The Hudson's Bay Co. | INCORPORATED 1670 Te he worlds Largest Traders in RAW FUR Highest. 'Grading Highest Price and Cash for your catch AT Dinorwic, Ont. "Our Business---Not a Side Line" LAND PLASTER In co- operation with M. 15 : Crosiey, we will have a car of land plaster shipped the early part T of March. Fave your orders in before Sat- urday, March 6th. Samples may be seen at W. 1 } oF B. LIN DEN Robinson's butcher shop, Dry fics N 0 °F A R Ys : ETC IN Crosier's store or the Associatios : building Oxdrift at any time. | oon P Collecting Rxice $14.00 per ton includin ; eneral Praztice sacls; ~off car at Oxdrift or Dryv- DRYDEN aL den. LT te " H PRONG ER Notary Public _Conveyan cer, Etc. DRYDEN - ON i i he _Kenora- District | | Co-operative Clover Seed Growers' Acsoc- iatio Oxdrift, Ont. HAC oMAcHm," Le Barrister, Solicitor, &ec. ; IMPERIAL BANK BLOCK Ont. A good ened purpose team harness, and wide tired wagon Y «Send answer to Box 9 94, OBSERVER, = | The least you owe yourielr is to Lo the most for. your. ® and a Square Deal This you can. get by shipping to Ths Great Lakes Fur Trading Co.Ltd. a DINORWIC, Ont. * Or HEAD OFFICE n Tok Block, FOKT WILLIAM, Ont. WE PAY ALL EXPRESS CAAROnS eeting' STRA ND THEATRE SUNDAY EVENING, FEB. 22nd at 8.30 prompt YE To give hie fesidents of Dryden an opportunity : of expressing their opinion on form of memorial Loli fallen in the Great Wag, namely: EW. V. Association and in addition the erection of feture of similar char- cross, obelisk, cairn or st c acter, the whole to be a memorial to the fallen. or i N on of z a cottage hospital and provision . : uding staff. gC 0 AN ~ cen by His Worship, ¢ 6. ! on P. Nymark "Land 0' My Dreams" OEEP DOWN in every heart lies hidden the spirit of Romance. Beneath the most 'placid exterior is something which we call imagi- nation that but waits for opportunity to make this old world glow with enchantment. Therein lies the charm of the Masquerade. . Add success of the Grand Masquerade Ball held in Dryden last Friday. Out of hte frosty moonlit night, with the snow - covered town hushed and silent in repose, through the entrance to the Pulp Mill Hall, was like a step into fairyland. The senses were overwhelmed with a veritable kaleidoscBpe of color and movement, and one was finstantly caught with the glamour of it all. groups of fairies, Princes, characters of history and allegory .~~ dramatic, humorous, but inv ariably picturesque -- was a delight to behold. But who could evér attempt to describe the scene! The Masquerade was more than a succesful dance; it was a social triumph. The hall was crowded to capacity with citizens and visit- ors from outside points who came to enjoy themselves. And never was a more joyous gathering of people. The novelty of the dresses the air of unreality, gave to the occasion an added zest Up to the witching hour of midnight the time was spent in danc- ing. Just before thehour the maskers were directed through a mus- ical parade by the M. C. Mr W. J. Robinson, to give the judges opportunity to select the winners. The committe appointed, Mrs Norman Beveridge, Mrs Dan Hutchison, Rev, R, Wilson and Mr i. J. Clark had a difficult task indeed, But their choice was accepted iw the best spirit. They gave one prize to the lady in Turkish costume, Miss Consie Kerney. The other was won by Mr Lawrence Carr, in the character of King Charles the First. been presented the revellers were allowed to unmask. It would be impossible to give anything like a list of the charac- ters portrayed; as therewas no list made at the time. But several costumes might be mentioned from memory as fnlicating the wide variety of dresses : Miss Frejd of Oxdrift, appeared as Cleopatra. Don Beveridge attracted much attention in his costume as a Rajah. H. Humph- reys was so attractively got up as a baby doll that all the girls wanted to pet him. Arthur Pitt scoured the flour as Old. Dutch Cleanser Roy Hower as Charlie Chaplin was present Tew, plug hat and all. Herb Wilde as a priest was quite impressive. He looked the part to perfection. The character of Judge was carried with dignity by Mr