he NOTICE. M. ALLAN will, on and after this date, observe the local merchants' early closing hours, with the ex- ception of Sunday. Open Sunday from 8.30 to 0.30 am, : : Hoping patrons will appreciate the effort to enjoy modern labour ~ conditions, and keep pace with Dryden's progress, : Yours. for brighter times, M. ALLAN. TH CHURCH OF E: GLARD ST LUKE'S CHURCH, DRYDEN. ---- r Morning Prayer and Sermon at 11 a.m. Evening Prayer and Sermon at 7 p.m. Rev. ROBT. WIL.SON, used bu Rector. DRYDEN OUR ICE-CREAM PARLOUR These Cups are odorless, and --making a clean, safe a 'THE | | achieve a distinction that will be the envy of all his neighbours, | | any producer. An individual who prize against the his own or any n the district will |. Emig can win this competition of other township i K EC plated Holders are away nd dainty t once, then thrown ° ° 7 ous be appointed for the cur. | Haris oo unloading thewagon, Bane at os Pi ny he conse Dryden & District : E : Mr Rhodes held the team by thefquent need for rapid trave s LOIS service. ance, management, regulation and Y : tun= : a > 9 Crm : heads, Suddenly they started | Was practically the only oppor tun- en : ---- THEREFORE the Council of|2head, and he was dragged, sone ity for Feral expression of sen: = ' Fide s| distance, but was finally shaken|ent. A. R. Hutchison in his us- It is no longer 1 ry t 1 : U Ch 1c the Town of Dryden enacts as alling i i ; ing | ual happy manner expressed the gor Decessaty fo seq nion ut Sole Agents for follows -- off, falling in front of the flying i {th ity with tO larger centres for your musical : : te That a Board consisting or three [t€am. In passing over Him he was 2 Cig © 4 ® TR ip requirements, oh - me PATTERSON'S ' i | stepped 'on, two of his ribs being | the visit, and assure ¢ visitors 8 : Trustees be appointed for he broken, the side of his fans torn | that Dryden. would be delighted, SHEET MUSIC of any kind, SERVICES TORONTO management, maintenance, regu ie ic] to honour them at any time whe- Songs, Dances, Ballads, Anthems, CHOCOLATES, !ation and control of the ee nr ne IT Seni ther they came on a a or an Latest Hits, ete. : : psy | cemetery, two of the said Tunstenyl og) Mr Rhodes bis been ir J official visit. Mr Wachman poin- Pianos, Phonographs, String or oo " ; : " tobe appointed by the Council of| As Mr Rhodes as not been in Goda 0, Vi Jet ; = = "A matter of Good Taste. Ppomted by 2 -] ted out the great opportunities for W ind Instruments, Will be conducted by Mr Cragg, th ¢ Towa of Dryden and one bv | the best of health lately, the pain : : > tk ill $3 the Counnll of the Township of | ful injury to his face is the more development in this northern Repair parts procured, or any mornng and evening. = Vat Hatha np unfortunate, since it complicates | country, and its importance to the 'musical Instruments forwarded : Te SERVICE _ Td <a QUALITY That ans McFadyen and Mrs} the old trouble. province in rh Re oi for repairs. : Dan Hutchison be the Trustees | Although he is confined to bed, Peter Heenan, ob 3p0K0.6 : ENJOYABLE MUSIC T me Town of Dryden | his splendid grit will enable hin the Sd 2 the a Jn p-- : SIC . . ay : Mme hi difficult ith {Stopping o af various points, al- } \ | Awaits You | MA UBICIpality of Machin, . That this By-law shall come or, Tis new difficulty wi though their time was in constant T ABSOLUTELY ~~ A Cordial Welcome Awaits You. ERE Tad aie on the final demand in connection with their GUARANTEE = 4 = -- passing thereof, re rer blic duties ; : COURT OF REVISION MAYOR. CLERK." | IGNACE, PUBLIC SCHOOTI, ope in Biggs in a short reply Prices as low, if not lower than - R. H. PRONGER 0 : The Mayor explained that on Moy RB thanked the Town for their hos~ elsewhere, Goods not in stock = Not Public NOTICE is hereby given that the appointment of the Trustees ay Report pitality, and expressed the pleas- Supplied within one week. =O ary ! the Council of the Municipality the dee dto the cemteery would be Form IV--Annje Taddo, Jackie} ure it had been to them to enjoy To be responsible for any instru- Convey ancer, Etc. of Machin will meet in the School handed over to them by the