Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 19 Mar 1920, page 3

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Tv Led A Lib UN ey 'irr Darcr Error N in ees ts £8 ce | $ A.J.GARDINER meral Merchant, $ J 5 ® General §Merchant OXDRIFT, Ont, re p< 'EAGLE RIVER, ONT. dealer in : I$ eam te | Goods Le Groceries I$ AGENT FOR Boots and Shoes $ Cockshutt 'Plow Co. Frost & Wood dware and Farm Produce : Iglements ET } S Sharnla'e Praam Canavalara Agent for. ® Fuwir® yuou wepnreny shire Insurancc Company 3 Raw Furs Bought and Sold st & Wood and TOL 0s ature anivenet], Cockshutt Implements id the the 'Flu| cody Tr fo fost for the spring thaw. your Shoes put in proper , and protect your Health. ed Boots and Shoes dyed | and made to look like new. HOUSES For Sale and Reut 'WATERFRONT LOTS FOR SALE --ALSO-- Fire Insurance. JAS. MOFA DYEN. IT SHU A SCAB Wheat, Oat aad Potaio elore Flanting, / 1 Bilution of Formalin or Formal. dehiyde Recommended, by immer sion er Sprinkling -- Corrosive Hubiimate Also. Teed tor Potato Scab. ms (Contributed by Ontario Department ot Agriculture, Toronto.) REAT losses frequently oceur through the prevalence of smuts in the grain crops. been conducted in the Field Hus- ] bandry Department at the College in years past in making a practical application of the treatments recom- mended for killing the smut in grain. As the result of five years' experi- 'ments with five treatments with wheat and seven treatments with oats it was found that very complete work was obtained by immersing the grain for twenty <minutes in a solu- tion made by mixing one pint_of for: Numerous experiments have i malin or forty per cent. formaldehyde } HOME "PEE two slg} of water. In preparing fe for treatment care should be taken to se BBER BOOTS SOLED H. WILLARD, Z".¢5 go and Harness hsiten i and Majer] i i iin Lodge No. 1 FA Las | Moots Tetum sud eaosein. RERIRY A RD. T. TRIST den Livery, Transfer 3 and Exchange Bara {}..J- HILL, Pres. H. J. ADAIR, ' - = n Dryden "M.odge No. $11. uU. 0. Fae at the Town 'every Monday evening 0. Recording Sec. cordially invited. Ha at 8 o'clocr: Visiting Y DEN ONT Bee8seee 0000000000e0¢ Dryden lite No. 1694 No. 484 AN 4. meets the first Wednesday NY month at 8 p.m in the Town.) Mezts in the Masonic . int, the Visiting * brethren cordially 8¢ Cot Testy of iSILOFS cordia By lid Alfred Pits, W. M. - .A. E. Berrey, Secretary W.J. Rei on. W.M. D. Anders, Rec. Sec. an Vor nto he, Timer esd SUPPLIES ~ EILSON ay PJ 1 ds S CHO OCQL ATES rrr TE ba 16C T1090 Ju EN CONTA y eT i When you want . a ELST: SLOT f SI al 1 5 SUN RHODES 2.0 EN : TATE Sa d Dealer Ser "ints 0 Elis R Ine; i 1 Wire and Pezriess Lawn and Field Fence Pain, Ojos Ae rd irate, Tinware, Stoves" ds and Mattress 68 3 LAS 7 Twine, ts Efe ae n i T * ry Bi nder xed rd IN 2 LAE ata rR Gn Ee prs 51 El PeoS his: toy, Binuer Bam y taobion Needles Ricrige B ®aymiond, pn nestic, Standard, New riome New Wh rv e CASH. STO a A few Front Qariary of choice young: beet at. 13 cents per Ib. ONE PCE STORE J i ol Drobbesbood of Pulp month at 7.30 p.m. in the Strand Rec. Sec. 417 M. Nymark, N. G., D. Anderson, brethren - Golden Star Lodge AF $A.M. CRC CON FECTION. ERY "treat fiom 2 nary Sah "taken not: 10. i - Formalings a : dehyde gas and water. jthat has not' produc; a . scabby potatoes!' Practice:a: rotation, Y J (early potatoes) and the Green Moun- Jsdits with the potato' cfép, itis ai ways better to plant them not later- . either by cleaning 'the' grain "or" by placing the seed in water and re- moving the smut balls as they float Foreite susface. Not