Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 28 May 1920, page 1

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ir Chicken e ryden Observer iy Volume XX) Dryden, Ont, Friday, May 28 1920 Number 52. ~~ OXDRIFT. The Rev. R. Cragg of Union Church, Dryden, preached in the - Oxdrift Schoolhouse on' Sunday last before a crowded congrega- tion. All appreciated the service. The services of Mr Cragg, have been secured by Oxdrift people for every Sunday afternoon at 3 ~ o'clock. Sunday School at 2 p.m. Mrs ~~ Pateman, superintendent. Every- 'body welcome to both services. ~The members of the Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs S. Corner on May 2zoth. The principal business of the day was the election of officers for 1920-91. | The members as usual seemed well pleased with the work of the president and sec.-treasuerr, who have held office for the last four years, and put them once more in office. The following is the list of officers :-- President--Mrs A. Salton Vice-pres.--Mrs H. Pateman Sec.-treas--Mrs T. H. Lewis Dist. directors--Miss Neely, Mrs Crosier. * Dist. representative -- Mrs H. Pateman. Auditors--Mrs McTavish, Miss Latimer Branch directors--Mrs Corner, Mrs W. Herring, Miss L. Latimer. ~~ The least you owe yourself is to get the most for your and a Sq This you can get The Great Lakes F FURS uare Deal by shipping to- ur Trading Co. Ltd. DINORWIC, Ont. Or HEAD OFFICE IZ Francis Block, FORT - WILLIAN, Ou. WE PAY ALL EXP RESS CHARGES R. H PRONGER | Notary Public Conveyancer, Etc. DRYDEN ONT F. B. LINDEN NOTARY, ETC, ¥ THE DRYDEN ~ Conveyancing ~ Collecting General Prazice DRYDEN ONTARIO HAC. NACHIN. Barrister, Solicitor, &c. PHARMAGY OUR ICE-CREAM PARLOUR IMPERIAL BANK BLOCK, -KENORA « Ont. NOTICE. @ M. ALLAN will, on and after this date, observe the local merchants' early closing hours; with the ex- - ception of Sunday. Open Sunday from 8.30 to 9.30 a.m. . ' Hoping patrons will appreciate the effort to enjoy modern labour conditions, and keep pace with Dryden's progress, Yours for brighter times, M. ALLAN. NOTICE : Mr C. N. ARSTAD, Organist of the United Church Kenora, has been asked to open a class in| Piano , Instruction in Dryden. Those desiring to take lessons kndly leave their names at R. J. Pronger's Music Store! Mr Ar- stad will spend one day each week in Dryden, beginning in May should there be pupils enough to ~ take up study. Pupils prepared for examination. 4-30 | LOST. WHITE PONY (horrse), 4-year old; branded on right front shoul- der, also on hip; mane and fore- top clipped. Strayed from Wain- wright. Finder rewarded. "ot F. H. MORTON, 5-31 D ryden P. O. CHEAPEST BUY IN TOWN, HOUSE, with Good Cellar, Back: Plastered and Surface Plastered, upstairs and down. : House accommodatcs L "200 Chickens. ; Stable 12x16. Good Well. 3 acres under cultivation. minute walk to Pulp - Mill See D. W. SCOTT. 7 ROOMED NOW OPEN gp rm coma We are introducing the VORTEX SERVICE Pure White Cups with Silver- plated Holders These Cups are odorless, and are used but once, then thrown away --making a clean, safe and dainty service. Sole Agents for PATTERSON'S ° TORONTO CHOCOLATES. "A matter of Good Taste." ---- » SERVICE -- and -- QUALITY Municipality of Machin, COURT OF REVISION. NOTICE is hereby given that the Council of the Municipality of Machin will meet in the School House, Eagle River, on Saturday May 29th, at 2 p.m., as a Court of 'Revision for the purpose of hear- ing appeals filed against the As- sessor's Return of the Assessment Roll for the year 1920. : All parties having business at the said Court are hereby required 'to take notice and govern them- selves accordingly. ~ ALEX TURNER, Clerk. 