Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 2 Apr 1920, page 1

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TN a -- " 2 5 8 " - - 3 5 Volume XX VIL : : i oe Dryden, Ont, Friday, April 2 1920 ----T ~The Hudson's Bay Co, Cot oni bihnay ono Comma A) PEPEIDENT 1A30% peyien Pulp g pape : INCORPORATED 1670 : READ the story below; picture! Representatives from thirteen : n PULPWOOD vy Dryden, Ont., Feb. 18, to yourselves what it means to U.F.O. Clubs in Thunder Bay and| Delegates are being elertad by : ? 2 ~~ : . this great Highway. Think of the: March 31st, to discuss policies re. | be ari re i \ Ey "YY YT i Sh ouawdy. lnIng ; svdarcl > policies re- [in all parts of Ont i From this date w re adv, RA YN Fl : i . long road stretching across a con- lative to this federal riding. A the PRL re oh end ed the price ry Bid ddvmic. The worlds Largest Traders in ves whe £5 ibs in Tt be : a Sh You and to your country to build Kenora Districts met at Dryden, | most of the branches of the I.L.P tinent, winding through the for- district executive was appointed, | dependent Labor Party of Ont- Jack Pine Pulpwood to: ior Ram : : ests, reaching across the rocks' with one member from each Clu ri i inal deliv i ¢ Highest Grading-- Highest Price i Dees Saran ae and trier director A. R. I HR dabey 3 ae ne i |e ; fy em S, and ng trough fields. cough of Kenora, 'resident; W.|3, 1920. The convention romises . quantity, iE and Cash for your catch ir of ripening, Frain ard luscious -Edmun, Port Arthur, vice-Pres. ; | to 22 the largest in i tote Rox Iw StS u Li rE Dado, i one Say yin be M. Peacock, Dorion Twp., Secy.-| of the party, and many important ni Rie Ae we tgotted with countless homes, treasurer. : tions will be discussed. The. -- -- . PE : ; bringing prosperit and happiness! The followin : EY ef acts aE fo ral en The sider whether the aims of the LL pot ah ors ana any MAID for General Ho " Our Business---- Not a Side Line" ~ behind such a plan are not more" in and Oute mp: th ne oan ee Tl No washing or ironing." : = -- -- worthy of your interest and ad- Allan, g, Browning, hh exacnted Hit) iss ln wages, | em 7 ae ds e boo ES miration than the most brilliant : Evans, Monty, R. Miller J Hut- pT] in thei Ie re 4-2 =] ] R H PRONGER | : U ' Ch : h strategy that directs its efforts to! chison, E. Wice, J Hatch, Hy. ure will be present I ee : Tl fd nity ion urcn lay waste and destroy. Coates, Morton, from local Clubs oc as to or ll With se ~ ER Notary Public j as cil fit tentioneq) Bryden and vicinity, , © |emiclation will ne debt ade WAITRESS wanted at once Conveyancer, Eto. Ly ox IN our last issue 'we.mentioned! At the evening session 'co-oper- ! : Central Hotel, Dryden «( N a : Et SUNDAY April "4th 1920 the departure of a delegation tu atve purchasing and... marketing ar TT rT place. "No. experience nece YUEN Hi ox EASTER SERVICES 3 Tommie interview: the govern-i wae discussed fully by the dele-] G.W.V.A. CONVENTION Call, or write 'to propriet, SE Si : ? ent in roan fog an gates, and co-operative stores, | : : eo C'S. GRABOWS : fr! " Bd : the Central Canada High- & a orate : fai W Rie F. B. LINDEN + Brief, Bright Brotherly' Services, way from Winnipeg to the Taker; br Vea Cy gpetaed) The Dominion Great War Vet- CT