DRYDEN, ONIABIQ: | OBSERVER-STAR, | Almost a Mirade, Sh But Very Sr & 'Austria, as ts i=} 'Was the Cure of John John New by Dodd's pleted, entir oly wipe out ee Kidney Pills His Troubles All Came from Sick ~ Kidneys and e Treated Them With the Old Reliable Canadian | Remedy, Dodd's Kidney Pills, || Hillside, Battleford, Sask, May 19. : (Special), --With a speed that Jes al-] . {most miraculous, Mr. John New, a well-known farmer here; has been cur- ed of the kidney trouble from which he suffered for several years. : "Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me," he says. "I wish to give them all' 'the 'thanks." Speaking further of his $oubles Pi 1s THE a NESS. and their sudden cure, Mr. New UE S98 FOR You | says: "I think I inherited by kidney isease from my parents, and I suf- fered off and on for several years. I| had stiffness in the joints, cramps in 2 Wipe Out Austrian Navy 3 You sl woe) if you don't save 'when you a : young. An Excelsior Prana the best wa y THE EXCELSIOR LIFE INSURANCE C0 WINNIPEG SASKATOON EDMONTON VANCOUVER Paris. -- -- - The naval terms. of 3. Mas The rin and shut-out\ Fencing--a poultry. fence strong enough to withstand the combined J welght of two big horses, - And that without d either. Our lock Is the secret s strength--a real protection to large fowls.a If you are interested in such I. fencing, write'ua, Ask for our literature, Wi \anufacture farm fence and ornamental fen a ing and gates. Dealers nearly everywhere. Live agents anted in unassigned. territory, THE BANWELL HOXIE WIRE FENCE co., 11D; Wianiper, Man, . ! FIHIHHI, * Traperinl Eureka Harness oil --Xkeeps feather like new--soft, strongand pliable.. Sinksinand kreps water out. Prevents dry- ingand cracking. Makesit last longer. Sold in convenient sizes, Imperial - Imperial Mica Axle Grease --coats axle spindles and hub linings with a glass-smooth coat of soft mica and grease that banishes friction between the metal surfaces. Makes loads the history spite of the fact that, a for years ago, 'easier to move up-hill or on level -woads. "tear. Sold in sizes--1 Ib. to - barrels. Saves wagon wear and Eureka Harness Oiler --makes it easy to keep Tun and "leather thoroughly oil # Saves time and work, Sx . At Dealers Everywhere ANDISON (EACH CAN OF W. CLARK © LDaITED MONTREAL itn Fou 0 i" When you are all out of matches, and you go to the nearest store for a fresh supply, 10 to i there're Eddy's. The match box on the shelf hk the kitchen stove, from which you help yourself so freely--10 to 1 it's Eddy's. You strike a light--in' the rest-" aurant, the club or sleeping car-- 10 to 1 you'll find that Eddy's name is on the box, EDDY'S MATCHES are practically in universal use threugh- out Canada, A matchfor every purpose, and every match fit forits purpose. The | next time you buy matches, see that the ddy- nameis on the box. Iti guarantee of satisfaction. The E. B. EDDY es THAT TRADE _MARKE 3, @9VE: STAMP : at the race track at Vladivostok on | Hawaii" is the mame of an organiza- : tion that has been formed by Chinese- : American young men of Honolulu z ronal here on their train, [Poland which the premier had ge considered to have 'been 8 valuable "To. get the genuine, call for full name ax TIVE BROMO QUININE Tab! for signature of KE. Cold in One Day. | SMOOTHEST REGULATOR : No Headache, Biliousness, Tndigestion| 1a FINE CONSTIPATION CURE! | quietly at night while you sleep, and 'give you next morning the freshest, Pills. Bold by all dedler s in medicines. {leading colleges and universities {the mainland. One of the objects is {to encourage higher education among | like kids at play. : Gymkhana Amused Siberiang ~The Canadian Gymkhana was held May 1 and was a pronounced suc- cess, 10,000 people attending, includ- ing all the allied commanders. The 21st battalion won the inter-allied tug-of-war. The Royal North West Mounted Police musical ride was en- thusiastically received. * Complete in itself, Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator does not require the assistance of any other medicine to make it effective: It does not fail to do its work. Chinese Club in Honolulu Honolulu, -- "Chinese University of who are graduates of some of the on f the Chinese students in Hawaii, K. F. Lum, Colgate, is president. : Ww. as ns bound |! Th 'demon- |i stration was in tribute to the worl for at the Polish conference, which accomplishment. FOR THE BOWELS . IS HAMILTON'S PILLS \ or Sour Stomach, Where They. Are Used ty - : They Cleanse. the Liver and- id ~The Bowels While You Sleep Like a ohip in the lr your con-| stipated headache and digestive 'trou- bles will disappear after using Dr. Hamilton's Pills They cure' the worst cases, act, briskest, happiest feeling you have known in many a day. Hamilton's Pills will cheer up the most despondent "sufferer. 