Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Wabigoon Star, 8 Nov 1906, page 3

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THE STAR, WABIGOON, ONTARIO. REFRESHING STIMULANT gee ERASER Reserve Buds. Every one has noticed how, when a \ | large branch of a tree is cut off, small branches will shoot out around the | ESSE 3 al Ll a stump. These branches are from the That is perfectly harmiess, reserve buds, of which all trees have a hecause itis abso'utely pure great number at every portion of their : surface. Under ordinary circumstances : these never come to maturity, but when the' tree is wounded or cut off ur loses some of its branches the reserve buds ; at once come into play and renew the | foliage. B ----_ "Yaguas." : hit 4 i Tha fragrance of Havana cigars is GC EY =O MN GREEN TEA yinparted by wrappings called *yag2 : The eld Roman charioteers, and heroes wounded by wild beasts in | +8" in which they are rolled. A yagua A Perfect Luxury to Japan Tea Drinkers | ih v 12 the now ruined Colosseum at Rome, anointed their wounds with sec- is the thin net-like coveri s 2 ot-like covering feund on ret balms, made from roots and herbs. Instinct tells us to rub a the leaves growing round he fruit of | Lead Packets Only, 4Cc, 50c, and 60c per 1b, At all grocers. place that hurts and in Zam-Buk the great herbal balm, 1s found the o ; ! : ideal substance to rub with. Zam-Buk differs from ordinary salves, the yazan palm aud is large enough to =~ fact that it contains no trace of wrap & bundle of fifteen or twenty cl- from any animal oil or fat. gars. 4 : Practically all makers of good ------------ ointment, etc, in the important any mineral substance and is also free Tt is composed of the finest herbal essences and juices and so refined that the most delicate skin can "bsorb it with beneficial effect. It is High Class Blacksmiths. '{ clothes in Canada use Hewson Tweeds. at one and the same time healing, soothing and antiseptic. It does In Saxony no man is permitted to h more, does it better and in less time than any other known balm. Use shoe horses unless he has passed a pab- I.ook for the tag that guarantees it for all skin injuri nd diseases. lic examination is : . , it for injuries a RE ded. ion and is properly quali PURE WOOL. WHAT ZAM-BUK DID FOR A MEDICINE HAT FARMER : : 0 A Mr. A. Whit the Assiniboia Hotel, Medicine Hat, says: -- "Some 2 = ; 3 hig ago I et severe abrasion on the leg and a fractured shin Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere AT bone. I did not treat the injury very seriously for shou' ive weeks, . ei h it bad, and I went 'into a hospital. AD operation was g obi ag EE two weeks' treatment I gave, ong As fat time thse Oren Culture: at . That Cou h the w not healed up, sO I decided to try Zam buf. was SO e fruit experiment sta jon a . ; : Be Lith 1 continued With its use, ond he woind Is oy Mountain Grove, Mo., has long tested which ordinary remedies have not reached, tirely healed. 1 only wish I had known about Zam-Buk when the acciden the advantages of orchard culture and a sk ield to : would have saved me many dollars and a great deal of ile onaition of crops in recent years i; will quic ly Y happened, as it prin' snd will continue this work, It has ] eczema, Skin diseases and erup- | v ) i 5 A Certain Cure FO {ions, ulcers, abscesses, boils. i been found that a crop which will cover J bad leg, chromic or poisoned sores, cuts, burns, scalds, scalp ! the soil during August and September . sores,, ringworms, babies' heat or chafing sores, chapped wil) be a great advantage. It is not ad- i) ted coughs--takes away 4 visable to plow this crop under until spring, for if allowed to remain OL the ground during the winter it will serve as a protection. hands, chilblains, sore nipples, and all skin diseases or injuries. All druggists at 50c a box, or post {free from the Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. (6 boxes for $2.50). Send attached coupon and lc stamp (ti pay return Hl post) to Zam-Buk Co., and free trial ; 11 be mailed you. FREE TRIAL BOX W.N.U. No. 608. 7 Tt cures those heavy, deep-sea 4 fF the soreness--heals the throat--strengthens the lungs. # er None the less effective because it is pleasant to take. ; Just try one bottle and see how quickly yougettid § v of that cough. At your druggists. 25e. bottle. 