~ is nothing better for sprains and con- 5 engineered before the -war has be- DRYDEN. ONTARIO A Special Dressing Adapted For 'Automobile 'Tops This dressing is prepared from a come bination of 'essential oils and gums, so blended as to impart a high gloss to the top that is soft and pliable, so that it may- be folded up , without Ato Top Dressing Is | Washin gton.--Word Army Deserting Bela Kun 'troops tion of "loyal army of 60,000 to more than ; ing, said Germany must never for- aimed at Germany, and that without Germany, Austria and Russia it would be a mere fiasco, it will re- sume its real function when Ger- danger chipping. DOMESTIC SPECIALTY CO., Lud. of the finish cracking or Once tried always used. HAMILTON, CANADA > W AGSTAFFE'S I Real Seville Orange : All Orange and Sugar-- . Boiled with care in Silver Pans. . ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. asnlode BS 8 No camouflage. Straggling Back From Fronts With Lack of Discipline Paris.--Dispatches from Budapest indicate that general demoralization has struck Bela Kun's army, which is straggling back from the -different fronts with utter lack of discipline. The breakdown in the spirit of the is attributed to discontinua- the fighting «against the Czefhs and the Rumanians in con- _ sequence of an armistice, and to the Or increase of the well-drilled 125,000 men. For Sprains and Bruises. -- There tusions than Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. It will reduce the swelling that follows a sprain, will cool the inflam- ed flesh and draw the pain as if by magic. It will take the ache out of 'a bruise and prevent the flesh from discoloring. It seems as if there was magic in it, so speedily does the in- jury disappear under treatment. No War Of Revenge Bernstorff fad That Huns Are Now By Thoroughly Tamed Berlin. -- Count Von Bernstorff,| speaking at a Democratic party meet- get that a world policy such as was come impossible. "Whoever lives in. _ Germany," he said, "knows that we neither "want nor oan we conduct a war of re- venge." Count Won: Bernstorft asserted that while the League of Nations was re- garded i in Germany as a holy alliance many enters it, of combining all the people' s energies. | government | calities and districts.' | authorities also comprise. representa- | tives of the population. : j3our sister." Germany Must, Start Must Introduce Measures for Com- pulsory Work, if Necessary Berlin. -- Allied representatives haye told the German delegates at Versailles, it is reported here in gov- ernment circles, that Germany must be prepared to introduce measures for compulsory work, if necessary. This, it was said, was intended as a means of bringing about prompt ex ecution of the reparation work in northern France, utilizing troops ad a half million civilian laborers. Officers here said the allied con- ferences on this subject were con- ducted in a friendly spirit. - These officials agreed that Germany has a problem in her'labor troubles. Betting Still Under Prohibition Ottawa.--No modification has yet been made of the order-in-council prohibiting race track betting, but re- presentations have from to time been {made urging modification. Unless re- scinded, the order-in-council will re- main in force till peace is formally roclaimed. This will follow ratifica- tion of the peace treaty. The Man With Asthma almost longs for death to end his suffering. He sees ahead only years of endless torment with intervals of rest which are themselves fraught with 'never ceasing fear of renewed attacks. Let him turn to Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asth- ma Remedy and know what 'com- plete relief it can give. Let him but use it faithfully and he will find his Astin a thing of the past. Decree Issued On : Rule In Tripoli Giving to the Natives Equal Rights With Italians ; Washington, District of Columbia. (--The Italian government has pro- mulgated a decree giving to the na- tives of Tripoli- equal rights with Italians, while maintaining their spe- cial rights and religious and social customs. The decree also gives serials administrative autonomy, notably by means of a small local parliament, deliberative and elected, side by side with the governor and composed of citizens of all religions. This parlia- ment has full powers with regard to local laws, direct taxation and admin- istrative provisions. A government council, presided over by the governor and made up of officials, and. members elected by the local parliament, presses its opinion as to the choice commissioner, delegate for a locality and district agent. | elective councils help these officials in the administration of regions, lo- The municipal Members of all religions are to have a notable part in the 'administra tion of justice. ~~} Minard's Liniment: Cures Colds, Etc.