Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 6 Feb 1920, page 4

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Term ITY LTT USSENTVEN 7 =p | CLARK | The Exclusive Dry Goods Store Men's and Boys' Clothing ~ and Furnishings LADIES and CHILDREN'S WEAR The Jackpot Co-qperation of readers will make Paglackpor Own prop- erty NCW paragraphs, criti- Ccism, witticism, limericks, and any thing of interest will be pub- lished in its columns. Address all communications, "Jackpot," care of Editor. All roads lead to the Heart of Humanity next week. S o) incere sympathies to comrade Jack French who had the misfor- tune to lose several fingers by an accident 'on Wednesday. : Don't youu forget it! The GW VA will hold a whist drive and 3a "WEAR, DRYGGODS, NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, VALISES ASR ee =e SELLING AGENTS FOR: Joke's Shirts and Collars. rine and Tetrault Shoes for Men Dainty Footwear for Ladies. Butterick Patterns and Pubilcations dance on the 18th. A real social "evening. It is ten years.ago today since a snow-plough was last seen "across the track." Snag-proof Overalls Some detective work, believe me. How would Inspector Bart- lett sound? The Soldier Settlement Board Dryden, "The Red Brick Store" representative will be at the Dryden Hotel on Monday next. Keen interest is being taken by the Citizens as to what form shall the memory of those who died "Tn Flanders Fields" be perpetu- ated. Shall it be a simple monu- ment of stone, or a hospital? A meeting on the subject will be Ont. N held on Friday evening. CTORS . in Great Britain, says regarding prohibition, "I recognise that the great mass of people wish to have a glass of sunshine now and then: The Case 10.20 is noted for ite reserve power. Owners state that these tractors are always capable in emergency, for extra hard plowing or for grades. This 10-20 is recommended for pulling three 14 inch plows which it can pull in sod or stubble. Tt also handles other implements usually requiring about six berses, such as two 7 foot binders, two 20 shoe grain drills, sixfsection sp ke-tooth harrow, 8 to 10 foot d rable disc harrow, ete. brown nectar or a glass of spark- ling wine. it does no harm, but makes men better and moré human." And so say all of us. For belt work this tractor drives a Case 20x36 thresher, fully equipped, silo fillers, hay presses, feed mills, ete. For all round use this tractor demands your careful consideration. It has long proved its worth. It is economical in operation, burning kerosene successfully. Th finest mnbrial Ld piled a list of amusing contribu- Before you decide on your tractor, let" tong Which he has had to deal us show you the advantages of the Case with in his official capacity, The line.. Youll then be better able to humor is unconscious, but none judge. the less deserving of attention. Here are a few samples: -- acini. Records Office-England, has com- You have changed my little boy into a little girl. Will it make any difference to my allowance? Oxdrift, Ont. C ASE sn B T, BRIGNALL, = RE [N My Bill has been put in charge of a spitoon (platoon). get any more pay? In accordance with instructions on my paper, I have given birth to a daughter on the 21st of April. 