Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 19 Mar 1920, page 2

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1 N Cheer 8 5h ; iS » ik Rane ant BCT Sd ) wy - 2 ; Bs oi -~ 2 : # = Sh : i = -- a : de bg as = i ROLE TE haem Lan a AY od alk = : PI Aen ; : - THE A rTevth - tan SR LI ST Have You Ever Thought of === TEA B581 properly infused, is one of Nature's greatest blessings as a harmless stimulating beverage. DANCE AT IGNACE, Wednesday night a dance was held in the schoolhouse, Ignace, under the auspices of he young people of the town. The Dryden Orchstra, specially engaged for the occasion, and composed of | Messrs F. Risegari and R. Dorken (violins), Sid Bartlett (pianist), Reddy Beddome (cornet), Frank Foulis (trombone), D. George (flute), Phil Carr (drums, &c.), furnished most delightful music to the large assembly. The opinion was unanimous that this was the most enjoyable dance ever held in Ignace, and por Bh HE CORE ; i Fig oily by "PY Are more enjoyablé than any outside ente : Si A Ty ER 5 oI 755 a gl roy £3 ment. To ensure these, what you need ig 3'go on ante. 3 will p Gramophone. "¥e n instrument, for cash - The best Records in great vari Fn a SLAM AN | pal Finest select 3 LATS FA : Je ions by thebes > 33 vat iagriaa tliv 5 ie. Come and hear them before you buy. + ES) & ad LIV "Toasters; - 0 Grille; EE TTR tae Toe IC Sir Lowy Point and Canadian Beauty. Wringers, Lamps, Vacuum Cleaners, B ed Warm-. ~ vip Seivis 5 TE r i ers, ete., ete. og All sol d on easy terms to s ATE Wy W100 On : . J aals leva of % as oy Our aim is to install these ¢o : AAC WU AS home in Dryden, . Qurpricesand terms are a i nyeniences ifs AON pn] 3 ety. . JIL EW wo 5 fy rra B16y- five ladies, t@ whichalkdidgus- oe suid RE Rs £ Ne SE Se RE Ce pe re I ® Pog pow pe om Ay Eh ved HT oy he a 2. EY 400 T 5 a 182.0% anhitavas AN] SPRENGER such'an h or on the easy payment plan. ing avtistes.. . While you are listening you ¢an have.an oppor: "LB tunity to inspe et-eur- line of Electrical" lsbor- AiG t your purse.- ingvery nr 1 therings in the. future. ING! fvitheco Atel 6%idsy 4 gir od, o [poy =F. youl Port Arthur. Jrons; Washers, |1 a n- hope was expressed by the chair- man, Mr McNabb, that the or- chestra would rturn on another date and provide a similar treat. _ An excellent lunch was served tice? Man visisarh were present frofi a amd. Dayded which added mitich toot Success. They. in turn expressed their delight at the-teception accorded them by these are invaluable in promoting -}good feeling in the district, and we hope to s¢e~many similar ga- 7 FOR' SALE ee AT I v 3 TIT Gitte Oxford . COOKSTOVE, the peoplé of Tgnace. "Affairs like] A N _ OXDRIFT. We are glad to report those on the sick list getting better. Miss Gladys Adams returned to Port Arthur on Saturday. Mrs Browning leaves for Tor- onto on Sunday to represent Glen- goland U.F.W.O. at a convention to be held shortly. The Clover Seed Association shipped a car of seed last week valued at nearly $30,000. That is | going some. The gravel good use of lasts. pit gang are making the snow while it Much sympathy is felt for Wm. Jones who has had the misfortune to lose one brother, one sister and his father, the. result of fly, dtring | the last three weeks, at Inverfnay ; Vk £0 BREE © HC : Fred Brignall took-arear of fa cattle to Winnipeg, and returned | with a car of hogs. He took in the-Brandon Fair while away. poe 'Want do. Do we re ar kb} 0 3 x ally need telephones ? Yes. Are we going to get tele- phones? Yes. When? The sum- telephones? Wel. % : mer of Igz0. Who Js going to uild them: the Town 6 No=2thé farmefsif 4+ - ppeft reservoir, wood ng6dbd condition." 