5 ¢ xm ; y v box wi COULD SCARCELY WALK. A Rheumatic Sufferer Cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. cutting Eyelashes. Rheumatism is rooted in the blood An eyelash is pointed. A cut lash is | --that is a medical fact every poor nti ede cut a : ? : very lash lives a | ee . a variable time and then falls out to be 2. al : Eons replaced by a fresh one. When a cut cannot possibly cure rheumatism. | lash so falls the newcomer is pointed. They are a waste of money. and while | So any mischief resulting from cutting panquet in honor ou the delegates to the sufferer is using them the disease i] lashes will be remedied by time. the international wireless telegraph gow the Drug Is Extracted From is siendily growing Worse is slowly Or differ as to whether lash cut- conference. Mayor Kirschner presid- the Wood of the Tree. { but surely taking a fre? Sion upon | ting promotes growth. That 16 renders od and toasted the delegates, saying The camphor laurel, from vhich the foe A po the lashes unsightly is very cerfaia that the civilized world was watching greater part of the camphor of com- |g hi er aT he oo hab the proceedings of the conference| merce is produced, is a native of | ous acid yy driven a 0 with the keenest interest, and hoped | China, Japan, Formosa and Cochin- Williams' Pink Pills actually "make that its results would benofit all man-{ China, It is a hardy, long lived tree ; new blood and thus cure rheumatism. kind. Ji and sometimes grows to a great size. | Every dose of these pills helps to It has evergreen leaves, yellowish make new rich red blood which white flowers in panicles and is a [Sweeps the poisonous acid from the very ornamental tree, the trunk run- | system, loosens the aching joints and ery ormamental, 1e8, (05 emty or (uncles 0d, EES LE Menon thos oy eet before . branchiss. , The | who can bear witness to the truth of fruit is very much like a black cur- | these statements is Wiss Dorsinal, rant. N Langlois, of St. Jerome, Que., for ; In the extraction of camphor the | weary months she suffered from wood is first cut into small chips, and | rheumatism and had begun to think the chips are put in% water in a still she was incurable. "I could not : i eli 8 | ana steamed. The head of the still is | straighten up' says Miss Langlois, fo , ; | Gilead with straw, and as the steam | My limbs were almost useless, sO Hammer blows, steadily ap- 8 carries off the camphor in vapor it | stiff were they. For many months I 8 ! 3 : se : endured such pains as only rheum- plied, break the hardest rock. fi | is deposited in little grains around the atic sufferers can understand. Al- i Coughing, day after day, jars traw. i | i ; Lk : ; _ | though only thirty years of age the ; + The erude camphor is then heated '. gufferi 1 dured act and tears the throat and lungs 2 | sutfering 1 endured" actually mady until the healthy tissues give § The New South Wales gambling suppresion law has been passed, and is now in operation. . : ra------ The municipality of Berlin gave a THE CAMPHOR LAUREL. HE, 15 - Jewelled "Ry : Bros. Movement of this | 7 dd il $25 watch may be had in § 0 ned either closed or open face 14k. | gold case. Underwear for Women Aside from the fact that you can get any weight--and just the right It carries a full guarantee as to its accuracy in fime-keeping. in a vessel, from which the steam is me look like an old woman. I used allowed to escape through a small liniments and tried several medicines Precisely the same excellent nt se ay omen ave | hi Ce Be Sn atte | | ln Soro Ryo pee he | stops the coughing, and heals § | ufacture of camphor the tree is nec- | directed to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.| RQ case will be sent postpaid for AL point to be consigere } the torn membranes. | essarily destroyed, but by a rigid law Le Viki in ml the H $15. se i . § | "Ialways keep Ayer's Cherry Pectoral In § of the lands in which the tree grows they were helping me. Little by | ; Drop us a postal card and we will fe 9 ony o ase, It gives perfect 1elol, have ; another 18 planted in the place of every little the pain began to go, and the ll send you free of charge our large tllus- a e S mba It Ire ress mel SB one that is cut down. The wood i8 ctiffness to leave my joints. I con-| ¥ trated catalogue. 3 ~ burg, N. Y. i highly valued for carpenter's work. | tinued taking the pls for several | B ee Knit" 8 fos : Camphor was unknown to the months when every symptom of the . 3 3 raro nani ; 3.5.0 Ayer On, Lowy Man. B| Greeks and Romans and was first trouble had disappeared. I have mob RR: i A 9 SARSAPARILLA. brought to Europe by the Arabs. felt a twinge of rheumatism since, \ i a» i Fr PILLS. and I bless the day Dr. Williams' . : ; gf i B A é€ HAR VIGOR. 3 ; Pink Pills came to my notice." 1 yu a ] OR pre Signals of Danger.