'They will make tired out folks feel They overcome backache, aidenilic. liverache and stomach, and kidney ills. Jf they fail to do this, you can fave your 'money refunded. Fair enough, eh? Don't stay sick or ailing! use this | grand family remedy at once. It will give you energy, spits, ambition, appetite, good blood, "better nerves-- in short good health, You can get all this in a 25: box. of Dr. Hamilton's A Wonderful Clock > San Diego, Cal, has a wonderful lock with 20 dials, which tell sim é the time in alt parts o earth" of the war, the Eiffel Tower taken over by: the military authorities as an anti-aircraft post, as well as a wireless station, To the lonely watcher at the top of the tower was confided the responsibility A of giving warning of the 'approach of Zeppelins and Gothas. sians are rejoicing over the prospect of getting their' beloved tower back to i will be thrown open to the public, who, presumably, 'will onc cend to its pinnacle for the sake of its unique panoromas and the novelty of sending of the familiar postcard from the top of the tower. meantime, the various military vices which had their quarters round| the base are removing to some other camping ground fala could read the thousands ted letters received by the {from grateful users : realize the remar of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Re ledy. All case 1 i Damage Done has yet been begun, and 'the are shown the church by a guardian who tells them that it will take a gen- eration to repair it. conceive any better reminder of the German than: the pathetic this monument® of Gothic are which the vandals of the twentieth century have left a shattered shell. 2 Cae this issue. stalment. the end of its career as a stritcture was believed to be impending.- Erect- ed in 1889 for the exhibition of 1890, there was 5 prevalent belief that after 15 or 20 years the condition of the steel would necessitate the demoli- tion of the tower; 'but fortunately. the | evil day for the "highest building on was put off. At the beginning and observation Today Pari- uses. Early this month, it more as- In the 'ser- >» Spare the rod and 'miss half. "tha. pleasure of fishing. Star as Relieves. Auton: at Once. of 1 curing powe Ooly One "BROMO QUININE? 'WL GRO VE. 30c. To Ricting Cathedral] will Take a Generation to Repair : It Paris. -- In view of thie! colfifeting reports which have from tim to time | been published : vith damage done to Rheims "cathedral by | the German 'bombardment, 'the lowing statement 'has from an authoritative sour "fol- "been received The western facade and; tal aré severely battered,' the gi ber of the pinnacles of th front have been shot away, the" 'roof has several gaping holes in it, high altar is a formless mass of de- bris, and the choir, as such, has ceas- ed to exist. been preserved, but most has been to- tally destroyed. All that really mains are the core of the fabric-- probably considerably weakened--and the remarkable series. of statues within the west wall. souther: the Some of the glass has re- shaken and Nothing in the way of restoration "public It is hard to sight of ss A new i SOTiy story commences in i: Do 'not miss the first in<| Filing a | their earlier. demands {pernicious use of opiates lst. John, N.B. : sometimes rasps. the] : feelings of the Heirs. 'the muscles, backache, and neuralgia. "y perspired freely on the slightest exertion and my perspiration had an unpleasant odor. 1 was irritable Din dizzy and was depressed and low err had a harsh feel nervous. "I took just one box of Dodd's Kid- ney Pills. They cured me. If your troubles come from the kid- neys you will have some of the symp- toms that Dodd's Kidney Pills cured in Mr. New's case. Ask 'your neigh- bors about Dodd's Kidfey Pills. and I was often The man who aims to roll up a fortune must first his sleeves. --Aylmer Express. HARD, SOFT, OR BLEEDING ? 