| Quality of French Beer A soldier was telling his friends of his experiences out in France, and among other things they discussed was the difference between the beers lof the respective countries. "Well," said the soldier at last, "my idea is that drinking one of those Frenchy beers is about like kissing : There i is no telling what a day may ring forth. - A man may be happy d tomorrow. | most beautiful parks to be found any- - Work Repairing France| Jance between the countries. €X-. of officials, which the governor ap-| points direct to the post of regional' Deliboriive and 'Mail Service From India to Australia ! | pretty girl last night." British h Building TEE ; Gigantic Dirigible ' One That Will Carry Equipment of Six Airplanes : reached 'the air experts of the United States gov- ernment that the British government has begun the construction of the largest dirigible that has yet ben undertaken in the world, one that will carry an equipment of six airplancs Providing Recreation, Facilities Realising the necessity of provid- ing citizens and especially children, 'with proper recreation facilities, the city of Winnipeg, Manitoba, plans *to spend this year $209,469 on these op- erations. Approximately ~ $119,511 will be spent for park purposes and probably $1,500 will be set aside for band concerts 'in the parks. In addition $62,962 will be spent on baths, or $17,000 more than last year. An appropriation of $26,996 is plan- ned for the playgrounds. Winnipeg possesses some of the where in a city of its size. Stated the Fact = Doctor: "And has your husband had any lucid intervals, Mrs. Smith? Mrs. Smith: 'E's 'ad nothin" except what you ordered him, doctor. rd I bought a horse with a supposedly incurable ringbone for $30. Cured him with $1.00 worth of MINARD'S LINIMENT and sold him for $85. 2, Profit on Liniment, $54. - MOISE DEROSCE. Hotel Keeper, St. Phillippe, Que. yo tote Will Look Upon (Teutons as Their Staunchest Friends ; New York.--There is a certain ele- ment of danger that the attitude of the allies will lead to such close re- lations between Germany and Italy that the latter country will come to look upon the Teutons as their staunchest friends, in the opinion of Thomas Nelson Page, who has just returned from Rome. "I do not mean by this," Page said, "there there is a possibility of an alli- I do not think there is. But Italy needs coal and raw materials of various sorts for her industries. Germany supplied a great part of them before the war and is making preparations/to do it again. She will spend money developing Italian industries and will edge her way into favor." Increase Appropriation for Wounded Washington--Amended to provide $14,000,000 "instead of $6,000,000 for the rehabilitation of wounded 'sol- diers, sailors and marines, the sundry civil appropriation bill, which was ve- toed by the President, was passed by the house and sent to the senate. - A speech made at a banquet is called a toast because of the dryness thereof -- Catarrhal Vedi Cannot Be Cured by local. applications' as they cannot teach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure Catarrhal ah and that is by a constitutional remedy. L"S CATARRH - MEDICINE acts on the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys- 'tem. Catarrhal Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of®the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is in- flamed you have a rumbling sound or im- perfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result. Unless the in- flammation can be reduced and this tube re- stored fo its normal condition, hearing may be destroyed for ever. Many cases of Dea: ness are caused by Catarrh, which is an in- flamed condition of the Mucous Surfaces. . ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot be cured by HALL'S. CATARRH MEDICINE. : All Druggists 75c. -Circulats free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Flying In India Being Considered Great progress is being 'made in aviation in India. The government has under consideration a plan to es- tablish an aerial mail service between goon, in Burma. A further service from India to Australia is also being considered. In August of last year Brig.-Gen. A. E. Borton and Capt. Ross Smith flew from Enghind to Palestine, and, after the signing of the armistice, proceeded from Palestine to India. Later they returned to England, and afterwards flew from England to In- dia. So far as actual flying time is hours. He: "I dreamt I proposed to a She: 5 on. What did I 2 3 Italy May Lean On Germany | Bombay, on the east coast, and Ran-|" concerned, they did the journey in 72] British Columbia? 