Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 14 May 1920, page 4

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Tm DE OEN OBSERVIN ostiseoss an The Exclusive Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishings LADIES and CHILDREN'S WEAR Diy Foods Store * Also Pretty == Girls and Ladies' ; Newly Arrived from Montreal, JUST OPENED OUT The Latest Shapes in Soft Fine Straws and Genuine PANAMAS Shapes: in cheaper Hats for School Wear: SEE. WEST WINDOW New Spring Hats THIS - WEEK. | Dryden, CLARK'S "The Red Erick.Store" Ont. 7 Hardware We have on hand a Full Stock of GENERAL HARDWARE Ranges, Doors and Windows, \ Paints, Varnishes, &c. Expecting daily a shipment of BLUE-FLAME COAL OIL STOVES. Clean and convenient. Overcome the Fuel Shortage. : : = : EA. Dryden, Ont. KENORA DAIRY LTD. en -- Mr A. R. Todd, manager of the Kenora Dairy, Ltd., has returned to Kenora and is now making every effort to complete arrange- ments to have things in operation by the first of June. He fully in- tended to have the dairy running by this date, but on account of sickness at home he was unable to return any earlier. He now asks for every one to square himself with the Associa- tion, and put his shoulder to the wheel of Co- operation. A very successful meeting was held in the Council chambers, Kenora. The first three resolu- tions of the addenda were carried, and also the motion whereby each member not paying up his note will be required to pay the inter- ( Friends Hd om all over: ere cordially invited, ceive a hearty welcome. body should be there. The J ackipol All entries for the Dryden agri- cultural field competition must be in the secretary's hands on or be- fore May 19th.--D. Anderson, sec. Dave Currie expects to eave for Fort William next Thursday, to be ready for the Times-Journal marathon on the 24th. - Th ehopes of the D.A.A A. go with him. The double wedding is still in the air; you may hear more about it ere long. They did not expect to air the Soyiul news iff"the jack- pot, but they with an important air. They may | be going round with a different heir later. Dear editor--For the benefit of some misguided people it might} well be said 'thatsthere are many G.P.D.'s in this world, For their edification G.P.D. means " girls prefer daylight." Thanks--Girlie. Our staff is sadly depleted by. 1 the prevailing epidemie. The so- ciety editor, stenographer, proof | reader, circulation mandger, lino. operator and consulting engineer are under quarantine this "week. And not a ray of hope in simght. Sam Wachman left for New York city Monday on a business chase a couple of carloads of sup- plies for the Wachman mining plant. ; District Picnic.-- . The annual district picnic under the auspices of the Waldhof club, U.F.O., will be held at Waldhot schoolhouse on Monday, May 24 The club will provide Tun h.3 will arrange a sports R and will Every- The picnic committee. Flying man in town.-- T. R. Morris, representing the Aerial Taxi Co. of Winnipeg is in Dryden this week, promoting ar- rangements for the establishment of a cross-country flying service. One of the company's machines will call here in a few days, on its way west. ments hold, an-aeroplane will be one of the attractions on May 28, during the visit of the Dry cabi- net. Seed Grain.-- If present arrange- We are sorry that it is necess- ary to advise settlers we have no momre oats or wheat. However, are going reund. {been entered ! months, trip ; Nathan for Winnipeg to pur-| {discussion was marked through-| , for its refusal Jrecently. | KLOSE" est - thereon t; paid. be flowing to Kenora and Dryden. That is co-operation. the bankers until 3 s expected very shortly, then milk and cream will the f dividends back t othe farmers at BLAC! K& Hardware, Furniture and Undertaking +B +04 80 Rods BARB WIRE, 1 ft. = CASTOR Machine oil, per gal | = $6.50 a5 POLARINE Gas Engine Oil, per gal 1.25 SCREEN DOORS and WINDOWS. 'Also PANEL DOORS and GLAZED WINDOWS. ELECTRIC, COAL OIL and WOOD ~ STOVES. The Case 10,20 is noted fot its reserve z power. Owners state that these tractors are always capable in 'emergency, for extra hard plowing or foi grades. 'This 10-20 is fecommended for pulling three 14-inch plows which it can pull ~ in sod or stubble. It * also handles other implements asually requiring about six herses, such "as two 7 foot binders, two 20 shoe grain drills, six section spike-tooth harrow, 8° to 10 foot double disc harrow, etc. : Ready for Heavy Duties For belt work this tractor drives a Case 20x36 thresher, fully equipped, silo fillers, hay presses, feed mills, ete. For all round use this tractor demands It has long your careful consideration. proved its worth. It is economical 1n operation, burning kerosene successfully It is built of the finest materials, You get your money's worth. Before you decide on your tractor, let us show you the advantages of the Case fine. Youll then be better able to judge. "ASE KEROSENE TRACTORS F. T. BRIGNALL, we have have a limited quantity of Irish Cobbler and' Green Moun- tain potatoes at $6.00 per bag, and a few bushels of alsike and red clover seed, cleaned by the Ox- Also a quantity of choice O.A.C. No. 21 barley, selling at $5.40 per 3-bus. bag.