ie he would find himself much A L* a ET IEVA AC wh OT AS SOE AN ART SSA POR REDE Bo ie Tr RMP a a THE DRYDEN OBSERVER! MAX - SCHELLENBERG WEEKLY. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT : DRYDEN. "SUBSCRIPTON, $1.50 PER YEAK in advance. : ADVERTISING RATES YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS--8100.00 per colmun tor a year Smaller spcaes in proportion, Busi- ness Car.ds (less than 4 colnmn) $10.00 per year, TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS.---Sales, Logal Notices, Tenders, Meetings &ec.,--12 cents per .ine (solid Nonpareil, 12 lines to the inch), for Grst insertion, and 8 cents per line for each sub- quent insertion. Lost, Stolen, Strayed , Wanted, For Sale. etc. when not more than 10 lines,--50 cents for first wnsertion, and 25 cents each snbsequent inser tion A ; Communications should be addressed to i 108. OSBORNE, Editor The Observer. Drydan, Ont. x PREMIER WHITNEY IS RE. 7 BUKZD. It is hard to tell just where justifi- able determination ends and unreason- ing obstinacy begins on the part of the Ontario Government, says an inde pendent critic, but certainly the Pre mier displayed only the latter attri bute when, ir the course of the debate on the mining tax, he answered Mr. Grabam's well founded criticisms and his request for necessary information, Ly the rud remark that the bill was - going through no matter what 'lie Opposition said. Later on in the debate Mr. Har- court scored wpeatly and humorously by saying that on the natural gas tax question the house would be grateful for more light ang less heat from the Premier. The effect of these deserved rebukes was tnat the Premier finally gave the assurance for which the Opposition speakers had 'been. pressing. If the Premier could only curb = his dictatorial and brusque bearing more popular with all parties. IMPERIAL FREE TRADE VS. COLONIAL PREFERENCE, Last week the president of the Brit- ish Board of Trade in an impressive speech on the fiscal question made the statement that ia 1905 Britain's for- eign trade in manufactures exceeded SCORED ANOTHER WONDERFUL VICTOR One More Added to the Long List «.f Cures Effected by Psychine. This young lady, who lives in Brown:- ville, near Woodstock, Ont., tells her own story in a few effective words of how ghia obtained deliverance from the terrible grip of weakness and disease. 1 have to thank Psychine for my present health, Two years ago I was going into a decline. Icouid hardly drag myself across the floor. I could not sweep the carpet. If § went for a drive I had to lie down when I came back, If I went for a mile on two on my wheel I was too weak to lift it throughthe gate- way, and last 'time I came in from having a . ; spin I droppin a il helpless : trom fatigue. My father would give meno peace until I procured Psy- chine, knowing it was excellent for decline or weak- ness. I must say the results are wonderful, and people remarked my improvement. Instead of a little, pale, hollow checked, listless, melancholy girl. I am to-day full of life, ready for a sleigh.ride, a skating - match, or an evening pany with anyone, and a few months ago I could not struggle to church, 40 roads from my home. I have never had the slightest cause to fear any return of the disease. ELLA MURIEL WOOD, Brownsville, Ont. Thousands of women are using PSY- CHINE, because they know from exper- ience that in it they have a safe friend and deliverer. © Psychine is a wonderful tonic, purifying the blood, driving out disease germs, gives a ravenous appetite, aids digestion and assimilation of food, and is a positive and absolute cure for disease of throat, chest, lungs, stomach and other 'organs. It quickly builds up the entire system, making sick people well and weak people strong. PSYGHINE - (PRONOUNCED SI-KEEN) for sale at all druggists at 50c. and $1.00 er bottle, or at Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, boratory, 179 King St. West, Toronto. Dr. Root's Kidney Pills are a sure and ermanent cure for Rheumatism, Bright's igease, Pain in the Back and all forms of Kidney Trouble. 