'W. G. CASE Automobile and Marine gasoline Engines attended to. Tinsmith [ "amme of aquatic sports. Victoria Day 1920 VICTORIA DAY in Dryden was celebrated in a very fitting man- ner by a day of sports arranged by the athletic association. Although the day was cloudy the rain held off, and everything went like clockwork. The games and other contests started in good time. The pres- ence of the Town band was the only thing lacking to complete the picture, and regret was ex- pressed by a major portion of the crowd because of its absence, Competition was keen, but there were far too few entries Following is a list of the prize- winners :-- 100 yds dash,E. Dickson, T. Hart nett. : 3-legged race, Dickson - Hartnett-Russell. Hop - step - and - jump, Dickson, Hartnett. Hurdles, Dickson, W. Quirk. ~ High Jump, Dickson, Hartnett, Half-mile race, Dickson, Barber. Thread-needle race, Jack -- Miss Oliver; W. Case -- Mrs H. A. Wilson. J. O. Gough had a booth on the grounds, and the wants of the crowd were efficiently catered to by Messrs J. Hesford and L.-A. Bigelow. Rehill, Football. The match between Keewatin and Dryden was the big event of the day. They kicked off at 3.30, and there was a goodly crowd present to witness it. The Dryden team was handicapped by the ab- sence of their captain, F.. Foulis, They at times showed a lack of combination and team-play, which further practice will doubtless im- prove. The Keewatin team, who have been in longer training, put up a Yery good game in this res- pect. Hart (centre) scored the first goal for Keewatin ten min- utes after the game started. Chas. Elsie, defending the home goal, had a busy time at this stage, while Scott of the opposing eleven was resting up. M. Bailey was on the job as us- ual with his megaphone, coachign the boys and acting as cheer leader. At half-time McNaughten, the Keewatin manager, was right there with the oranges for his men, but we didn't notice any- body crowding the Dryden bunch with any similar freshener. Des- pite this neglect the home team put up quite a scrap, and held the score low. Their strong defence was sustained right through=the game. The contest drew a 'greater measure of interest than usual, and is a good augury for the fut- ure of the game here. The score at the final blow of the whistle stood at 2--1 in favor of Keewa- tin, ° : : : Dance. To wind up the day a Dance was held in the evening in the pulp mill hall to music supplied by the Dryden orchestra--which, by the way, was the more enjoy- able after a period of dancing to gramaphones. A large: crowd attended, and a rollicking tithe was spent. The lunch provided .by Mrs Humphries deserved and received special mention." It was excellent and altogether "different. Mr - M'Naughten of the Keewatin ag- gregation, seized this opportunity to thank the D.A.A.A. for their hospitality, and invited the Dry- den team to Keewatin on July Ist. Nota Bene. The D. ALAA. is trying to' ar- range a series of games for the Shragge Cup. There will be two games in Dryden on July 1st; two in Kenora on the 3rd, and the odd one, sif necessary, in Dryden on the 10th July. Dominion Day, the glorious first, will be marked by a progr- Two games of baseball, one in the mot- ning and one in the afternoon, to be followed by a dance in the evening, should keep everybody interested. Start hoarding the and general repair work. Prices coin now, there will be lots of oderate. All work guaranteed, ways to blow it July 1st. Saturday's (Guests THE HON. Mr BIGGS, minister of public works and party will arrive in Dryden at 8 o'clock Sat- urday morning. Peter Heenan, M:P.P., is also expected, and Hon. Beniah Bowman, Minister of Lands, Forests and Mines, may accompany them. The Mayor, at a gathering of citizens on Tuesday night, drew up a schedule to make the most of the short time at their disposal, as the visitors, who include the wife of the minister, are only ex- pected to stay from 8 to 3.30 p.m. The following is the plan of the day's events: Dryden citizens will furnish a number of automobiles, and will meet Mr Bigg's private carm on No. 3. After a short, informal re- ception the party will be taken on a short tour of the farming section by way of Oxdrift, returning to Dryden before noon. The next stage calls for a trip across Lake Wabigoon, to be made in the launches kindly lent by Mr Pitt and others, accommodation being 'provided for all citizens desirous of accompanying the party. The boats will head for Contact Bay, where a landing will be made to see the gold mines. The offer of Mr Robt. Wachman to furnish lunch for everybody has been ac- ceted by the Mayor's