NFRAPE & ge : Sorve SS dl JES Re sy RIO Ir " X Dryden, Ont, Friday, May 7 1920 iY Number 49 Hudson and get the HIGHEST PRICE paid : in Canada : To no 2" CRand all ihe OL ELT you call. BUT Bring, Express or BEAR and Ft vill beg conducted by Mr Crag, gong and" evdéning i. Dinotwic, Ont, "Our "Business for 250 years" 's Ba "INCORPORATED 1670 - ER'S NOTICE y Cy the Fur Price Lists We do not issue any Mail us all you can catch of MUSQUASH Union Church SERVICES J ./Sunday School at 2.30 p.m. * ENJOYABLE MUSIC A Cordial Welcome Awaits You: CHURCH OF ENGLAND Morning Prayer and Sermon at 11 Evening Prayer and Sermon at vd ST LUKE'S CHURCH, DRYDEN. -- « a.m. p.m. SOLO by Miss Thomas. Sunday School at 2.30 p.m. Rev. ROBT. WI1.SON, Rector. The least you owe yourself is to - 'get the most for vour RAW FU and a Square 1 Deal wa LW This you can get by shipping to The Great Lakes Fur Trading Go. Ld. DINORWIC, Ont. Or HEAD OFFICE 12 Francis. Block, © FORT "WILLIAN, at. WE PAY ALL EXPRESS CHARGES R. 'H. PRONGE Notary Public J Conveyancer, Etc. DRYDEN : oN FF. BB. LINDEN VA TAEY, ETE. Conveyancing A General Practice 1 DRYDEN . ONTARIO = { Barrister, Solicitor, &e. IMPERIAL BANK BLOCK, W KENORA . . Ont i ns ' NOTICE. > =e al M. ALLAN will,onand affer this date, observe the local merchants' early closing. hou ception of Sunday yk Open Sunday from 8.30 te-9:30 am. ¥ Ty Hoping patrons will appreciate . the effort to enjoy modern labour conditions, and keep 'pace with Dryden's progress, (i'l fi AACS Yours for brighter times, ~ M.ALLAN. LE rp" =, Nd NOTICE = Mr C, N. ARSTAD, Orginist Collecting| : | and Co. COTIIN = CREOLIN - 1ZAL CHLORIDE ] 111, of LIME, cach one a Sure Guard "of Cod Liver Oil Extract, © and Wine . Ea th the ex . of the United Church Kenora, has been asked to open'a 'class 'in Piano Instruction in Dryden. Those desiring to take lessons | cold water, PHARMACY SPRING DISINFECTANTS KRESO made by Parke, Davis aganst disease. SPRING TONICS "Wampole's Tasteles Preparation Parke, Davis and Co Beef, Iron _ Dayis Lawrence, © 1920 Perscrip- i don. 7" it Dr." Gibsons (our own) Com- pound Syrup of Hypophosphites: Charles E. Frosst's.and Co' "Elix- er Gaduine Co. ; Dr. Gibson's Extract of Sarsapa- NOTE--These are not Patents, but are preparations made by the leading pharmacists of this con- tinent. Knowing what they con- tain, we can strongly recommend them. BUTTERFLY TINTS For tinting waists, ties, scarfs,' hose, gloves and ribbons; good for silk; cotton or wool." Just use c No boiling, no fuss. Just the thing. 36 colors to choose | kndly leave their, pames at R. {| Pronger's Music Store. "Mt At- stad will spend one day each weelz| | in Dryden, beginning in May should there be pupils enough to take up study. Pupils prepared for examination. 4-30 its retest on itn i "W. G. CASE | "The Big Road Race under the-direction of the D.A.A. Association was run off here yes- terday afternoon. The competi- tors, Dave Currie and George Wyce, were conveyed to the start- ing point by auto, and started back towards Dryden.: The time made, considering the condition of ed for training, was highly credit- able. 'Dave Currie arrived first at the Royal Bank, Dryden, in thirty four minutes, Geo. Wyce finishing only half a minute later. The winner of this race secures the prize offered by Mr Pitt--a trip to Fort William for himself and his handler, to compete in the Times-Journal Marathon on May 24th, where he will represent Dry- den and its Athletic Association; all expenses being borne by the. hon. president, Mr Alfred Pitt. Dryden THLE tardiness of one or two members delayed the opening of the Council meeting last Tuesday ¢vening. A quorum was finally made, however, and 'the Council called to oredr by Mayor Hutchi- Council Meeting son. Councillors' Chas. Norgate, J. B. Beveridge, Wm. Dickson, J- H. Hill, were also present. meetings were read; an item of $43.00 paid by:Council on account of sickness in the family of a man who has since left town, raised some discussion. 