Bote ont Friday, September 2 919 HE NEW BUTCHER SHOP pL MAIL ORDERS WILL BE PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO 334 times that weight----150 You are looking for your supply of winks soles. are you going to buy them, by the box or by the barrel ? A box contains 40 pounds when packed. A barrel contains ibs. We believe the bartel is-hetter value and it is conceded that the flavor of the Tn apple is superior to that of the western fir We : ~~ have a car of Nova Scotia 'apples in barrels due t ar rive, the latter part of October, Association packed; AL No. 1 Spys $10.10 Stars $8.45 Kings If you give us your order before October we will deliver hese anywere in town for the following prices: : $9.25 Russets $8. 0 Fallowaters $8. 5 TT. J. LATIMER Proprietor -- -- : wanted | mr. for general housework. Apply Mgrs NORMAN BEVERIDGE, : Dryden. a H-- DANCING NOTARY, ETC. Music supplied for aanGeS So pine if desired) Baa NOTICE Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to the 4th of October For the erecting of bell tower and hang: ing of bell at Glengoland School. Ten- ders may include material for same. Tenders will also be taken for banking of School. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further par hmakes-a strong appeal to the i imag- ticulars rs apply to _ JosEPH Trcry, See. Treas, Oxdrift. Property for Sale = The undersigned has been instructed | by the executors to sell the following property of the late John Cooper situ- ! ated in Town of Dryden. lit was a great success. ftreat. How {audience to enthusiastic approval." 'being able to express an opinion onl his qualities asa representative. Jbut we must say that as a candi- 'date his in the front rank. As the . lthe forcible difectness of his ex- ly a man to be consider ed in Htelr. Personal==not Politics | you failed to attend the Machin meeting in the Strand last night you certainly missed it. As a public meeting Whatever your opinion as to beer, you will find! that a little Machin stimulant, followed by something of the Grant brand as a chaser, would be as refreshing as anything ever putin a bottle. The two of them expounding policies of their respective parties--different but not antagonistic--were pe erfect types of their social status. The one a prosperous looking, well-nourished specimen of the professional mar ; the other the ideal of the down- trodden proletariat Teader crying aloud for understanding and justice, they were alike in their esrnestness and their, eloquence, each in his turn swaying and moving the Their aims and their politics are outside our field of criticism, further than to say that both seem equally desirous of finding what he {sincerely believes to be. the good of the people - This is our frst oppotinm to gathering was edtressed by local become acquainted with the genial officials of the party, who outlined Colonel. Our short _experietice | the objects of the organization. with Ontario politics prevents our | Tlie new labor platform was read by the secretary and copies dis- tributed. A. Grant, a well-known labor man, addressed the meeting at length in a forcible and telling speech, which roused considerable enthusiasm. The chairman also' addressed those. 'present, and in a sane, lucid manner explained the aims of the party. Several ques- tions regarding the movement as applied to farming were satisfact- orily answered by Bra. Grant. The lollowing delegates were appointed to represent the local body at the convention to be held at Kenora on Sept. 29: M.S. Camp- bell, A. M. Taylor, A. Grant. Bros. Davidson and Eccles, who were also nominated, 'withdrew their names, being tunable to attend The. ottlook of the labo | was never more promising present and when it is cons that they have joined fo : chairman, Capl. Edye-de-Huust observed, however, has needs no introduction to the people of Dry den district. Grant of the I. I. P. stated the objects of the Labor Party. Tall, gaunt yet engaging withal The ination. Gifted with a ready flow of speech unhampered by conven-| J efor bonds, he won attention by | pression and language. His nn- doubted leadership of the Jocal branch "is completely "established by the readiness of their response to his words, and lie is undoubted- A méeting of the local brane of a General Merchant, | OXDRIFT, Ont. 4d AGENT POR : = Norghie Fire Insurance Qo. a Pssurance Frost. & Wood, and Cockshutt Tmplements Ee Ak to see our ALASKA BEDS as GOUGH'S BREAD for Sale Sesssecseseitoseessr = ey : ck, Lime 1 8. C. Shingles oe Sash & [ Doors MJ CROSIER |, councils. : . Lots 19 and 20 S Princess (opposite 2 Conveyancing : Collecting residence of Mr W. D. Hoke : oy 5 pe Vsfice : Erb Sd amd 2 -Pirlcorwith-7 toomedrilre-Til iy Pras wi house : .. ONTARIO ou JS GorpeN Horses For aie Fourteen Head of HORSES and MARES ranging from 1 to 7 years. Avply to B. BRIGNALL. Oxdrift, Oat. 'R. H. PRONGER Notary Public Conveyancer, Etc. DRYDEN Se ONT No. 484 A F.&A.M.,G.R.C. Mests the Masonic Hall, the mn | second Tuesday of each month, Visitors cordially invited. Alfred Pitt, W. M. AE. Berry, Seartory ¢lL 0 Dryden Lodge No. 1604 «J.J. meets the first Wednesday of each month at 8 pm in the Town Hall. Visiting brethren cordially invited. : Wm. Penprase, W.M. Db. - Anderson, Rec. Sec. 13 n PS F Dryden Lodge No. «meets at the = Town [lal every Monday evesing ai 8 o'clock I. 