Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Wabigoon Star, 8 Nov 1906, page 6

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THE STAR. WABIGOON, ONTARIO. The Mark That Tells Pen-Angle trade- mark (in red) on: every Pen-Angle garment, tells you it will fitand won't shrink,-- your own dealer so guarantees it. Jrade Mark Trade marked thus in a qariety of styles, fabrics and prices for women, men an Underwear thus iden. Form Fitted. trademarked is Dealers are authorized to weplace Instgly nis our Softer, warmer, cost, any Pen-Angle gar: : ment faulty in material mote flexible, 206 better wearing. TT E R~ or making. i Inns In Ilmngary. 'Wayside inns in Hungary generally rejoice in very quaint titles. This one 'was called the Dropperin and had the .usual sign outside--viz, a long pole with a wooden ring and a gigantic wine bottle suspended from it. The system of keeping the scores is primi- 'tive, but practical. The regular cus- 'tomers and the innkeeper each have a tbit of wood called rovas, with the mame of tie person written on it, and every liter of wine consumed is marked by each making a notch on his re- spective bit of wood. When the score is paid off, both the 'rovas are burned. Consequently. you hear the peasants in- viting each cther to ingyonroviasmo- ra, literally drink on my {knotch stick," which sounds most eomical-- iss] Made mn Canada and Sold Druggists This conpol is_gopd for one ten cent (10c.) Tri le of. the cele- brated fii Rod gig Cpe me Dr. Léonhardt's. Anti-Pill li a sure cure for Indigestion, Bilious- i ness, Dyspepsia; Constipation and all ailments arising ., therefrom. Mailed free, in a plain 'package, on receipt of name and address. Fill in your name and post office address on dotted lines and send to by all By Special Permit. "Here! What does this shouted Whooply as he found his youngest riding a broomstick over the top of the piano. «This is all right. Mamma said if I'd stay in I could play on the piano." One lie reaches its hand to another. -~From the German. HOW'S THIS ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. We, Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions. and financially able to carry out any obligations made by nis firm. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood: and muc- ous surfaces of the sysfem. Testimon- fals sent free. Price. T7bc. per Sold bv all Druggists. h Take Hall's Family Pills for Constipation SA Sl Rr eli Ly Weighing Live Kish, A visitor at an aquarium who had wondered how they managed to get the weight of a live fish learned that that was really a very simple thing to do. The fish is put into a pail of wa- tér, which is weighed with the fish in it. Then the fish is taken out, and pail and water are weighed without it. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. Posted. "Now, boys," said the teacher, 'can you tell me the most difficult thing to acquire in autoing?" "The auto!" came a chorus of yells.-- Milwaukee Sentinel. ile A Still Country. "These moonshiners are very quiet while they are giving the alarm about the approach of the revenue officers." "Sort of a still alarm. eh?'--Chicago News A THANKFUL MGTHER. "I thank you with all my hear r what Baby's Own Tablets a SA for my little girl," says Mrs. Antoine Charette, Jr., of St. Boniface, Que. When I began giving her the tab- lets she seemed to be pining away but after using less than a box she | was rapidly gaining and she is now a| fine, fat, healthy little one, and I write you this as the acknowledge- ment of a mother who will never for-| get what Baby's Own Tablets have aone for her child." Letters like THE WILSON-FYLE C0; Limited; « ~~ = Niagara Falls, Ont. , VW HEN you buy Felt by Shoes and Slippers, J {| see for yourself that you § get ELMIRA FELTS. 8 THIS /fRADEMARK appears' on, the SOLE If of every GENUINE Sin Elmira _ Felt Shog and Slippst. Look :4t, and take none without it, It is the sign of quality--.. § the guarantee of warmth and wear, Ae For, foot! comfort in cold weather, there is nothing to equal ELMIRA FELTS. R. SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS _ 25 The Modern Dinner. A medical journal complains that the smodern dinnér has become an' ex-' stremely depressing affair gnd that, so ifar from being a feast of rédson and a iflow of soul, the conversation is a mere interchange of symptoms, details of operations or the advantiges of 'this or that cure. Such topics evidently are not provocative of remarks that set the table in a roar, nor do they tend. to promote the good digestion which 1 should wait on appetite. "Indeed, 'there | s little appetite for digestion 'to'wait upon. The daintiest of menus is disre- garded when the diners are under a hile powders are openly stirred into gime, and courses pass untouched, |... this must bring hope and comfort to all mothers who have feeble or sickly ren. Baby's Own Tablets will Il the 'minor ailments and can $s to a well grown child. If OU B® 0} AToyes S® Jsnl uoAIS oq nnot get these Tablets from © dealer write the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockvile, Ont., and get them at 25c¢ a box. : A Europe petroleum oil trust has | "| been registered at Bremen. been ; The cap- ital is $5,000,000. The principal mem- bers are the Nobels, the Rothschilds, and the Deutsche Bank. A WELL-KNOWN MAN. Minard's Liniment Co.," Limited. Dear Sirs--I can recommend your : MINARD'S LINIMENT for Rheum- | 'atism and Sprains, as I have used it for both with excellent results. Yours truly, T.'B. LAVERS, / St. John. ~ American men areiall on one dead level, merely a series of John P. Smiths, none of whom can show any radical opinion without being held a I madman, says Dr. Emil Reich in Lon- don. President Roosevelt is unusually '| active' in canal affairs and the New York campaign, and his political ad- | visers hint that he may issue a letter. Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. .. Buy Sunlight Soap and tollow directions, de The Best Calf Food. Separated milk as a food for calves when "fed direct from the machine makes a model milk food. Careful ex periments show that practicaily .as good calves can be raised on separated milk direct from the machine as can be raised on whole milk, provided the butter fat lost in the removal of the cream is replaced by linseed meal, cornmeal or flour or molasses 'Wineglasses. mean?' F.J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. | the undersigned, have known F. J. bottle. | --4 AX YY | rT [= So) u 2 cet MN KE 2 ! i: Ad 31 P. f T5958 aot mF 70. ? be id ne ml A ) Lo pds REWARD will $5,000 be paid to any person who proves that Sunlight Soap contains any injurious chemicals or any for.n of adulteration. . Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Sunlight Seap contains no injurious chemicals. Sunlight Soap is pure soap, scientifically made. Every step in its manu- facture is watched by an expert chemist. a Sunlight Soap saves labor, and the wear of rubbing which common soaps require in washing fabrics. Your money refunded by the dealer from whom you buy: Sunlight Soap if you find any cause for complaint. Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto 154 the crusade against the employment of barmaids in England, was elected at Boston president of the World's W.C.T.U. to succeed Lady Henry Somerset. As the Oil Rubs in, the Pain Rubs Out.--Applied to the seat of a pain in any part of the body the skin ab- sorbs the soothing liniment under brisk friction and the patient obtains instant relief. The results of the use of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil have surprised many who are unacquainted with its qualities, and once known it 'will not be rejected. Try it. The monument to Charles Stewart Parnell in process of erection in Dub- lin, is to be an imposing memorial, the figure of Parnell having been de- signed by Augustus St. Gaudens of New York. Do Not Delay.--When, through' de- bilitated digestive organs, poison finds its way into the bloud, the prime con- sideration is to get une poison out as rapidly and as thoroughly as possible. Delay may mean disaster. Parme- lee's Vegetable Pills will be found a most valuable and effective medicine | to assail the intruder with. They | never fail. They go at once to the 'seat, of the trouble and work a per- manent cure. | Tn London Henry S. Wellcom, an ' American chemist, has stepped to the head of the medicine manufacturers in Europe and has made fame and fortune by furnishing drugs and med- icines to the old world. Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia, Finger Language. ; A deaf and dumb person who is fair- ly expert at finger language can speak about forty-three words a minute. In the same space of time a person. in possession of his speech will probably speak one hundred and fifty words. Loretto Litanies, frei Loretto litanies cannot be traced be- yond the fifteenth century and did not originate at the shrine, but were car- ried there by pilgrims. ; J B EE 'W NU No. 608 ~The Countess of Carlisle, leader of THE PATH OF THE PASTURE, The narrow path tread i Led stiaight away from the farmyard gate, And down the lane to the pasture lot, Where for our coming the cows would wait, TH Between its borders of grass and weeds It bore the prints of our restless feet, that we used to ,That stepped so blithe through the early dews, Or lagged along in the pulsing heat. Above our heads curved a roof of blue, Where oft we saw the ghost of the moon i Go drifting by with the sun tipped clouds That sailed away io the port of noon. From nodding thistle and mullein stalk The meadow larks tbrough the sum- mer sang, And from the stubble of harvest fields The bob white's call through the stillness rang. O little path of the long ago, Ive wandered far from your beaten dust, : And stumbled oft In my journeys wide, And lost the key to my childish trust; But now and then in my waking dreams I stand once more by the pasture wall, And hear again from the harvest fields The cheerful sound of "he bob white's call. --A Ana Waghavw Following Directions. Jones had been quite ill. One day the doctor called and found him in a bathtub. "Why, man, are you crazy? You must be anxious to die." "No, I ain't," protested poor Jones, "put didn't you say that your last medicine was to be taken in water ?'