Rs : ; r = : ; = = ee = = ; = ; . or = : : -- = . : = : ; - . ; - : = 5 = = [I Farmer Boy} curser see ne CONSERVING MOISTURE SPECIALS THIS WEP aces d = F armer Boy 3 8 Canadian Acc of Aces Describes How ~. a Plane Is Operated. 5 to Milliona re 3 In a "Talk on Aerial Tactics," Many Valuable Crops Saved by aving taken over ; si : FELT tors as >» Which appeared in the publication : ls Nas E ) ny 1) : DI late B. H Steven: will be 'pleased 20 Bn SSR "National Service," Canada's famous Be es # 'Mulching, wih . . 3 | § g J, WY | r N rr 0 {Bp he share of th Patronage from people| FEW thousand Ontario stu- Ace of Aces, Col. William A. Bishop, | Tal = fre the bd LF Lhe AJ 1K n 4 oo es Ea Ko eg istrict. ig ~ dents should pause a mo- V.C. D.S.0., M.C, D.F.C, describes | mhis Season cially: Trying to : freon a dents should pause a mo- =e odes, : ] BCT1NC 8 Season Especially Trying af i ; : nt 5 ogk=-Fromptly Done oT ie a Sn tumoral Jn | ak Prt ey at In Tomato Sauce H. WILLARD ~~ |4& Jd would have happened an- = «Tq those who_have never seen a Prevented by Cooling Cream : : oe sl wt - m-- other student- thirty years ago if war lachine," says Col. Bishop, '1 ! During Hot Weather In Properly fortune's foot had slipped. On a oi sxplain that to goniral que Ye ~ Constructed Tank, ; fin Sa Wi Junty Pilot 'Has to manipu ate bur a § ngle Sud none TE ie tea be Mey backwoods farm Hh Lambton county lever, which we call the 'joy stick." (Contributed b Ontario Department of ; a farmer 'with a growing son on 'his It is very much like the lever with z Agricu ture, Torent ) i Se 2 | 'hands applied his gauge to the cause PRL Jor. shift Sealy on zn Eton: py wm ATER is one of the essen- Pty v of 1 = : a stern' deci- bile, ut it moves in four directions. LY . 3 for the: 0] { 0 | = i £51 et) ane zeachsy hSie ¢ Ifyou should want your machine to : 4 remnant i ss : IVC 1 : A he 3 , 1&0 down, the instinctive move would £ & , oN , : ay 8 Cc. Shi En les ~~ | Then, on the eve of kp he to lean the body forward, There- ¥Y functions are a BSers : : Ege : : ,. Shingles examinations, he took the boy &iside. fore, the fighting airplane is so rig- and carrier of plant-food, a food di r. : ne Hal od AL endl. As deliéic Lyi 3 eee of Legohn he told him solemnly, "you ged a Fin ihe Poy bushes the. rectly or indirectly for the plants and - Pineapple Marmalade, Wagstaffes' in 4 Ib pails. As de C10] sh & Doors Aare going to try your examinations Pi . emi s Palle BL it helps to maintain the plants in a as the name, $1.00 : Marr ET for Sarnia High School to-morrow. way, if he pulls the 'joy stick' back turgid condition, thus endbling them : i [-~ EE a ae TT Egg Sn If you pass I am going to see. what the mose of the machine goes to stand more erect and resist the Bramble Jelly, Wagstaffe's. Large Jars, 40¢ ~~ Picture Framing | can be done to send you on to Sood 8 Mian line chute aks force of the winds. -Alko the eva- mp ak et 'But in case you don't pass, I have 21 ng R sara poration of the water frém the sur- : j Dov RES ria smd RG ay oll ; ; 1s necessary that the machine is not ) i : rated, and reserved in its own - nba Gypsum Hardwall and Woo 4 Zogeg. to pivici you to the Vilage, bank too much. This is one of the face of the leaves equalizes the tem- Cocoanut, Fresh grated, pre bd > : "he Fe HE SA : pil in the chest, broad in the frst things a pupil is taught when perature of the plants. Thus water Per can, 25¢ Hee Hore, =e 6 ier : shoulders, he seemed built for the learning to fy. The 'joy stick' also serves the plants in no small way, - > 3 / controls the banking. By 'moving it % Vr Sedge WE 2 ui Be De to either side you can tilt up which- had 9 the former is di ar And when he died carly this year he SVE! Wing is desired. At his fest anxious each spring that his soil hav ; : 7 . the pilot has a rudder bar which con- sufficient water stored within it to ; Bg Te A ne hopizontal direction of the supply the growing plants during-the Potato Flour, Casco Brand, 1-1b packages. Regular p: mer Provincial Secretary of Ontario. 