26c per box, at jall dealers. Uh i DRYDEN'S Saddler and Harness Maker This Year's Samples of Wall Papers on hand -- Patterns and Color Effects better than ever at less cost Oils for Paints. Lubri- cating and Lighting Purposes GASOLINE Supplies for Pitner Lighting - System Always on hand Brvis & Kennedy GENERAL - MERCHANTS Dryden, Cnt. Announce that their stock o DRY GOODS Groceries Boots and Shoes IS NOW COMPLETE Keewatin Flour « Feed Mail Orders Promptly Attended to Your Patronage Solicited Subscribe Now cree Tenders Wanted FOR SINKING SHAFT. The undersigned is prepared to re- ceive Tenders for Sinking the main shaft on the Detola property' an addi- tional 100 feet from the present depth of about 40 treet. Work to commence about May 15. Goed camp buildings wili be erected and equipped imme- diately after that date. This property is location HP 411, adjacent to the Laurentian mine, on the shore of Mud Lake, near the town of Gold Rock, in the Manitou Dis- trict, District of Rainy River, Ontario. For full particulars address DETOLA DEVELOPMENT CO. 919 Nicholas Building, Toledo, Ohio. Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received: by the under signed for a two-story frame building, 30 feet wide, 36 feet long, 16 feet Ligh. : Tenders must be in by March 26. For plans and specifications aud other information apply to - A. R:. HUTCHISON, Dryden Hotel, Dryden, Ont. Horses for Sale. sac Carload of young western horses, ar: rived this week, for sale. =~ All in good condition and well broken, and are 'good generel purpose horees. Apply to M. TUCK, Dryden, Oat. that of Germany by £80,000,000 a year and that cf the United States by £183.000,500 a year. That is that America exports 3 per cent of her manufactures while Britain exports 25 ver cent. These figuies ought to be considered by colonial traders who disagree with Britain's free trade. There are few men of business in this oountry who do not appreciate the fact that all England could gain if she had the exclusive trade of all the col- onies would be an additional £20, 000,000 a year in exports--a mere fraction compared to the enormous trade done with the rest of the world, The revival of the discussion in parlia ment has emphasized the fact that as! Mr. Austen Chamberlain acknow ledged culonial preference wculd in- volve a tax on food in Britain. No- body here Dlelieves that Can:da is capable of asking that her prosperous fariners should get more for their foodstuffs at the expense of the British WOTKErS, Manitou Gold Fields! For a First-class Mining 4 Proposition Write Me. I have three or four of the best mining proposi tions on the continent. These propositions wiil pay from the grass roots and will stand the test of the most searching exainination. Correspondence Invited. WM. WATSON. Gold Rock, Ont. '- } WE HAVE FoR SALE A few selected mining locations near the Laurentian uune and the Little Master mine in the Manitou. Some of these are spoken of as being amongst the richest properties in the district and will, no doubt, prove very valuable when the spring rush opens in that district. A perfeot title guar- anteed, Government patent. J. CURRY COMPANY, LTD., Bankers and Brokers, 24 King St. W,, Toronto, LW Ee Rel TN , Tenders for Dredging. TERDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed 'Tender for Dredging Rainy River,' will be received up to an inciuaing Tuesday, April 2,1907, for arelging require at the mouth of Rainy River, Ont., during the present gear, Combined specifications and forms of ter.der can be obtained at the offices of E. B.