J. B. Beveridge. MissMyrtle Beddome, Lieutenant; Misses Taylor, Gold Dust Twins; Tom Marsland, Mexican : W. H. Ding- wall, George W ashington ; Miss Haire, Jap: Miss Roberts, Nun; J. E. Gibson, dot D. Frejd, Antonio; Miss Queenie Thomas Dutch Girl; Misses Eva Pitt, Moonlight, Edith Pitt, Night; Duff, Red Riding Hood ; Anderson, Gipsey; Alma Smith, Dutch Girl, Aldra Smith; Hig hland Lassie; E. Jones, Red Riding Hood ; E. Avhite, I ollies | Messrs Jack Pitt, Pierrot; James Thomson, Colorc: Ger Jtleman ; Jimmie Duncan, Dutch Boy; T. Crawley, Jester, i Dovkén, Charles Dickens. Misses K. Hartnett, Martha Washington , O. Ray, Greek Girl, G. McFadyen, Chinese Lady ; Sarah Thomson, Pierrctte:; M. Robinson, Bride; \. Pinkerton, Bohemian: L. Mortor Butterfly ; O. Upton, Ann H athaway, M. Brow mn, Marie Antionette, G. Causley, Queen of Hearts; F. Tustain, Queen of Hearts; Risegari.. Gipsey ; M. Evans, Indian; Sara Cummings, Fairy ; M. Scott, Nurse Mesdames W. ilde, Nurse; larson, Bohemian; French, Bride; Gib son, Spring; Leslie, Turkish Lady; Rhodes, Little Bo- Peep; Prong. Spring ; Cummings Bohemaint Messrs 0 Beddome, Noval Offi | Admiral; Eesli¢, Clown; R. Pronger, Clown, G. Conrad, Tramp: Mrs. Clempson in Riding Habit. ; Refreshments were served to the guests by Mrs R. S. Bartlet: and her staff, under the severe > handicap of restricted facilities for such an immense gathering but apparently everybody got some: thing, as there was plenty to go round. And once more the merry' crowd swung into the dance. high class which we are accustomed to expect of them. They have now attained a reputation which would make it seem supetflous to' commend them. = The decorative arrange ments were the wotk of Mr Phil Carr who also took flashlight photos of the scene, as well as of the prize winners, Thos. Proudfoot supplied most of 'the costumes. 'The fun was kept going until-4 a.m., when the party regr he | broke up, after gliding round to the melody = Ll we meet again, 2 Bedworth holds suceosshal U. io o. Meeting © : CARD OF THANKS. Mr A. G Smith, Mr and Mrs to that the fascination of dancing under Japanese lanterns to the |: enticing music of a good orchestra, and you begin to realize the], The everchanging After. the prizes had] The orchestra supplied music of the] 5 Opportunities ea Wr FOR SALE. FARM, right in the heart of: the « famous. Clover District of Dryden, Four miles from town. 160 acres, all good: 65 "undercultivation, 25 newly seeded in Alsike and Red Clover, 15. acres brushed; good frame house, 18x 26; stable, gran-, ary, &c. 1 Heavy Team, young! horses, 2 colts, driver; COWS, 4 young "cattle, 'hogs, poultry. All Seed and Feeds included. Complete line of Farming Im- plements, in first class condition. Complete Household Effects. Also Homestead, 120 acres, 3 miles from town, 1500 cords tam- arac, pulpwood, and quentisy of Lumber. 37000 takes all Perins sronsad Applyito LB, ~~ OBSERVER Office, Dryden; Ont, OS FARM FOR SA 'n the famous Clover Listrict of dryden, Orit., 2 miles for town. 50 acres;/ 20 acres cleared, 30 cres pasture. Frame house, 'and oo stable. Some fencing "wood ~ad water plentiful and conven wont. Apply to HERB. W ILDE, Dryden, Ont: a ,--- oe FARM FOR SAL no 'n Eaton Township. consi 10 acres, 50 acres under ton, three miles From "Oxdrif tation and post office; 1% mile wn cond seh Trae hots. a Lal I = MILTON: M'TAVISH 27¢ Oxdrift, Ont. WANTED "A hear from owner Pot dr 'arm fo. sale in the Dry cighbouring district: Sta ad particulars in first Ix If you want to sel 7c rm, rite at once to" THE OBSERVER, GEN. OF J One Horse, 1500 1b gelding, 9 LOY Luter pPaltiCuias apply toy wwoved ite crms, : = ! 