'Recording Sec. cordially Thvited. brethren |CHURCH OF aL) gl. LUKE'S CHURCH, DRYDEN. Sunday Services-- t1a m. Morning prayér and sermon | 2.30 pn m. Sunday School a . MATTHEW'S CHURCH | Eagle River ie - Sunday Services-- : Theatre Tuesday evening. A very : representative audience was present including a few farmers. Golden Star Lodge| ar) J. Wilde, N. G, Db Auden | tthe farmers----who will 'also-atterrd conventioun--it will be acknowleged 'that their influence i in the coming election will: be a powerful one. was reld-dirthe St ) The As an entertainment it was al 4 district, he says: most emphatically, is | of food particularly will soon be on the W. F. O'Connor K.C,, Vie] | Chairman of the Canadian Board of | Commerce, y | trom now on. - killed by a train Sept. 17th. The father, | | buried in Kenora last. Friday. | un which the pulpit of St. Luke's will] be filled by Mr Brant Thomas as locum | the studied exclusiveess, the mystic | must show himself to be in: tonch with today. . i J. Spence is at present. a patient in 'the Winnipeg General "Hospital. i Lookout, are visiting &t the home of Mrs Dan. Hutchison. : Miss Ruth Edgren, formerly on the Saturday, where she will attend school, Eric Druce, former resident of Dry- spending a holiday. with with Me and | Mrs Campbell. Wabigoon = dropped in to see us the other: day. Heis now said to be iuter- ested i in stocks. Mrs AW. Cou west on a visit to her mother, spent a few days i in Dryden on her way to her home in Fort William. ; Johu Rhodes has jnst dug "from i potato patch on Lot X what a compe- tent gardener calls such a crop as a man sees only once in a life-time ! Lt.-Col. Machin spent a ow hours in Dryden Tuesday on his way to Ox- drift. His address in Theatre on Thursday night will give us a better opportunity to study the Col- onel, who is 'above all b hinge. a good | 'mixer." A Quilting Bes. and. Sale of Home Baking will be held "in the basement of thé. Union Chuich on Wednesday afternoon, October Ast. . A ten cent tea will be served, Will the ladies of the Urited C n- gregation please: accept. this intimation and' assist in baking as well. as 8 by their presence.' 'Mr and Mrs A LIL. Druin. fom 'Alank. who are of the old-timers of Dryden, are stopping off with his brother, A. B. Orvis, before proceeding east to Tor- onto and other points. MrOrvis declares | it 1s impossible to make comparison between ryder and the west. This ithout 'an equal from here to the oover on Bis, return to the United States from Europe declared | that the peak had been reached in high prices the world over, and that prices decline," declared in Hamilton on Tuesday that prices thonld: come down The 4 year old son of Mr Avanont, foreman on the Edison section, was 'who has been ill - since last winter, had lately gone 'to Rochester for treatment. | Thé yard gate had been accidently left | = open, andthe child wandered ont. The busy mother did not miss him for a minute, and the stopping of the train was the first sign she bad of the unfor- tunate happening. The little body was Sir George Bury in an interview s says: 'The. pulp industry is in its fotinc le Iv 1s in the same position as steel was twenty-five years ago. Paper made In a few years pulp Five years from now the house- because our underclothes, I beleive cost of living." Till We Meet Again = Sis next will be the last occasion tenens for Rev. Robert Wilson. Mr| Thomas is obliged to return to the University for the completion of his studies. He has shown himself while here as a} type of the modern trend in matters| clerical. The day of aloofness for thel| minister has passed. Gone forever are dignity, the stately sanctimoniousness of the priest. The minister of today the needs and problems of his people. | He must be above all things, human, fashioning himaclf after-the pattern of the Man Jesus and following in the footsteps of the Master. ; 'Mr Thomas has by his frankness and | naturalness won himself many friends To many he has made it possible to same time a worthy minister apd a i hee popular young: man. f 8 reason te count 2 > | Fa ir Comment Hverybody who i is + anybody is in town | Mr and Mrs Duncan McKellar Left on Sunday for a brief visit to Winnipeg | Mrs J. E. Cole and family of Sioux |" staff of this paper, left for Brandon on | den and veteran of the great waris Mr. E Photon. lately. or fumar. of | : Yio has been the Strand| grass a te . | from pulp has been employed to make | | wheels on Pnllman cars. | averything we wear wall be made of keeper will have all her kitchen ntensils | 'mide of pulp. The laundry will Jargely | ~~ {disappear = _ Ishirts, eollars, tablecloths, napkins, ete. will be made from pulp 'that pulp' will finally solvs the high in: 'Dryden, i in and out of the Church.| understand that one can be at thef| J Tent requested to attend. Major Cousins. et > "Having: taken o over ths busines late B. H. Stevens, will be please have share of the Patronage from of f Dryden and District. . Good Work-- Prowptly General Merchant EAGLE. RIVER, ON Yeesesetessecssoes *ed0 The greatest Send: for ~ Stock in years (5 British and European Marke a - then for Caradtan vf LargestiList of Prolt nc Stock, Seed. Potatees, aA Canada Co ----