known German count bound with a special from our foreign office, were caught esses, homeward External aches, recommendation stiffness, Soreness, cramped muscles, strained "sinews, back "cricks"--those GEO, WRIGHT & MACK CARROLL, SHITE Proprietors numa - ee -- -- I ------ ------------ -- ------ S-- Tr er ND PAINS German Smugglers P . Some Successful [5 OO : . ° ° -- Ki Y RELIEVED Operating in Holland f [ICURA Irrigated Crops g YOUR TRIP TO TORONTO er Foo §|E No mater what its mission, will ield 1 if datlot "Noble" Women Are, Caught . at 3 3 Remarkable Growth as a Result of = acre is to your Hing, We Dire iate tthe Pano, ante Wellersion a from -- ; the Frontier Irrigation in Southern S the West ourselves. We will provide you with every home comfort, service that: -- * 2 1 = takes care of the most minute details and meals at rates 50 reasonable' that you | ' ea There undoubtedly 18° a consider- Alberta = Will be surprised. "Fu" Contagion is impossible, as every is fumigated \ You'll find Sloan 8 Liniment bi £ li il zoi : = cach day, all under the supervision of 3 graduate nurse. Toronto's Famous Hotels a ase amount of smuggling still going The crops that can be grown SUC [Fare both' within & miguel Lun © the Union Depot anu a 'few minutes' ors 5 softens the overd ow criahy fogand info Belgium, and E a Cegsuly with nis in. Shuthery g from the Shopping centre. Give your buggage checls. to one of our porters .who Ss 1 e ] s 5 3} "nDerta are many and various, and = s " ; = rheumatic ac Whole romances could be written bn 5 the 'development of these lands to = : THE WALKER HOUSE THE HOTEL C RITE CRY : about the endless varying devices Z oO their full capacity will materially 'in- EE] = of g ; frocl Don'tirub it used and about the categories and a crease the Prosperity of the province, = "The House of Plenty" "The House of Comfort" -- Pat it on freely. Don't yu It IM. nationalities going in for smuggling. Do Experience is showing that in addi. | = = Just let it benetrate naturally, What a Only a short time ago two widely : = = sense of soothing relief soon follows} i g 3 ailments can't g qualities of Clean, convenient, in Canada. Ask at the frontier smuggling © valuable quantities of rubber and various "'ar- ticles. They pretended to be highly indignant, said it -vas all a mistake, insisted that 'their luggage should be sent at once to the toreign office at Berlin, where one of them actually did belong; yet -- all was confiscat- ed, . and each of these ht off the relievin Sloan's Liniment. economical. Made any druggist for it. Sloan's SUAP = > and Qintment erative to 'the grower can be rai successfully. Alfalfa is the chief these. Thi bortant crops of the province, many farmers have sold * their this year at prices which 'amount twice as much as the land; and also tw hay to . : Pg) oi; ; noble" wo- Quickly soothe and heal similar land can' be bought at the Relieves lame hak, lambago. neuralgia, Liniment men was sentenced to two 'months eczemas, rashes itchings present time. Other fodder crops, "Sto arse 6, Sore throat and oth Kills Pai imprisonment. > 2 such as clovers, vetches, tame gras. bs ain. Get a bottle today. 2111S Paii 3 . ) 8 USes. Ar dealers or wry, : i From such 'as these the practice| - and burnings of the skin. 2s, give remarkable yields on these Ortorite EEE J descends, in marvelous variety, to the [lands : : little boy who. "ad hidden many tah- Saraeig iach Trsoby Mall. Addrcsspeat; One of the most successful crops LiQuIDS lets of chocolate 'in his drawers! | Sold by dealers throughout the world, grown at: Brooks, Alberta, this year | and Then there were Dutch day laborers == was peas. At the government exper- 3 PASTES going across the border to work inf > imental farm there the yield was ap- bh i Germany, returning at night prac- | / The Brute proximately: forty bushels = to the ge ri 4 Ad tically stripped; till now all new an "Her husband infuriates