2 ¥ eT . i 5% iy pod : Volume XXVIL Dryden, Ont, Friday, February 20 1920 -- . ; Nember on: FOR SALE Dryden Pulp & Paper Co. yr old, in good shape. Cheap for quick sale. PULPWOOD OSCAR WEEKS Dryden, Ont, Feb. 18, 920 Mar 1 Oxdrift, Ont. From this date we have advanc- 'ed the price of Green Spruce and t Jack Pine Pulpwood to $7.00 per cord delivered in the Mill Yard. | We are prepared. to. take oy quantity. : 5 "DRYDEN PULP & PAPER co lf." rorsarm Oni upliolstered MAHOGANY PARLOUR SUITE consisting of © 2 Chairs, 1 Rocking Chair, 1 Arm- chair, 1 Settee; also 1 mahogany | Music Stand. Will be sold com- plete or each piece separately. evening. Mrs JAS McFADYEN. ON SALE 22nd Feb.; 1 3-yr old (milking), fresh 13th April, Both good tiff J ers--part Jersey. HENRY. HARDY, Dryden, North end, FOR SALE Carload of western Horses; 5 head, all well broken; compris- ing 4 heavy teams 1600 to 1200 ib., drivers and saddle horses, gentled for ladies' use. Can he Lot 9, Con T Wainwright W. O. REID, 27 Dryden, Ont. amr Ca. Vi ASSESSOR, Applicat: 11S 1 bd Be received by 'the undersigne To for the Town of Diyden for tic year 1020, at a salary of $80.00; Applications wall be accepted up ta lebruary 23th 1920. J. E GIBSON, - Town Clerk. cleared," "Wabigoon of. Rarchy, Give full 'sarticulars to co BETTS, Chantlers PO. Bry GOOD SEED. IMPROVED GOLD . RAIN ARM wanTeD, il { Wanted! to Rent or Buy FARM. 4 with 40 or umore acres } with buildings. «Must he. near. ~The acquisition of permanent quarters for the; £ Dec. pf Bedworth U.F.O. Club, organ; ized ;a few weeks ago held its first general meeting W ednesday afternoon, 11th Feb, 74 being present. The gathering was ad- i dressed by Mr Farmer, R. E. pictures were shown to illustrate the various subjects, and great in ! terest was taken by all who heard. the speakers. Wabigoon held a similar meet ing the same evening, equally t succesful and enthusiastic. DRYDEN POLICE COURT At Dryden Police Court, Tues- 'day, before' Magistrate R. FL Pronger; on information laid by : Geo. Valley, Ouibell, AWm. Kerr, was charged with 'perjury in bewearing hat he had 15 acres cleared and under cultivation on 3rd, 1915, when making application for his patent. After 'a lengthy hearing the Magistrate held that not suffic- 'lent evidence had been submitted | to prove that' he had not the acreage cleared at that date, He therefore dismissed the case. © H. P. Cooke of Kenora for the efendant. Mr Kenney of Port rthur for complainant, * Cumming and D. Frejd. Motion} Wm. Newton and daughter, wish to thank their many relatives and (friends for the many kind-acts and sympathies shown them in the: recent sad hours of trial and be- reavement. FUNERAL OF MRS SMITH A funeral service was held in the Union Church on Sunday by the Rev. J. W. Pratt over the re- mains of Elma May, Wife of A. 1G. Smith. Deceased was a native of Dryden, and always took: part in Church work, being a former member of the choir, and other associations of young people. 'She was twenty four years of age and has been married only two years. She leaves a husband and one child, and to them; her sister andj her parents, Mr and Mrs Newton, the sympathy of her many friend is extended. MARRIAGES Hilts-Moore sack. Improved OAC: 21 BARLEY, $4.50 for 2 oe sack." "eld Selected, Improved C. 1 IRISH COBBLER POTATOES, $3.00 per bus. L. I LEWIS, Oxd. itt. a a FOR SALT. "Groveside Farr Con Van Horne, Oi: four (4) years; also ore putebred Apply (8) months., JAMES HA' CH, ton SALE. PC. FABLE STEAM ENGINE, 20 hotse power, in good cor dition, 140- 1b pressire on guage. Drvde Ont. rt -- --r | -- WANTED. : On January 31st, 1920; at Moose Jaw, Sask., Annie May Moore,' grand- daughter of E. J. Moors of Quibell, te'Stanley' Hilts of Drinkwater, Sask. To: Buy, STUMP PULLER, in good repair, for team. Send. pat: ticulars, With Price, to : OBSERVER) FRICE, SEED OATS, $4.00 for 2 bus, Shorthorn Bull Calf, aved 0s ps ior 74 Dry ea Ont a cu 3 name with me * Heintzman Co. tuner is coming this way Sowly : RALLY : Dra, Out hl RAW FURS Box 300, Dra ae ei, Ont) i 3 AND HIDES WANTED--ALL KINDS Wo. give expert. attention ag to graf. ing and price. © You get the bcs. bt of any doubt. We pay express charges on all for shipments. i write for Market Report, Price List and Shipping Tags McMillan Fur & - Wool Company $277.9 BUPSRT STREET, WINNIPEG 7 2 ®ve Eirme" HEINTENAY & 0 60 ~ ART PIANO SHOR THORN - BUI I. nh xt 5. eo D. COATES Those wishing their 'piano Hired repaired please leave your at once as: the wn ~~ Ci loca. Agent, This can be seen any afternoon or TWO COWS, 1 4-yr old, fresh Town of Dryden : = Asse: ISON i A