--Have you lost| Dr. Williams Pink Pills never fail , am} i It holds its shape. . It is ¥00 Blilousness, constipation retard ro= | Your appetite? = Have you a coated | to cure rheumatism because they go / . A } art mkeble The aalitrovtile R. x -A°.O-: i ; . blood. That is why these pills cure ear taste In the mouth? Does your head all the common ailments due to poor shape or shrinking, never happens R + * to these faultless garments. h 66 How' ache and have you dizziness? If 0.) and watery blood, such as anaemia, LV. 4 S Your stomach is out of order and you headaches and backaches, indigestion, need medicine. But you do not like neuralgia, St. Vitus dance, general Gowns fit their best when worn over Truro Knit." At least, SEE «TRURO ] covery. Cure these With Ayer's Pills«| tongue? Have you an unpleasant right to the root of the trouble:in the Je ' of Underwear stretching out of wont, Ont. | | : | | Te that prefers sickness weakness, and the aistressing irreg- When you buy % $1] EX qn. ; medicine. In : x Your Stomach to 'medidinet must suffer, but under | ularities that afflict women and grow- the 'eircumstdnices a wise man would | jing girls. Ii you need a medicine Cr FETS : : Ro i : : procure a box of Parmelee's Vegetable | you will save money by taking Dr. WEOTHES : sy 3 Ny > a desler has ft orp 5 is the way people in China say | Pills and speedily get himself in | Williams> Pink Pilis at once. See ; en AR Bet jtforyou. :' . os -B'. | "Good Morning." The greeting of | health, and strive to keep so. that the full name Dr. Williams' you wang eq ' i ; i almost every nation is an inquir SLE Pink Pills for Pale People 1s printed complete | V2 y . qury 2 on the wrapper around every box protection S after health. The Chinese have the now Bees Gather Honey. Sold. b diate Sealers or by and long root of the matter. A strong stom- A bee gathers honey by the aid of j 55 oy 55 cents a box or six boxes| im, Service. 3 . . i ye AY \ 664 7" cil ach is the foundation. Look after its "trunk," "lower pf or tongue," | jor $2.50 from the. Dr.. williams' | | iaer a Arg this organ and the general health a a Ee i, Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. are combined in : cares for itself. Man is so consti= 4 ol a he! + : Tia ! TO? RS Travel is the Acme of tuted it cannot be otherwise. It is engue" of 8 bee i§ ToL, A3 was once A Lengthy Drop. __FiSH BRAND » DAG Recreation. th . thought to be the case, a tube through Mrs. Portly-Futfington (proudly)--We OILED C : DE the mission of | which the juice is sucked, but is built | ean trace our ancestry back to one of Yo aff 5 bra : : ou cant afford f When you travel secure the : : more after the fashion of a fine broom. {he Saxon kings. to buy any o BR best hid Cquipment, comiort TH With this brcom the bee brushes or visitor--Indeed? : Ep] Band safet LL : : 3 ) ; y, and use the 4 : laps the honey or honey material from Mrs. Portly-Pufiington -- Oh, dear, Tp) he ® - d | : : \ ' 5 the flowers, leaves, etc, and passes it | yes! We have bren descending for | wily! dh il 1 : A 1 down a groove in the upper surface of | generations. % Wl ana Ian \ | : : the tongue to the mouth proper. From a) = : al ) J 9 that point the juice is conveyed ! Ur | E No thern | through a minute orifice info the "first Dear M other / Praise and Flattery. <0 ¥ : | to keep the stomach well, the lives | stomach" 'yulgarly called the 'honey Your littl : We must define flattery ond Draio ° Te ol a d th ; bag." The honey bag is a real chem- our little ones are a constant care | They are 'distinct. Trajan was en-}g : R | : nttysan # bowls rosuliy Ti ical laboratory, where by some myste- Fall and Winter weather. They willl ouraged to virtue by the panegyric | if al wad - dispel sickness. and crests catch cold. Do you know about Shiloh's of Pliny. Tiberius became obstinate 'rious process which has not yet been Dyspepsia, = Indigestio 1 - ! x wy i , the Lung Tonic, a i i { . i : \d 0 ? Consti foes J fous > 1] explained by science the juices ato a phe) ig ad in vice from the flattery of the sena- |W Excursion rates _this winter ov \i or : D n cannot exist | converted into pure honey. When the to be the only reliable remedy for all | tors.--Louis XVI. 8 in every direction. ~~ East, \ when Beecham s Pills are used ac- | chemical process of transforming the diseases of the air passages in children. | mr South and West. Make your ! cording to directions. For over 50 | nectar into viscid honey has been com- Itis absolutely harmless and pleasant to Two Girls. 5 wants known to any Gand | years they have cured 'disordered' | pleted the bee disgorges it into one of take. tis guaranteed to cure or yout foney It is just as easy to fall In love with | i pa Ea Spent, ho Tot EB \stomachs, and are now a world-fa= the cells made for the purpose of a re- is returned. {The price 1s 2% per bottle, | a rich girl as it is to fall in love with i oe EE ne u bt mous remedy. They mérit your ceptacle. For years the microscopists and all deaiersin medicine sell 314| a poor one, but it is generally easier nio , N . Lonfidence. en and the entomologists have been study- Lp O H to.smarry the post ope GEO. H. SHAW, A : TT ing the bee's laboratory, but its work- SLA -- SBE Trafic Manager, Winnipeg. \old Everywhere in Canada and U.S.. | ines are at present am th ; : a A \ America. In boxes 25 cents. ings are at present ar ong fhe unck: This remedy should be in every household, | Ww N U No. 608 | / plained mysteries. { v y : HE Fr) 3 J {roa ov

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