Se Packets Only. Never Seld in Bulk, 000400 26000090 ¢ osese Lid 94000404 Sedagets e0e8e0e 00000000000 ONE WEEK SPECIAL Starting Saturday. June 19th. RH. Flour, 100 1 Rolled Oats, 20th Rolled Oats, 8's... : Fried Oats, > os bag. She ts / amery re : Dairy Butter .7. THE SHAMROCK IV Sir Thomas Lipton's challenger for the American Cup wound up , and to enable the executors Farn A Big Snap for a Quick Buyer 160 Acres about 21/4 miles from town. . I am instructed by the Standard Trust Company, Executors of the estate of A, A. Mitchell, deceased, in order to immed- ately wind up this estate, to offer for sale by tender the south half of lot 10,%in 5th Con, Township of Van Horne, 160 acres, more or less. As this estate must be to do so this landmust be sold. No reason- able offer will be refused. ret I may say that the Executors have placed a reszrve bid of $375 on this land which I offer for sale 'with 'a clear Title and free from all encumbrances. Buyer to assume and pay taxes for 1920 only. Send your tenders to or F. B. LINDEN, Notary, : Dryden, Ont. Dryden, Ont, 11th Tune 1920. 500BeBBIDIOONI0I0D6PBO DO Oo When you I a TRACTOR, use just as much care in aking your selection as you would in buying cood horse. Don't make the important ddsion too hastily--find out for yourself. Be sulthat the TRACTOR has all the features eshtial to all-round service, efficiency, and e omy of operation. 'For, instance, look fort A KEROSIN E HGINE that will Speifis: on cheap fuel. A THROTTLE VERNOR to regulate the. fuel. A DRAW BAR ments. A FRICTION c TCH PULLEY with a wide face and brad diameter. A ROOMY PLATMRM is the latest feature. WIDE FENDERS \ver the drive wheels to protect operator. THESE FEATURE({are on the 10-20 TITAN KEROSINE TRAITOR. { ELLBER! Wa hod, Ont. Ao for the Trite siidional Rie Farm Machinery | a wide range of adjust: Gein 5 : i i : We int a Woo or er | : Secretaries are invited to / Notices: to this column. - AGENT FOR Massey-Harris Farm Iniplemements, ete. | VAN HORNE CLUB will hold its regular meeting on. Safurday. 19th = Bain Wagons | Tune, in the Township Hall, Toye: and Sleig ahs den, at 8 p,m, : | CHAS. NORGATS, Dryden Ont.! Secy. : IN TERNATIONAL McCormack McCormick Sel. -Dump Rakes are known the world over for quick : and eran action, ligne draft and Sule, 5 Made 0 Ba - 9 ~-- 10 and 12 - foot sizes. ORDER REPAIRS EARLY. For Catalogues and fall information regarding any of these machines o : write to 2 International Harvester Company of Can ad Lt. WINNIPEG, MAN, or CORNER, Oxdrire. G.W.V.A, 7 BUILDERS' S' SUPPLIES Ae 1 2 " z membership and Erick, Lime informafion con- B. C. Shingles ocerning returned men, wiite - DAvIDSON : Seely Treas. Reptlor mesting at 2 30 p.m, FIRST SUNDAY every month. C. N. HARRIS. Electric Wiring and fepairing. Gas. Engines, Motor Boats B ed and repaired. Good Wot moderate prices. fd