". will hold a Childrens Masquerads «Telegram for Dick Howard" Re «A Day in Rome in the time of| The room was artistically draped (;vived by two daughters Mrs Stending Broad --Turnbu'l, Wkite- Po-ty in the 'arish Hall on Friday cried and passed a telagram 0 Nero" There will also be several} vith pink and white sireamers cul- (p..) Hareld A. Rivers of Hollana ley, Baker. Record 7'8" . October 31. Watch for more de-- ~ Dick. "musical numbers by local talent. §minating in a large bel] at the cen- 'Man, and Mrs C. F Cadwell, of Gil-| op, Step & Jump -- Thiteley, | failed announcement, "After tipping the boy, Dick tore! tre. On a table a the window port Plains: - and two sons, D. N Peterson, Turnbull. Record 30°0". open the envlope, As he read it, Hallowe'en Tea-- stood a massive wedding cake (over Ridd, 200 Home Street, and J. Ef Running High-- Baker, Peterson, his face became serious. "Not bad | The Junior Ladies Aid will ho}d | fowing with gifts). Topping this poth on the Winnipeg High School jTurrbull. Record 41", ws. 1 hope" said Squire Thornton. a Hallowe'sn Tea in the United cake stood a miniature bride and oeaff : Baseball Throw--Whiteley, Yawor- PT Come to my house and! we will Church Hall, next to the Church, tl oe gust or uo a ski, Turnbull, Record 208°6". = 7 fie Surest Way read it over." said Dick. Dick 2nd OD Friday October 24th,: from. 3 te}°% 2 enalr 1aeing Sicaks, am Thanks-- oF Pole Vault-- Yaworski, Whiteley, Peterson. Record 5°8", 50 Yards -- Turnbull, Whiteley," fo Fight Baker. ; i : 220 Yards--Turnbull, Peferson, Bak- Har d Times "Record 3074!5. fp ive Yards-- Turnbull, Peterson, Specialized training "is Baker. Record toil the surest weapon agaimst Sack Race--Whiteley, Yaworski ban times. Robison Employers do met dismiss oe skilled "office help whes business Hurdles-- Baker, Turnbull, Peter- is slack, for the reason that they son. cannot be.easily replaced. Pototo Race--Whiteley, Yoworski, Train now so that you will Baker. Javelin Throw-- Baker, Whiteley, Yaworske. Record 97°81|2". __ Cubs Running High--Wigle, C, Wright, ! be prepared for an office posi- tion when the opportunity comes to you. Any temporary self- denial will be repaid many time: over by your additional earning power. AT. d Robinson. SCIENTIF. 1 TRUCT 3 Potato Race--C. Wright, Pronger, | io NEE 9 of ih rian a 3 ly direct - Lappage. § Pole Vault-- C. Wright, Robinson,{ { Wigle, ) Hop, Step & Jump-- Wigle, Lap- page, C. Wright. Running ' Broad-- Wigle, Lappage, | 3 2in i) i a Ww G s largest ¢ t B C. right : centro. Write for free prospectus § Standing Broad -- Lappage, ©. of courses. Wright, Wigle. SINESS in: ruction cnd @ high 2 of thoroughress have | in our Placement De- | ent annudily receiving | ore than 2.000 cells. etd Senior Girls Standing Broad--J. Reid,' E. Tayl- Monty. | Bus sor, J. Rurning Broad _T. Reid, B. Blake, ' Cortage Ave. at Edmoaton St. Ee $ WINNIPEG - Too Step & Jump--J. Reid, E. s of Reliance Schoel of Tayler, B Blake. e. Regina, but not cod- nected with other Success Cel- § Soft Ball Throw--J Reid, J. Mon- leges in the West) Basket Bal] Throw--B. Blake, J. SS Reid, I Haukeness. , EET ane ---- E 100 Yards--B. Blake, E Taylor PROF. F SIMONS 3 Shy. 3 | B: M-; Le: R: 8. MM ; 2 Yards--B. Blake, E. Tayler, | Concert; Violimist; Pisalst cnty and I. Haunkeness. 1] Privat, teaching for beginners 50 Yards -- E__Taylor, B. Blake, {| at Speeial Prices. Reid. i! Pupils prepared for highest Potato Race--J. Reid, E. Taylor, ; Diplomas & Coneszt Work. :B._ "Blake. || For application apply t@ { Hurdles--B. Blake, J. Reid, E.}|| PRONGFR & ARMSTRONG Taylor, Hi Music Stove I Book . Race--E. Taylor, J. Radi mr {T. Monty Running High--B. Blake, :E_ Taylor. NOTICE-- A horse belonging to Mr Perry- man of Richan was left with me last Fzll, and if the same is not cali~d for within thirty days after date of this issue, I will sell same for cost of Keep. LEC GCUP, Dryden, Ont, J. Reid Cpen Events : Bicycle--J. Reid, R. Reid, J. Wil-| son. or. Reloy--Form 1, Form 3, Form 2. 3-T.egged Race--J' Wilson, I. Dean = BR Biake-J. Reid, R. Winters-Mje=----r--em----eem = ~ Blake. 3 { 8 CHARLES SIKVER 8 : Junior Girls i N re t : Standing Broad--G. Vankoughnett : 5 Dryd jor gos 8 Mercer, B, 'Mercer. oe £Sall or write for appointments NOTICE to Ex-Serviee Men All those in mec@ of Fuel Wood Running Broad -- M. Blake," R Hop, Step & Jump-- J. Wilson, i £51 £. Mercer, B. Mercer. i for the winter whe are under s'Tam. Softbal] Throw-- R. Winters, G. ed circumstances can sceive it Vankoughnett, R. Reid. gratis by making arrangemeh's og sed Basketball Throw--G Venkoughnett with Comiidc KEM BDVE ¢