4 rver EY -- / Sap Dryden, by 7 Ont, Friday, December 19. 1919 = Number : 29 vanne, 5 The weather's cold, but we are - olde A n- |'A Poet's come to town; lars apply to His grammar's good, his style is able | And great is his renown. His name is hid, but if we're bid, | Some day we shall reveal it; "| Meanwhile we smile, and full of ood worker; cheap for MATTSON BROS, Ox. " Favorite." ---F GG f a car load of WORK SES for sale. Apply-- ©. JACK FISHER .~, Dryden For ale--Team of OXEN, 4 and s old, good fast walkers orkers. Price $200. Apply -. Minnitaki 'Lake View Farm isting of 121 acres, more or eing South part of Lot 6 Con Van Horne Township. For- : known as the Taylor farm | Waterfront, 2 miles from Dryden, ! either by land or water. Good soil--ideal for gardening or agri- cultural purposes, well known for its abundance and quality of pro- duction. Part cash down, balance © to suit purchaser: For particulars apply to B. L. BLAIR, Dryden, Ont. 040000000007 3000000 P. LAUNDER, | guile, / " Are anxious to conceal it. Town gossip's dead, so if instead, We make a little fun; © Please do not mind, if you should find a Yourself hit by the gun. - Ye Ole Jem The purchase of a piano is not a trifling matter. Some pur- chases may be made without much thought, but not-- a piano. Hence the importance of selecting a AY {supremacy ART PIANO Grand or Upright where you have the fullest guar- antee in Lhe name--sixty-five years estabiished--a piano the tone and touch of which has the endorsement of the world's greatest musicians. The Heintzman & Co, piano is not built just to sell--it is buili to carry with it always and into future generations undisputed in construction and tone. "It surpasses any riano I have ever used ' -- Leo Cherniaysky, - one of "the famous Cherniavsky Brothers. Sought after to-day in Australia, $ New Zealand, South Africa and | the Motherland--and the piano of | our own homeland. ; CR an DRYDEN, ONT. J. CROSIER General Merchant, ~ OXDRIFT, Ont. L hop arly and get your share of ir choice Groceries, Fruits, s, Currants, Shelled Nuts, orings, Peels, Oranges and 1as Stockings, Cards, Booklets, 'ture Books, Games, Ribbons, +. Fancy Neck Ties, etc. all and see us before our Stock .is picked over. B. LINDEN Bir Br Collecting N ann ONTARIO © Golden Star Lodge GRC. © Hall, the » month. MACHINE. JIRA J. WILDE, Local Agent. N. BE t . HORN, Special Represen- ative. a L OL Dryden Lodge No. 1694 \J.Li. meets the first Wednesday of each month at 8 pm in the Town Hall. = Visiting brethren cordially invited. " Wm. Penprase, W.M. D. Anderson, Rec. Sec. nN 'Dryden lodge No. 417 |.O.0.F at the Town Hall "| every Monday evening at 8 o'clock, I. J. Wilde, N.- G., -D.. Anderson] Recording Sec. Visiting brethren cordially invited. ~~ © HEINTZMAN & G0.| Town of Dryden PROCLAMATION 'Notice lis hereby given that I will | attend at the Town Hall, Dryden, on. : : i Le MONDAY, December 29, 1919 between the hours of 7.30 p-m. and 8.30 p.m. to receive nomina- tions for Mayor and Councillors for the year 1920. : Notice is also given that if 'more candidates than are requir- ed be nominated, a poll will' be held on ee MONDAY, JANUARY 5, 1920, between the hours of g a.m. and 5pm. J. E. GIBSON, 3 Clerk. Clerk's Office, Dryden, December 16, 1919. GOD SAVE THE KING. Municipali'y of Van Horne PROCLAMATION Notice is hereby given that I will attend at the Municipal Hall, Dryden, on * MONDAY, December 29, 1919 between the hours of 12 and 1 pm, to receive nominations for One Councillor for the year 1920. Notice is also given that if more candidates than are regired ! be nominated, a poll will be held on MONDAY, JANUARY 3, 1920, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. JAS. M. HUTCHISON, Clerk Tlerk's Office, Dryden, December 16, 1919. GOD