Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Wabigoon Star, 3 Apr 1902, page 8

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mem A - ah 2 4 Ll ; De00040¢000 26000480 0695048 3 LOCAL AND DISTRICT. 8 $080000400004000000a00¢008 ' PROHIBITION LOST. So far as returns of the prohibition .¥ote in Manitoba on Weduesday coud be learned prohibition has been de- feated by a myjority of 5900; i Miss Then. Kjos, the popular post- | Jiristress of Dyment, wasa visitor at Wabigoon on Tuesday last. The service at the English cHureh next Sunday will commence at 10 0' «<tock in the m~rning, not at rxo'clock .as previously announced. Frank Edwards and Chas Coombs, who have been operating in the Lake St Joe district for s2veral months for (Geo. McLaren, of Savanae, have re- turned to Dryden. Miss Pray and Ler neice, Miss Ma- Jorie McTaggart, who have been spend- -ing a few days in Dryden, the guests of Mrs. (Rev) Smith, returned to Wal igoon on Tuesday last. Mr. Stewart the night operator at Tache, has been transfetred to Ren- nie, Man., and Ernie \Woords, who fil- led a similiar position here last fall, bas been appointed his successor. The C. P. R. are replacing the sig nal board at Wabigoon station with an improved Piper double track signal ap- paratus, the "first of the kind to be in stalled on the C. P.R's western div- ision. The Star is indebted to Mr, John- ston, the well kncwn chemist and Tookseller of Rat Portage, for the handsomely bound copy of the Cana- dian A'manac issued by the Copp, Clark Co., of Toronto. The work forms a much appreciated. addition to the Star's library. At a meeting of Liberals of Barclay, held on March 26 last the following | organization was formed : President Wm. Quirk, Vice-pres. John Stewart, Sec. E. D. Ledyard ; Executive com mittee, Frank Meclntosh, W. F. Bick- nell, John McMillan. Before adjourn- ing cheers were given for Premier Ross and the Liberal candidate. - Mr. I. MH. Sangster drove out to McRae's on Monday last by Archie Wright's dog team, on his way to Gold Rock. Archie had rather a hard time Fetarning home, as on account of hav- ing the fever in his home, neither McRae's nor Ryan's would accom odate him for the night.- As the boy failed to make home the same day hel was forced to s! leep out all night at con siderable risk, Jor: want of a Tittle con: : sideration and forethought, On Tuesday last Inspector Finney Lef Winnipeg was in Wabigoon com- pleting the drrangements for the form- ul transfer of the post office from Chas. Leitch to John D. Aaron, who re ceived official notification of his ap pointment last week. Mr. Aaron commenced his duties on Wed. esday morning, and as he has also acquired + the premises from Nr. Leitch, Mr.and i Mrs. Aaron will vacate the old land: mark, ence known as "I'he Pioneer Store' and take up their residence. at the postoffice. Mrs. Aaron was sworn 'in asassistant at the same time. FOURTH DIVISION COURT. A sitting of the Fourth Division Court of the Rainy River District will be held by judge Chapple on Friday, April, 11th, at Dryden. ' The following cases. are set down for hearing at this court: M. E. Tynan vs. Peter Davie and Denmark vs. Michell. In addition to these there are two appeal cases from the decision of Police Magistrate Young at lgnace, viz: Tapley vs. Bu- chanan and Morton vs. Buchanan. 'These ate wage cases which were de cided in favor of ¢ the men against bu- chanan, who appeals against the de- cision. EASTER VESTRY. The annual Easter vestry meeting of | § St. John's church, Wabhigoon, was hzld on Easter Monday in the church, the incumbent, Rev. H. D. Cooper, pre- siding. . ; After the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved the wardens' report was submitted, which showei : Total cash receipts... $102.16 « 'sotal disbursements..." $88.85 Chon hand Li. $13.31 Votes of thanks were passed to Mrs. Sangtser for her services as organist and to Mr. F. Deacon for acting as churchwarden during Capt. Scoones' toexpr.r-d term. Mr. John Aaron waselected people's wiirden and Mr. KN. M. Fell was re-ap- pointed