Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 21 May 1920, page 1

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RAPP Bring, Exrress 5 = BUT. = BEAR and INCORPORATED and get the HIGH Eo in Canada Dinorwic, " Our Business for 1670 CRS NOTICE . Read all the Fur Price- Lists you can. We do not issue any or Mail us all yowrcan catch of MUSQUASH EST PRICE paid Ty ENS Ont. om CIRCUMSTANCES have arisen to prevent the Drury Cabinet from being able to pay the expec- ted visit to Dryden next week. So there will be no public holiday. Through the efforts of Mayor Hutchison, it has been arranged that the minister of public works, Hon. I. C. Biggs, accompanied by Peter Heenan, M.P.P., will stop off at Dryden between the morn- ing and afternoon trains on \ SATURDAY 30th MAY. That is, from 8 a.m, to 3.30 p.m. They will be welcdmed by the Town Council of Dryden and rep- resentatives of other local bodies, - and their visit will be made as 250 years" Union Church SERVICES Will be conducted by Mr Crag UEC oT | OD? AT * mornng and evenis ing Aig. = SENJOYABILE MUSIC ! deal Yh alin Burm te Tints | A Cordial VV.E.COIMIC Awalls YOu. | mm ~ So A i ST LURES CHURCH, RY INN DRYDEN ramsey Ly errand Her I ve and Sermon-at 7 p.m. mle Rev. ROBT. WIi.S cclor 4 = ® ae : Lo : WE PAY ALL EXPRESS The Secret of Contact Bay profitable as time will permit. As many as possibly can do so should be present to greet the distinguished visitors. It is tlic intention of the govern- ment to visit this district during the summer, but no definite plans or date have been made. A Story to Stir Your Blood. WE are often asked, "What are they doing at the mines? Are they getting any gold yet?" Somehow it seems hard to believe a rich mine could actually be at our doors, instead of up at the pole or some out-of-the-way place. Lately theré has been a sort of 'ey Suppressed excitement in regard Bn ~ H. PRONGER ry Public ata TER anger, Elo. - GRE OT -B. LIND ~ Ly : Pompiyp an yy nN S i Uo : x 5 Uo. Cad from 8.30 to 9.30 wn o aN © oF =< 4 7 t the effort to enjoy mode conditions, and Keep WD ryden's progress, y er A ° AL LA NN ° . Noricm Mr CN. ARSTAD, Organist of the United Church Kenora, has been asked to open a.class in Piano Instruction in Dryden. Those desiring to take lessors|: _ kndly. leave their names at R. J. ~ Pronger's Music Stofe. Mr Ar- stad will spend one day each week in Dryden, beginning in May. should there be pupils enough to study. Pupils prepared IMPERIAL BANK BLOCK, 'These Cups are odorless, and pace with! 4-30, moderate. Ny TTI TID AY IDTS A BY re TITEL SUR ICE-CREAM PARLOUR i Nd NOW OP We are introducing the VORTEX SERVICE Pure White Cups with Silver- In bdet Tol - plated Holders are used but once, then thrown away --~making a clean, safe and dainty service. Sole Agents "for {PATTERSON'S Yours for brighter times, TORONTO CHOCOLATES. "A matter of Good Taste." SERVICE -- and -- QUALITY W. G. CASE Automobile and Marine Engines attended to. 3 week or two. gasoline Tinsmith and general repair work. Prices All work guaranteed. to developments at Contact Bay, and the mining men have been curiously non-committal. The visit of Mr L. J. Browning, late of the mining section of the U.S. treasury dept., presented an op- portunity to get an expert opinion from an engineer of standing, whose practical experience would give authority to his statements Our representative accompanied him over the mining district, and the result of the interview is given below. He has now gone east to test the samples of ore collected, and his report is expected in a Wouldn't it be a big thing for us if the hopes of the mining fraternity materialize, and the output of the mines justifies their great expendituré of money > szx and effort! DID yéu ever see a gold mine? "How is gold produced? -- the precious metal round which re- volves the whole machinery of "human existence: by which em- pires and nations rise and fall, which 'makes wars and ensures peace; the builder of industry, the measure of wealth and power, which governs the density of pop- ulations, and even influences the current of human affections. With such a thought in mind we put it up to Mr Robt. Wach- man, manager of the Wachman 'Mining Co., the other day. "Come out to the mines with me and I'll 'give you_the answer," he said. Next morning, with a party of nine or ten, we boarded the com- pany's launch and settled down to enjoy the trip across Lake Wabi- goon. Early as the season is yet, with the ice just off the lake, with -a fresh breeze rippling the water, the smooth running launch car- ried us swiftly southward. In a few minutes the Lake opened out before us, far-spreading, with its tree-lined banks showing green, and its many islets spread invit- ingly in the sunshine. A run of about an hour brought us to the wharf at the south end of Contact Bay. There we stepped ashore, and immediately found evidence of human