-Temple, Esq., Resident Engineer, Port Arthur, Ont.. A. R. Dufresne, Esq., Resldent Engineer, Ash- down Block, Winnipeg, Man., the Postmaster Kenora. Ont., and at the Department of Public Werks, Ottawa. Tenders must iuclude the towing of the plant to and from the work. Contractors must be ready to begin work with- in thirty gays after the date they have been notified of the aceeptance of their tender. Each tender must be sccompshied by an ac- cepted chegue on a chartered bank, wade PY : able to the order of the Honourable the Mivis- ter of Public Works, for one thousand dollars (81,000.00). which will be forfeited if the party tendering decline to enter into a contract when called upon to do 80, or if he fail to complete the work contracted for. If the tender be not accepted the cheque will be returned. The Department is not bound to accept the lowest or any of the fendars By order "Y FRED GELINAS, Secretary. ' Department of Public Works, ; Ottawa, March 12,1907. N.B.--Newspapers inserting this advertise- ment without authority from the Department will ot be paid for it. The roll-call on the wrecked war- ship Iena shows over one hundred and fifty sailors missing A motion to repéal the Lnsh crimes act has been passed in the British hoase of commons. ses0r000sesas0vs0sossses W. J. ROBINSON, Oxdrift, Ont., Agent for the following leading Farm Implement Firms : MAXWELL & SON, St. Mary's. J. FLEURY SONS, Aurora FROST WIRE FENCE CO., Hamilton Sm rt an 4 Call or write for prices | It will pay you to Etat rh ha chi dd aba 4 AA © BRAND C AT Hay NRG D. AARON, Wig, Of ~ THOS. HATCH Issuer of Marriage Licenses DRYDEN, ONT. i $ DON'T WORRY 10 Try An Ad. In THIS PAPER "i Bargains in winter goods We don t want to carry over any winter stock so will give you the benefit of our clearing sale prices in Ladies' and Gents' Fur Coats, Caps, Gauntlets, Mitts, Felt boots, Over shoes, Moccasins, ete. We also have a lot of remnants in Dress goods, Flan~ nellettes, Prints, Ribbons, ete., which are worth your inspection. : : ; Shs Our Gents' Furnishing Department is replete with everyihing you require. Come and let us show you our Suits, ik : ' er Groceries which are seccnd to none, fresh and spicy and guaranteed, at lowest possible prices. : Try our Creamery Butter, in boxes or prints Fresh Fruit, Oysters, etc, always on hana 5 : CROCKERY STATIONERY TRUNKS BOOTS and SCHOOL BOOKS SUIT CASES SHOES PATENT MEDICINES --- DRYDEN HUCSON'S BAY CO. OINORWIC ONTARIO A ------------ CASSIDY & SON DEALERS IN € Groceries - Provisions - Hardware Clothing - Dry Goods A Full Stock of ~ MINERS' SUPPLIES on hand. - Special Rates to Mining Com- panies and Contractors op application. tists The MARKS - GLAVET - DOBIE GO., Limited Importers and Jobbers Port Arthur, Ont. 75-New Ontario's Largest Mercantile House 8x Groceries - Shelf and Heavy Hardware Explosives, Tents, Canoes, Tinware, Sporting Goods, = = Flour and Feed, Etc. a HEADQUARTERS for Lumbermen's, Railway Contractors' i and Mining Camp Supplies j ' OUR MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT is a special feature of ovr business Stores and Warehouses-- Cumberland & Lincoln Sts., Port Arthur Call for a Cigar When you want a good smoke The Rat Portage 'Lumber Co,, Ld. MANUFACTURERS OF "5 Eee "RAT PORTAGE. sash, Doors, Outside and Inside gliuds. Fly Screens, Staircases And al. kinds of 'aside Saisn BO Si id *.. Orders cm outsiae points teceive pron'ot attertien ' i! Advertise Now MANITOU MINES CO. (Incorporated 1408) Authorized Capital $1,000,000 1,000,000*Shares $1.00 each : No Personal Liability Non-Assessable Fully Paid DIRECTORS ; President--Major The Hon. J. E. P. Vereker, Kenora, Ont. Vice: President-- John Hofman, Esq., Rochester, N.Y, Hugh Dev Ermand, Esq., Albany, N.Y. Chas. A. Stine, Esq., Albany. N.Y. Secretary-Treasurer-- J. T. Lyon, Esq., Schenectady; N.Y. Managing Director --Hugh D. Alston, Esq.. Wabigoon, Ont.