17 CHAS, SILVER. s DIT in Ow fe haan NY y 3 4p For. sale,| COOKSTOVE, "burns '| coal or wood ;.1 enamél Bath 'Tub 8reordsig-ft. dry poplar wood. " : ~~ Tha DABS hy ir "MSW H. EVANS, 89: oni 0 aro OV DIFdER AL, ------------------e Rol \ S.C... WHITE -LEGHORNS: ht iN ON AA L¢) "| town dine: W. Nee » will: be wasked to express "thei The Glengoland UF O. Local voted unanimously in favor of telephones; and. - appointed the following commit ptheir communities, - i : $3 J:S. Corner, Convenor, D. Ken- nedy south line, H." Wheatley ly 'north line, rtin, Oxdrift:Dry- Fo | Oxdrift, H. Ma iden: line. = Farmers all: over' this "district wishes in regard to installling' 'a Barron's English Strain. World's jreatest layers. Stock govtnment inspected. | Eggs, $2 for. fifteen; $0-for Rfty.s"T § AT ge, 7 Stren MILKING COW 15 Grade "Heifer: «for sale. Also later 'on; Must be cash deal.- -. DON] BICKNELL, To 18S Bedworth, dcrne USEHOLD] : 'Refrigerator, Library Table, Kit- {chen "Fable with 'bins. Can be seen any afternoon after 3 o'clock, - Jat the home of | Hui al "Mrs IRA J. WILDE, Traiaylls 'ADMINISTRATOR'S +SALE Having been instructed by-Char- les Coombe, Administrator of the 'Estate of Frederick Lewis, late of the Town of Dryden, in the Dist. of Kenora deceased, F will offer, for sale by public auction at Self's : ie JH ne Tos of a with a view $n wnat this soit Ten Era Ont, on 3rd day ef April, - ged witha view to make this possible. Sy on Penny pie : > Sh : = oe dl Eh Rn al ~ -] .(1)" That certain parcel of land | registered. under The . Land: ¥ I. Titles Act as parcel 6259 in the |. Register for the. District of |. Kenora and province of Ontario Namely : the North Half. of Lot 'iio number Eleven, in the Fourth: Concession of the said "Town- ~ship. of Van Horne, containing == One. Hundred and Sixty 'Acres; nie = a % more or less. NE 0000000089040004 048+6405000000000casners *84000¢ sb "(2), That certain parcel of fand Lo i : pa SE at 'registered under The Land HAAR ge TEA A Peer ol Ties Act as parcel 6801 in the 4 ww Ta. an : $ «Register for the Dist. of Kenora : x = : x o } : AL aly, do oo v2] 9 { Fa. : PIR 8 and province. of Ontarip, name- |-8 e- R us ¥ bts ore +8 "i: ly: Lots numbers 53, 54, 55 and : a a TA CE uD Rae Bag ERT 1 f.56:n-the sdid Town.of Dryden, ALE 8 ral EET : ¢ as i oh phy y 5 2 PGi Node t YE VU Ce bf the Office of Land itles at ? i Lhe * Latest - Prices Sl + i. Kenora, ; : lt 21] nr ETA b+ i ow Sl titi Lf opteiady UA dele h Jo SR Et ; 4 Royal Hoysehold Flour, per cwtis sit. dn $6.65" 8 "Ferms, of Sale.--« 1 abit e Cracked do Beige isi LE BE ABS: 1g The property: will be. sold sub- ® 'Whole CBF, Per twits sermon. ostiatne To die 7 8 |jecttoa reserve bid. For further ° Shorts, per ce. 8.3... 5 .. li SY Sh ® | particulars dnd conditions of sale, ¥ ® Bran, PEF AW a, 250.8 apply; to thé 'Administrator; or, Oatmeal Feed, be Ww !