-- London Answers. The Circle County. The oddest shaped county among the thousands which go to make up the separate divisions of the various states is Warren county, Tenn. It lies almost exactly in the geographical center of the state and is about as near a perfect circle as any division of land could possibly be. The circle would be per- fect but for the fact that there is a short stretch of the northern boundary. line which follows a small stream for 'a short distance. It is bounded by Can- non, Dekalb, Coffee, Grundy, Van Bu- ren and White counties. No person should 'go from home without a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial in their possession, | as change of water, cooking, climate, | ; etc., frequently brings" complaint, and there is nothing like being ready with a sure remedy at hand, whidh oftentimes saves great suffering and frequently valuable lives. This Cordial has gained for it- self a widespread reputation for af- fording prompt relief from all sum- mer complaints. i Fi The czar puts further restrictions on the exercise of suffrage by the peasants, striking a hard blow at the liberal leaders from this class. Holloway's Corn Cure is the med- icine to remove all kinds of corns and warts, and only costs the small sum of 25 cents. ? His Position In the Matter "Gracious!" exclaimed the fond wife, coming in her husband's den and find- ing him smoking his pipe and reading. «This 700m is thick with smoke. I don't see how you can stand to sit in here." : "You can't?' responded the brutal husband. in here; I sit to sit in here. Did you think you had married a freak?" It is said that this was the first time in their married life that she slammed "a door on leaving him. on sumer | ; | fermers nov "Well, I don't stand to sit MR. OZIAL ROUNDS. A Resident of Welland Finds Relief in Pe-ru-na. SUFFERED 15 YEARS. Mr. Ozial Rounds, Welland. Ont., a _re- tired lumberman and a resident of Wel- land for half a century, writes: "For fifteen years prior to 1800 | was a sufferer from hay asthma and chronic diarrhea. | grew weak and amaciated and was tortured with in- somnia. "I was treated by eminent physiciand but, if anything, was worse than ever. In fact, I was in as miserable a con- lition as man could be. "However, | chanced to try Peruna and noticed an improvement. Thus encouraged, | continued, and after taking several bottles of your precious Peruna, | was entirely well and a wonder to myself and friends. "If, at my advanced age, 83 years, I have obtained such good results from Pe- runa, after so many years of needless suffering, there can be no doubt of its efficacy in the treatment of younger per- sons." SCOTCH EXPERIENCED GIRLS (city or farm) and FARM HELP (married or single)--From best Scotch Agricultural Districts. None supplied without satis- factory references. Sail now, November Term, or Spring. Standard wages expect- ages offered direct migration Agent, New York's clearing house bank: lost nearly $7,000,000 of their tota surplus reserve by the operations of the past week. Loans show expan- sion. i] There is nothing equal to Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator for des- troying worms. No article of its kind has given such satisfaction. : A St. Louis business man was shot and probably fatally wounded by his brother, who says lie acted to break a hypnotic spell exerted by his vie- tim. ! Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc, A Species. "Mrs. Kwivvery is one of those am ticipatory people, and I simply can't carry on a conversation with her with- out getting so nervous 1 feel as though 1 should fly to pieces," says the lady with the jade brooch. > "Anticipatory?" asks the lady with- out any long gloves. "How is that?" "She listens faster than you talk te har ?--T.ifae Sh NERVOUS SYSTEM BROKE DOWN SHE WAS WEAK AND DISCOURAGED NOW LOOKS AND LY BE TAKEN FOR THE FEELS WELL AND WOULD HARD- SAME PERSON --THANKS TO Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Mrs. John Armstrong, Heather Brae, Alta., was in very poor health for over four years after the birth of her first child. She was what might be caled a nervous wreck, weak, down- hearted and discouraged. Writing for her, Mrs. D. D. Bu.ger, her aunt, of the same place, states: -- "Mrs. Armstrong had great weak- ness, heart trouble and indigestion. In fact she was rua down in every way and seemed to lose hope of ever getting well again. She was scarcely able to drag herselt about. "The persistent use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food has proven of marvellous benefit to her. = She feels real well now, is looking fine and fleshing up. so that one would hardly know her for the same person. You may use her name in recommendation of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food for we are all very grateful for what it has done for her, and never lose an opoprtunity. of saying a good word for it." Bae Professional men, as well as lay- men, have been puzzled over the mys- teries of the nervous system, but this much is certain: that nerve force is credited from pure, rich blood, and, with the exception of accidental in- juries, diseases of the nerves arise from a thin, watery condition of the blood. On this principle, Dr. Chase's Nerve Food was prepared, for this great food cure actually forms a certain amoun of pure, rich blood every day. N¢ only is this treatment scientifical correct, but the enormous sucee which it has attained has provent to be unequalled as a cure for (1 diseases resulting from thin, wally blood. [ When you cannot: sleep well, sifer from nervous headaches and in@es- tion, brain fag, irritability, tremling or twitching of the nerves, an feel downhearted or discouraged, tn to Dr. Chase's Nerve Food as th most certain means of restoring vitity to the nervous system, and of foiding nervous prostration, parabls or some dreadful form of helpleness. "Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, § cents a box, 6 boxes for $2.50, at a dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co, Toronto.

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