SAVE THE KING. Municipality of Van Horne PROCLAMATION Applications will be received by the undersigned for a Clerk and Treasurer for the Municipality of School Section, for 1920, at a salary of One Hundred and Twenty-five dollars ($125) a year Applications to be in by Janu- ary 1oth, 1920. ee JAMES M. HUTCHISON, Clerk & Treas. terbio] Btirhond of Bul Sulghite and Paper Jill Workers Dryden Lodge No. 105 Meets every Wednesday Evening at 7.30, in the Strand Theatre M. BAILEY, H.J. ADAIR President Rec. Si Union Church Special Song Service Evening service next Sunday at 7 o'clock will be conducted by Mr F. Veysey of Port Arthur. These arrangements have been made so that we may have a good "Xmas service. Everybody try to get out and hear what Mr Veysey has to say to us. Come and sing the good old Christmas hymns. so never mind a little cold weath- er, let's have the church filled. R. H. PRONGER Notary Public Conveyancer, Etc. DRYDEN ONT | skates Hollow Ground. We are now equipped with the latest type of SKATE-GRIND- ING and BOOT FINISHING ~~ We can therefore 1 supply the best work with the ut- most promptness and speed. Felt Boots Repaire ILLAR Christmas only comes once a year |. Municipality of Machin PROCLAMATION | Notice is hereby given that IT will attend at the School House, Eagle River, on : MONDAY, December 20, 1919 between the hours of 12 and pm, to receive nominations for Reeve , and Councillors for the year 1920. Notice 'is also given that if more candidates than are requir- ed be nominated, a poll will be held on ; > MONDAY, JANUARY 5, 1920, between the hours of 9g a.m and 5 p.m. at Eagle River and Ver- million Bay. hy : "ALEX. TURNER, Clerk. Clerk's Office, Eagle River, " December 16, 1919; -. | JEL ! : dOD SAVE THE! KING. | SHERIFF'S SALE OF, LAND ' FOR SCHOOL TAXES. School Section No. 1, Township of Wainwright. The above Sale held at the Sher- iff's Office, Kenora, on the oth day of December, 1919, at the hour of eleven o'clock in the fore- noon, has been postponed until | Tuesday the 23rd day of Decem- ber, 1919, at the same hour and place, to dispose of the property not sold at the said Sheriff's sale held on the gth day of December, 1919. ji 5 JOHN W. HUMBLE, ~~ Sheriff of Kenora. Sheriff's Office, Kenora. December oth, 1919. Toronto, Dec. 15, 1919. Town Council Meeting A special meeting of Council was held in the Town Hall, Dry- den, on Monday night to wind up the-year's business. : A motion granting $200 to the Highway Association was un- j animously carried. 2 ' The Town Electrician reported 'that current used in lighting up 'thé front of the Strand Theatre was not passing through the fmeter. The electric light com- mittee was delegated by Council to visit the Theatre and report. It was moved that Council in- strict the Town Clerk to advise Mr, Bailey that he must pay for current consumed during the last 18 months, within 5 days, or cur- rent would be cut off and with- held until the amount had been paid, and that he proceed to have his wiring altered to the satisfac- tion of the Electrician within the {same time. A motion by Councillor Gough was carried thanking Mr J. B. of tion of the able manner in which in 1919. the Town Clerk, and the Elec- trician were also put on record. BOARD OF TRADE fs MEETING. At a meeting of the Board of Trade last Tuesday, man, Mr Pitt, brought up the question of the proposed visit of Fort William. to visit Dryden en route. . do well to arrange for the con- cert. : In a short discussion the mem- bers unanimously approved the on the motion of Mr J.B, Bever- idge, seconded by Dr. Blair, that the Board undertake the arrange- ments, and Mr Pitt was in- structed to write and negotiate a suitable date. containing several duettists and quartettes, and will provide a treat to