- : I : Ga neral Merchant, OXDRIFT, Ont. : ~ dealer in : Dry Goods Groceries ; ACENT FOR ! most menial tasks, to remain true Ro ; Boots oi Ss i Cockshutt Plow Go. Frosi & Wood $ jauring his life to his love for = git | ' . Hardware an arm rroduce nla who died when she was twenty-three, : ° {PS 9". : a a ------ Te to write the best known piece of To help the Salvation Army carry on" : ; ot By q ; Agent for VHMIPIV UV viviin wups utes Canadian' literature and to lie in an its great work in its many institutions for \ Yorkshire Insurance Company Frost & Wood and DRYDEN - ONT Cockshutt Implements ia 2 : millions of copies have been knewa j 4 , HOUSES JESS hE | ATE Lid Mr. Scriven was born on September 4 : 2? ° ¢ ' For Sale and Reut |10. 1819, in the parish of Seapatrick, GRACE HOSPIT AL : LF : ) in e 1] ; County of Down, Ireland. ang chris- . : of oi Soden : tened Joseph Medlicott, the iatier be- J 4 I r i ; b WATERFRONT ing his mother's maiden SE a Where 1926 mothers and children were = 'Get Ready for the spring thaw. - father was a captain in the Roy a ha i ; 1 Marines. His early education was ; Have your Shoes put in proper| LOTS FOR SALE entrusted to a DY. Doncaster, ia cared for:last year. Repair, and protect your Health. --ALSO-- 4 Whose charge Be in oe : ' hs -. was 15 years of age. n- : - ] red . tered Trinity College, Dublin, and af- = : i i Coloured Boots oe d en dy Fire Insurance ter Jess than two yess Hinte ae be Grace Hospital Rescue Station under the influence of Salvation Military Hostels ) la k, and made to look like new. TTTE-- . gan a course at the Addiscom il1- PE : . Army Officers and taught house- : 5 ; i blac ; : FAS, MoFADY ED tary Seminary, in Surrey, England.) One wing of Grace Hospital is oy ol 81 Sixteen in Canada, 'and real : TIT eg "_* |Besiening in 1887 because his health | 'Rescue Home for unmarrie aoe homes for returned soldiers. The : T i ise to be ®qual to a unm : '1 : ; ES RUBBER BOOTS SOLED 2 Du orm returned co won, | mothers. One hundred and twea- Business Girls' Boarding Home Sis Douglas Haig Hostel in Win- 9 niin | { ats al Broth iii 8 d af Bi ity and obtained his degree in 1842. ty four girls and women passed Where young gitls without a nipeg has accommodation for 200 : ; J: ALERNALIOA i Crim Foi 11 "Soon after he came to Canada and through this section last year-- home can find a real home, with men. There are also hostels at : a uLLARD, . Sulpaize an' saps al Works Theat The Iemuipor SH oars Mlevery. girl some mother's child. every convenience and comfort, Port Arthur my Fort Wie ih : Boot and Harness Repairer. ; a iid LLG Shots Cf old | The Savlation Army keeps in etc, at a minnimum cost. 1f me Manion visions tind 5 TT -------- ft Dryden Lodge No. 105 lies his unmarked grave. At Port | touch with these girls for years without funds they are cared for So OZENS OL men are helipad i raanrsnc rece ; | ' Hope the centenary of his birth was | after they leave the institution. a] the same. ; many ways every day -- getting 2 | \eets 1st and 3rd Thursday eac! aed Le ns Je Manno race Hopstial always full to The ciity: has its snares and Wwork;ipensions. etc. ; > 2 i a i , ; 2 : BD. T. TRIST JT iil™ "55 har, (her in Sh iitest SAE fie tom and thos a rad oa 0 vom cnt mann ws Pn Wo * ! oi ~ 1 J. bibs i a osed to Th diam rom the . country "district. ye : 7 ul : $ Lo ; : Rec. Sec' Foandtis Sy Se pr and bri donan Home for Wa ward This is a place for Tr. Practically every prison in the r . : ® ] y build a suitable monument to the : 1€ YW, Yih