committee, and a bountiful spread will be provided for the whole party. The return trip to town will be made in time to allow the visitors to board the 3.30 train for the west. Hon. Mr Biggs visit to this district is in the interest of more and better roads. It is hoped that after he has seen our farms he will be impressed with the importance of assisting the district to get what we have striven for so long --Good Roads. . "EXECUTORS SALE of FREEHOLD PROPERTY Under instructions from the under signed Executors and Trustees of the last Will and Testament of John G. Hayes, late of the Town of Dryden, in the District of Ken- ora, Merchant, Deceased, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction, on Wednesday the Sec- ond day of June 1920, by W. J. Robinson, auctioneer, at 2 p.m. at the Town Hall, Dryden, Ontario, the following lands and premises, namely :-- PARCEL ONE: Lot No. Twenty three (23) on the sout shide of Duke Street in the said Town of Dryden, containing one-quarter of an acre. On said lands are said to be erected a frame dwel- ling house. PARCEL TWO: Lot No. Two (2) on the west side of Earl Street, in the said Town of Dry- den; save and except thereout and therefrom the South Thirty Feet of said Lot by a depth of One Hundred Feet. On said lands are said to be erected. a hardware store with warehouse adjoining in rear, PARCEL THRLE: Lot" C™in the said Town of Dryden, ac- cording to Registered Plan M-105. This Lot is said to have 'a frontage of = Forty-one Feet Three Inches on Whyte Street by a depth of Fifty-two Feet to a lane in the rear. On said pro- perty is said to be erected a frame storage shed. PARCEL FOUR: Lot No. 7 (7): on'the west side of Earl Street, in the said Town of Dryden. This property is vacant land. TERMS OF SALE.--Ten per cent of the purchase monye at the time -of sale, and the balance within thirty days thereafter, without interest. ~ For further particulars and con- ditions of sale apply to tne Toronto General Trusts Corgan, 83 Bay Street, Toronto, The Executors and Trustees under the last Will and Tes- tament of John G. Hayes, de- ceased. : 5 MALONE, MALONE & LONG, 85 Bay Street, Toronto, Their Solicitors. DATED at Toronto, April 28th, 1920. 5 son, the genial manager of the front, and see that the man or boy | ate -- The Times-Journal of Ma: 25th has the following flattering ment: "Dryden's contribution of two runners to the race--both of whom did their town credit in the contest--was the subject of much tavorable comment. Dryden's ablity to furnish two such splen- did sprinters shows that from an athletic standpoint as well as in other ways, the northern town is surely on the map of Canada, and bound to do big things in the very near future. Alfred Pitt and other live wires of Dryden, as well as the runners themselves, deserve considerable credit for their effort and enterprise in this matter," Local Athletes Compete in big Times-Journal Ten Mile Road - Race at Fort William. Two local athletes, Dave Currie and George Wyce, journeyed to Fort William on the 24th to com- pete in the annual Times-Journal road race, held in that city. The boys arrived there safe and sound, and were conducted to the Y.M. C.A., a magnificent four storey brick building, in which may be found all that the heart of any athlete could desire, Hot and cold water with showers on each floor ; in the basement more shower baths and a large swimming pool ; on the main floor a large gymnas- um fitted up in modern "style, with all sorts of training equip- ment under the supervision of a first-class instructor. Mr Thomp- Y.M.C.A,, extended 2 cordial wel- come to all the boys, and invited us to 'make ourselves at home--- which we did. in landing any of the coveted tro- phies, our boys ran a good race, and were game to the finish. Dave Currie managed to take fifth place and with a better chance to train at home, better attention and less work, as well as more assistance from our citizens, Dave would have had a splendid chance for at least second money. So let wus see in future that if these events are to be contested by local boys, we put our best efforts to the who is game enough to come out