NOTARY ET 0, with special singing by the Choir, The President of hte association, - since Chrsitmas done over $8o0cd! erans' Association closed Satur. corm OOD, 20 cords wante Sg Fa will be held next Sunday in the MT Alired Pitt, returned to Dry- business--will no doubt become! day afternoon after = do ent =C€. proprietor at Central Hot 3 ncing Collecting Union' Church. y = den Thursday morning, and Weinumerous; and marketing associ-|in two sessions that Bond Be Dryden, Ont. ut General Pra:'ice Ton yiazeh, hastened to nterview him as to" ations such as the Kenora Dairy, |ely the passing of more or 1 N.C 5. GRABOWSK : ro -- ~~ the success of the trip. He appear-, znd the Oxdrift Seed Association, | non-contentios : busi " The TT me eee DRYDEN . ONTAR!0 : ht cd to be satisfied with the out-! will pe duplicated where Needed th cities at the hee lak ltd FOR SA Th EERIE : ; Subjects eal : + come, 'and expressed himself asi or enlarged to meet the growing | were chosen out of ay Yor Sap i = ai 11 ¥m., Christianity Triumphant highly pleasedwith their reception; demands of the producers, localities as to the convention] =" i] or AR 27 by the Drury Government. In} This was a most representative | rendez-vous of next year, the;2 COWS and 2 HEIFERS. all . : A ; MACHIN 7 p.m.--Rejoice and be glad. response to our request he said: assembly of farmers. All work] date to be decided re mie due 'to freshen April and May: ! ' oy | "There were 17 members on the fas done in a snappy, business-!ion executive, HL | cheap for cash. Young Pigs, $6 Barrister, Solicitor &c. A Cordial Welcome Awaits You. delegation, representing all points | fj 0 manner, and in all Ew The convention: decided on]a-Piece. Apply Soi : > ? % ti of the route from Winnipeg to no "land talk" was indulged in.| November 11th to be observed : VM. IN £ IMPERIAL BANK BLOCK, A. B. HAMES, Ph. B,, : Port Arthur, when we left hercj aj present were concerned with | national memorial day. Tam ey TM JAEHNERT, Ne = Mis ister | last Thursday. We saw the gov-{ ihe advancement of the District Among the other Tost hitions Waldhof, Ont. KENORA . , Ont. Miser ernment Saturday morning at 10 and success in all lines of progress passed were that a tr Ta > ; -- % : t o'clock, and had a very cordial They did not demand special con- from the great lakes to Win gl 3 ; > reception. We were met by Prem- sideration for the farmers, nor be built 2 olonize the nortaree ex 'ier Drury, Harry Mills, Beniah was there a cry for shorter hours ern part of Ontario and that sol-| The. least you owe yourself 2 is 4 £0 Bowman, F. C. Biggs, and Walter and 'more pay, etc., etc. They .diers be given preference in the » in ay gel : ~ (Rollo. Notwthstanding the many . , Th ha get the most for your =} i heh mn sayy froped 10 help the farmers' move- selection of labor employed on it. : os Set EN to death ihe tal ents Iment by: enceneration, marketing,|] Comrade Grant of Ottawa pro- : 4 dol a 2 | them to death, LE IINISTers st Y-land standardization of perducts posed a memorial Hall to cost $1: 0 T UE Py AW yo over Saturday morniny tn met), machinery. 'The action these looo,000 or more at Otters. 