7 © 19204. B. FRITS ca "Throw your bundle - they're all going to' SHUBERT. The Highest Prices Ever Known That's What You'll Get frem "SHUBERT" WE WANT EM NOW--AND WILL PAY THE PRICE TO GET "EM We received your letter. I am his grandfather and grandmother. He was born and brought up in answer to your letter---- I send you a marage sertificate, ; but you only sent 6 back. There 'are seven but 1 died. . her name on half a sheet of notepaper by the rev Thomas. When I received your letter I have been in bed with the doctor three days but he does not seem to do me much good. I shall look forward to the next one, it will be ; very useful now. = le in that pile- | Answers to Correspondents. : Musician--Write H. Adair, Town G. H: Roberts, food controller' Capt. W. Jaggard, of the War Shall T, was fanny and he was baptized Barclay, was the week end guest of Miss Margaret Scott. Mrs Hugh Pronger and son, accompaniéd by Miss Jean Demp- ster, left yesterday on a trip to Winnipeg. J. B. Beveridge has been spend- ing the week in Montreal on im- portant business. Miss Myrtle Beddome returned from Winnipeg Wednesday. She has greatly benefitted, and has made a speedy recovery from a recent throat operation. at their meeting last afternoon. Saturday Mrs A. Cameron of Winnipeg is visiting her sister, Mrs C. W. Harris. : Mrs Dan Hutchison was a visit or to Kenora on Sunday. Ira J. Wilde was on a business visit to Quibell this week. scription? The 'devil' wants to get a Masquerade costume. Mr Robt Wachman returned from Chicago this week. He ex- pects to have part of his mine joperating early this sumer, but tas the property is an extensive 'one, it will be some time before full operations can be established. Mr and Mrs L. C. Benedict arrived here last Friday from | v Neuw York, on a visit to their parents, Mr and Mrs Guthrie. Mr Carmichael a mining engin- life is made sweeter and brighter eer who has been looking over the by a moderate use of the nut- Wachman properties this weels, | says the rock formation round Taken with restraint Contact Bay indicates great rich-! ness in gold. The prospect is one of the best in the country. Wife (writing): Harry, how do you spell costume? Harry (grimly): c-o-s-t, cost; t-u, to; m-e, me will be about $10 I guess. DRYDEN BOARD OF TRADE The annual meeting of the Board of Trade, that should have been held January 27th, is postponed until Wednesday 11th February, at eight o'clock in the Council i Chamber. i It is hoped that every business attend this meeting, for the elac- tion of officers for the ensuing year and the instilling of new life into an institution that has in its time accomplished a great deal, 'and has still a large sphere of use- fulness. CONVERSAZIONE. The Rector, church wardens, and vestry of St Luke's Churrh congregation to a conversz zione in the pulp mill ball on V; ednes- day evening. A large nrymber at- tended, and a most was spent. : Table games wer: played, and at intervals these were suspended while various itewas of an excel lent program-ne evere rendered. After lech thve Dryden orches- tra wit' their usual marked skill favoced the gathering with music, Re-union (Eagle)-- February 2s, Farmer--(1) You must sénd yov.r LE LARGE] NelLARGE EXTRA TO AVERAGE | EXTRATO AVERAGE b XTRA YO AVERAGE NeIMEDIUM | Nel SMALL cation ] RAE : , but a5 evidence nf 800 I BEAVER faith. (2) It is customary, . Bourgeoise--The Towa Council meets the first Tuesday of each - 60.00 to 50.00 | 45.00 to 35.00 | 32.00 to 28.00 | 25.00 to 18.00 foo to 120d month at 8 o'cibek. You're wel- come to attend. (2) How do we | pronounce your: nom-de-plume? RACCOON We dant, © plums [he ? 30.00 to 25.00 Zn to T550 50 to Ze 00 to 350 0outab Rs . Heavy Furred, | 20.00 to 16.00 § 14.50 to 12.001 10.80 ts 8.5 .00 to: 6. 