her." acre, and as they will brin about derwear is beiig officially stamped! "Gets mad when she starts an argu Six or seven dollars 'a bus tel, it is t K KEEP YOUR SHOES NEAT by the customs officials. And last, | ment * easily seen that anybody who had : but not least, there. are 'the sordid, | "Naw, He Just yawns" Vanco: |a few acres of them would be satis- mean people who ritn smugglers, but |ver Province, = factorily remunerated. At Leth- remain safely at home, pocketing the a A Miller's Worm. P worms from. the g jury to the child. SC easy to take th stomach can come them a because th | IN enormous profits and paying a pen- 8 ston to the family, if the smuggler a SHOE POLISHES J gets into prison or even if he is shot. Sor BLACK WHITE, TAN, DARK BROWN - OR OX-BLOOD SHOES ystem wit Silence Is Golden "I~ understand you have several speeches ready 'for delivery." (1S CS," Answered Senate ; that cause the pain and thus the suf- Naa ~¢5," answered Senator Sorghum, Lt cau 1¢ pain, a hu § nes VE the EATHER "They are ready for delivery, but | fering of the child is relieved. 3 pg FEAL eon op they remain uncalled for." -- Washing: | $0 sterling a remedy at hand no child ; ton Star. should suffer an hour from worms. a --r- {3 ' Sp ---- Corea a ------ : 5 z i ; 3 1 MONEY ORDERS SS How 8 This ? | i Sugar B - Psycho ogy inion "Express Money Order for We offer une Hunarea Dollars: Reward, Lhe telp-yoursels Sliga bowl Is costs three cents. for any case 'ot Catarrh that cannot be cured | PCR Interned for the period of the by: balls Catarrh Cure. war, and" nob i Hall's" Catarrh Cure has been taken b¥ I pier that x 1 discover . ®e Man of the Hour catarrh sufterers tor the Past thirty-five Dies ih we can discover. ) vears, and has become known as the 'most [LOOth is like any other { ---- "| seliable remedy tor Catach, Hall's' Catareh dulgence. It looks 1; . ris QU hn Fifi on 3 1 Lure acts. through the Blood on the Mucous wh ve hrst £ ar i d story is told regarding tire surtaces, expelling the Poison trom the Blooy jiga ve by OE are from it, Bay f Wales. t scems that aland healing the diseased porsions. once put a few day In between an Xk a Tid hot is After you have taken Hall's Catasth Cure | Start a-counter habit growing, --and | Wil Society 2dy Sw . TD {for a short time you will see a great improve. | it dwindles to nothine in France, is an enthusiastic ment 1 your general health S ; t Start taking ktiow i y rai fof the photographs. of men ps ENEY & CO. doiedo, Go" [KOW it. The ma S. In the limelight. For this| Sold®¥alliaruggists, 750 is mental, but the mind can be help- Sor wrote to the Prince, short- ; a ed enormousiy.. "Out of sight, out of} A Remedy for Bilious Headache. -- = § wrote fo the 282. B01 RE mind? is (Le ret of ii To those subject to bilious head- \e latter's visit to the Pope, 4 +. Restful mind," is the Sccret or the sugar ache, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills rs {his portrait, as she wanted | Sapleieh sc loaves thinking of him-|POW! Psychology. If sugar is lying intend d 1 g t a R \f the man of the moment, | gol] Bien gs always thinking of hi about yearning to be used. we all Ty ade as the way fo spee y Yooh some time to reach Nes ih that way. lie avoids ha ing Jone Jt and yearn in rem, his Lb dentin i iia 0 . PRE RS BER dy dl < ald vl _{ during "which period" the meh ou his ning 1s0't we don't--New Yor > \ French counter-offensive te began. But last week B overjoyed at receiving | \ the heir apparent," and Liniment Cures Distemper, wa NE The art of bronz troduced into Siam | gp pment's delay hastened A Newer Dance about 'the eleventh century and etter. It contained, noff Be Germans appear to have aban- nany statues of the Indian divini- he Prince of Wales, but €« the goose step for the Foch {ties "were cast from it for religious FL) och. % =Brooklyn Eagle, | purposes, 1 = x Np - owders will drive hout The powders are at the most