Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Wabigoon Star, 9 Oct 1902, page 1

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AND DRYDEN, DINORWIC VOL. VI. No. 18 WABIGOON, 1502 04 R150 per YEAR FINANCIAL, The Bank of Ottawa, RAT PORTAGE - ONTARIO Capital - - $2.000,000 Rest ~ $1,765,000 A General Banking Business Transacted. Special Attention Given to Collections. Re: mittaices made on day ef maturity at lowest Tales Current Rates of Incr est Allowed in Savin hes Bank Acconnts of Merchar ts Tr, arlers, Manufa tur ers, Corporations and Individuals Tecotved on tuvorable terms CHAS. G. PENNOCK, a S. W. Rar c. W. Jarvis RAY, STREET & (8 3. Port ksthur = and - Fort Baniters, ; General Agents, Mining Brokers, Etc. General Banking Business Transacted Intecest Allowed oa Deposits Firs, LiFe, ACCIDENT AND MamiNG INSURANCE J. CUR RY Banker : is Ge CLB20L0s BLGOTEBS NSIT BEVS SID 050¢ ROBINSON & SRHGSTER, BARKI STI ORS, NOTARIES &c ity olde Special Attention given to the transaction of Departmental Worl So ir Orrices--\WaBicooN AND ToroNTO C. C. ROBINSON H.SANGSTER LL.B. A. ©yril Boyce G. H. Draper BOYCE & DRAPEF BARRISTERS =Ar-LAw, itors, Notaries Public, Et., RAT PORTAGE - ONT. Local and Distriet Solicitors. of the Canada Permanent Loan and Savings Co. ~The Bank of Ottawa. THOS. R. FERGUSON, Barrister, Surveyor, Convey- ancer, Etc, RAT PORTAGE - Cable Address. & Bro ker 14. R. BUNN, 18.8. HILL ~ Jengineers. Code. *Alston' Wabigoon. © Moreing & Neal's. Hugh D. Alston, WABIGODN, GANT. --O-- Mining Propositions Luspected &! Repoyed on. Dev lance W orlaSuperin- tended, & by Contract. Mining 1 beations Prospected. "| Exploration Outfits Organized. Terms & conditions on application. References exchanged. ALLAN B. MONKS, oA NING INVESTMENTS Properties Examined and Reported on ----OFFICES 35 Congress st, Port Arthur, Boston, Mass. Ontario SURVEYORS SPEIGHT, VanilOSTRARD & WA RD, Qominion & Onfaria. Land Sureeyers, | Braughtsmen, &c. WABIGOON | = ONT. Toronto Address, Roo D, Yonge St. Arcade, Toronto. HENRY. W. SELBY, ONTARIO AND DoariNioN Lawn |i SURVEYOR. Surveys, Examinations and Reports Mail ed Lelegraphic Order "li - ACCIDENT Bi MISSION 0 = . Successor to M. Kyle Ageut H. B. Land Departinent. MATHESON RAT FORTAQE P. 0. Box 138 ST., 'Correspondence Solicited MEDICAL. FLAVWHITE, 3 0. PHYSICIAN & DRUGGIST Office ond Drug Trove) io RAILWAY AVE. WABIGOON ~~ - - ONT. 1.8, Hillyer, ~ George 1. Hillyer, YER & Co., MINE BROKERS. Carroll Corson, Tenry Clay Clavk 'Mining Properties bought sold and exam ined. Reports made by competent mining © Assaying done. Exploring and developing mining a specialty. OFFICES © Mine Centr e, Ontario. Keystone Block Kk, West Superior. Wisconsin, Marquette Building, Chicago, Til, 53 New Broad st. London, IE C. Ingland., Gorreapondence invited aud promtly attended to. properties land asian struggling i sue. a very businesslike aspect, 1 BRIEF Fu In response to numerolls invitations to visit seme of the worljuy properties of the Manitou the Star summoned up the necessary «courage dnd again on Friday last traversed that ' Gold, Rock portage sw full of excruciating Nem. ories At Beaudro's Landing he was joined by a party from Binorwic' con- sisting of J. MN. Sweeneg, of Lietroit; I. M. Ross, of the ud Bay Co, and A. F. Botsford, and i it was asight forthe gods to see Sweeney and the | Star struggling to keep t their seats, on Smith's waggonette as tadey Wihne skillfully drove his team over the Hi esque of a government road, with Ross] ¥ anfully be hind. The Star had vo) ed that if ever he oe at his de sstination in safety no power on earth vould fake) him down a shaft, and Wi resolve cheerfully boarde Wm. Cross accompanied Ross and Botsford. Hi gan when the sont The! he sensations and ol occassion are rese "on this the Star impro ed is occasion by hurriedly inspecting the surface work, under the guidance of Paul Paulson, the eaergetic local superintendent of the company. Th: substantial appear: ances of t e of the offices, residences and miners' quarters give this property gpite in keeping with the extensive operations underground which will be inaugur- ated shortly on this valuable property. (On Saturday afternoon a flying visit 'was made to the Royal Scvercign apd the camps and other buildings were inspected under the guidance of Man- ager Palmer A short stop at the Peninsular re | vealed Tom Armstrong with his usual energy exccuting lus contract for sinking the second ff y feet. Tom is preparing for winter quarters and is starting the erection of suitable build- ings for his assistants. Before leaving for Wabigoon the "Star" while on his way to the Big Master, visited the latest contribution to the famous Big Master 'belt now abont to be developed. 