'The minutes were finally adopted by a major- ity, Coun. Beveridge declining to vote. vn Messrs Shepherd and Bicknell from Bedworth made application for a contract to take out poles, the Council being now the body in charge of operations. The Mayor pointed out that Council had hardly got to where it was ready to make such arrangements, and that until the lake cleared it would not be possible to get the poles out. However, they would keep-the application in mind, and { when' they were ready, would ad- vise ithe applicants. The question of the need of moré lights raised the question of little improvements that required attention, and it was agreed that the Mayor be privileged to see to minor matters requiring attention. A letter was received from the department of justice, notifying Council that the case of Damaice Harris, recently fined $200 under the O. T. A, had been reviewed by the Lt.-Governor, and the fine reduced to $25.00. The Town was therefore called. upon. to refund the difference to the convicted -f man. A statement showing all arrears of taxes was submitted, showing ried that the finance committee be appointed to go over the list, and sary to collect the back taxes, also to consider the advisability of holding a tax sale to clear the rsituation. : A petition was brought forward in connection with the movement to construct cement sidewalks. 'D. Anderson submitted an esti- mate of the cost of cement con- struction at 28%3¢ per squaer foot. As the total expenditure wuold be considerable, it was ap- point a committee to go nto the of such sidewalks before commit- . rilla*with Potass Iodide. ting -the Town to any outlay. It is being considered whether to lay p Cw downtown portion, or to n ot construct a walk from" the front street southwards the town. J ; -A bylaw was adopted authoriz- ing the borrowing of $2500.00 for current expenditures. Adjournment was then made. across Fred Olson of Wabigoon was in town Thursday. He reports a I scarcity of edibles in hs native rom, city, especially.of eggs. The visit- ing delegation pretty near cleaned them all up las , Automobile and Marine gasoline Engines attended to. and general repair work. moderate. "Tinsmith Prices All work guaranteed,' i TOWN TWO BOAT HOUSES, and one LOT, plowed all ready for. garden ii 57 -- HUGH PRONGER. The Talk of the Town he five 'mile road 'race held[ the road and the short time allow-|- I Winkie measles... - a joined the staff of the Dryden de- Clark. The minutes of two previous]. Mr Robert" Wachman hak Te- Miss Myrtle Keatley is home on a visit to her parents, - Miss Margaret Beveridge, sister of Mr J. B. Beveridge, is here on a visit. Mr W. A. R Angus was in town fog the week end, = Mr and Mrs Pidgeon of Wabi- goon were in Dryden Thursday and Friday of last week. Mr Pitt spent the early part of this week at Toronto. E © Mrs Walter Sawyers of Carbery is here on a visit to her sister, Mrs Foulis, . J TRO EIE Miss Esther Dunlop of Oxdrift leit on Tuesday mopring for Ken- ora; where she will Spend a short time amon her friends. = The many friends of Mrs Edgar will be pleased to learn that she is. convalescng after a few days in. the house with © Mr T. Kirk-of Fort William has pot.: Mrs Alex Smith. Parry Sound, arrived in town Wednesday, on a visit to her daughter, Mrs 1.7]. Mr Bill Richardson paid a fly- ing visit to Dryden on "Tuesday evening, } oe \ Dryden is once more happy to have in her midst" our genial friend, Hal Dingwall, who has been in Winnipeg for a few days. A.C: Allison, B. A., of Kings-. ton