8 : 4) _0il Prospects To Make Examination of Alberta's "Possibilities Edmonton, Alta--Prof. J. C. Gwil- lim, of the mining engineering depart- ment of the -Queen's University, Kingston, has undertaken to make for survey of the western Peace River district at the 'headwaters of the Peace River, gone north for this purpose. particular object of the survey is to ascertain" the oil possibilities of that region. There is a belief among 'geo- logists and prospectors that the country has petroleum as well as the Alberta section, and Professor Gwil- lim's work will be to investigate the lay of the land and make a report to the: coast government. The profes- sor had undertaken this survey before being requested by the Alberta gov- ernment to make an examination of Alberta's iron possibilities. For the purpose of furnishing a complete geological map of the coun- try through which the Smoky and Little Smoky rivers flow, Prof. F. H. McLaren, of the Canadian geological survey, has gone north with a party of four men, to carry to a conclusion the work commenced last summer, General Allenby, HonOred London.--General H. E. Allenby, commander of the British forces in Palestine that took Jerusalem in 1917, is one of a large numbBer of Bri- tish officers awarded the United States Distinguished Service Medal, according to a list published in the official gazette. When a girl thinks a young man is almost good enough for her, she is sure to think he is too good for any other girl. CHOLERA INFANTUM Cholera infantum is one of the fatal ailments of childhood: It isa trouble that comes on suddenly, especially during the summer months, and un- less prompt action is taken little one 'may soon be beyond aid. Baby's Own Tablets are an ideal medicine in warding off this trouble. They regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach and thus prevent all the dreaded summer complaints. They are an absolutely safe medicine, be- ing guaranteed by 'a government analyst to contain no opiates or nar- cotics or other harmful drugs. They cannot possibly do harm--they al- ways do good. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers, or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Salvage Hun Ships in Scapa Flow London.--The British Admiralty has placed contracts fog salvage of the German warships sunk by their crews in Scapa Flow, it was learned. were expected. A small man's shadow is just as black as that of a great man, For years Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator has ranked as the most effective preparation manufactured, and it always maintains its _reputa- tion. HAs! for its own protection against heavier than air ¢raft. The dirigible and the two hangars to. be built for_it will cost $9,000,000, according to inform- ation reaching military here. It will have a capacity of 10,000 cubic feet, will' be 1,100 feet long, 137 feet in diameter, and capable 'of lifting 100 tons, which would be more than double the lifting capacity of R-34, which has just made a round trip voyage across the Atlantic. The cruising radius of the new dirigible, which will be £faished in from 18 to 20 months, is given as 16,000 miles, and "could, it is claimed, easily undertake the voyage rr the British Columbia government a and with a party hasj The] cerning farm lands received by It'was said that, "satisfactory results"| . Ibe paved, .!down on a piece of paper, man." iis ; THR 2 You surely must if you ort save Ti you are young: An Excelsior Endowment is the best Way Write for pamplet to-day THE EACELSIR LIFE INSURANCE 0 WINNIPEG SASKATOON = EDMONTON Vanco = -- Don't Experiment Be A Moody User cleaned ready for elevator or -for seed, that has stood the test of time. Power Required: No. 6 A. 24-32, Tone 9 H.P. Engine. 0 H.P. Engine. New 1919 model, Engine. New Model, 16-18 H.P. Engine. No. 6 A. 24-32 Moody Sel- The New Home Machinery Company, Limited, Saskatoon, Sask. Yor Time Prices : Separates the weed hae from the grain, and bags them separately. Grain tor guaranteed to do good work in all kinds of grain, threshing the grain clean from the head, putting it in the bin, not in the straw pile. ihe Over 20, 000 in use in Western Canada. | =~ with hand- feed attachments and straw carrier, No. 6 A. 24-32, with hand-feed attachments and blower, requires No. 2-30-38, with hand-feed attachments and blower, requires 14 H.P. 1919, No. 2 30-38, with Moody Selt-Feeder and Blower, requires 1 you do not have an engine, secure prices on our 10 'and 14 HP. Victor Engine, made for Moody Separators, or ous Parrett Tractors. Fordson Tractor, or a 10-20 Tractor, you have just the right power. Francoeur Bros., Camrose and Edmonton, ' Alberta Write for Full | = Information Re- | garding Moody Separators 3 and no dockage at elevator. A .separa- A machine Feeder and blower, requires 14 H.P. Engine. 