enterprize con- ~ trasting vividly with the serenity of the virgin forest. Over a quar- ter of an acre was scattered huge, pieces of machinery that shortly will be assembled into a great stamp mill to handle the output of the mines. From there along a sort of rabbit trail we tramped Indian file into the shrubbery over a rich loam which before summer is far advanced will be all cleared and converted into a garden. Presently the trail broke into a wide clearing, in which could be seen the various buildingg that go to the making of a camp; not the slovenly, temporary quarters of the usual type, but well built, pic- turesque structures where one might readily contemplate staying \ us. And we turn to the engineer COURT OF REVISIQN. NOTICE is hereby given = that the Council of the Municipality of Machin will meet in the School House, Eagle River, on Saturday May 29th, at 2 p.m., as a Court of Revision for the purpose of hear- ing appeals filed against the As- sessor's Return of the Assessment Roll for the year 1920. All' parties having business at the said Court are hereby required to take notice and govern them- selves accordingly. : ALEX TURNER, &F = oN Clerk. EATON CREAM SEPARATOR in perfect order. $20.00 cash. PHIL. CARR" 5-31 Dryden P..O. a whole season. And the inside more than fulfilled the promise of the first impression. Rlainly, the present price of lumber was not considered when these were put in. Nothing has been spared to provide accommodation that will bear comparison with the houses of the average town. And just that is what they intend to build. Here is not a cook-shack, but a dining-room and kitchen, with a separate house for the cook; no bunkhouse for the men, but comfortable sleeping quarters, with iron beds, springs, and the finest mattresses, good hardwood flooring, and numerous other con- veniences provided. Considering the short period since the Com- pany started operations, it'is won- derful the progress that has been made. When the wires are run out from town carrying electric light and telephone it ought to be a delightful place to spend "a Loli- day in the country." Lt will easily be believed that by § this time we were readily persua- ded to see what the chef could do for us. What with the fresh air on the lake, and the breath of northern pine, we probably were those who have been privileged to lunch én a Canadian camp in the woods. could believe © how that food 'tasted. ; = 'And now to. the mine! A pile' of stone spread around a covered in hoist, which being opened, ex-. posed a deep shaft cut into the 'solid rock. A moment of breath-j- less excitement, ahd ""That is the main shaft," someone said. Soon two or three of the party with tiny microscopes are examin- ing pieces of quartz. And they in turn invite you to view their dis- coveries. The atmosphere is tense with expectation. : there is the gold! yellow, glitter ing--it needs no glass to sec it in many of the specimens picked up. There is "free gold" in several pieces shown. And one begins to feel something of the prospector's enthusiasm in the Visions of a flourishing, busy pop- | wealth tingle the imagination ; the fulfilment of dreams, the pride-of} ambition gratified, surge within who looks calmly on, with a hope- of it all. | "I have not drawn up a report yet, but I am frank to say that I am greatly impressed with the un=| usual persistency, size, direction seca | Chicken predisposed in his favor; but only! And} realization. §. ulation daily adding to its pile of; ful question as to What he thinks] old; branded on right front shoul- der; also on hip; mane and fore- top clipped. Strayed from Wain- wright. Finder rewarded. F. H. MORTON, nh A D ryden P. O. Cellar, Back Plastered and Surface Plastered, upstairs and down. House accommodates 200 Chickens. 7 Stable 12x16. Good Well. 3 acres under cultivation. 8-minute walk to Pulp Mill. See D. W. SCOTT. Van Horne. -- COURT OF REVISION: Notice is hereby given that the Van Horne Council will meet as a Court of Revision in the Town- ship Hall, in the Town of Dryden, on Saturday the 92th day of May, 1020, at the hour of I p.m. to hear I determine the appealsagainst 1c Assessment Roll of «the said OY ip. of "Van Horne and roland School Section for the 1020. oF | appeals mus be in'my hands y-igth. : = Roll is now in my office, and is open for inspection. . D. ANDERSON, yden, May 14th 1920." = Clerk LK | 3 For sale for delivery between May 24th and June 1st, 18 SPRING PIGS, 6 weeks old, $10m0 each. See : . D. W. SCOTT. EXECUTORS SALE , Of =F = IREEHOLD PROPERTY tions from the under >cutors and Trustees of il and. Testament of n, in the District of Ken- Merchant, Deceased, there e offered for sale by Public on, on Wednesday the Sec- ~~ Volume XXVIL : a Dryden, Ont, Friday, May 21 1920 Fr ; Number 51 - ~The Hudson's Bay Co. No Public Holiday Municipality of Mackin... po (0% bres ee BY permission of the Postmaster General, the wicket of the Dryden Post Office will close at 12.30 noon on EVERY THURSDAY through the months of May, CHEAPEST BUYIN TOWN, > 7-ROOMED HOUSE, with Good |. 