Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 7 May 1920, page 2

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e, Siang In Sp Switzerlang, - In Connection with the frequent agitation for Univerga] military train. ing in Canada, jt is. interesting to St Critionat «oat never disappoints the most critical tastes, : z ; Place since (he fighting ended, A Variety of causes combine tg account for such a change, - i In the first Place, life in the army being free from those expenses which ) Weigh most heavily on the civilian, of its Population, was done away the soldier had little chance to rea- with, ang the system of requiring lize the alarming cogt of living. De. every able-bodieq man to meet for mobilization has, however, given him raini . The System ' Personal €Xperience of the rea] dif- trouble or culty of making both ends meet, The i € Swiss boy, at the age or 10, is Put into the gymnastic clagg at school and beging learning the elements of the soldier drill on the Schoolhouse Playgroungq. Long before he is olq €nough to he called upon for service he hag learned tq do the- manual exercises ang to go through much of the drin that afterwarq fits him for a soldier, When you much care in m would in buying a. good h the important decision too hastily--_gn4q out for the features essential ¢o efficiency, and economy of Operation, Jinstance, look for: Ba A KEROSINE ENGINE that wil] operate on : cheap fue]. : A THROTTLE GOVERNOR to regulate ge fuel. : ; or otherwise. Yet with all training, the only land wp e ® o B @ ® B o LJ 2 & 5 a ey d some €xcuse for acting against : his better judgment, Especially was this the case when the 1 . OOMY PLATFORM is the latest feature, The Swiss Man sacrifices cheerfully rut WIDE, FENDERg over the drive wheels to - : ¢ as a citizen Protect Operator, THESE FEATURES are on the 10-50 TITAN KEROSINE TRACTOR, : the army, ang yet every man jg re. = : quired to contribute hig share tq that a . army's Maintenance and the nation's | safety, ; Waldhot, Ont. Agent for the Internationa] Harvester Farm Machinery 2% he wag te the taking of : Chances, pe was Somewhat apt to in- ' clude the risks of a reckless map. riage in the gamble of life, OW that the Crowded experiences and feverigh excitement of er, an Inevitable reaction has get Many 5 man whege nerves stood | the Strain, fingg himself incapable of | Undertaking new anxieties apg re- SPonsibilitieg NOW that the tension | At the age of 2 Swiss youth becomeg 2 member of the Auszug, and every o Y. Dur- is called a ---- A Sweeney venera| Blacksmith AND Wood Worker AGENT FOR Pendent ypep The burden of. becomes No oneroyg task for any- | one, ang the average young man jy Switzerlang looks upon his time Spent / in training camps ag go Pleasurable Vacation, Profitable to the safety of is country, ® Dryden, Ont. before long our homes, The great coal Strikes of 1911 ang 1912 made hundreds of big firms turn towardg oil, ang j Opposite the C.P.R Station in, the "Auszug," gq r continues yp¢ip the "citizen of Thereatter he known gg the 2 remarkable "Hlite,"" by passes inte "Landwehp or ] Where he remains yptj) he hag coms ; 2 kr pad Pleted hig forty-fourtp year. He must Massey-I1a, ris Farm uc] f and to Supply to engines, A fey feet | give in that time Dine dayg of ger- | y . Of tubing ang 8 Wain line express Vice during ehep four Implememeng, ete. engine, for exampiy can take in ggg belongs to the "Landwehr," ter he ; Jai 20) gallons of oil eh from four to] has pagseq 44'he goes into the "Land. | I am Wag ons 'Bve minyteg. Oil, too, hag the advan- sturm," op Where | and Sleighg tage that there are go many big def he Stays until he is 50, ang oven be- | Dosits of jt in various barts of yond that jf Nationa) hecessity calls Dryden . - world that jt jg not affecteq by strikes him, ; . 