and tackle a ten mile proposition is handled properly and backed to the limit. : Ed Lawrence of Montreal, who copped first prize, is a beautiful type of long distance runner, nice- ly developed and well trained, and had no trouble stepping the ten miles off in less than 57 minutes. But he had every advantage, as he was accompanied by two good "Dryden on th: Map" YOUNG PIGS for sale. While Dryden did not succeed oe GOOD COW for sale, just fresh- | NOTICE ~ BY permission of the Postmaster General, the wicket of the Dryden Post Office will close at 12.30 noon on EVERY THURSDAY June, July, August; and Septem- ber. a I. SMITH, Postmistress. TENDER. Will be received by the under-: signed for the erection of Frame or Brick Veneer SchootfHouse at Ignace, Ont. Plans and specifica- tions can be seen or mailed upon request. Tender to be accompanied by a certified cheque for 10 per cent. of amount. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. H: A. THOMSON, Secy.-treas. S.S. No. 1. FOR SALE For sale, north of Thunder Lake, 104 ACRES of GOOD LAND. Sandy beach. Apply to : A. R. HUTCHISON, For sale, "SEAMSTRESS" hand' sewing machine, nearly new. $8.00 cash. Also Baby Carriage, price $5.00. Apply-- "Mrs H. STRATTON, 5-31 Arthur street. $10.00 each. Fnquire WILLIAM DAVOE, 5-31 is! : Oxdrift, ened; gives 10 quarts each milk- ing. Apply 5-14 Mrs WELLBURN, Ignace. 2 COWS and 2 HEIFERS, all due to freshen April and May; cheap for cash, Young Pigs, $6.00 a-piece. Apply mi WM. JAEHNERT, Lie ™ LAKE VIEW FARM. FARM for sale, S. part of Lot 6, Con."4, Van Horne Twp. Fifteen minutes from Dryden by land or water; Lake front, southerly as- pect; consitsing of 121 acres more or less. Will sell whole or part. Good soil, ideal for gardening or agriculture. Good House and Stable. Part Cash, balance to suit customer. For full particulars trainesr who -- twenty minutes before the race started--had their man on the table and administer- ed a final rubbing down which put him at the starting point in the best possible condition for the long grind. We 'saw a few good shows, some ball games, had a car ride, and saw all the points of interest in the two cities; met a number of old Dryden and arrived home safely on Tues- day, feeling satisfied that we had enjoyed a splendid trip and profi- ted largely by seeing how other people do things. i The local runners were atten- ded to Fort William by Hughie Adair, mgr. of Dryden baseball 'team, and Edgar Turnbull, who is well known to the pRople of this town, and is always pleased to be at our service. Jack Garrett, who is recuperating from his recetn accident, also accompanied the boys on the trip, and spent a good vacation. i ; Lt us hope that by another year we may be more successful, and profit from the experience of our venture this year. The Result. E. A. Lawrence, Montreal, 56.49. Arthur Woods, Calgary, 59.50. A.-Selder, Port Arthur, 60.406. A. Turner, Winnipeg, 64.47. David Currie, Dryden, 68.1514 T. M'Corkindale, Fort William, 1.75, : G. Wice, Dryden, 74.15. - R. Erikson, dropped out en route. : The Prizes. : A. E. Lawrence received first] large | friends, | prize, a cup standing 18 in. high, beautifully engraved and decora- \ apply to : BEN BLAIR, 6-4 Dryden, Ont. tracker Plowing and Cultivating a BREAKING A SPECIALTY Notwithstanding the heavy in- crease in the price of oil and gas- oline, our price this season will be based on a flat rate of $3.25 PER HOUR Our new Engine is heavier and stronger. Get on our list early, and have your plowing done promptly. W. K. EDYE, 5-31 Box 13, Dryden, Ont. For sale for delivery between May 24th and June 1st, 18 SPRING 'PIGS, 6 weeks old, $10.00 each. See ; -- DW, SCOTT, EATON CREAM SEPARATOR in perfect order. $20.00 cash. PHIL. CARR, 5-31 ted with the silver figure of a mar- athon runner. re Arthur Wood was presented presented with the second prize, a silver cup slightly smaller than the one won by Mr Lawrence. A. Selder won third prize, ano- ther silver cup, smaller than the ' other two but of a very handsome design. we = pn through the months. of May; = Waldhof, Ont, Dryden P.O.

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