Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 2 Jul 1920, page 4

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at the e e groom"s parents, Mr: and "lo nn vis Fin day [Mrs S. Reid, 620 Broadway East, yo : ; qe Vancouver, B.C., on April 27th, 2 °Q re ' I y Miss Mabel Robinson has taken : de So : - Tien 3 hen. Gertrude Christine, <ldest 7: Ss and Boys C othing a position in Pronger Bros. store. bite ot the late Fredrick ; . . : isited | Stone and Mrs Marie Stone, of | and Furnishings ah Dan Hutshisen ie Nakusp, B. C.,, became the bride | ¢ or aE [of Thomas Reid, late of the 72nd § D. C. Warner of Quibell was a Seaforth Highlanders. : week end visitor in town. The bride, who Was given away ; by her brother Melville, looked ¢ charming in her tailoned travell- ; | Several new Ford cars have made their appaerance in town ing «suit of navy plue serge, with this week, 2h x hat to match, and white fox furs, . . . [the gift of the bridegroom, with Miss A. Vv, Frejd, who has been ; : : - . oy : which she carried a shower boi eri on left quet of cream bridal 'roses and ai in Sau e Marie on arti = After the ceremony a dainty Miss Jewel Ryther of Bedworth wedding Supper was served, the has also gone 'to her home in the table decorations being in yellow S , east, and white, centred by the brides. j cake. ; a Mrs Ross Hawes of McCreary | © Se ple left he & Man, is visiting her mother, Mrs The Wimpy Follett an the 0 : ; . Newly Arrived from Montreal, i JUST OPENED ouT The Latest Shapes in Soft Fine Straws and Genuine i PANAMAS Also Pretty Shapes in cheaper Hats for School Wear. "SEE WEST WINDOW THIS WEEK. night boat for the Sound cities, imme W. H. Martin, where the honeymoon will be EE Ear L : Cs Miss M. Brown and Mies. G. |spent. Pope oh return they' Ra % 7 § : Causley left on Wednesday for Will reside In Marpole, where Mr & TE { § : A [I . their home in Sarnia. Reid is in business. i AAT AE a Mrs. M. S. Campbell and Mrs| A 8 SE ei rhe Pa Brick Store" ? James McFadyen are spending a EMERSON-ANNIS § mth Ales ks : holiday in Winnipeg. 7 3 Dryden, Si Ont. ; City Guy--How is the milkmaid? [at the residence of the bride's par- | g lr ; el . ) Milkmaid--Yoy poor boob, the ents Orangeville, Oni, Florence! & -- = === =====-------- lf THEI aE younger davghter of Mr ang § So [Ic Jon't made, the cows gives 1% Wy d | man's hard work, wheyg strong stuff mugt Mrs John Rhodes, accompanied [Mr William R. Emerson of Pick- | : eh by ner dau hter-in-law, Mrs W, |ering, Ont., by the Rev, E. R. L Rhodes of a ha sleft ofr | Young, Pastor Methodist Church, ! | RELUBLE. REARS [= | seine eet very ] : : Mr 1B Beveridge left .on |The Lost Chord.--A Dirge. ! 1 T a to every description of Monday for Montreal. The result| There are lonely hearts in Dry-! recall a ; ed hary est boot 1n Manitoba, 30 ag n do Full Stock of Gas Engines of the trip may be of great im- den to-day. The old associations '€ on an ' ; portance to the future of Dryden. {the o1q haunting voices in the aan mea gloaming 'no longer have nd a i rey hy (2PPeal, and even the sunsets have' : d Vi fi . « piri . ie Comins Te tn he Royal Bank, Mr lost their power to charm. Since i Duncan will go to Saskatoon. the Virgins of the Go Ho ot. DURANCE and MILLINGTON | 4 Years ago, that wag sold at $1.25. Ni ENERAL HARDWARE |AUTO, TRACTOR, MARINE, soft leather not Particularly wel] finished, ol : : AREO and STATIONARY ges, Doors and Windows, =. Paints, Varnishes, &c. 800d in wet; and I wish I coulq find this Knowledge have deserted the |g : Mr A. W. Robbins. general | temple, we are as those who are d and the bear 1t hag b : z ; .|blind and have lost our vision, hn. 7 Ben ud ETD DIPAINERS WITH [rete a el caressed, the § OMY In he y of those who worked ING MACHINES] EXPERIENCE, visiting his friend, W. H. Ding: | ves tha tlooked into ame o cur Mncomplainingly 16 hoyyg 5 day for $10.00 HING MA : Sia DRYDEN : . ONT. | wall their board, Lasy "to. operate. x ey pe softened moments; are gone from li a month and the places that knew them, and | § . " by "i : : : rom ithout Power. --- Pat Stewart, a former agricul- [the halls that re-echoed to their ¢ f La uncomplainingly, this possibly NEE ud > = : tural representative of this dist- joy are wrapt in the gloom of : orl €rary effect, As a matter of fact we = AEE NOTICE rict, visited Dryden last Sunday. [silence. As ships that pass in the ng pecia