only is it necg 1 sary to treat the grain biit thie forma: lin solution should: bd'useditd kil the smut spores hicks are ; lodged, in the bins, on the barn, foors, qn.t BaBe- Bathe grain (drills or whorever i the living spores have an opportunity of again coming in contact. with ine grain, The immersion fires is so com- | blete in its results fthat it does not need to be repeat¢d every year, pros | viding care is exercised to prevent+a further introduction: 20f 4 the. smut spores. $i The sprinkling} process was algo used in the test, and this Method i is followed by somef farmers!' to be conducted stroyed, and as a result it is frequent- ly necessary to jou the grain every year. One of the. beste Bprinklin ir methods is to: carefully moiste twenty-five bushi 1s of wheat or of on a barn floor when'it is being SoHE kled with a mixture i 'one pint of. for 'malin and from 'fifteen: to twenty- toby | allons of Tracer. When the grain is. mly moistened it unifof kets for three T, four then spread out to quantities should, Alona ately: --=Dr, © Es Gucil" 2 hh : Otol the Potato: Seal =: For seed select tatoes, as free and disinfect by ossible. from scab, aking then before. Fate the" broken smut balls from ithe wheat; ] ody i th great care; : So 201te ever, or the smut will not all-be de- s oats and by or wher the grain over | should be gover with. bags or Yians ih smooth, sound po- hl 2 2 J} they are cut for two houts' In a solus = ospital Rescue Station Ore. win 1g of Grace Hospital is 2" Resdite Home for unmarried mother Obie hmdred and twen- ty four' gitls 4d women passed through this' 'section last year-- eyery girl some' mother's child. The Savlation Army keeps. in to with "these" gitls for years after . Hey" eave 'the institution. race | the "doots arid" there is a great need for more accommodation. Kildonan 'Home for. Wayward : MOE a Has - offered' a' fresh start to, 'hundreds sof: 'girls and women'. "dealt with ¢ 'by. 'the police court. . When a girl is brought before the police, magistrate, for her first and. the jmagistrate con-, rs she shquld be given a chance, instead. of Being sent to the Provincial' jail 'she is sent to hams "Home where 'she iso xc Ai Topsital'is always' full"to ~matron, who is It hig twenty three Institations: i: oDeratinm wenty ree Institutions: in: operation htry, nation or individual; in Western Canada. Dryden Objective $500 or Tu 5 ALFRED PITT, a Chairman SERVICE FUND MARCH 22, 23 and 24 To help the Salvation Army "carry on" its great work in its many institutions for men, women and children. GRACE HOSPITAL | Where 1926 mothers and children were cared for last year. under the influence of Salvation Army Officers and taught house- work, etc. ! Military t Hostels : bien in= Canada; ; Lzen) homes for returned soldiers. The Business Girls' Boarding Home Sis, Douglas Haig. Hos ostel in Win- Where young girls without a nipeg Has accom ation for 200 home can find a real home, with "men. =There are also.hostels al every convenience and comfort, Port Arthur and Fort William in -etc., at a minnimum cost. If Manteo divisional district. without, funds they are cared forsy s of men are helped in all the same. Ways. évery day geile The" ciity 'hds its snares and ee pensions. etc, = gre traps' set for the young girls com- Prison and Police Work ing. from the country distract §1 oa his is 'a' place for prevention, r ractically every prison. § the p= atl Dominion is visited and prisoners intervie Wad: mifets ont the wag wof release and found cmployment, etc. Magistrates and police offic- ials