University, is'a vistorin town. Mrs M. S, Campbell; accompan-, ied 'by her sister Miss Gertrude McFadyen, has gone to Winnipeg for a-few days: Be Tpnthy RE turned ~ from Chicago, bringing with him men who are prominent in the: mining world, and who will be associated with him in the de- velopment of his mine 'on Contact Bay) =o eva Sy ale Ralph. Pronger left for Winni- peg on-Thursday, in response to an invitation to attend the 'Con- vention and "Banquet tendered to Colombia - Graforiola dealers, 'in LETTER FROM P. HEENAN Mr F. Weatherall, Mr R. Rhodes, Public School that the Minister of Education has approved of the grant of One Thousand Dollars, to be applied for the erecton of a your town. out delay, when the site has been secured and the plans building are far enough advanced to warrant the payment of the grant. A large meeting of farmers was held in the public hall here on the evening of May 1st. address by Harry Coates, presi- dent of Wainwright branch, it was resolved to form a branch of the U.F.O., 'the farmers' improvement associ- ation of Wabigoon with the U.F. O., as it was considered undesir- able to have two bodies and it was better to be connected with a strong organization. > cers of the Andy Johnson; vice-pres., Adolf 'Gummeson ; Nordrum. Directors: H. Wright, Roderick Colleen, Albert Johnson, John Colleen, meeting of the new body on Sat-! '[urday May 15th, by which time the charter and other properties 'would be received from Toronto. 'The day for the regular monthly meeting would be decided then, of the U.F.O., and urged them to extend their organization to in- 'clude women. 'they had no purpose other than to protect the interests of their far- mef 'members. = IGNACE. Toronto, May 4, 20. Secy,1. 1. P, Secy, G.W.V A, Ignace, Ontario. Dear Sirs,--Please inform the Board at Ignace new school at The cheque will be paid with- for the Yours truly, PETER HEENAN. WABIGOON. "| After an Wabigoon A motion was carried to affiliate The following were elected offi- branch :--president, secretary, Victor Two HOUSES, on easy terms. FOR SALE | : EATON CREAM SEPARATOR in perfect order. $20.00 cash. : PHIL, CARR, 3 Dryden P, o>. : 5-31 For full particulars apply to A. W. FINDLAY, : 5-7 : Dryden, Ont,- Bred to lay Barred Rock Hatch- ing Eggs. Good winter layers. Males from trap-nested O. A, C. stock. $1.50 per 13. $10 per 100. H. WRIGHT, © 5-7 Wabigoon. Marine Engine, 334 H.P,, com- plete wtih carburetter, pump, coil, shaft and propeller. Overhauled last fall. Apply-- Sil = L. C. CARR, C-4-23 Dryden. One six roomed house and lot on Duke Street. Apply-- WM. MILLER, 5-7 Dryden : 2 COWS and 2 HEIFERS, all due to freshen April and May; cheap for cash. Young Pigs, $6.00 a-piece. Apply WM. JAEHNERT, "Waldhof, Ont. TURKEY EGGS for sale, pure Mammoth Bronze, $5.00a setting. 5-7 Mrs D. McKELLAR Gus 'Weatman, It was agreed to hold the first Mr Coates explained the aims He declared that D. Frejd of Dryden, and Jack the Fort Garry Hotel on May 7th. -Mrs: Wachman and sons are now n Dryden, and will spend the summer here. Their household goods will arrive next month, when accommodation will. have| been prepared for them. There are, besides, a large number: of 'Hutchison, Van Horne, then ad- En the meeting, explaining the situation in regard to the new telephone system, and invited Wabigoon to take teh necessary steps-to connect with the rest of the district. On a vote it was S. C. White Leghorn HATCH- ING EGGS, $2.00 per setting of 13; White Wyandotte, $3.00 per settng of 13, or $3.00 per setting of 15, unfertiles not replaced. 