minister's warden Messrs. A ston and Osborne were el ected auditors for the ensuing year. Arbor Day was st apart for beauti- f. ng the cemetery. > "Tie churchwardens and Mr. J. Os Lorne were appointed to act with the cul ent as arbuilding committee to ¢ mpicte the church, Mr. Hugh D. Alston was appointed lay Celegate to the Synod. | Sor Ontario Voters' List Act. NOTICE 0% COURTS For hearing Appeals from Voters' Lists for the Unorganized Territory : of the Electoral District of Algoma West. TAKE NOTICE That the undersigned will bein atten- dance to hear appeals with respect to the Voters' Lists for unorganized terri- tory of the Electoral District of Al- goma West (now Fort William and the Lake of the Woods) at the following times and places: DRYDEN --for Polling Districts Nos. 26 and 27, at 10 o'clook in the fore noon of 'T'uesday, the 2gth of April, 1002. WABIGOON--for Polling Districts Nos. 24 and 25, at 10 o'clock 1m the forenoon of Wednesday, 3oth of April, 1902, DINORWIC--for Polling Districts Nos. 20, 21, 22, and 23. "at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. of \V ednesday, zoth of April, 1goz. IGNACE--for Polling Districts Nos. 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of Thurs.lay 1st, of May, 1902. BONHEUR--for Tolling Districts Nos. 15, 16. and 17, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon of Thursday, 1st of May, 1902. GOLD ROCK--for Polling District No.25, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of Monday 26th of May 1902. STURGEON FALLS NOBIT'H--for Polling District No. 19, at 1 o'cloch in the afternoon of Thursday, 29th of May, 1902. For dates and places of other Courts to be held in Electoral District see "Rat Portage Weekly News' and "Fort Frances Times." FW. CHAPPLE, Jolie of District Court of District of Rainy River. FROOME T. JOHNSON, Proprietor FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT RATES, $1.00 & $71 50 A DAY. GOOD & COMFCRTABLE ACCOMMODATION. EXCELLENT SAMFLE ROOMS. Bar Stocked with Chsicest Shaw's Hotel, ™ Portage ont. Most Convenient to the © C.P. R. Station. gros aris The Bar ig Supplied with the CIPAL Choicest Wines, Liquors and BSL Cigars, The Table board is ex- PLACES cellent and the Bedrooms clean Ok THE and. Comfortable- TOWN TERMS: --$1. 00 to $2.00 pet Day. F R E ol H W. A. Shaw. P'ropr. | a B | Buns Cakes Pastry E- '|R D Candies AT IRE, ve STAR Bakery THE BIG MASTER VICTIMS. ' yr + | The following account of the condi- tion of the victims of the explosion at the Big Master mine has been receiv-| ed from the Winnipeg General Hospi tal per Dr. Denmark, who is in daily attendance on the patients: The men are doing us well as could he expected. Drs. Blanchard and 'Harvey Smith, the eye specialist, are attending them. 'Fhey have a special nurse and everything possible is being done for them. St. Amand will lose|' both eyes. and prospects of his having m ch use of lower jaw are poor. Archibald is doing well, will probably lose both eyes. Spiers has one good eye, will lose .the other one; he has a compound fracture of outer angle of orbit, but is feeling geod. Robinson has a chance of having both eyes saved and is d ring well. CONSERVATIVES AGTIVE. 'I'he regular meeting of the Wabi- goon and Gold Rock Conservative As- sociation was held in the clubroom at Wabigoon, on Tuesday evening and| the the results As the date was well attended. Ihe work of past month was reviewed, being very satisfactory. J of the election is approaching special Ty will be held from this date. "op Was very pe could E hardly getabout the house. I was » § tired out all the time. Then I tried # Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and it only § took two bottles to make Jne feel perfectly well."'