1 Town tor June, July, August, and Septem- er, I. SMITH, Postmistress. TENDER. Will be received by the under- signed for the erection of Frame or Brick Veneer School House at Ignace, Ont. Plans and specifica- tions can be seen or mailed upon request. TF or Tender to be.accompanied by a certified cheque for 10 per cent. of amount. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. « H. A. THOMSON, "al 8eey ~treas, 8.5: No. 1 COMMUNITY SALE AT KENORA. Arrangements have been comple- ted by MrA. R. Ascough to a "Community Sale" of live stock at Kenora, en May 25th, at 2 o'clock. Already some 12 head of cattle, including seven good milch cows, 40 young pigs, and one registered boar, have been entered for the sale. Any person having live stock' which they wish to sell should communicate at once with Mr Ascough. FOR SALE For sale, north of Thunder Lake, 104 ACRES of GOOD LANT:. Sandy beach. Apply to A. R. HUTCHISON, For sale, "SEAMSTRESS" hand }sewing machine, nearly new. $8.00 cash. Also Baby Carriage, price $5.00. Apply-- ; "0. Mrs:M. STRATTON, Arthur street. 53%. YOUNG PIGS for sale. $10.00 each. ' Inquire : WILLIAM DAVOE, im Ondrift. GOOD COW for sale, just fresh- ened; gives 10 quarts each milk- ing. Apply aa 3-37 ond day of June 1920, by: W. J. binson, auctioneer, at 2 p.m, at | at i os oad the Town Hall, Dryden, Ontario, mid following lands and premises, ely i-- i three (23) on the sout shide of Duke Street in the said Town of | Dryden, containing one-quarter of an acre. On said lands are said to be erected a frame dwel- ling house. : PARCEL TWO: Lot No. Two (2) on the west side of Earl Street, in the said Town of Dry- den; save and except thereout and therefrom the South Thirty Feet of said Lot by a depth of One Hundred Feet. On said lands are said to be erected a hardware store with warehouse . adjoining in rear, PARC THREE: Lot "Cy the said Town of Dryden, ac- cording to Registered Plan M-105. This Lot is said to have ntage of Forty-one Feet Three Inches on Whyte Street by a depth of Fifty-two Feet to Ho Bi. and value of this true fissure vein, which shows much gold in th samples procured. The Rognon Mine at cne end with the Redeemer--Bonanza a the other exeremity, of this attrac tively strong vein fully demon- strate the importance of deeper development, and prove the exis- tence of increased gold value and, volume of ore with depth. "of I think the Wachman property, will undoubtedly be an important, gold producer when fully develop-| ed along the lines now planned by the management.' So there you are. While you| are scattering and planting the | seed that will ensure prosperity. and comfort at the time of Harvest ! day that will see the golden riches' flowing from the mines of Dryden. to brighten. the eyes of the toil-} daily task. you can dream and hope for the 'MALONE MALONE & LONG, weary and reward the efforts of | n the rear. On said pro- to be erected a frame of Dryden. perty is vacant land. / OF SALE ~--Ten per of the purchase monye at the Town 11 of 'sale, and the balance within thirty days thereafter, rithout interest. ° 3 For further particulars and con- ditions of sale apply to red a fla i . . J the Torouda General Trusty Comper, 83 Bay Street, Toronto, The Exccutors and Trustees iat the last Will and Tes- Cril PARCEL ONE: Lot No. Twenty | of John G. Hayes, de- ceased. - 8g Bay Street, Toronto, 2 Their Solicitors. those who put their lives into the DATED at Toronto, April 28th, i . 1920. Lh | stronger. 5-14 Mrs WELLBURN, Ignace. Marine Engine, 334 H.P., com- plete wtih carburctter, pump, coil shaft and propeller. last fall. Apply-- iL. C. CART, C-4-2 Dryden. 3 Overhauled 2 COWS and 2 HEIFERS, all due to freshen April and May; cheap for cash. Young Pigs, $6.00 a-piecce. Apply ; ) WM: -JAEHNERT, : Waldhof, Ont. WE HAVE FOR SALE Gold Rain Oats, at $5.30 for 3 bus, O.A.C. 21 Barley, at $5.40 2 bus. 300 Red Clover Seed, Kenora grown, .. .. . 6oc. per tb 300 Alsike Clover seed, Kenora' grown, ..__6oc per Ib ; D. FRE]JD. LAKE VIEW FARM. FARM for sale, S. part of Lot 6, Con. 4, Van Horne Twp. Fifteen minutes from Dryden by land or water; Lake front, southerly as-' pect; consitsing of 121 acres more: or less. = Will sell whole or part, Good sail, ideal for gardening or agriculture. Good House and Stable. Part Cash, balance to suit customer. For, full particulars apply to ; BEN BLAIR, 6-4 Dryden, Ont. Ld 4 rater Ploviap amd Cilligaten ud ! ail Gling Se cm Cini BREAKING A SPECIALTY Notwithstanding the heavy in- crease in the price of oil and gas- cline, our price this season will be based on a flat rate of $3.25 PEE Our new Engi and have your plowing ¢ promptly. : : W..K. EDYE -- 5-31 Box 13, Dryden, Ont.

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