5-7 J.H. HILL. {COOK STOVE, burns coa or wood. Apply-- o ; SID. BARTLETT, «= Dryden, Ont. BLACK SOW for sale, price $50; also 15 small PIGS ten weeks old, $10 a-piece. Apply = 4-30 BOX 46, Ignace. RO a : 120 acres, good pasture, plenty of water, all fenced, consderable pulp and other wood on same. No shown that many were agreeable to instal a phone, and the initial arrangements were made to have other people from the States who are coming here soon, bringing their families. I ar LE i Pressure having been brought. a considerable amount of money uncollected. A. motion was car-, take whatever steps were neces-. whole matter of cost and location "Northern grown "-- "in volume, and growers in this market for all they can produce to bear on the Dryden Orchestra to arrange another dance, we have pleasure in informing our readers that they have at last consented, |! and we expect to announce, ano- ther big event before the end off the month. ME TES Ravana) I Mr William MeLuckie, former: | ly chief engineer for the American Can mCo. for 18 years, is now chief engineer of the Wachman Mining 'Co., '4nd is, besides, a heavy investor with the local con- cern, Mr Friedman, late practising attorney. in Chicago, is also here, and is going to devote his tite to lookng after the local end of the Wachman Co.'s business. X . The most valuable carload of potatoes ever shipped from the Kenora District was loaded in Dryden this week by the Potato Seed-Growers. The car was val- ued at $2500.00, .; 00 Gh TC The demand fof our northern grown potato seed is increasming district can be assured of a ready Wabigoon included in the system. by D. Frejd to take a party to Wabigoon on the 15th. 'A splendid programme will be given, and everybody is invited. No charge will be made for admis- sion, as the intention is to spend Arrangements are being made | concert CARD OF THANKS. wish to express thanks to my 'Barclay and other friends for the many kindnesses shown during my residence among them, and for the pleasant time given me on the evening of May sth. Also to assure them of m3 continued interest in their welfare hor rind of Boh Miller sito? tained him at a dance in Bedworth school on Wednesday evening, {and a'great turn-out were present | to give him a good send-off. He has leased his 685-acre farm, and is going up on the Grand Trunk: with the E. J. Bawlfe Co., taking out ties.. Bob has been farming here for six years, and has taken an active part in the social life of the .community during that time. The best wishes of his friends and] neighbours go with him on: his new venture, . | for years to come." : A . : BOAT HOUSE, 8x 20, in good order, suitable for gas motor; can, be known by two large iron bars At Moose Jaw, Sask., on the 25th of April 1920, to Mr and Mrs Frank Warren, late of Dryden, a Son. mm BIRTHS holding it'to shoré. Price $50.00 for quick sale. Apply-- : D. A. KENNEDY, . EL / Oxdrift, 57 % BOARD AND: ROOMS to let. lot 16, west Earl waste land, easily cleared. One mile north of town limits, on road to Richan. Only $10 per acre for quick sale. Open for offers-- V% acre, being part of old skat- ing rink. % acre or more, being lot 13, wst of Earl st, very convenient for residental purposes. One-sixth acre, being part of st. All of lot 3, about 14 acre, opp- osite C.P.R. station, Annis add'n. = Apply-- "A. W. COULTER, 4-30 Fort William, Ont. For Sale--Two HOUSES, on casy terms to siiit purchaser. For full particulars apply to Be BEN BLAIR, 5-7 Dryden, Ont. WANTED i . Experienced TIE LOADERS. Apply-- Sydney E. Junkins Co., Ltd. Kenora. Trude ovo wh Cindy BREAKING A SPECIALTY Notwithstanding the heavy in- crease in the price of oil and gas-- oline, our price this season will be based on a flat rate of $3.25 PER HOUR Our new Engine is heavier and stronger. Get on our list early, and have your plowing done. | First class table board. Apply-- promptly. Aa ; Mrs O'LEARY, oo W. XK. EDYE, %. ~~ Frincess St. (58 Box 13, Dryden, Ont. \