--D. Frejd. The Canadian Explosives Co. have made arrangements through Black & Latimer to give a demon- stration on May 19th at 1.30, at !Mr Ed. Dawkins' farm blowing stumps, ditching and blasting boulders. A similar demenstration south of Oxdrift on May 20th, at 1.30 p.m. Answers to correspnndents. Inquirer.--(1) Yes, Phil will be at the dance on the 24th. (2) Whitegcany as hogs, we are informed. --We would like to 'sec When is it Mistress. that photograph. coming off ? Declaring that the moral up- lifters of Ontario are horrified if satisfied if he takes another wife, Bishop M. B. Fallon, of the Rom.- an Catholic diocees of London vigorously attacked the impend- ing legislation for divorce. "I»would rather have a thou- sand (drunkards than one divorced man," said his lordship. "The up lifters tell you you will go to hell if you buy a newspaper on Sunday, but you may have one Mrs on Monday and a different Mrs on Thursday. "What is the taking of a drink or th& smoking of a cigaret to the breaking up of a christian home?" Oxdrift, Ont. 'tor because he did not acquiesce FREE TRIAL drift association, at 6oc .per ib.|: will be given on Mr Watts' farm, a man takes another drink, but, ple time for careful comparison. Accept this offer to-day without NOTICE OF MEETING. The Regular Monthly Meeting of the Van Horne branch of the U.F.O. will be held in the Town- ship Hall, Dryden, on Saturday 15th May, at 8 o'clock p.m. All members and those wishing to join are invited to be present. Important business. i CHAS. NORGATE, Secy. | NEW LABOUR AGREEMENT At the Pulp Mill A new Labor Agreement--has into between the Dryden Pulp & Paper . Co. and their employees of the Interna-| tional Brotherhood of Pulp Sul- phite and Paper Mill workers, local No. 105. ; The new schedule, which be- came effective on May 1st, 1920, and remains in force till April 30th 1921, is conceded to be one of the best labo ragreements existing in any sulphate mill in Canada.' The result gives a general in- crease of 15 per cent, together with a bonus on wages earned of 5 per cent, payable every four and extends to all union employees on the payroll. The negotiations prior to the signing of the agreememnt were pconducted by Mr J. B. Beveridge vice-president and general mana- ger, I. N. Beveridge, general sup- erintendent, for the Company; and Thos. J. M'Mahon, of Iro- quois Falls, 6th Int. vice-president of the pulp mill workers, J. H. Hill, president, I. Adair, record. ecertary, A. Johnston, and H. anklin for the brotherhood. The out by the greatest cordiality on' both sides, and the representatives of the men are to be congratulated on their successful handling of the! matter detegated to their manage- ment. & * i The boys are now off to another year of successful co-operative production, and it is hopved that the good feeling' displayed. will continue in the future, and all cerned are to be congratulate; the happy outcome. M. MacBride, M.P.P., has just issued a statement in which he criticizes the U.F.O. government to increase the members' indemnity; as requested He calls Drury a dicta- in the movement. | In Your Home. Edison's New Diamond AMBEROLA Read this through and grasp this extraordinary opportunity to-day! This remarkable offer is the result of Mr Edison's expressed wish to see a phonograph in every home. 4 Come to our Store to-day or to-morrow, pick out your Amber- |} ola and a dozen Amberol Records. We will deliver them promptly to your home. Let the Amberola entertain you fo rthree days-- am- At the end of three days' Free Trial if you do not want the Am- berola we will call for it--and thank you for giving it this trial. If you do want it, we will arrange terms of payment to suit you. fail. R. J. PRONGER | ; | ! [ ) Agent, Dryden. (E24 Sa E28 DX LRT 211 17 veseseseeasecessesasasarnrncere > os mwa oan a mea eo om eg TE TEA AND COFFEE. I am agent for the famous 66 RN A O B® gi : tea and coffee. i Thin] is packed in Vancouver, right at the doorway of the Orient. I invite you to try it. If in trying it you like it, so much the "better. If it does not suit your taste, you have acquired experience. The price of this Tea per Ib packet is 75¢ The price for Coffee per 1-1b tin is . 75¢ I almost forgot to mention that the Coffee 1s packed by what is known as the ' vacuum process," thereby losing none of the original aroma and flavor. On Monday the 17th only, and merely to introduce the line, I shall sell Nabob Tea at 60c. per pound. \ Nabob (orion at §5e. per pound. CARPET Am I have quite a nice selection of these in tapestries. Sizes range 2% x 3, 2l4 x 3, 3x3,3x3%, 3x4. Colors are: Brown, Green, and Fawn grounds, with floral patterns. Prices from $20.00 to $40.00 with the usual 10 per cent cash discount. ) LINOLEUMS and FELTOL. This Store has hare been strong in these lines, basing its cash prices against any competition, and this year again the range is eeeptionally good. * }® WALL - PAPER. We go to a good deal of trouble in oli nice ines, and sell at a very close profit. How much nicer it is to be able to get the exact quantity -- none short, none over. In estimating cost, did you ever take this 'into consideraiton? RED PITT Wi =i» Drvden. Ont. Si 1 = st ssn rs ce remm Cam ou BO) a=

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