in motherly Salvationist as Dominion i$ visited and prisonirs * Drvden Livery, Transfer Merron vom ann whe nied me Girls matron, who is interested in the interviewed, mct or the day. of 3 0 0 F pde J redige Ho : ailing i rs is]. Has offered 2 fresh start to girls, both morally and physically release and fonnd employment, and Br TE de ro the cottage in which he lived for | lundreds of girls and women R Struct] ¥ and Mostels etc. Magistrates and police othe-, " 3 : Fo : N a b oh many years, it has been suggested lealt with by the police court, econs me on iat an 205 €:5 ials everywhe.c welcome the co- Exchange Bara 7 4 a ye : Fantn oi rents nt : a an oe Ti aa When a girl is brought before the In this connection none are operation of the Salvation Army > " Ls ae silting rei aying the words * : : : ¢ : i : ~ : ot . sedially fuvited. LAE Jesus" within sight of | POliCe magistrate, for her first more successful than the Salva- workers. First offenders are J. CROSIER 000006000000000000000000¢ A.J.GARDINER General §Merchant EAGLE RIVER, ONT. a-- a. 0000990000000900000000000 - haw Furs Bought and Sold 200404000000 600000000000¢ - 909 Golden Star Lodge disap ait (3 EXTRAIT NR SCT 00 TO TH LI aX aX EXIRIXIXEXENEI ENDER bebe! Man Who Wrote Famous Hymn ae ES SL O be a man of culture and education, to live a' lonely and self-sacrificing life, to occupy his time with the < o 2 85S 2 "oe x3 oo} 5 " aa Xe) RL E> ee E Unmarked grave was the fate of Jos- eph Scriven, the author of "What a Friend We Have in Jesus," of which three railroads, and a main thorough- fare, and that the cottage be pur- chased as a museum for the many ' offence, and the magistrate con- siders she should be given a ~ HOME SERVICE FUND MARCH 22, 23 and men, women and children. . | tion Army, with its world wide machinery and fifty years of ex- SC placed in their care. Paroles are ,obtained. And many are sent to : n fo 5 chance, instead of being sent to perience. Its workers are of the" their friends, far s being paid by 0000400000004 000000000069 things, that, are St Lt the Provincial jail she is sent to people: Cases are being dealt the Salvation Ar v in some cases i : No. 484 Which 'were conne Kildonan Home where she is with every day. © to Vancouver and Montreal. =, Ey ESET -, -------- S ' of the preacher-poet. z ? gett. Ning ON Mr. Scriven went to Port Hope as ~~ > e . 1694 AF. &A.M.,G.R.C. li Dn : : ; : : LOL. os TE oh ® i E ed for Soon be It has twenty three Institutions In operaticn for the practical meeting cf the need, whether in : gf Shots pniiyst § pom 1a the Lows | Te21s in the (Mowinle | Hall, 0 | Penceliey, a commenter 18 fhe roy] oi bien to €0untry, nation or individual, in Western Canad-. ; rE J fon 2 bl second Tuesday of each\mon:h. navy, who, for his services had been : : ; fia »M Hall Visiting .* 'brethren cordially ond Tuesday ; ; x : atid i 2 Tisttors cordially invited. given land at Rice Lake upon which his son and grandchildren still live, There Scriven fell in love with Eliza Catherine Roche, a niece of Captain | Pengelley, and the daughter or An- drew William Roche, R.N., but after an illness of three years, during which time she saw Scriven almost every day, she died of tuberculosis on August 6, 1860, when she was only twenty-three years old. Scriven Alfred Pitt, W. M. W. J. Robinson, W.M. | A. E. Berrey, Secretary : D. Anderson, Rec. Sec. Dryden Objective $500 GIVE LIBERALLY GIVE CHEERFULLY ALFRED PITT, M.D. HAMBLEY, F RUITS GOUG H'S CANDY ever married. . : ig : f 1 1 i Cs oy Siw hii