1a) For sale, COOKSTOV LB : SP A bh, us; otherwise they would Havel Crypg will take in the next federal | memory to the fallen. Ie with-}coal or wood : 1 enamel - 3 a aan gone heme, We were 1ntroduced| elation will be governedm en-'drew after some discussion, - |S cords 4-ft. dry po and a Square Deal byl TNE aw tirely by the attitude of other J 2 : Mic P r a ae = : vag lei os great ae tof 118 Aeron Sapdos, There are nears FPA ; f i : : = 1 : This you can get by shipping to od his activity, forceculiess and jie {Voters ren sented by Lesé Clubs M. §. Campbell has proc edec a 1.5 NS Ca a go i alia wote wiubs are being formed to Hamilton to attend the Con- Ch ---- npn 1e de 1 vas , Felt ae TH 0 Er Ts Tl ey ; Lek potion ofthe FLY ROOSTERS. 4 brown I The (reat I ak : g Fur Tradi; g OL eas I Plymouth rock. First lar wood «ld 2% ER eth PE mae - DINORWIC, Ont. | Ross, member for Last Yirei | SHIP A LL ia \ 31 he in the Manitoba legislature: ol i [on 'R. H. PR Tr Tey R La B . : or Toole also speaking speciaily a. in = . S. C. WHITE LEGHORN: : Or HEAD OFFICE for Kenora. The entire > . : WR : x | Barron's English Strain. 'World's : : ot} " : {rom WW innipeg to Fort Wiliiam -- J : A ) -- greatest layers. Stock govrnment Sar 12 Francis Black FORT WILLIAM, Out. seemed almost of too great ma, - LN | a ; k y jinspected. Eggs, $2 for fifte ie : : Ry > nitude for the ministers to take at Some aan, mas « : CaAWg | 196 for Afty. Foe : WE PAY ALL EXP RESS CHARGES one breath, but when we explain- AP Snipes SEDARIS (Ee 3 tia OTT Eo Lan ed that we only asked for coraple- : J BA 7 Rt : YOUNG, Port -- -- »J tion inside five years, they were \ Se > Ne Eo -- able to breathe freely once more. Vi : AN : = Maxwell Mower, sit cut, in god i 6 > " " % : } og : 5 i 2) ui re ' ; 3 0% : i i : / \ \ : : 2 5 : rie am purpose of the dale ) > : : ate te bea EQ h | : Owns Lo as Shien : S 3 3 i ~ 'l= orking order; Sharples no." 3 ty ! ' } ", Za iat ; fi Clie Iter e 2 ; 5 N ca ; NE Se arator 1 t . » Foal or no : ; 2 > 2 oy TI Toit rn th rrr a Bo ZN a ; ) P 5 almos new ; a SO Cu : nn : : ; CAE a be eh SS \ tivator. Apply-- Ep s this we think we Th io Eagzineers have alr eatre hn up and will j : : joountry. i] ' J / {= i ". 3 - Een 2 Baer Gane Sia ; aE =< : For Sale 1 COW, fresh: ~ FRIDAY SATURDAY 5 Lp Eeno typ | Chae be lings (heifers). Apply + ; ; PEN po : Si 42 . DAN KE; - any definite § ~ Constance Talmadge 3 ama any, ; i Eu a SR . road 1 tainty. I ithe ; a - i ; : ' : roa ie 4 al i n : > 5 | Milk COW, fresh, splendid 1. . smd | ON being over confident the ero] § il er. Appl ead i "Wh : LEWIS J SEL ZNICK y are deputation S She a AY ; ; . : . 5 : * A : 1S in . o Cares?" i "CONSTANCE. TALMADGE «71. | hat the comiercs 9 + : wil _ - a > 1 SEL WINNIPEG Jee "WHO CARES?" ion i T it TPICTL = 4 " if Sg we ; : : : He Lo ~« Special Two-part Comedy SELECT PETIA) sre a ti A CENADIEN HOUSE, FOR CANADIAN FUR SHIPPERS tals Seam Every Friday and Saturday at the Straxd- tonight and tomor- Ee ; ~~ Help us supply our tremendous demand for BEAVER, MUSKRAT, MINK, ++ ING Lov for s : a Cte I Dvdent a a aie BL ard all other Furs from your district, "SHUBERT" will pay you she |5 Grade Hetfers, due MONDAY TUESDAY |=-- : tion + tReet EXTREMELY HIGH PRICES quoted below: "TM later on Must fe cash DRYDEN'S FAVORITE STAR _ Miss Pearl Kerney left here on. "Ort William, Sufficant nile 19 - (NEILARGE iG : i Te RE Friday morning for Winnipeg, |S obtained to ensure anoihe; th oT 5 ;{cessful attack next year, ha JKussel where she will attend business ree deal i " 5 2a xe William Russel here she will a If norhing roer pt hi <SRS Se i shed in. the way of publeiy oo ; 600 to 50.00 | 45.00 to 32.00 to 28.00 | 25 "jregistered, 1 year old; Yorksh : { | ; i STOW, 1 the pri Le « in Sow, due to farrow H. S. Badger, has gone to Tor-|the district than the ntervies. i 2s Heifer, 2 year old, due in Augu : E: : d + H 2 ! onto on business, sevenieen. promjrent mes ford ; -- AB : 1. cS Janka Fl ; > ¢ ar, Br aSIWard Mol, on. poco ine confocal 0 5 MUSKRAT _ HARRY-cC i, co .vention of the U.F.O. and thel™ ld en tla, -- -T or wn al PAD. (tammed with Fun and Humour, 'I.L.P. will be published n an early] V1P¢ then 3 i ra she | Spring 800to 7.00] 600to 5251 4508s 3751-3500 Ti 1 have a 3 year old YORKS with Laughs & Thrills issue. oe EL wm aw IR ERE Tale oe [oe 200 BOAR, iE weighing be Rs ------ ha ae EEE Le : ; ---- : 250 to 400 1b, and wil GOOD COMEDY S Mayor A. R. Hutchison is spend-] Mayor A. R. Hutchison ws a : A for a well bred boa i Su LATEST NEW ing a few days at Mount Clments, | pretty good advertisement SR le : whe MI NK : : years old, or will sell for : { to regain heatlh and strength, self. During' conversation witn - -- ; E. APPLETO the premier he made a deep im- pine, Dark [400050 3200 | 280010 2200 2000t0 16.00 | 15000 13.00 [15.000 300] | en ia H H OF ER (iL AND J. T. Latimer is gradually re-}orcqsion, his earnestness secu: ing Usual Color | 3000 to 25.00 | 2000t0 1700 | 15.00t0 13.00 | 12.00. sop 12.00 to 6.00 ' 0 : He ka: jf Pale © 2200 t0 16.00 } 15.00 to 13.00 | 12.000 10.00 | 8.0010 7.00 8.00 to 4.00 covering from his recent illness, i, sympathetic hearing. ; pd we bp chod haye him around promised, upon return from TT : Te a TIT Again snorily. ©. - gMount Clements, to get another You've got to ship your Furs to a reliable House to get the "most money" for T LURES CHURCH, 1 eturned {of ten-minute interview with Frem- them, "SHUBERT" has been satisfying Fur shippers. for "more Lagi ng : : ky ; Conrad Hagstrom returned tof i of a century" since 1883, That's a record that speaks for itself, Tako no Gasoline Engine and: DD nv | on Monday Conrad ha: A great deal of cred: je als du | TSE--"THE SHUBERT GUARANTER Drotects you absolutely--bundle up | tobile Re airs, Electrical Wi EASTER SUNDAY had a distressing time these past Ne cC 5 0 hae + all the Furs you have on hand and SHIP TO "SHUBERT " TO-DAY. lectlical Fixttires rep iad I weeks, but is now progressing i retary i ee oe YOU'LL BE MIGHTY GLAD YOU DID | Work guaranteed, Prices. M M rang Prayer and Sermon at IT. favor ably. : League. This genticmai vas 2 __ SHIP ALL YOUR : FURS DIRECT 70 . : ! a oo successful in getting interviews : BIRTHS {Gee a TR Sn HE RGEST ROUSE IN THE WORD DEAT EXCLUSIVELY IN: Prayer ond Sermon at 7 : | ; Globe" and ("Latved-y i TALE Sp bode on vie NORTH AMERICAN RAW FURS | 214 : Gan ada I Rev. ROBT. WILSON, on Monday, March 29th, to Ms]the country a publicity fuey ov. LA ad 7 "Rector. } and Mrs M. D, Hambley, a son.Y gave it before," Fea i by) ¥ Donald St Dept. 85 3 a Winaip eg

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