Dryden. The probable * date will be about December 30, ! be given, but due publicity will iin time. appreciating treat, as those who have heard this fine choir declare. mp TENDERS FOR TIMBER Tenders-will be received by the undersigned up to and including the Tenth day of January, 1920, for the right to cut the timber on a certain area situated South-west of and adjoining timber berth G 59 and South of Minnitaki Lake, in the district of Kenora. amount they are prepared to pay per M. ft. BM, for the Pine, in- cluding Jack Pine and other tim- ber respectively, in addition to the Crown dues of $2.00 per M ft. B.M.; (2) the amount per tie in addition to Crown dues of 5c each for such timber as may be manu- factured into railyzay ties; (3) the amount for Spruce pulpwood in addition to Crown dues of 40c per cord; (4) the amount for other pulpwood: in addition to Crown dues of zoc per cord; (5) the amount for cordwood - for such material as is only suitable for making cordwood in addition to | the Crown dues of 25c per cord. Each tender to be accompanied by a marked cheque for $1500.00. Any further particulars with respect to the area may be ob- tained from the undersigned, or from Mr William = Margach, Crown Timber Agent at"Kenora. BENIAH BOWMAN Minister of Lands, Forests and om a === Mines. Soi INCORPORATED 1670 Beveridge for his conduct as. Mayor, and expressing apprecia- } he had conducted the town affairs | Appreciation of the efficiency of ; The worlds Largest Traders in J Highest Grading--Highest Price and Cash AT Dinorwic, Ont. « Qur Business----Not a Side Line" for your catch OPEN EVERY NIGHT CHRISTMA WEEK MONDAY and TUESDAY Charlie Chaplin in : PLAYING "Sunnyside" a the chair-| the Westgate male voice choir of | He explained that they were giving a concert in Kenora, and would be willing : / He! ¢ - | thotight that as the entertainment } was of the best class, and there was practically no financial object | &; in the visit outside actual ex-'! penses, the Board of Trade might The choir consists of 25 voices, | FRIDAY and SATURDAY « THE RED GLOV NEWS, COMEDY and SCENIC RO | |A NEW SPECIAL F > IN WINNIPEG THIS WEEK The Hudson's Bay C 0. . E» Be Rams 2 Applications for i= membership and informafion con | cerning returned : men, write H. M. DAVIDSON Sec'y-Treas. : (S > - The Old Reliable' Established 1877 906000090000 00000000060060 4 P60060006600060000000000 2) a = E 2. ns General Merchant + : AGENT FOR ve Gockshutt Plow Co.. Frost & W Implements harnla'e Neaam Canavalars WRI PIV U Wive wypuswived Raw Furs Bought and Sold 00000060060 60600000000¢ (Cant Ean R. RAW FURS : \ | There is no question of Dryden |} such" an unusual' : enthusiastically | Tenderers are to state (1) thel AND HIDES WANTED--ALL KINDS We give expert attention as to grad- ing and price. You get the benefit of any doubt. We pay express charges on all fur shipments. Write for 'Market Report, Price List and * Shipping Tags. McMillan Fur & Wool Company 277-9 RUPERT STREET, WINNIPEG General Blacksm AND Wood Worker : AGENT FOR Massey-Harris F Implemements, Bain Wagons and Sleighs Dryden CHURCH OF ENGLAND LUKE'S CHURCH, DRYDEN Sunday Services-- gr 11a m. Morning prayer and sermon 2.30 p.m. Sunday School Lo ST. MATTHEW'S CHUR? © LOTS Eagle River Sunday Services-- 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School 7 p.m. -- Evening prayer and sermob | ROBT. WILSON J R ecto DRYDEN SNANS at either ~ or DINIRVIG 0 HOUSES For Sale and Reut WATERFRONT FOR SALE --ALSO-- Fire Insurance JAS. MUFADYEN RAW FURS The Great Lakes Fur Trading Co., Ltd. Have now opened a branch at Dinorwic Express Shipments Invited. Honest grading, highes WE WILL RETURN YOUR FURS We pay all Express Charges IF PRIZES NOT 8U R AEDICL. iz FRANCIS BLOCK, X 3 HEAD OFFICE * ~ Fort Wo Ont. Hg