sale o Mr Stewart is 'now on the Sol- [night they have come and gone I ; ft fh ha | fer' settlement bowed at Ottowa ld our Fete 20 l5in! og away from philosophy ang DRESSMAKING B= : . |longing 'that they are here no & : coming back to shoes: i + : 2 Dome By Te py. foe Kong NE Ernie mE WIDE ef comin back to's Cy opeery good lines of § Pl i e eek. | or fo L thelr van- | & © o 7 1 Done, By The py, Candidates from Dryden. Oryos: nL damuhe | summer work shoes, and these wil] be dis- | Address-- i : o ] = Ciddies' Express Wagons. a : Sr and Bedworth are writ- © Miss. MINNIE PLOTTS {ing. Miss : Duff is the presiding played in the window for a few days. In fact nearly waterproof. Wears = well, very comfortable, and Worth $6.75 J officer. : Waldhof U.F.O. club will hold | , i a. 2 a 4 Dryden, Ont. Mise Roth Bderon " do tis regular meeting on Saturday, g Abeef-hide plow boot, light 1n dry i 2188 Ruth Edgren returned on] : ; JE = : 4 . : ] : eo Frid Tent fron Teeoed on Li 3rd, in the Schoolhouse, at f Weather and tanned {o resist wet, i spend a two-week holiday with] : Vv {her mother. Ruth is taking a [ special course in business college Dryden LOL, No. dor. winds to fit herself for a useful career. 1y010 parade to Union Church 1 2 | A mule boot. Ii ig de 0 Church, 16 mule boot, light upper but good : oo inders. {Sunday 11th July. Service will he! $ : ? . ms Snrtcking fi tat Stes Cm rida, Selawlfiyy A mule boo, igh dry weather but England, Edward Fitzgerald of | Rev. G. E. Robins. a : a : a bis the Hudson's Bay Company and | a I .tar-paper and roofing from a Hardware Store, where Mr F. Perry of Montreal Visited | will not stand much wet. The price i ; Ei isonly | ab . 2.95 ; es Dryden last week in their private} The Dominion Alliance will '§ = : . ST you will get quality. oo car, : : conduct service in Union Church i sell g 0ods, but back of this burpose 1S a - : : = oy oo S Sunda ing. Ti ill als : 1] ! OV 0 ET rr ml mde a ell omens wari | genuine desive to sive you a good dust paper, per roll Laan : 1.60 | noted jurist and author of "(] ne = therefore:--_ Let us suppose you have a ten dollar bill & that you come into the store and choose - 1.35] Canada," died at his home in a 8.15 pm. « 3.00|Quebec at the age of 81 years on : : 5 3.50 | Sunday last. . «4.00 ! The purpose of this advertisement is to | | | x ee ee ities © Father's contemplated trip tq Iron beds, springs Winnipeg has been indefinitely ; postponed. Tt is quite refreshing . a to learn that someone has discov. ___ ered a useful occupation for him -- Jat last, and he now goes for ti | jcream every night, LS A pair of plow boots, size 6,7,8,09, : 1 Dorll foe -.- Toran $6.75 | Adding a pair of mule boots at .. 2.95 And 4 pairs of socks, good wear- Ing cotton, at 30c. .. +1.20 | A curious accident occurred at Bedworth the other day. A young '| mare belonging to Herb, Bicknell had been let out to pasture with two other horses; for some reason the mare attempted to jump the dy for Heavy Duties |': hey fot bain ent fall and break her neck. % proms, ---- This comes to. $10.90 Hand over your $10.00, and we will wrap up the parcel, appreciating your "good © Sense and your patronage. % | is noted for its reserve For belt work this tractor drives oi) A. R. Hutchison Teturned fo 8 state that these tractors Cage 20x36 thresher, -fully equipped, Town last Saturday with a car- able in: emergency, for silo fillers, hay presses, feed mills, ote, 'Jload of young cattle, which ke has or for grades, For all round use this tractor demand: plot Pasnre 9 bs elds recommended for pulling ; ; farm. rec, your careful considerat ows which it can pull proved its worth, Tt 18 economical in| Have you been out to pick i & kerosene successflly. 'Strawberries yet? Arthur Clark Materials, Yoyu[Says they are ripe now, and the i ' Corp is going to be a big one this year, ; rs, two 20-shoe grain efore you decide on your tractor, Jet Sites tunis a g us show you the advantages of the Cage fo ' Dif line. You] th be b disc harrow, ete. judge, ¢ © a 7 I J. Morrison, the progenitor : of the U.F.0, is touring the pro- Negligee Matinee of 5 ; Vince and is expected to be in| hear Gd Malaica sleeves of REROSINE BE T. B RIGNALL, UE, pinout the roth d i he garniture of two- TRACTORS ; Oxdri £.0. membe udl endeavour. j Uxdrift, One, , hear him. i - tone ribbon,

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