Coun- Rhodes, Gordon Callan: such an outing after a hard ses- merit or part entrusted to me. fis ; g DRYDEN 3 ON' | House, Eagle River, on Saturday cil of Van Horne. ~ Councillor Form IIT--Joe McNabb and Wil KENORA . | Ont. | i ed i May 29th, at 2 p.m., as a Court of All work guaranteed, pas (Garden Seats for Cemetery THE COUNCI ) sin Dryden hel dits regular meeting [i Tuesday last. occupied the Hill, S den w meeting were read after some commen of Dryden, and the C the Township of an also an interest in the ty, and it is dee expedient that Linden strongly objec Ee svete first level, creaing. In L of the Town of Mayor Hutchison chair, Councillors anderson, Norgate and Lin. ere also present. The minutes of the previous and. adopted, t from Coun- the this vein b in the shaft never gone ri the Mines Bonanza claim of the Mines, Ltd. He re are now drifting bo the vein and wall vein has m in-width, and are increasing, for smal] free gold can be seen all quartz. This vein is without doul TT -- Volume XXVIII Dryden, O day, June 4 1920 Number 1 --_-- ott -- ee . TENDERS WANTED . ope ? » : NOTI LE | Fatal Accident | Magnificent es for/A Word from Ministers Spend Zee For supplying material and erect- Sic 3 . : : 2 : | ing Fence round School Grounds, the Fall Fair Luther Burbank Enjoyable Day) 2 permission of the Postmaster 12 x 14 rods. No. g wire, 48 in. |AN unfortunate accident occurred Y; * | General, the wicket of the Dryden Hioh. i stays 1034 ir. apart; i shontly CEE Tog a a > i Post Office will 'Clos oe oo ee a ate: a Be orning, when exander % : } i ; hs RE Sl oy McMonagle, - Dryden, returning § IN the forth-coming Prize List off THE work of Luther Burbank is The Hon. F. C. Biggs, the Hon, Wi 4) VERY THURSDAY ground, 12 feet apart, and corners | from work, was struck by the €. the Agricultural Society, besides known to all. His Success in thei Benin Bowman, ang Peter Hee. |tPTOugh the months of May, ell braced. P. R. flyer and instantly killed. the usual competitions the follow- cultivation of fruits is one of the nan, MPP. "were the leading June, July, August, and Septem- Tenders 4lso wanted for build-| Deceased was employed in the ing. splendid prizes are offered --| great chapters in human achieve- figures of the party from Toornte | ber. : ing a Bellfry on School. power house of the D. PF. & P. Co, Fo the iy os Jellant apie 0 a fact tle 18 by foam who visited Dryden district last 1. SMITH, Apply to Wm. J. Martin, Sec.-|and had crossed the viaduct com- 0 : i; apy S of the soi 2 any : is t % SHA oe Li 2 )O"f Saturday. Mayor Hutchison, sup- Postmistress, treas,, Glengoland School, Dryden | ing toward town when overtaken | indivi ta. larmer of towns 1p, i any who ever ved will len Lf ported by many other Citizens, - P.O- ; by the train. It 1s surmised that} prize of $50.00 is offered by Mz terest to the following letter, since met their train and bade "them i SRT . In trying to avoid the accident he| Alfred Pitt, Samples of grain, |his opinion will be accepted every-! welcome. { : pa : stepped on the wrong track, just vegetables, fruit and stock grown where as _ the highest possible A very few minutes served to FOR SALE The football match between the | wes of the crossing. 'The 'train mn the district will be shown. An | commendation of the seed pota- establish the fact that this was no § GWVA team and the others on caught him and carried him about! individual may enter his own pro- toes grown in thig district :-- political trip undertaken to en- | For sale, north. of Thunder Lake, Wednesday evening was a well- 157 feet. ; ducts, ora township can assemble : Santa Rosa, Cal. USA, hance the prestige of any party or | 104 ACRES of GOOD. I.AN I. "contested game. Somewhat slow The train pulled up, and the en- its entry from various producers May 26th, 1920 policy. Right from the start the | Sandy beach. Apply to : in the first stage, it warmed up Jipeer. secured assistanes ~ Drlin its jurisdiction, the prize to go Mr Chas. Norgate, Dryden. visitors made 3 favorable impres- AR HUTCHISON, into a hot contest. Time was ex- Dingwall was called, but the un-| to the _most complete exhibit, Dear Sir, Your letter