-- Mrs. N. 8. Swin- 4 ney, Princeton, Mo. # Tired when you go to d bed, tired when you get | up, tired all the time. 8 Why? Your blood is im- ure, that's the reason. ! You are living on the border line of nerve ex- f haustion. Take Ayers [ f Sarsaparilla and be § | 1 quickly cured. {iagne ; Ask your doctor what he ake of Ayers A Sarsaparilla. He knows al Jatoms tis apd § i old family medicine. Follow his: advidennd: gf we will be satisfied. I y J.C. Avzn Go, 1owel, M Mass. Hd DEACO N ji abigoon --a-- \ Marr Blois PROMPTLY EXECUTED WAR BETWEEN GERMAN aNp CANADIAN | Harness ! . Repairs (Al ways on hand 1-in Lines - $3.23 Gola sm SHELF AND HEA vy HARL RD wA RE Dryden Hardware Store S. B. BLACK EASTER SERVICES. Rev. H. Di Cooper preached on Easter Sunday in the morning at Din. orwic and in the evening at Wabigoon. At the evening service the Rev. gentle man, 'preaching from 1 Corinthians iv. 20, reminded his; bearers of the ines timable blessings accruing to: man- kind from the resurrec tion, "this crown- ing act 1s the Alimighty's plan of sal- vation, and exhorted his hearers not to neglect this incalculable act of grace and mercy. Special Easter hymns were sung, Mrs. Sangster presiding at | the organ. Rev. Mr. Smith concucted service at the Methodist charch in the evening and preached an appropiate Ahi to a large congregation. 'The music was very hearty, the accompaniments be ing played by Mrs. Hunt. Read thre Star lish immigrants, The Davidson Co. LIMITED, GENE RAL MERCHANTS. --~= MINING SUrpnins o-- z= Hamilton Powder Co. - LASSIDY Goods - Groceries . Ready- made Clothing Boots and Shoes Crockery = - - Hats and Caps Glassware = Provisions . Large stock of Cured and Fresh Meats always on hard Highest Prices paid for I'RTS H BUTTER and EGGS and all kinds of Farm Produce ITighest market price paid for [11D] CASSIDY &£ son i SHEEPSKINS and RAW FURS DRYDEN Yin Re { Porta 188 AN EACTURERD OF sash, BD 2 ge ZT TT Doors, Outside oe nd Lumber Co, Lid, RAT PORTAGE. and Inside Bimes, Fly Screens; Staireases Bet And ay kinds of inside finish, ~ .* Orders from outside points receive prompt Btfontion e.g LA 4 ANOTHER ACCIDENT The second section of - the delayed express fromthe east, consisting of '| 15 cars which was crowded with Eng: broke in two Barclay on Wednesday morning, then the engine broke down necessitating a delay of nearly 4 hours. * Finally a lo- comotive from Eagle River, which was wired for came to the-rescue and pull- ed the tram out at 1 o'clock. During their enforced detention several hun- dred of the pas engers inva led Dryden and were much impressed with they ¢ saw in this thriving municipality. near NEW DIOCESE. THE The episcopal diocese of Keewatin, with the bishopric see at Rat Portage, will be created at an early date. The boundary of the new diocese will be from Whitemouth on the west, runn ing as far east ys Dexter down toa point at the mouth of River Severn, along tke shores of James and Hud- son's bays to Fort Churchill, thence by the Nelson river and Lake peg to the Winnipes river. It has rot heen decided who will be appointed to the new bishopric, but the ch ice will probably be cither Bishop Newham, of inni- Moosenee, or Archdeacon Lofthouse. --Rat Portage News. The entertainment given by the school children of Dryden on Good Fr day evening wasa great success and was well patronized by the parents and friends of the pupils ~The programme conssisted of chorus and dialogues in- terspersed with sclos by Ethel Hopkins and Hazel Soni, ey Frankish, Mai- what | rm pee n ET sy Fisher amd dure or Ta Oils Smith ats }illie Shackelton and Eunice and Alma Smith Katie Reid and Lillie Schack- leton also contributed a recitation each. An interesting item was a dumb-bell exercise by 8 girls, and an enjovable time was brought hn a close by a grand maypole dance. STOCK TAKING SALE Fur Goods Felt Shoes Ready-made Suits AND Overcoats ERMS - = a CASH J. E. GIBSON DRYDEN, CNT. Mining CONTRACTS Thos. | Armstrong MINING CONTRACTOR, is prepared to furnish Estimates on ROCKWORK, SINKING, DRIFTING Etc. Ete. : For all particulars apply to 'I'. ARMSTRONG; Sk: Chk Hoel, , Wabigaon Speight, VanNostrand & te BLUE PRINTS OF THE - Manitou, NEw KLONDYKE, "and the Townships of ZEALAND. VAN HORNE, SOUT HWORTH WAINWRIGHT & MELGUND. Maniton- Map, price $1.25, all others 1,00, At the "STAR" Office, Wabigeon, Ont. 4

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