12achine. If he pushes his left foot next three or four months, when the 25c; two packages, 45¢ Special 15¢ Medium size ti The pure genuine Imported Oil. Seville, Spain, Only 4c per bottle. Tomatoes, gallon cans orly, 75¢ Mr. Hanna, who, as a political AE and Sonny Tishily, he ma- rainfall may not be sufficiént for their ; campaigner, cultivated a sensitive Chine turns slowly to the left. To ! . he ! bon itis go to the right there is only neces- requirements. ! pS iC BE on Smee 0 DAIEn La mupition ! a ! 3 od i & : Tn man ae hig con- SATY & push with the right foot and The amount of water required for 11. J. UIN\ : -- AN | stituency. It made "great stuff." a slight bank. The pilot thus has crops is rather surprising; in humid | ; : : both feet on the rudder bar, holds regions they require from 200 to 500 | i» rr On S e Pr B FO & TA Z : Did he need money? Why, when J AA or ) "£101 ; n ) 1 : h 7 'General Merchant, | Jack" Hanna studied law in the of: the Joy stick' - pounds for every pound of dry mat: Ny ys fice of McKenzie and Gurd, thirty 2nd with tc Is the engine ter produced, and in dry climates | Ee : 0 ! . r Of the machine by holding the the amounts are about double of | z Sa : 5% ; 0 X DRIF py Ont. bain 1) ne throttle. He'is always able to do these. Of the ordinary farm crops | The Quality Grocers ; To CE ) old north end hose house. He used 2BYthing he wishes either with the the legumes including clovers, peas ; : Te i hs to take care.of the building, wash ©Dgine or ihe machine itself. - and beans, use the ost water; then . < 1] : When firing the gun he simply - comes potatoes next; then in order | JUST ARRIVED : the bon orm EE moves his thumb slightly along the oats, buckwheat, barley, wheat, rape, : ; 'joy | stick' anda presses the lever maize and millet. | i y N | - 44 5 AG MD a BIWaye, thors tor tus which pulls the trigger. Tobe able The water that the plants take HE FALLIS FOO C - AS CYLINDER, STEAM : Mr 'Hanns used to tell that story, | to fight well a pijot must have abgo- from the soil exists in lhe form of - le CYLIN DER "and "| too, on the political stump. ' [ lute control over his machine. , He thin films around the soil grains, If ; Pi : a Shipment of . A ' : : ¢ I. Folks in Sarnia say that he had | Must know by the 'feel" of it exactly the soil be:well drained and other- Pratt's Poultry and Animal Regulator 'MACHINE "| 20 inborn bent for politics. Hig days | how the harhine 18, what position it a in Sons physical Jovi, Crock Bakers, ail sizes © meno as a law student and volunteer fire | iS in and how it is fiying, eo that he these films will occupy about : > : fighter were concurrent. The bri- | May manoeuvrs pidly and at the a ay space i Ihe nes: ne 7 Crock Churns, 3,4 and 5-gal. : , "devel int t of ial | fame time watch hig opponent or op- Other ha eing available r s : a ' : 1 do ae A ap be able to loop, Which Isveryneressary forthe growth : Crock Flowcr Pots, 4, 5,6 and 8-in. oratorical proclivities of the mem- | turn his machisuc over on irs back Of the roots. The watdr in the form SOF DISTT, Young Hens oe Mans | vo fo roo oiner flying 'stunts.' of flmns has the power to rise up Beds, Springs and Mattresses By enh pon dayete min | Jt (hal ter sro scluully never. Sroush the sof piaine tn a haunar Alaska celebrated steel Couches f 3 itical opinions | Sar uring a combat, 3 Lo '1S€ : gedil . : : ra re Ltn *houth | fact that he lias done these things a lampwick or water through a lump Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Alabastine ing his pebble on the seashore, he | several times he gets absoluts con- of sugar. This rise takes place more 'Rak F wks, Scythes barked out his notions for thé edifi- | fidence, and when the fight comes Sy any Sony Dither iz fs ao) Hay Ra £5». ois, ' : cation of the brave fire-fighters down gong Di RL Tyne oataay i i Selly or : i te : Poultry Netting, Screen Doors aw non opinion | all his time to fighting the other fol. words, be in good tilth. Water in ex- Sash, Barn and House, 5 panel Fir Doo: 8 of Hon. W. J. Hanna, Provincial Sec- | low, control of his machine coming ess of this Alm Tain Should, hes . nbi vd 1 B 1 retary, the North Sarnia hose house | instinctively. Thus the aetna] flying, drained from the soil, otherwise the Coluinbia No. 6 and Hot Shot Batteries | was the abiding place of the muse of | although. perbzas the 'hardest to 8oil remains cold