- 5-9 theundersigried;, ._ ., y. for cows and pigs. '7 5 rien ERC V: TOHNSTO Ground Wheat Screenings, percwe: si (1. AG 4 YoHRste for stock and pigs "<5 Si Ai; SE Sm, gage fh CERES : - St Charrles Cream, per in Ei i! PB : ---- es ns pHIOTE] Sizeiper tins, TFL, LAT | 4 RISO ooh : : : FOC sted) per cased... ue La 5 ii HARRI: ma Brookfield Beds pémz doz carton . 4. \ "| Electric Wiring and: repairing. - Brookfield! Eggs, loose py doz... "4 Gas. Engines, Motor Boats pagint- rd, Ting SrAb dartenso per, 1b. Higrdbl pail peripail...; . Ib pail, i i RT Ae 3 Pure 1A : One tin' each, 2% 3h '2 ail 'Per pail. sxuq, 1b Tomatoes, p/Corn, J Peas" V. SCOTT, Dry 190004600000040¢0¢000¢00¢ 600000004047 5: DODIGIB H e : [ J ® ® [4 1 3 § : ® : Hs PO Hw oe itt 8 SIL hry PT sGreyi Horse abodt 1500th; 12'yédrs]" - old, "tediand: repaired. Good 'moderate 'prices, Ai sot yn work at FIZ, Cap Tf ped 43 : IN'POUND AT DRYDEN TU ADHIE fees = : '. The central telephotie commit-{ jee will expect-all canvassers to| ou , due' to freshen; ARTICLES. | undrstood. and. agr -| cost: of telephone shall not exceed. member will 5 cc | Possible, a public meeting will be } Held inthe evening, and the far- tof | Dryden "Pulp and Paper Co., left | returned from 'Florida, are stay-.| "ling with Mr'and' Mrs Pitt, el rE Te al i rural telephone system." The final step. towards" organization will either be taken "or decl report bythe end of March. fait: youare a farmer you will be asked to.sign the following dur- ing the next 'two weeks or give your reasons for 'not favoring 'a rural telephone system 'connect- ing the 'whole district, ~ TELEPHONE AGREEMENT >t We, the. undersigned, agree to; have telephones installed in our. residences; and agree. to pay:there, 'for. our. proportion and share : of th cost of 'same; it. being fully, ) eed by and be- tween the parties hereto that the $25 per year; and that cach party "shall bear equal 'part. in actual { operating :expenses." : So Nate has ry i pai 'Any particulars not explained by canvassers may be 'taken up with. 'any of the following members of the District Central Committee: E. W: Wice, con, Reeve J. Hutch- ison, Van Horne, pres! J. Hatch, Van Horne U.F.O., '"D., "Frejd, 'agri. representative. "Very encouraging reports have already been received from Wain- £ Dryden? | tits regular-meetiripion 'Saturday: |: tee. to" canvass |* ined' early | oF £7 'When you buy a TRACT much care in makin would -in buying a g the itnportant decision too hastily--find out for. yourself. Be sure that the TR ord hogan the ~« efficiency, and econom instance, look for: AR cheap fuel. A THROTTLE GOVERN fuel. : A DRAW BAR with a wide*range o ments. ' A FRICTION CLUTCH P wide face and broad diameter. WIDE FENDERS over the drive.wheels to 3 Te on cg OR, use just as g your selection 'as you ood 'horse. Don't make ACTOR has all -round service, y of operation. For features essential to all NGINE that will operate on OR to regulate the ) ] 3 xe &°F & ay Faust. eT: Lf : ULLEY. with, 3 OOMY PLATFORM is the latest feature. 5 ar Wp ¥ my LS HODRT she fiw RARE oy, FRY : protect operator. 