delicate assimilate them and wel- Ss speedy easers of pain, ¢y promptly kill the ody is any the umthap- A sweet habit of in- rger than life before we 2 part of the job kt Tribune, Bronze Casting an Ancient Art e casting was in- by the Chinese worms With ridge, tomatoes grown on 1of irrigated land in were sold for $5,00 were still yielding Crops of potatoes bushels to the in- t well in Septemb acre have been-tak off irrigated land in Southern Alber Sugar beets, too, are a crop, but the labor. is not to handle them All kinds of gar ing cantaloupes, kins, cucuinbers, ers, cabbage and den produce, inclu water melons, pum beppers, other kinds of ve ctables too numerous to mention; t gether with strawberries, gooscherries, etc., are and with equal success, Proximity of m land to the. raj being more int it has been, hitherto bee parativel has The clo lway will lead to i Jnany- crops that' y small scale ly be produced in greater quantitie they will sub stomach and and blood w the he who biliousness and famil tendant evils, with these pills at hand. rin essels that 'the ad will cease, iar with its a An Ancient Weapon "If 1 Could Only Be Stron Like Other Girls." ging of the girl who is The'digestive sy nd anaemic, your health must acking' in energy and until you can find g and Healthy HIS is the lon pale, weak a 2 stem has failed, and 80 naturally downhill Some means of restora- easily tired out that tion. . e taking outdoor exer. Fortunately, Dr. Chase's Nerve Food rs in social gather. furnishes the. vital substances needed 3 : for regenerating the entire organism when in a run-down condition. Gradually and certainly the building. up process. is established, and the pure, rich blood created in the system carries health and strength to every part of the body. We 8 is in the condi- 8 has.become thi yg : lacking in & in : axness and disease, : : discouragement, failure and give place to new hopes, and stronger determinatio . The appetite is gha improves, and yon find your meals an the cause of unhappiness, ion is shown in the gums and the eye- pale face and angular n to succeed. rpened, digestion nd yourself enjoying d taking a new interest in purifying e. As you gain in strength and energy ng it sent to the lungs you feel encouraged to keep up the use of in contact with the this restorative treatment until thorough- up new oxygen, ly restored to health, ~ The rosy cheeks and healthful appear. ance of people who h Nerve Food is tion, and accou popularity. It is for sale by all dealers, 50 cents a box, 6 for $2.75, or by mail from BE son, Bates & Co, Limited, Toronto, Look for the portrait and signatures of A. W. ase, M.D,, the famous Receipt Book author, on the box you buy. this plan of nature has an beings living too hing over and over of ill-ventilated ! cause of anae- r its continu. its strongest reco ) mmenda- nts for its ev er-increasing new confidence ave used Dr. Chase's Captured by the British at Bagdad Rajim-I-Jan-Rumiyya is ou the old Persia request of King tstands on the Ho [for inspection by captured by the try into Ba inscribe 4 gun which, at th George V., rse Guards Parad gdad, and was sent Stanley Maude and the Br ditionary force under h a gift to the king. from the year 1547, and was bui the Shah-of Persia, Ismail Ii, wage war with agzinst the who were giving support to his is command a The gun date re Shah, desiring of the Turks, this Gun." to describe for "spitting out fire like a dragon.' Rajim-I-Jan-Rumiyya 13-5 gram for the year of the Hegira 954, which is A.D. 1547 was made for war --Christian Science Monitor, ------ Prairie Provinces' Butter Production pA More Than Two and a Quarter Mil- lion Pounds Produced in Three Provinces By a recent order of the D government creamery b during the to blot out all tr ordered Dgiev to m The inscription goes ominion requisitioning all the itter produced in Canada period from September 30 to November 9 to supply