for coming to Can- j Chairman 5 / - Treasurer : ; 5 M S: KODAKS ~ ada is not known, but perhaps the 4 % HE ICE CREA : : Soup of his religious beliefs had - Ek ------ - rt ene ssa 4 my j : ni an 3 : : ny BREAD "SUPPLIES |e towed fre cannot ss at PERERA 200820280000 0095L32520250.858 Fa ; : sd > { characerized than a desire to follow CAKES { CONFECTIONERY |: iis i foci aos 'NEILSON'S CHOCOLATES script or purse and preach the £08- pel, for Scriven is still well remems=. bered about Port Hope as the man who threw his hat upon the street on market day and on circus day and thrilled his audience by his message and his oratory, for he was'a man of handsome appearance and excellent education. It has been said that | €) Scriven was a Plymouth Brother, but hed it seems that although he associated with members of that sect, he was a mefber of no organization, but ~ breached truth as he saw it, Ls About 1889, the widow. with whom he had been living died and Scriven went to live wth a family by the name of Sackville, who were Ply- | mouth Brethren, and who lived at | Bewdley, a village at the extreme west of Rice LaLke. There he died and it is only fair in contradiction to the morbid story that he.committed suicide to say that during his illness, 'while delirious; he wandered from his SRA SN on WANN PN DRYDEN ---- ONTARI 'When you want: : Hardware, Tinware, Stoves Beds and Mattresses - L) STOCK TAEING! = 5% ~ : TRY room and was found in a few mine . _ Jutes lyihg with his face in a few : : Ry gor! inches of the water of Rice Lake, N = § 8 : % 'f'where he had fallen 4 y D J O } A ) 2s ase Cupiguitl? At his own request he was buried beside the girl he had loved, in_the small, private cemetery on the Pen- 4 t gelley estate on a hill overlooking the . : : / il Fu | lake. On one side is the grave of the arb Wire and Peerless Lawn and Field Fence ; : DRYDEN Dealer in ail kinds of ; x Drop in and pick up =cme of the BARGAINS. - girl and on the 'other, the grave of her uncle, Robert L. Pengelley, com- mander R.N., who'died in 1875. |. Besides the poem, "What a Friend . We Have In Jesus," Scriven 'wrote other hymns, some of which are well known and' several essays on relig- ipus subjects which. urge deep piety * Ws : and the utmost simplicity of life, A 5 AER : 3 "What a Freind We Have In Jesus." . a : J . What a Friend we have in Jesus, All our sins and grief to bear! What a privilege to carry " Bverything to Godin prayer! oy ' O"what beace we often forfeit, : -- O :what needless pain we bear, Kl All because we do not carry Ly Everything to God in prayer. Nd 4 Pain 0il, Glass Binder Twine, Pumps, Etc. : - : - < x < Lo ) So HL Ws SIN a FIAT > NAP, ' & ee ) NN ' ): The CASH STOR i I i El 'Have we trials and temptations? 7 : ; : . Is there trouble anywhere? Sl : : Lah Ni } We should never be discouraged: ie : o Tak?> I 49 ihe Lov hare : A fow Front Quarters. . Who will all our sorrows shate? ~~ of choice young beef at © 18 cents per 1b. Jesus knows our every weakness; bd k 4 Take it to the Lord in prayer. 'Are we weak and heavy-laden, Cumbered with a load of care? Precious Saviour, still our refuge---- Take it to the Lord in prayer.' { Po thy friends despise, forsake thee? : fd . © Take it to the Lord in prayer; ; UE In His arms He'll take and shield SER : Se = ' reper ern thee! : : Thou wilt find a solace there, a Speaks for Itself. : *Are you an experienced aviator?" 1 KIE ONE 1 RICE ; STORE "Well, I've been at it thre mont ES AUN UOUNUN "and I'm all here," d YE RE des ! bili OEE \ Fe : !