of May son. Their evident desire os a : tenedd to allow them to reach 4 fortunate man was beyond assist- whether that of a township or in- Toth received nearly two weeks thoroughly acquaint themselves : decision, but the game finally ance, as death must have been in-{ dividual, : ago, and to-day the potatoes ar- with the problems of this district | For sale for delivery between May ended in a tie--r1 goal each. stantaneous. The body was re- A Second prize of $25.00 will be rived in most excellent condition. fy. highly gratifying to a com. |24th and June 1st, 18 SPRING te sre |] the Town Hall, where] given by the Agricultural Society | T have cut these potatoes up and munity that has always consider-| PIGS, 6 weeks old, $10.00 each, : Coroner Kenney of Kenora held The Royal Bank will give a am drying them in the sun as isfeaq itself more o rless neglected by See : ~ CHEAPEST BUY IN TOWN, an inquest Wednesday afternoon, Third prize of $10.00. our custom here, and will plant previous administrationg. D. WwW. SCOTT. ; pS : Mr McMonagle came here from To allow adequate space for them immediately. The start was made n automo. : REE the east. He had just bought the] this important class of exhibits, They are 6f most excellent form biles round by O%drift, where te 7-ROOMED HOUSE, with Good: house lately occupied by Ira J. the use of the Town Hall will be | sound 'and fine. They seem to be ministers were able to view an ex- | For Sale--FEots 4 and 5, Orvis di- Cellar, Wilde. He leaves, besides his granted. : a very fine potato, and will recevel cojjant farming country under a|Vision. Clear title, For informa- Back Plastered and Surface widow, two son sand a daughter-- Generous prizes such as these my best attention, and T will re- high state of cultivation, Stops tion apply-- Plastered, upstairs and down. Mrs BR. ~G, Wigle and" So will be a great Snecm em), to port to you later. : : were made at the homes of Ey ALBERT MITCHELL, Chicken House accommodates McMonagle of Dryden, and Eu-| those who advocate mixed farm- Thanking you, I remain ral leading farmers, and opportun- | 6-25 Box 77, Dryden. 200 Chickens. gene McMonagle, Keewatin. ing. The idea 1s not so much to faithfully yours, . ity provided 5 hasan informed ) : : Stable 12x16. Good Well, The funeral from his residence stimulate quantity but rather di- LUTHER BURBANK. as to crops, acreage, &c. The eerste aree 3 acres under cultivation. to Dryden cemetery took place versity and quality of Products | mm | wonderful productiveness of the|For Sale--Four roomed Cottage, '8-minute walk to Pulp WA prey CR Rev. ol MF, Fier Hen jo na originality o S ry y [ district amazed them, and sur-|with one acre of land, fenced, Tage conducting the service. Mr, Pitt's ides is ¢ [8 g 8r E Prize was expresse Small stable, .00. Appyl-- See D. W. SCOTT. McMonagle was close to 6o years | terest, and the terms and condi- ensationa d ues al Pe nefe in iE ar on revs $600.00 PPYy -- I of age. tions are liberal enough to suit Some time w Brignall's farm, wheer they we gnon was out this weel the recent work on the Contact Bay ports tht they th ways on the t the width off the values are in- west drift the foot the special ore than doubled] process of this plant bein, valties apparently fred; and arousin g mitch in pieces of The party then boarde through | Pitt's big launch, and wer Average assays of for a tri elow the 75 foot level Landing was made at and in the drifts have] Bay, where they were co less than $35.00 a ton. | to the gold mining sect t thef the rapid development of clover seed. The from Mr Skene's Skene had treated to buttermilk, wh relished by all. Again reachin time was s Pulp Mill, and tha the expla; e take nducte D afternoon, J a rather seri by Frank H orporation of Horne hav¢ said proper- med necessary and permanent Trust- in a team of you he had hitched t 2 2 chest, considering the size, that dustry surprised even those who [or less. Will sell whole -or part, NOW OPEN A ws deme, fol-| has ever been found in thi dis- fare citizens of Dryden, By the | Good soil, ideal for gardening or - oni ons Ne trict. yo kindness of Mr Robt. Wachman, agriculture, Good