and the air is ex- ; Binder T ine | speech and an abounding feld of | train a man for, is the least im- cluded from the roots. ol Inder 1 win | political wisdom. He always claimed | Dortant factor in aerfal fighting, A roots, : at h it on hi ; man's flying ability may be perfect. Conserving: the soil moisture con- | EE Ln Se > ad 3 or ol ee Ioly at onsen Dis fos! after nn aaa on ar pe ma- 8Ists of getting as much as possible Get Our Prices before Buying. n Livery, Transfer AAA A, TAR a aasAALAA ; ake hi i loud ! L : 2 : eT i! of The iy chine and handle it better than any- Of the rains and the Weliage or mn a Sige pn El brigade. iy ? one, but if he goes into a fAght, risk. snow: down into the lovye oor so | Emme So "The late. Provincial Se¢retary | ing his life many times, perhaps, to the soil, and in the Seeon, Dp a Sh ; . doubtless would have made a first- | 8ain the right position for a good venting the water that rises to the rate blacksmith. Sarnia peopld agree | shot and then fails to hit the mark, surface during the pont of growl ; ' To ; TE 4. that the goods he was made of could | he ig useless. a _ from evaporating. The fire on oS E ® Se 'not fail at any occupation. Marked "If unable to bring his opponent secured by fall ploughing an ¢ nl ] Ni ; : "Exhibit A" in the evidence, they down he must further bazard his life other ways making the a oes gl pitt sia : but in the fact that he rose to the in order to ge wut and away from 8s oben and receptive as possible Hohe Tae rank of foreman in the fire company. the enemy. For iis reason I con- he an oe 200 Sn 1 F : d . . : a 1' 6 ot: to | Some years ago while stumping Sider aerial gunnery the most im- : oe Ne hey nn. a. La Le on SehelL 0 hi Whitney ns portdnt factor in fighting in the air, 2 large degree by keeping the sur- : ound in any mans = Bron the ashoned thy, Tons dactics ave ext in impos, face atterthe ops'ane gown gr] © Oa a Se brought the audiencé home in hig because by the proper JEe of the DP 'one to three inches deep, is! are his Good Intentions hand satchel by a little reminiscing, right tactics it is easy to eliminate Mulch, one to che 0, 384 A re pn Fou hel oe risks and also to put the enemy at found to be Voy sitonive in uns oh : unteer firemen's tourney here yedrs a great disadvantage. Surprise is al- the film water from reaching 45 Buz : ; {ago hoaskea. = ways to be striven for, because if face and oe Seng ung : Te ey Reh u il . Sure, everyone remembered that, You can surprise' the enemy and get Sun and wind. i e Santen " : "i Fire teams came from all over the into the proper position to shoot be- Foil, and this applies chiefly to heavy 1 provi < fore he is aware of your presence 50ils, should nov be allowed to be- : ) ©] Te d h 1 provinca. 2 3 2S ENC z : ; s b "Remember how the Sarnia team it siraplifies matters tremendously, Come crusted, as a Tn on the ton : Insure O- ay with cleaned up everything?" and there should be no second part cracks open and a 0d ! es ie oh : a Sure, that was a fact. The cronies to the fight." = fc escape. The best illustrations of bt wiching and its good effects are pe ARTY: " : 2 in the front row nudged each other, | : : 3 a ; arn : 5 ; " (FRET ee eo nee Se SE TREES THE CONFEDERATION LIFE 1 to know about it. | Col. Joe Boyle, well known to iii oo i : : J 4 : . 2 : i = Fu ; = 3 . ¥ Ne Er ve : a at racticable " farins a judi- "Well," he explained, gleefully, "I Canadians for the leading part he Males a ts Lia iy was the lead. runner on that Sarnia has played in Roumanian affairs dur- lb reel!" Ing ihe past two years, has gone to WOOD the grain fields are rolled im- KC NT iY rr SEEN ele ey 2 anLBone i ,~the harrow : = N\ i "iri | Mr. Hanna commenced his' politi- Bucharest as the Canadian agent in mediately after seeding, the oe : A 1)! 