'Thisis known as the Gold Rock mine, the newly ac- quired property of the Gold Rock Mining and Milling Co., of which the president is 'thos. I. Comerford, of REGO SEOOEOS WL ET @ ® FEA AES BOGORORO NT S GEA CECH oes ~& wr ~(& ASN fine Shore. : MAIN ST:, WABIGOON ~~, SN ® Uf HOw CO @ Hats, Caps and Furs. Boots and Sho 3 £5. NANA ATS 9 LL STOCK Men's and Boys' Ready-made Clothing : Dry Goods and Groceries Watches and Jewelery HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR ANY QUANTITY QF RAW FURS teen id IPLETE S oo Yo 0) FS : $ Gent's FF enhings @ Trunks and Valises 3 5e® R. S. RO I] REY SSN Aa ort ATL SCRA SRR BINEON DIRE tes MATHESON STREET. C.P.R. Depot). RAT PORTAGE (Opposite 3 RATES, $1.00 To $1.50 PER DAY Good Table Fine Liquors snd Sigars BIL i coon ------ J. BEAUDRO & SON, Props, the Michigan Optical Crp, vice-president, John B. | metal. De- tro1g, Mich. The most prominent feature in con- nection with this property is its. splen- did location, ation,havinz, as it has, about a mile of water frontage on Trafalgar Bay and Selby Lale. But apart from that a mere novice in minerilogy could not fail to notice the richness and promi nence of surface indications extending northeast and southwest across the property. At the west end of the Big Master big vein there is a crosscut 6o feet wide right through the dyke. Herve an old test pit was examined which disclosed nothing but solid pan ore. While there our guide struck oft a piece of rock from the foot of the pit, which a casual examination showed four instances of visible gold one of which was larger then a pin's head. 'I'he rock was no larger than a walnut, but represents a value of $200 or$300 to the ton,and attiacted a good deal of attention when the local experts of Wabigoon, excit- ing general satisfaction in the. district which could produce such Minstances" of niineral wealth, : On a vein of 50 fect of solid ofe ap- parently as highly mineralized as rock can be, a shofc will be sunk, Tom Price, of Gold Rock, the wellknown prospector and contractor, having re | ceived instructions to sink the first | Gfty feet. It was Price who did the | ing preliminary work of exposing the: var- and' ious veins, testing their richness by careful pannings, not one of which failed to show traces of the precious These results were fepor ted to isfactory confirmation immediately let the contract for the 'preliminary so feet. Mr. Sweeney has been quoted in this paper as having a predilection for low grade ore and large quantities. Ap parently he has succeeded in securing an unlimited quantity combived with an encouraging quality and Manager Pickering, of the Big Master, who more than once endeavored to enlarge his boundaries in that direction, con- siders it one of the most attractive properties in the Manitou. A call at the Big Master on Sun- day afternoon closed the Star's pere- grinations in the Manitou on this oc- casion. On Monday morning Man ager Pickering introduced him to the stamp-mill, where he had an opportun- ity of noticing the various stages of gold making from the time the ore en- ters the mill hy the ariel tramway to tbe point where itis ready to be re torted into marketable bricks. The process is as interesting as it is deafen- ing. 'The present run, iu is calculated, will 'be much more valuable than the preceding one, of $1,000 perday. Al- ready $500 a day has Leen taken off the plates; something like two thirds being retained in the batteries. So to total up to $1,500 per day when cleaned up. ; A Strong Aggregation. A. EF. Melaren, BM. P..: for. Strat- ford, oh oe 'the Imperial Gold Mining Co. ; . D. Jamieson, M.P.P. for South and Mrs. Jamieson; with A. Mel aver sce treasurer, Detroit; and A. S Gamble, of San Francisco; accompanied Mr. SV, Hal- stead to the Manitou on Monday morn. ing last for the purpose of examining the properties in which they are inter- the immediate vicinity. 