1f you have a Mitchell Hardware Company, Limited, - Brandon, Man. C. D. McGILVRAY, ONTARIO VETERINARY COLLEGE 110 University Ave., Toronto, Canada" Under the Ontario Department of Agriculture. Session - Begins Wednesday, October 1st, Containing Full Information Affiliated With the Dntesrity of Toronto |' 1919. Write for Calendar M.D.V., PRINCIPAL NEE Saskatchewan Land Inquiries Saskatchewan Land Settlement Asso- ciation Doing Good * Work Regina, Sask--Much advertising is being given this province in the United States as the result of the work of the Saskatchewan Land Set- tlement Association, * formed at the instigation of the Dominion Depart- ment of Immigration recently for the purpose of handling inquiries con- the offices of the Canadian immigration authorities. in the United States. During the past month 6,000 letters have been received by the association and distributed among the members, who under the provisions of the by- laws must answer the inquirers fully. From the nature of the letters re- ceived it is stated by the secretary of the association that conditions in this. province are quite imperfectly understood in 'the United States. 1 Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. 'Sums For Stockyards Im- provements Between $250,000 and $300,000 is to be spent this"year in improving and enlarging the Alberta Stock Yards at Calgary. The yards are to sewerage put in, and the whole of the older portion modern- ized as much as possible. Other im- provements and extensions will be made from time to time as it is the| Largs intention that the stockyards shall be kept thoroughly abreast of the times, and the live stock business is con- stantly increasing. The colonel Pechoncd to his ord- erly. ° "Stith, 1 wish you'd ride into the towri and get the correct time." "Why, sir," Smith hesitated, haven't got a watch." "A watch; a watch]" roared the colonel. "What in the name of sense do you want a watch for? Write it England to Australia. Irrigation Is Unprofitable : Farming And' Irrigation Farming Compared Our "modern 'knowledge teaches that there is no essential difference between rian-fall farming and irriga- tion-farming, except in the manner in which water is applied to the soil," says Widsoe, in Principles of Irri- gation Practice. "Every argument Rainfall against the permanency of irrigation. farming may be urged against rain- fall farming; and every argument for the permanency of rainfall farming may be used with equal force on be- half of irrigration farming. The ever- lasting relationships among soils, waters and plants are the same - 'over \ all the earth, "Under irrigation the great water factor may be controlled, 'and thereby greater pqwer for good = or tor" evil is possessed by the farmer a the ditch." : In Alberta both rainfall tins SC and irrigation farming are success- fully practised. 'The central and nor- : thern portions of the" province usu- ally have sufficient \moisture every year to produce good crops; in parts of the south the rainfall cannot be re- lied upon in sufficient quantities ev- ery season to grow satisfactory crops, but where the natural rainfall may be supplemented by irrigation profitable : crops can be and are. being raised every year, for the conditions ideal. - = : ; Judge (severely): "How can you be so mean as to swindle people who put confidence in you?' Nd Prisoner: "Well, your honor, they are the only sort that you can swindle." Eh > An artificial kiss is the kind one woman inflicts. on another. "surgical oper. i - E - ation required. Dr. Chase's Ointment will Telieye you at once and as certainly cure i 60c. a box; all dealers, or Edmanson, tes & Co., Limited, 8 Toronto. Sample box free if you mention t his -- Do not suffer gnothor day with i i leeds ig rotrud Be ing Bless No paper and enclose 20, stamp to pay. postage. ET + BENSON fl Cop ULINARY PURPOSES, ANY AN XR 's moat delicious of ALprera mE MAN ISFANTE 2505, £UDBINGTE Samide Britaln'y ON' S CORN ST RCH Besos is pure, delicate and nourishing, unexcelled for all cooking purposes. It improves the texture of bread, isons and tolls iT one-third of the flour is substituted with Benson's Corn | = Starch. It makes pie crusts light and flakey. There is a recipe for the most delicious Blanc Mange the package, together with a dozen other uses .on Desserts--Rolls a it Sauces -- repared corn starch, $ "Benson's is the best corn starch for making sauces and gravies smooth and creamy. Write for booklet o of are