50 J iy | cal career by opposing J. F. Lister, . Roumania. Col. Boyle will Supervise ee All ine Seal Ie afterwards Judge Lister, in a fight the distribution of Canadian exports hy field at once. Even after the | for Sarnia's Federal seat. He was to that country and manda i WR to bor th 'should a | then a lawyer, but so young, and interests generally under fhe terms heavy rain pack down the 50il, the Seemingly so new at the game, that of our agreement with that country. roller may be used to good advan | his opponent, so Sarnians say, sim- Canada, it will be remenibered, is tage in re-establishing a mulch, The Ply killed him off by scorn. He supplying $25,000,000 worthof manu- niore frequently the corn 4nd root | didn't poll enough votes to save his factured articles, raw materials 0d gorge are cultivated throughout the deposit. And that was money he foodstuffs to Roumania, and hag ad- searon of growth, the more effective could ill afford to lose in those days. vanced a credit to that amount. Col. the mulch will be to conserve. the soil - 'But he stayed with the fight--and Boyle, who is acknowledged: to POS: - )oisture.--R, RR Graham, B S.A | he never lost an election afterward. gess a remarkable influence: in Rou- 0. A College, Guelph ee re ~ To-day there is a man in Sarai manjan affairs, was 'accompanied by ~~ i hi ; a gentleman of prominence, an Capt. J. C. Baillargeon, former man. ena. EE modesty, who feels that he Was a C08 ager of a branch of the Bank of Hot Weather Suggestions on the in the gear that elevated Mr. Hanna -Hochelaga; F. P. Douglas, formerly 74 + Care of Cream, od : in the world of finance. When the of the Klondyke, secretary; and Capt. - The season'of 1913 is likely to be oil interests that developed into the H. E. Webb, who will superintend the one specially 'trying for thoss wha - Imperial connection turned up in erection of agricultural machinery. desire to ship sweat cream, on ac- 'Sarnia they had need of a lawyer to Representatives of various British count of the great scarcity of ice. In 'provide for certain conveyancing and firms are seeking business, such as many localities, not a pound of ice other routine work. The aforesaid a supply -of raiiway rolling stodk, was harvested during the winter sea. gentleman had in view a friend who structural = steel, etc., and accom. son of 1918-19, The ice-houses are RIVER, ONT. Saarssansan.. used to serve with him on the fire panied the Canadian party. empty and there is nothing but water 6) | brigade, I ne | Col. Boyle, speaking from his Intl- to cool the cream. On some farms | TE a Vm oy on ~ "Mr. Hanna will be able to look mate: knowledge of 'the country, said there is a scarcity of water during SAEY ce RPE Ca : : : Jafter those matters for you," he conditions in Roumania were settled, hot weather which means added diffi- 3 : i wine do and made a note of his name, would be a solid bulwark against ing tank of 'some kind for holding 7 Son S ; otf 0 / a \ tion was still far from lucrative, and against which Roumanta now holds. of cement, or wood and insulating Tan Do lee Lana a | when 'a client turned up he pains. It was a wealthy country, having ex- material, is best." Failing this, a coal- : : ey TE takingly served him. So it was with ported over £27,000,000 worth of oil barrel, with .the inside burned to ta Bre ad Hii : AZ \ ti year, but there: will answer the purpose. This should ; ctivit | resources, . including be near the well 50 as to he conven- fectly safe investment -for 'Canada. ed at once after separating, and be- 8 | ventured. iE - "and the people loyal to their rulers. culty:in cooling the cream. : The oil officials supposed he would If they were fed and clothed they ° "The first thing is to have a cool- : 1] A | The budding barrister's legal connec- Bolshevism, one-third of the line the ¢ream can. : One properly built | el 0il company. : > : remove the coal-oil flavor, sunk part- : n fact his services were S80 parti- Ds d not } ntil ly in the ground and having a cover 1 : Wwaterpower, which webe now to: be ient for pumping cold water into it. ~ taken in hand. 'Roumania wag a per- Each lot of eream should be cool- Apropos the titl ol! in Canada, for ixing with previous lots. A 3oy1 : : 8 pail or can should be used - Roumanian prince. "That title," he for. this part of the cooling process. ckwoods said, "was fastened o by an Allow the cream to remain in this self with Ameri / I enter- special can set in the cold Water, ot ! from one separation té the next, be- ing careful to wash frequently, as : the warm cream will soon become use of tainted with the sou i a ism s dan