the needs of the allied nations in Europe, atten- tion is drawn to the importance of (the output of the Prairie Provinces. t is estima creamery butter 'will be produced in Manitoba during thig period, while in Northern Alberta alone half a mil- lion pounds will be, manufactured. If another half million pounds is added for Southern Alberta and three- | quarters of a million pounds for Sas- katchewan-=and these figures might easily be 'short of the mark---morae than two and a quarter million pounds of creamery butter will = be produced in the three provinces in 1 tion to wheat and other grains, which |= : : now form the bulk of the crop grown | HNN with irrigation, many other crops that are cqually, if not more remun- S is one of the most im- and y gave for their ice as much as what two acres July and August 0, and the plants yielding 400 to 7 successful available at the present time. cauliflow- raspberries, also grown uch of this irrigated cnsively farmed than have fn grown only on a com- will undoubted- due irregularities of the SO act upon the nerves pains in There are few are not at sometime subject to Yet none need suffer : Cranon Dating From the Year 1547 now the public, It was British on their en- by Sir itish expe- it by to Turks ace 'shown ake stronger nerv on the capacity of the gun chrono- , the date the gun against the Turk, ted that 650,000 pounds of | sed of 00 ta. XY Tl) [| R p- 4 7 ; = O- Pa Bach time of Ingram's fume your dr without cha; Sc is 5 the skin and keeping the compiesion 3 of a world famed motion picture clear and youthful looking. It has a pro- actress. Each time you get & nounced therapeutic quality that "tones up" different portrait so you make a thecomplsxion Twosizes, S0cand 81. There collection for your home, Ask is a complete line of Ingram's toilet aids, in- your druggist, ways Effective--and ac with Each Purchase you buy a package Tollet aids or Par uggist will give you, 1ge, a large portrait ance. Itadher though the s perspiration. Ingram's Milkweed Cr preparation for s cluding Zodenta for th druggist's, F. F. Ingram Co., Windsor, Ontario You need never be oily, shiny skin, touch of Ingram"s Face Powder. embarrassed by an Just apply a light Velveola Souverains It is so delicately text- €8 until washed off even Ho becomes moist from Oc. ! : cum is an ideal oftening and cleansing ¢ teeth (25¢), at your quan The Allied Dead Nothin war than this in a British "For your tom today."--Buffalo Express. i I teok scienct' to dis the life. Now, it is known tha blood were alwa pure, very few ill. It centuries for was not until the end d e invented for measurin of the blood. Then d just how anaemic a Come, and with medicine . to new blood the patient seen All the blood in th ished and kept rich food t patient k i and rad. aken' daily, but when, reason, a. person cannot make the food to then a. bioo » (quired. Th = lof blood-bu s keep the body in d-making medicine ¢ simplest and ver ilders © suitable for bellious brother, Part of the gun's use by anyone, is Dr. inscription states that "The Com- Pills. When a courseof thes mander of Victory = and Help, "the !ig taken their good in an es, and an ability to and enjoy leis. e there is a prompt relief o tion of ailments which burden. the cure water by medical science can ¢ liams' Pink Pills. You can get these pills any dealer in medicine, or at 50 cents a $2.50 from The Dr. Willi cine Co., Brockville, Ont, master" your ? f, orp make | As an all-round medic of ailments due to ual Dr, th Officer regiment were "scrounging" "buckshee" rations in a village cently evacuated by the Freach ilians. © Their luck was im. the debris of battle they beautiful fat porker hundred _ and avoirdupois. espi of about sixty-eight po Visions of pork the issue beans) came before the six weeks' period. The dairy in- dustry in Western Canada is growing, in importance month after tonth and year after vear, : the hue