[@e%s Ly GONEVIEVE ULMAR 4essvesessif) #* 'wpyeight, 1019, by Western Newspaper Union.) At the window of the great show wnsion of Rushville stood Honora rescott, a queen of beauty and fash- £ " Fi : on. guzing out rather wearily at the ; : rreet. A JL of interest came into +9001000c0000000usasesasessres so00 z ior oyes as she saw a lovely girl with , swoet, childlike face pause to pat a : Br {4 ame dog on the head one moment, and ne next lift up a crying child who had stumbled and fallen on the pavement. tha raised the little one in her arms, aressed and consoled her and sent "yar on her way with her tears all jsned away. Miss Trescott turned to yer maid. who was unpacking a trunk. "3vho is that girl, Martha?" she ished, and the maid hurried to her side. Oh, please, Mis Honvra, Bat. 1s Nellie Druitt, the neiv schoolteacher." "Tlurry after her, Martha, and ask : Sr 5 her if she will kindly come into the oe : ; ; H lt heuse for a_ 'moment. a : Imperious as Miss Trescott usually Iver) «as, her tone had softened -and her! 'ag e Farner eyes were tender and sympathetie. > She was a creature of impulse, gener- ly followed. out. her whims and was : : : | ased to having them gratified. n Inves or : Ze : : It was not often that Rushville saw i : : ; "Ro queenly heiress of the great Tres: Z cott estate. She passed most of her fimo in the city social circles. For "hree or four weeks in the spring, how- aver, the country home was opened up Every wage earner can be an investor in gilt-edged securities "anid-tie family there received numer: . 2 was friends. Such guests, to quite a bearing a high rate of interest without sacrifice or 'worry. : amber, were to motor to ah "| and attend a grand party to be given The plan is so simple and secure that it commends itself to every- by Honora on her birthday. But there body. : hind come a break in the arrangements. - Z : ler close friend, a Miss Clarice Bur- All of us spend a portion of our earnings thoughtlessly. It is nr te a human nature. Yet most of us would be glad if someone would 'het she needed support as the bostess, take the money we fritter away and save it for us, because we and the necessity of a substitaie was | The funniest mixed- up sale 0 urgent. find it difficult to save it ourselves. \ | Wondering vaguely, Nellie Druett shoes ou Make your employer do it by means of War Savings Stamps. Bar lh Jou. ever saw---odd lots ; to him: "I want you to take five per cent. of the money in my pay war) hott of Mins Trawnhh Bd, Her large sizes, small sizes. Hust a Jdaborate entertainments. She gazed envelope each week and buy me Thrift Stamps.. Then with each Tier. fost in admiration of the $4.00 worth of Thrift Stamps buy me a War Savings Stamp. Slegant furnishings as she was shown 'When you have bought each War Savings Stamp, put it in my "nto a choice boudoel « and Miss Tres | cott advanced with outstretched hand, envelope. Go on doing that for a year." : . | a welcoming smile on her lips. "Yen sweet child!" she said; and | y } : Th] i x Your mind is free. You will not miss that 75 cents | sissed Nellie on tie cheeks. "1 hope |$ look it over. You s ars Bout t or a vou forgive. and dc not misunderstand ; * . : : ; ollar which you have hitherto squandered on ftrifles. dan ei find som ething. and all But at the end of the year you will have a little package of War [ocoeeom sensi ? 'this is supposed to be my home." Savings Stamps, each bearing the $5.00 mark, but which have | tua te stately lady frankly and | want for it is a two-dollar | cost you but a few cents over $4. 00 each. 'These Canada will | cleariy explained the situation. redeem in 192¢, : "1 shall feel honored to introduce : cash of course. : . CAE you to my friends," she said, "and you = can help me out, oh, so much. Won't you try and fancy we are old, dear } or 1 friends?" z War Savings Stamps Make Your Savings Serve You Nellie was completely won by the be bought wher- ; | pleasant manner of her hostess. Tt ean be R - and Serve Your Country--Invest - was with infinite delicacy that Miss. - ever this sign is : . . = Drescott made her understand that she displayed. . Them in War Savings Stamps. was conferring a distinet favor, and > that Nellie should be provided with a party dress and accepted as a guest, | and in no wise as a stranger. Nellie had dreamed of just such an occasion as that which eventuated two evenings later. Amid all her longings, however, never had she hoped to at- tain the elegance of attire with which - she was provided. The guests treat- i. - od her as if one of their select num- her. She found herself appor tioned to a Mr. Torrens, and before the evening was over lost all self-congciousness amid jig' rare enjoyments. Mr. Tor- ki ' "| sens wae a teue chevalier and seemed nL BER : oi we > ely attracted. Nellie heard his i : > ¢ mentioned in connection with "hat of Miss Tregcott; and understood that they were engaged. It was after : J: micnight when Miss Trescott bade her pi a Span omes £3 xpod-by and placed her in charge of = ou) Mure Torrens. 'She had presented Nel- He with a pretty diamond sunburst, a! i Nellie felt like some modern Cinder: ot course, you are going to "Paint Up" a, alla as she at length stoed alone in : Somewhere rolling along is spring. There's the bedroom, parlor or (he humble room of the home of Mus. : dining room wall to be re-finished. ~~. i Saf Aleit a Siow lady with whom she ge bP. R. is one pure sweet ca hoarded. Tt Pairly dizzied her to think There are Floors to bos paitited, stained a == overdthe EY the evening. It sugar. One of ae ost varnished or waxed. There's the Oil Cloth Eee a \rkabl or Linoleum to be made, Spic and. Span. AN attention of Mr. Willard Torrens. She l® mar Kable things : ; "had been greatly surprised 2s he bade | 8 There's the Furniture "and Woodwork to Ts ~~ = her adieu witha request that he might scarcity, a car of : itr f be begets Se > : call upon her later. : Nol i ri ed a vague 8 7 SE Te le age Lah ee wolf den. And it will Tot be so FING oT full four In fhe Lan of the widow's | fo thi "oa 70 CY freely recommend = aumble home two ev enings later. She | profiteer' S prices. Jor iis -wor $/ ; \ 2 i could not resist 'an invitation to @& : : ag motor drive "the following Saturday af: *NEU- TONE" Flat Tints for the walls) ; i "| ternoon. She wondered what the ex " "» i "acting Miss Trescott would think of *"WooD LAC Varnish Stains : : 1 these attentions on the part of her "MARBLEITE" Floor Varnish wl | Aance. Still she forgot all save en- thusias tie enjoyment as they drove "LIQUID WAX", for hardwood floors ee : i across hills 'and dells and slowed up " ' 9 a) i at the borders of a pretty, placid lake. "SENOLR S FEOOR PAINT", the old reliable | aries Druett, Nellie," spoke Willard VARNOLEUM", to Bonurity and preserve Oil Torrens earnestly, "I have halted here gl - purposely, to tell you what I have been Cloth and Linoleum, ' La longing to tell you since. he first eve- : We know that these Finishes are the je we Mer! Jor best of their kind. They are fMade in - : * Canada" --and we guarantee that you will be' perfectly satisfied with the results you get when. you use any, or all, of them, med: 0 rr