1t is prob. able their visit will have an important | bearing on the future of the Big Mas: ter belt. On Wednesday the party returned |: to Wabignon, the result of the trip he: ing that three companies now ope-at- ing the Little Master,the Imperial ard Peuinsular properties have amalgam: ated. reatest consequence to the Manitou, as the new organization intead to op- erate on a scale of the greatest magui- tude. Further details will be re ady | or publication next week. Russell, Deadwood, S. 1); sec-trea-| surer, John pg Sweeney, *Deseoln, Mich. and commanding situ | exhibited to} that the fifteen days' mill run stands! "of | ested and viher mining propositions in | This step is fraught with the |, MR. J. i CURLE | 1S ANSWERED. | His Unjust Criticisms Ontario's Gold Fields Severely garding = Criticised. [Contributed) The epinion of an English expert on Canadian Gold Mines, given in the current issue of the Canadian Mining Review is noticeable chiefly for the manner in which this country is be lit tled as a producer of the precisus mes tal. Ltis certainly hard to Le thus traduced by ore, whose countrymen 'through and misap- 'prehension of mining methods, chiefly responsible for a.y | there is, on which to base the asser- tion "that Ontario as a gold producer is so far a failure," The writer ix question Mr. J. H. Curle, whose actual contact with On- tario's mineral areas can ony Le very (slight, is certainly wojust, and makes 'a sweeping assertion evidently without troubling to verify his swtement by actual 1avestigation. : The fact managed a fairs generally bungled cannot be tak- en to prove the goid production of the province is in any way at fault, merely a reflection of the way people, chiefly Lnglish, manipulate |properties in this country, mismanagenicit are ground that mines have been mis- mine i mn our | naglbeiood Utils come Wi iL continue fo do so mine successfully a deposit of gold- Englishen, this necessary, but start to work properties that if worked to the crack. of doom would not produce gold. Our deposits are as permanent in'no part of the worllare consistent throughout their entire length and depth and carry values that will pay under careful businesslike management by men skilled in the profession mining. of Injustice to con demn any mining region for the faults of the operators. It is a great Nature can instil the precious met als into sectuingly mpenetrable rock marter, but cannot infuse sense into some fur less impervious craniums, and because in this, a compuraiively recent mining catup, ties which in other gold in quanu- would be: profitable, is not sufficient to pay fr the mistakes camps and errors of certain op. 'erators therein, he deposits are not to 'blame, it is the general handing and. methods of ming tha shoud be de- nounced, more abig: We'on the ground are fur 'to place the causes 1 i of i fa average outsider, exper in financial m itrers, : we do in the midst of weal 'bother us but siightly, and coula des- 'cribe some winning ways of erator; that would cause stockholders a line pertarbatio 1, and explain untold mine' op - thie profitless Letture of many mining Je ler- | prises. i The almost irresistible in humar nature tolonk of person, irrespective of others, hus. a great deal to do the. non-suc- 'cess of enterpr.zes in a country fur frou. the source of capitalict used in exploit fing its resources, and if the person in pliable, the: country he favors with his presence is in noway to blame €or his delinquency. In conclusion, we must say that Mr. LCurle evidently found the pro- duction of Ontario too large a ques tion to consid=r fully in "the Lipite 1 time suzeh a busy m an would naturally [Continued on page 5] intitse atter the first all with i stalled Le too smooth or gold Re- and capital misspent and ate Tons. some. bearing ore-is required to operate oir. A good many people, mciuding some: do not seem to consider On. as. the general run of mineral veins, which. Vespa § ¢ } Gold certainly exists locally. One - oft. Ener

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