00to : Ordinary }15.00 t0 12.00 | 10:00 to 806] 750t0 650] 6.000 450] 60010400 | PETER HEENAN WRITES FS KU N K t In a letter from Mr P. Heenan, NOIEXTRA LARGE] NCILARGE | NOTMEDIUM | NeISMALL | GOOD UNPRIME M.P.P., who is in Toronto at pre- & EXTRA TO AVERAGE | EXTRA 70 AVERAGE } EXTRA TO AVERAGE § EXTRA TO AVERAGE | AST0 SIZE 8 QUAMTY. sent, he again definitely states ; Black 13.00 to 11.00 | 10.00 to 850] 825to 725] 7.00to 6.00 6.00to 300] that there is nothin 3 5 Short 10.00 to 8.00] 7.50ta 7.00% 6.75t0 575] 550te 5.00] 5.00t0 250 as opening this et ote so In Narrow | 750t0 650] 600to 525] 500t0 425] 400t0 300) 3.00t0 150 Pe oF the attor- Broad 100te 300) 27510 225} 200te 175] 15010 100) Tote 75) DC general is concerned. In his These extremely high prices for Ontario Furs are based on the well- Lknowit "SHUBERT?" liberal grading and are quoted for immediate shipment. No. 3, No. 4 and otherwise inferior skins at highest market value, your Furs now--when we want 'em, Youll get "more money" and gat it "quicker" too. ; «SHUBERT " RETURNS WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY SHIP TODAY--AND KEEP 'EM COMING FAST SHIP ALL YOUR FURS DIRECT TO PLN ST HOUSE IN THE WORLD DEALTNG EXCLUSIVELY IN NORTH AMERICAN 524 Donald St. Dept.353 Winnipeg Cena letter Mr Heenan gives expres- sion to his views as follows: name and address, not for ppii-: jments. a7,d dancing was indulged in until Pressed the hope that the future i will see more of such entertain- EASY MONEY. The practice dance given by the Orchestra last Friday 7 as well attended, and we are now looking forward to the Masquerade Ball on the 13th. Many visitors from outside points will be present. The first prize for a fancy cos- tume will be a ten - dollar gol? you got your costume yet? piece each for the best dress ed! {lady and gentleman present. H 3ve WOMEN'S INSTIT! J TE. ~ "In this democratic age I do not consider that the seat is mine; it belongs to the people of my con- stituency and the Independent Labor Party, and I won't do any thing without consulting them." Ship - ZMITED heen home on Sunday, but as he is taking treatment for a little thre: trouble from a-specialist, he # it advisable to remain for a' longer, and will not be b" next week.--Kenora Mi" RAW FURS ome til ALT 7 Mr Heenan expected to have at no't while last Thursday ing of the W~ Mrs Wi tled "MV" whie? wv omen's Institute. "gle gave 2 reading enti _artha's Corner Cupboard 'a was very interesting. on preparation 0 spent over the tea-cups, freshments being serve Gibson and Mrs Morris. Se 1 : wud Miss Jewel E. Ryther, from: Dave Anderson was appointed. Sec.-treas. of Van Horne Council Who's next to pay their sub- man who has the interest of the' Town and District at heart, will: invited the adult members of the enjsoyabe time about 1.30 a.m. All present ex- A goodly number yer c present' af'ternc on in the Town Hall, at * ae Jantiary meet- | ' u Hartnett read an article Mo f rice, demonstra , ting and serving after showing a very palatable ooh can be it. A social hali-hour wa made of it fy d by Mrs FACTS AND FANCIES, | : a : re THE Square P Store 03009000568 080000000060000000000 Los ici dog ii stiardiind] A | | | TRANSFER OF ~ BUSINESS | I have transferred my stock of two lines b4 | S | 24 | : j 4 f : ; : b4 | 4 | & i 1 | | a of goods: \ t k 1 i ] COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS, RECORDS and NEEDLES. } WHITE SEWING MACHINES _to Ralph Pronger. Mr Pronger ill snake ! : ! ! 3 i | 2 i I 3S these lines more of a feature than can a store of this kind. He has adked ma as part of the goodwill J to the transfer, to make this announce- ment. I can sincerely add, whether handling the lines, or whether having is now no h i | further personal : interest in them, that both the White Sewing Machine and the Columbia Gra'fonola hold a high place > | S ' gether. The old price and the clear-out price plainly marked on each garment. '2 among the world's products equal to any, and far superior to many., Mackinaws and = Overcoats i Just about a dozen and a half left alto- Tt is still cold enough to invest, if at all "4 | need. | i | ALFRED PITT Drvden. Ont. EOS O-G) GH) (E---( i ~ | -~ ] a : ~ ! ~~ + i '® A -E() S() S SI SED () SSH (SOS. S_- (& 2 t-c -

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