politely known as auburn, 'The second was smoo th-shaven, "1 uster have a 'beard like that till I saw meself in the glass, Then I cut it oft." But the bearded man was not dis- mayed. | this beard. y's Magazine: ] a '--~Evervbod they would lose the pig. the stretcher, they footsteps solemn and rection' of the officer in a sympathetic tone badly wounded" hanging on sir?" gravely eyes. After an exciting chase captured it. One of them, havi slight knowledge of butchering, ceeded in killi ng the severing its head with Edi -- his Jack bun Ty "i ,1At that moment they sighted the Lhe cheapness of Mother Graves Brigadier-General walking along the Worm Exterminator puts it within. street towards them. Quick a3 reach of all, and it can be got at 30Y | thought they laid the ig on a druggist's, y : stretcher they 'had found close by, a and covered it over with a blanket, Faces and Beards Now, looting is looked upon. as a ter- Lhe first Tommy was tuddy of lrible crime in the army, and, above countenance, 'with a huge beard of all things, if they were found out marched The Briga replied the "Much better 'ave feft it on, mate, stretcher bearer without a flicker of I uster have a face like yours till I|a. smile. The Brigadier immediately saw it in the glass. Then I growed | clicked heels to attention and Kl ag they BLOOD-MAKING MEDICINE medical cover that the blood is ys abundant, rich and people would ever be entury that an. instrument was & the red part octors could tell got well. ¢ body is nour- by. ithe for any 1s run down ana sufficient blood from health, Williams? Pink effect is soon improved appetite a sound digestion hours. For women reven- vy blood no medicine disco by mail box or six boxes > ams' Medi- Saluting the "Wounded" Stretcher Bearers' Ruse Fooled the The humor of the British Tommy "in the field" has become proverbial, jhe following = true tale is just ome more illustration of the truth of it. During the first few days of "Jerry's" offensive two soldiers of a Yorkshire Amongst (minus pig by almost Picking up "with slow" in the di- asked, "Is he "Head's only just g finer has come out of the line from an epitaph grave yard in France: orrow they gave their tif the of the ad be- make is re- vy. best home e pills work ife a ne for weak, Te ---- Champion Wheat Grower Seager Wheeler of Rosthern Wing International Sweepstakes At the International Soil Products exhibition held recently at Kansas City, Mo., Seager Whieler, ef Kis- thern, for the third tinfe-won fie 1 < ternational Sweepstakes trophy for ° the best half bushel of spring wheat, and with it the C.P.R. $500 cup. The sweepstakes. prize in oats went to T. Dickerson, of Birtle, and the sweepstakes in barley to Nick Taj inger, Claresholm, Alta, Frizes won by Canada were as follows: Manitoba silver cups, 33 first premiums, 19 seconds, and 19 thirds; Saskatchewan 2 cups, 4 firstsg 5 seconds, 5 thirds: _ Alberta 1 cup, 2 seconds, 1 thi Minard's 'Linimen t Cures Gare! Cows. ? int . The Fate of a Hun A large halibut W, peculiar circumstances by ; of 'a scottish steam fishing boat. the lines were being hauled a co on one of the hooks was folloy the surface by the halibut," made several attempts to' the cod. Then the halibut Winn out of sight, but soon Tea coming to. the surface as | was being hauled aboard. 1D el came within reach of the of it was caught by the clipg 'thu. used to haul fish aboard, and g a striiggle it was safely landed the deck. It -weighed over one H vered . Wil- rough | for for re~ civ- ed a "one unds their they 1g a sue- dier rst § required. % No cooking. : dred and seventy pounds, - pena mlienyy $649660603060¢0 $334954930 084 ata oi 6 pis 5.¢ vo $0599 0000 PEAR IRRS ob A Combination | An Good Qualities invites your "attention to No sweetenin Needs but little milk or cream, Fine with evapo- rated milk. ~ : Keeps indefinitely: Not a particle of waste, A wonderful Iv attractive flavor Tevyeveww