House and = En tes fr) eee [rap Fe pte: Cotomen oa tales toi We are introducing the bre he : J h Rh d / I : d lunch in the large diningroom of apply to Le WHEREAS the property known onn odes fijure : : ; " VORTEX SERVICE as "The Dryden Cemetery" is : ; to fa 4 ERR HR 6 hi pore I nl made es control and manage. WHILE working on his land to i To ot i] Te ay 4 Tyden, Ont. Pure White Cups with Silver= ment of the Council of the Town | the south of the Town on Monday | peop p Dis prog ohn R ous ac ardie sion had be long morning appetites, a thorou hour was spent at t hodes met with cident. Assisted he was breaking ng horses, which 0 a wagon. While able, [3 ted to the|Jje Cobb, e ' sed to the amount of 956.00. PEARLE A. RYTHER. siom, in Parliament, They had as spent on F, T. of the grain and return was made place, after Mrs. the whole party ich was greatly g Dryden, some bent going through the sulphate erest. d Mr Pp across Lake Wabigoon, Contact on, and this in- €n made, and ag the had produced good ghly enjoyable | Owing to the unavoidable short- OBSERVER. ge Mounted Moose re For Sale--Lar Head. Write : : 6-25 Box 4s, Dryden. ------------------ ; x 3 WANTED to buy, i Planer and Lath Mill. in first letter, A o "=DRYD Second-hand State price Pply care of EN OBSER ER - LAKE VIEW FARM. FARM for sale, S. part of Lots, =~ Con. 4, Van Horne Twp. Fifteen minutes from Dryden by land or water; Lake front," southerly as- bect; consitsing of 121 acres more i- n d Musicians of T 0 give absolute satisfaction as ; : qual, Wesley Shaffer, been deeply impressed with what to price, service and quality, w -- Revision for the purpose of hear- procedure, and submitted a coun- Willa Callan and Elmer Shaffe they had seen, and could now Un-1 A trial order will convince you : = ing puis ed the As- SR ah Town Se equal, Albin Halquist, Gerda. Lin. derstand why Dryden was so fav- and help to build up Drpden's F. B. LINDEN sessor's Return of the Ssessment complete title to the property be-| der, orably spoken of in parliamentary first Music Stare a ane = Roll for the year 1hza fore expending money on it. The Form II sr--Violet Cobb, Bobbic} i les. He hoped the dav the' Gael : : ND TARY ) ETC. All parties having business at Mayor, however, showed that he Thomson, Clarence Shaffer, Phyl- fo BE here Lp! be A : Conveyancing Collecting the said Court are hereby required was guided by the advice of com-lis Robinson, tive of good results, and assured |. ik J to take notice and govern them- petent counsel, and as the Deed Form II jr--Priscilla Johnson | them they would remember Dry- . : as General Pra:tice selves accordingly. ; would be held by the Trustees the Mona Robinson i den, and hoped to be able to come R. J. Pron ger. DRYDEN ONTAR!0 ALEX TURNER, - Town would be protected. After Form I sr--FEdna Davies, Louis again at a not distant date. Hs ; : | Clerk full discussion the By-law was Contini The visitors left for the west on --_-- " -- "" : : Passed by Council. : | Form I jr--Doris Peck, John the afternoon train, No. 1. ei? a, Lah - ! motion was unanimous Y| Davies. have a large county council doing ; ' Garried that six garden seats be Jr Primer--Matthew Wren, Len: : the business of the province, and aE ap 2 ; bought for the cemetery, O,Neill and Buddy Thomsor The ministers attended a ban- as long as I am minister I will try Als 11, ' 3 W. G. CASE The Town Clerk's salary was equal. quet in the Tourist Hotel the [to work for the interest of the Barrister, Solicitor, &e. Automobile and Marine gasoline raised to $75.00 ber month, The[A Primer--Annie O'Neill, Win. same evening, given by the Town people of this province." He said eh is Engines attended to Tinsmith 5#la1y of the Electrician also Wasinie Roibnson, Jackie Young, Johr § of Kenora. Mayor Hutchison and he had been impressed by the PERIAL BANK BLOCK, and genéral repai nek Prices raised to $135.00 a i Robertson, Margaret Croxton, Mr Pitt wer also guests. In his agricultural progress and . thrift : : : : : E KK. 1 ccounts were sy mitted an moderate, address Mr Biggs said "instead of a partizan government you now § Teacher, § N : seen is visit there, at Dryden durin