everywhere) welcome the co- 'with la: motherly Salvationist as interested i in the girls, both morally and physically Reconstruction work and Hostels In "this connection none are operation of the Salvation Agny? V i more. successful than the Salva: First offenders are~" "* ° tion, Army, with its world wide machinery and fifty years of ex- perience. Its workers are of the 'people. Casgs are being dealt the Salvation Army i a Lh € case with every Gory to Vancouver and Montreal. _ 2 Yi 4 p18 fi 4 FANE inétBeir care. Paroles arg . obtained. And many are sent to their friends, fares bein g p3id ae of the feed, whether in Se We for the practical m ii GIVE "CHEER, SAM. D. HAMBLEY, Treasurer ol hi -J-tion made by adding hxlf 'a: pint: vof ©" | commercial formalin to-16-gallens of water. A couple of barrels with plugs : in the sides abies the. bottom, can .be seed. The 'p directly in the; crates or coatke tatoes 'eam be<placéd toes out on a clean 'floor or onthe: grass to dry. Wash all' crates; bags, ete., which a ¥ pottoes withd the, formalin, Jojution, The same fofnlalin solution" chun' Bé usell tq treat | Su ccessive lots of -pota- Logs. Eifteeny rallons is sufficient to 0 25 bushels if ordf-" waste too m of the, flyid as each iot of tubers3d dipped. toes are not Rl treated the same'day 1it is. advisab ij-malin: for i: day's work. Corrosive Isublimate J chloride) ca hi ase potatoes to ent uncut tubers for | Ine lution of ounces a sublimate to; 26 gallons of water..Cg d: flee, to, Jat, ered unfit for good-for man or jbeast, clear 1i uid i 36 tant, Itis 210% solutio re lt can be purr: chased frony almost any druggist. [t is sold under the names; of formalin" and formaldehyde. [It is ii riant that the pyrchaser, whatever "name he buys it under, Secured a guaran- teed solution of 40%" 'forlialdehyde; 2s The Hpk {olution should always: be, ept in a well-corked bottle, a Kuld Ai be allowed to freeze. potatoes gn clean soil, If possible plant, the" Ered that is so] a erop. 0 of crops. If, scab is very bad it : a net advisable to plant potatoes 'on the same land oftener than once in five years. Heavy applications of barnyard manire should not be made to the potato crop, but if negessary: given at some other point in the rota- tion. Plant potatoes after clover sod if possible. © Avoid alkali fertilizers such as lime and wood ashes bis" 2 J. EB Howitt, 0. A. 'College, - Planting the' Ciiltivated Crop i To ensure:-good .erops- of Carrots, : mangles, sugar; beets, potatoes. and.' corn, the land should' be well prépar-. ed and geed'Should bevsecured of, the highest quality, Under averag ditions the Irish Cobhler = tain (late potatoes) are recommend- * ed, for Ontario. ' To secure-best. re-: 'hen the 15th of May. This year plant half your seed ten days earher 'than time. Fhe 'experiment will prove to vouy satisfaction the value of early panting. If the potato planter ang jsprayer has not already been over hauled, a rainy day may be very pro- Atably employed i 1818 3 wor hy > used to advagitage in "treating 'the aS fwolution or first 'put in. "the pota: A If. the | pota- Bp : (mercurie" rosive sublimate is a deadly poison, i : .fand potatoes treated with it are ren- | ees 0) Gd 3 WEIL ses. fused in handling the I+ ° {to make up frodh- for-. iW you have 'been accustomed to aving, A and plant. the othér half at the usual iQ: of ier } = Ear case 3% a 4 J a nil EEO dot rr Sacnine A op ai Ld ' bemedndiaan Eh Gatel( BREET IN i . } i rpm Nai Cate Sic Wart ey Le VY CO WON 1.3 # wd Wr BY li Iss wan 7

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