3 B pes . -n = if Wis - : THESE FEATURES are on.the 10-20 TITAN vr 2 : ~ KEROSINE TRACTOR, oy HANS EH pr Heh 'Agent for the International Harvester oe Se 30% HEE FFF LANE add SIRE Fy Bm TY x. Ph : KELLBERG rg Sips HEIN ag {ia Farm Madchinery '© AGENT FOR Massey-Harris Farm | -Implemements, ete. |. } pm i W od REN - Bain Wagons and: Sleighs i i 3! wr rg 2 TE AO EY Navn . CAFE Fr LE EIT Y Cav. VE or 7 Dryden, Ont. Blacksmith SEN Gr At Sad Nv TIS z a BTR 2 - % V Meals served at an Hg = Hour «vn | sTL lla Mn on orker Ze ¥ 5 Oolirrvic ow ix FET Brg H , a probe; oy 2 LA Ee TE q.. 45505 pr Dryden | - Ont. REASONABLE PRICES. wright Tp. canvassers." For us need a doctor or a" neighbour's : assistance,' or for social inter- course; Co Elon Coad dS, TR a UF.0. DISTRICT MEETING, A district convention of U.F [On Will 'beheld at Dryden on W ed- nesday March 31st, at'3 pm, in the Van Horne Tp, Hall, Dryden. Businéss; to cléct a district ex- ecutive, and arrange for the hold- ing of a 'Federal Riding Conven- tion';* also to complete 'plans: for J organization work, and any other business 'that may' be brought be- | fore the meeting: 'Any' U.F.O. be welcome. If mers' platform discussed." : Li ABER A R. ASCOUGH, = "J Direétor, U.F.O. "Thos." C.. R. Crawley, of the last Saturday en route to Eng- land. Ly ] ' . . \ F a: Major Hamilton, Inspector of Public. Schools for this district, paid a yisit' to: Dryden schools this eck: i £0 ry "Mt Tdnd Mrs E. Pidgeon, just $3 as farmers the telephone is not a J Tixury but a necessity, when we | _M'CORM Binders i i i i igs i " Mowers % ; Tractor Plows Tractor Riding Plows Ensilage Cutters sor Kerosene En I KEROSENE ENGINE -... TITAN TRACTG . Farm 'Wagons and tr if Sold in the "International B! ACK -- Harvesti Semon Sn f ey bi, a a LER7 0 gy Arvest er Company. td 3 ht wy * Canada, 1 z Implements of all hinds: ay s Eon; DEERING ; Threshers ng Machines -- . Reapers .Haying Machines RE ; Si Rakes Tedders Baling Pre ele =" ~ Tillage Implements : ld by Li Fi Harrows Tractor Disks Harrows Disks" Cultivators + Power Machines f S, 174, 3 and 6 Hip. * Walking Plows Scufflers, jetg MOTOR TRUCKS IR, 10-20 and 15-30 cs Belt Machines Threshers . Feed Grinders Dairy Equipment < = . \ ; "mn Sa dO Tr ia Presses a AT Hy Tis £1 Hay gines Cream Separators, hand - Cream Separators, belted =~ Tah : Other Farm Squipment $i, aryl Cem : ucks," Manure preaders; Knife IGrindersies 1/1 x 2 Binder Twine Fy y gin pe 2 AN) Dryden-Oxdrift Digtrict by Gigi ESSITIITS J- S. CORNER, Oxdrift. - 7 Id RIT A a Ee ------------------ BWIA, gf : Applica tio, ns 1 fo js membership and "informafion con- - cerning_returned men, write Regular ; Mee 2.30 p. m. "J wl HL. M, DAVIDSO prs ting S ihniiis LOERS' SUPE BUI a? P| i name aid Mis : Brick; Lime B. C. Shingles Sash & Doors SECIAT Want, qunz : Picture Framing Maiti Gypsum Hardwall-and Woud oo Fibre, Ele. 50 N © Sec'y¥T'reas. u 3 5¢ y*Tre : unday first, at ™Yy ots ( jo = # id 5 v NEY If not claimed within 147 days will be sold by auction te, cover pound fees and expenses. ; SIDNEY BARTLETT, |. Pound Keeper. | Fir 1) i i Heifer, 2 yedr old, due iT SA SIG, ; £id OR SALE. = Pure Bred YORKSHIRE BOAR, registered, 1 year old; Yorkshire Sow, due to farrow in April ; in August. "HARRY COOPER. HALEY S "HOLSTEIN est of town. Fees, $2.00 m31 | 'NoTiCE TO DATRYMEN BULL for service, pi set RR = Undoing in omni CES D. ANDERSON WM. TEW, ; DRYDEN, ONT. * Dryden, Ont, : ree WAL ee

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