| HUNTER TELLS SQ To EXPERIEN. lilliara Rindsfors Says That Animal . No Loager Seems to Him an Object for Bullet HE visit of the Wales to the Un, low. to Watch and Amuse ent. of or hg spring and the gallant antlers of fall, could have been no greater cur nd I have seen the ungainly mother rly. There manifested if the distinguished v and her funny calf, writes William ocks a number of tor had been George Washington Rindsfors in Hunter-Travelers-Trap- ere hatched in 1917 or come to life again, 1 party went | PEL: In fact I have known the noble ro - From Detroit, the royal party went : : g : = bre ures suggest that 3 to Chicago, where some 50.000 citi- - zens turned out to do the prince | : honor, and where about the same. ear, so that in many cases it est to sell the old birds not anted for next year fairly soon, as th ecline in price frequently is more than the profit made upon the eggs laid from June to October. In a word the hen that has bright ow legs and beak at this season : producer, as is also usually _ the bird that has a large amount of internal fat or is very full and hard in tke space hetween the end of the t bone and the tail. = - A good laving hen is active. If of the yellow-legged breeds her feet a ~ Her to r re usually faded, as is also the bill. aie h . | lected to provide a supper, the royal number sought to entertain" him, "So exhausted was the young man by | the hospitality of the Chicago folks that on the {rain for 'St. Louis he {had a temporary breakdown. A stop Was made accordingly at Dwight's Station, where there was good shoot- | ins, and in the course of a short stay the prinee bagged a number of quail and rabbits. His host, a Mr, Spencer, said of the guests, "The party dress roughly and walk about the village, smoking pipes in the most demo- cratic style." An unpleasant .inci- dent occurred at Dwight's Station, for one day the party were about to enter a farmhouse, when the owner appeared and said, "Not you, New- castle! I have been a tenant of yours and have sworn that you shall not set foot on my land." So the journey was resumed in such a way as to avoid touching the property of this former Englishman. gi From St. Louis the prince 'went to Cincinnati and attended a great ball, but it is recorded that the thrifty op forgetful Cincinnatians hav ~ itor left at 12.30. On this occa- n, the prince having announced to have the second dance h Miss Groesbeck, a beautiful young lady who had gone to the ball devoid of any jewels, her mother re- moved her own jewels and asked her but incongruous, the powerful but awkward mobse so long and under such varying circumstances that to me he is no longer an animal to seek and kill for sport, but a sort of bullish, evergrown, ov freak of a fellow toswatch with 'in- terest and amusement. When 1 first see hini each season I 'have an jn- stinctive desire to first admire his ungainly, foolish, green strength and then walk up to him like an 'old country friend, slap 'him on the ba:k and say, "How are you, old fellow? I sure am glad to get 'back in the country again." rb To me the moose is different from any other animal. Different in ap- pearance. Note the long but useful upper lip; the long, awkward, but re- liable ears; the. humped-up: fore- quarters, that make me sometimes think of our "comic artist" portrayals of a combination elephant and don- key. Compare his actions. What other animal can trot like a "Maude §" through down timher, brule and ack pine and yet with a noiseless speed; can swim for hours in the lakes, dive to their bottom for food and walk through quicksand with a "natural desire; is equally at home on high land and low land, on snow, ice and water, in open glade and thickest brule; could live and thrive on frozen willows, that burn one's hand like a hot iron? is so strong over-muscled 5 per cent off On all Orders of $5.00 and over [ { daughter to wear them. The young : Soh oh Sh declined, however, and danced | 20d vet so hh J ks AF AIS Ld 3 + ten e srraved only in her | 2 lion's Skin with lion's courage $ : Sv Sey tng er Soverly alts ont 00 bratty aid "date £0 2 + a prince | Nis movements with the grace of the ei = vo : : : i - 'attire. From Cincinnati the prince Hoar, Shore ana tus erase 28 ; Tl I Toe er Le - oo : 1a aL nd a _| deer, ; BP, «LOUgAr or -cgyote, ] NN ©o : L ont by nr sonrg any i ho awkward, bullish, blind-fury defence 2 0924825225085 2526 O\ LOU : ; if their ne at the White House, where against the cold-blooded, sEllgul end. sane Les Sign : Galen x : Not provided with large he remained for five days. He visited culating attack of the wolf Surely mo------ nbers kept cool a the tomb 'Washington at Mount the moose is different. : : Ria | Vernon, and many an editorial arti. » ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) y : ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) : The Quality Grocers misty past. d-over & cle was written on the text of the 'young heir to the British crown standing bareheaded at the foot of 'the coffin of the man who had 'Wrested the thirteen colonies from 'boniferous age, a huge on any rate and I never gloat over his bedy since I killed the first one long 'of: the herbiverous age. But I like him at vst saree : ago. Now I kill him for a 'useful pur- es analih eR nara ey | _ After he left Washington, Presi-| Some of my frst