80 much a4 coal, At the Various stages in his career -- = rr-- When Proper Oil-burning machineg Proper exemptions become the lot of are used, here ig 70 smoke attach- ed to it g¢ all, ang factories using oil have pg tall chimneys, no piles of €s, no tedioug shovelling of coal e furnace, J all Meals seryeq at any Hour : GOOD MmENy Ont. REASONABLE PRICES. Internationg] Harvester Compa Canada, Ltg, Implements of all kinds, . © » oil supply to the boiler furnace, and, f but the man Who hag to 80 into the in fact, With oil the gri field hag the consolation that the man AY a ome also hag his Or, in addition to 7 M'CORmMACK -- Harvesting Machines DEERING $200 ex. Binders = Reapers - Haying Machines Rakes Tedders Tillage Implements Tractor Harrows Tractor Disks arrows Disks Cultivators . Power Machines KEROSENE ENGINES, 1%, 3 and 6 h.p, - TITAN TRACTOR 10-20 and 15-30 achinesg Threshers "Feed Grinders lga, 'which jg Way toward Nome, - Killin and "Gumaer w of Stefansson's : hey were members of 5 Par- torkerson, Stefanssong d on to an icefipe last Baling Pressse Walking Plows Scufflers, etc, MOTOR TRycks Tractor Plows Riding Plows of Soldiers' will run yu to $57,000,000, and Probably a jixe amount wij) be required to continue Ensilage Cutters the work for ° B & ® s @ & ® 2 B cS c B a Hay 'Presses Two days only. Saturday May 29th = L ~ Menday May 314: 10 per cent. discount for Cagh ; the next twg Years, . Dairy Equipment ' about fifty niles from thejy Starting! wpa the war jg Practically over pq Kerosene Engines Cream Separators, hand Point. They gy; Came ore and demobilization almost complete, we Cream Separators belted Storkerson and one otpg member| ,..0 Maintaining another arp, who h E 2g headed overlang for the outside are being traineq jp the arts of 'peace Other Farm quipment . ; ; World. Killin anq Gumaer boarded and not in the arts of w These Farm Wagons 'and trucks, Manure Spreaders, Knife Grinders the Olga and started do 4 Nome, are disabled pep and minors whe ; inder Twine : orkerson's trip oy ide wag are being Vocationally trained, Tha i 2 rift Distric Ist In eleven yegrs, He has been army numpec to-day 19 3q0 big BS Sold in the Dryden Oxdrift Distr t by J. Ss. CORNER, Oxdrift. over since 199g expects to cording to the Dumber of dependentg 8ociate himge]t With Stefansson in while taking course o training | == : A andling the a0 Goverg. averaging geyep month Moreover ent's propoga) to stock the north-§ we ave. 6,556 receiving free medical J ' , €rn tundra Plains With reindeer, reatmen pay mediea] a W y A BUILDERS SUPPLIES bie allowances at our hog itals, and 12,. . 2 leis : 3 Dogs Eat Esquimo Church 0 more receiving' freq medica] Ne f ! Ee -------- In the Hudgop py, country, where| treatment Without pay apg gical Apnlicaticns for the dogs ane half wolves, 4 band of} ances. & r membership and Brick ' Lime i nformafion con- B. C. Shingles .|ROOSTERS, gens had Yo a Jing Shapel to hold The new Victory faggtaty, Which cerning returned 1 Wenty people © poor cop. ; iti i } : verts did not long enjoy "tye little Cotumbly acy 2 ig a Tash men, write | Sas : & Door church, of whey the Were so pa. est in the world It was erecteq on H. M. Davipson ! a. Lis thetically Proud, Tpe building was © summit of "Victory ound" ip ; "Séc'y-Treas . . and 22lebone, an oqip Substarice, | poo Gardens, Long It is 215 Bec'y ' Picture Framing and one Sunq Pagan dogs ag feet high, ang it is 73 feet higher | == Tm * than the Nelfon Mop ment jn Trg brown leghorns, ! on M Manitoba Gypsum Hardwali and, Wood algar Square t : : : Belgians Decorate Graves, of the Britis Coltania era ah ! Plymouth rock, First choice $2 Fibre, Etc, ] For the firg; time singe tpg war| to the Home Governmeps and it re : R. H. PRON GER es i the Belgigng were alloweq to com- Places the old flagsta pr received from y ' Undentakin bh conneeion Imemorate the death of their fallen the British Columbia Government in $ g eroes on November 1st. Aq Saints" 1861, which Ctill recently occupied . N. HARRI . : EEE rg TL vi Y_Was celebrateq With great pomp | the same site, but haq to be removed Elects] ox d > pa : i FE In Brussels Burgomagte Max de- owing to its having fallen into decay. ectric ring an Tepairing, need 1owers on 'the graye] Bel- ted into | G25 Engines, Motor Boats paint. J) ANDERS ON glans, Canadians, British, French andf Ope pint of water converted int and repaired Good work at - ; Rtiagh, £0) Wreaths were also deposit- Steam megpy that the latter Would § + p pi E NT = on the grave of Van ampenhoyt require ag much space a8 1,790 points moderate Prices, i DRYD] N, ON I, pve 2 COMPoser of La Brag conne, the of Water, te pig i : Sl Je wa Ratio 'ant Td 5 = i SR ar we Tay vb .. : % ¥

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