'No matter what kind or where lo- cated, any corn is promptly cured by Putnam's Corn Extractor; being purely vegetable it causes no pain. Guarantee® with every bottle of '"Put- nam's," use no other, 25¢c. at all deal- ers. Huns. Want us Food will Conditionally Abandon Demands 'for Higher Wages of 'the peace 'terms, and probably fluenced by them, a movement, which the workers are Si or for higher ages. and are striving to induce the | overnment to reduce prices, is grad- adopt Tier = are complete in themselves, 'not storing Lig debilitated system healthfulness, without which growth of the child will be retarded and its constitution weakened. The teliphont ali has a ning acquaintance with a great many peo- le thet she doesn' t recognize. [Why Cantl Get To Sleep? Thad nds of. people all over the country ask this question, but still| a. sleepless bed, and it is impossible for them to get a. full night's refresh- {ing sleep. Some constittiohal disturbance, |] worry or disease has so debilitated and irritated the nervous system that it cannot be quietened except by the or nar- cotics. Or again, you have heart | palpitation, and sensation of sinking, a feeling you are going to die, or perhaps you wake up in your sleep feeling as though you were about to choke or smother, 'and the only way you can get relief is to' sit up in bed. burn'stHeart and Nerve Pills offer an inestimable boon. They 'bring back the -much- needed proving the tone of the nerves, strengthen the heart, : vazizhing 'the blood and making the whole organi- zation act in sleep 'as. peaceful as a child. Mrs. Jas. Latimer, 39 Leinster St. - 'writes --"AL 'night 1 cotild not: sleep. bed, my heart beat so fast, and when ed Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills and after using two: boxe} I can sleep' all night and am not. out. of breath after walking." : - Milburn's Heart and Noreo Pills | ed direct on receipt of price by The T. Mibu Co, .-- Th fret contingent volunteer my, raised. ke My skin was dry and] learn to roll up| : 'Berlin. -- Almost unnoticed amid| : the excitement incident to the receipt 'the German Siar ; i 'system, : {and provide continue to toss night after night on | 1 To all who suffer in this way, Mil-! harmo: 1y--then "you € I bad to sit up in| I walked up. stairs I would get 2 out of breath, A friend recommend- | are 50c a box at all dealers, or mail- |, 'Limited, Toronto, |¢ Archangel. boat is reporte the Dvina river during an ment between the British river flotilla and land batteries and the enemy fleet. The allied flotilla, aided by air- planes, also conducted a brisk hom- bardment along the any river. THE BEST MED MEDICINE .. TB LTITLE ONES Borns of Tothote state posi- , (Hvely that. Baby's Own Tablets are Dlthe best medicine they know of for little ones. Their experience has taught them that the Tablets always do. just what is claimed for them and that they can be given with perfect | safety to children of all ages. St. Gabriel de Brandon, Que., 'writes: "Baby's Own Tablets are the best] dicine I Lnow of for little ones. I y baby before | ly will not a sntiched with the gen- eral security which the league of na- tions is expected to provide for smal and large nations alike, but will de- mand military security against repetition of the invasion of 1914. Plenipotentiaries from = Belgium France, Great Britain and Holland are scheduled to get together soon, in. order to agree on an arrangement which will replace the treaty of 1839 security for Belgium. Belgian representatives will demand 'that towns. 'handed over to Prussia by of Vienna be i ) Floods i in ookon : i 000, 000 Kronen yo E Stockholm. -- North Sweden is ex- | periencing the worst floods in many] years, due / to abnormal rain and snowfall. The damage is estimated at more than 30,000,000 kronen. There have been avalanches and landslides in the Tromsoe district. : ave you read the opening. chap- Ssuef : i a engage- 'Con-/| lcerning them Mrs. Joseph Therrien, the | panded Diese Estimated at More Than| my 'thel Baits ; Every one should of our new serial appemring. in : . small tables. 'homes, a er ones full particular Dept.C" HJ | SAMUEL MAY & 102-104 Adelaide St. W. Toront - NURSING NURSES earn #5 t 'without leaving home. Send for fre Royal College. of Belsues Dept. Cana a. =... Report Is H 'Copenhagen. Si TH nies that the former ki Berlin government , for. return to Germany |"Blacte Watch". The Plug Ch sewing Tobacco of Woy Object oo 5 Berne. -- As' a result of : : cite held in Vor MENT. St. Peter's, CB. by MINARD'S LINIMENT. : Bathurst, N.B. THOS. W. PAY "Some men tell their' wives thing that happens; and ther ey : Hi organs-- (the a He nd ki should be excited to their clean ho --and thus grotect one's se) gone diseases, by taking cas leasant laxaf ve suc ~ apple, aloes and jalap. F other day, This will. action. If you suff tation of the bladder nd t