hunting experi- dent Buchaman wrote to Queen Vic- | °1CeS were with moose, How well I toria: "In our domestic circle he | SMember one frosty morning in New, io. 128 won all hearts. His free and | BrUnswick. Hubald Martin, was the ¢ ingenuous intercourse with myself |&Uide's name, who hauled nie on a Svinces both a kind heart and a good | SPringless wagon, many miles above de ng." From Washington 'the St. John river, 'over "stumpy. - 2 2 went to Baltimore, then | lanes," but mostly 'up creek-beds we. | ; , where he heard Ade- | drove, until, after several days, we Y g : os ; : , and was so delighted | CMe to the "Portage" and sent our ~~ &1 NT ari ; : that he Goin a res SC Prosonted [Oriver back, While we eros our HI 7 IVE ounces of alcohol will kill a full. to him, and then on: to New York, | tent-and ate our potatoes and butter 8 ~ grown healthy man within ten hours. He was met by Mayor Wood, and mgrenf congent, LL 8 J : dr his qua 0 after day we ed down . B : : "th stream, never lifting water, to avoid Taken in smaller but repeated doses alcohol lets him live longer but gets him in 'theend. All alcoholic beverages are poison, slow or swift, . Medical science has established that alcohol is a poison and a narcotic chemically related to ether and chloroform, and not a stimulant. A man was once brought out of ether who had taken eight ounces, and aman ~~ wasonce brought.aut of chloroform who had taken 2214 ounces, but no man ever reviv- ed who swallowed five ounces of alcohol at a single dose. The unconsciousness or coma produced by alcohol if not broken within ten or twelve hours is followed by practically certain death. iv Alcohol as medicine has been expelled from the American Ph copoeia by the American Medical Association, n= TE 2.51% Alcohol in Beer prob- . came. How fast my a busier week in Cautiously waded aro ith listening to ad-, bend *and peered aown the next i Visiting vac: Sire, Elia ie prayed the ; 1 fous institution an ing points of £00 od to bless us. We are round- Laniber or refrigerator oie fires a reat ball held Ing the bend, How the primeval in- CED lhese very perish- at the Academy'of Music was the Stinct came back. There on a low 1 500d fresh. oo. vest social function in the history gravelly-bare island. unconscious of of New York societ , and there were US, stood the largest animal to me 3,000 invitations. Eo great was the in .the whole world -- a veritable crush that the flooring gave way, mammoth. The Lord was with me and two people were slightly hur and I feared not. I could feel Hubald __A rather untoward incident occu tremble. The shots rang out on the # red when the Yrince was driving frosty air. He turned: few faltering through Madison Square a day or so Steps; a dead moose; crimson waters; An Englishman, named HEd- | I, the happiest hunter of hunters, ward Moncane, rushed to the side of | With true Latin emotions Hubald the royal carrtage and shouted: | grasped my hand, threw up his hat "Who are you? T can whip you, any- ' and shouted: "Aint you glad! Ain't way. You will never. he King of Eng- You glad!" He could not understand 1 live a hy apparent indiffer Trua, I fel: d : planting by in the wiater season a few tons in some cheup torm of icehouse, | the sui ; this i 2 eet, and the foods 31 ion for the table day ce always so handy 1 mselves | "hogen." =" bl aes © oy Again, when the prince wa The days passed, I had willed "my { leaving New York for Albany, an | moose," but I -could not leave that 8, Irishman yslled, "An' sure an' 'he's [Leavenly country of fish and game. - bie ks, all. ont an' MAY ho NEVer toric back!" With back packs we went to a long. ry nog toireshing ang. SO insult that so enraged a gentle- | abandoned camp to stay two days. dg 10 the folks on the farm man named Morrow, wie was stand- | "sien were many ponds and much - 'Makes it Poison | "J "HE beer of the ballot contains 2.519, alcohol by weight--over twice as strong as the beer of the Ontario Temperance Act (2.50 Proof ~ Spirits). The Beer of the Ballot is intoxicating. Three glasses of th eer of the Ballot contains as much alcohol as a glass of 'whiske 40d busy season of the ing nearby, that he "knocked him for "sign." Slowly we walked up 'an old. too, ice is a gool." 'Passing through Alban tote road. Down we crouched as two ) 0 the Prince of W | 20ose came round a bend, cow and calf. The wind in our faces we hell 'jour breath behind a screen of moose At Bunker Hill ha weeds. Slowly the two moase ¢ When you are asked are you in favor of beer containing 2.51 graphs with Ralph 1 : Vien th sole survivor tamou : down the road i id. er - i LT ie ae ; , | The calf wandered ofi the road, 1 MH hol by weight--in shops, bars, or anywhere else, vote C and who remarked t mother, with proper scliei 3 4 - = : : to sho nd then calling it b ¢ Po i 1d on the homeward voyaj Instinctively she f mething MF No! --. Otlir Timeg= hat "was several d: rar BR : ; nae | is ahead. She stops and sila tly ound. Perhaps she hears : wR he . Save yourself, save your family, save your ; ionsifying ih with which | | God intended unhandicapped by "booze." ©. : ~ the beloved pri ; ed | comes back at once ] re Te Ll as } esi cian es BS : er Ee Delman ey Bl Becareful--mark your ballot after each question with an X under the ; a ~ column headed No," or your vote will be lost to Temperance,