a a THE PEOPLES PAPER - 4 Town. OUR RATES REASONABLE. and Shea's Porter, Ice Cold. ~~ _Hot Drinks in Season. also Chocolates, Candies, &ec. Tobaccos. Cigars. Cigarettes. Pipes. Pouches. Accommodation the Best io be had in Good Draught Beer, also Bottled Beer ~~ (.S. GRABOWSKI, Prop. , In connection with above an Ice Cream - Parlour. Fruits of the Finest Quality, no, ~ Give areal Victrola Why not place an inexpensive small- ~ type Victrola in the nursery or playroom for the children's very.own? Think of the great delight it will add to their playtime hours! . : ~~ A Victrola will bring them music and 'songs to love and memorize; music to ac- company their plays and pageants; singing games, folk and interpretative dances, and | fairy stories of the kind the little folks adore. ao Both the Victrola IV and VI are ideal instruments for children. They play all - "His Master's Voice" Records perfectly. ; Comein and hear some of the many records made expressly for children. al 1186 | Ripley's & he Busy Store AMERICAN LADIES BASEBALL a SPECIAL, on DRESS SILKS Lay or ~ Pailette Silks, 36 inches wide, colors: ~ black, navy, jay blue, brown, yd $3.25 ~ Duchesse and Messaline Silks, 35 ins "wide, colors navy, purple, taupe, "terracotta, pervd .......... 3295 - Raw Silk, 86 ins wide, per yd . . .$2.45 * Sale Good to Sept. 4th, 1920 the kiddies | A) 019036300909 DCOICO00 020068 BOBO BSCTOBODOITODOBIR ISSO DOTVISOBE JO SoC OE OHIBIBHODIDODSBOW on i 1 A KING WHO GOES A-RIDING ON HIS 2 WHEEL STEED. /| Nowadays as in he days of old, ~~ cither for their aeroplane, their | king of Sweden, the tallest ruler "short trips gets out his old bi- power, goes a-riding round the Mrs Lillian Russell the Rockland, husband in order to obtain enough him and one of their children. He QAlden, and"a distant relative of accomplished 1 everything a husband should be; jearn enough to support their 7 THE BRITISH PREMIER IN A NEW ROLE. The Photo shows Mr soulfully 'rendering the Hymn of the Republic." Lloyd George, premier of (ireat Britain, great yAmerican Anthem, "The Battle. This - interesting event took place re-: cently under the colossal shadow of Abraham Lincoln, in Canning © 'BY VIRTUE of certain Chairman and .Seeretary-Treasurer of the School 'Board of Aubrey School Section No. 2, and the hands of . Treasurer of ithe East Aubrey Road: Commissio Square, London. i Pe when Kings go riding, they call motor car or their carriage of of "generating their own motive an exception to the rule. The in the world, when he goes on cycle and, generating his own countryside. state. Very few kings ever think power ; but in this picture we have iw : WOMAN AND HUSBAND SHE WOULD SELL. Mass., worhan who would sell-herj money o raise her family, with is, a direct descendant of John the late Hetty Green. He is an according to Mrs Russell, is] only Carl, the husband, cannot} children; For this reason Mrs Husbha on 'the auctioneer's mmusician, and, b Russell is willing to place Friénd block and offer him to the highest $20,000. Anybody want a husband bidder." The lowest bid must be! at that price? ifs : : rm Bern EPI SU WHITE ROTARY | SEWING MAC i Sheriff's Office, Kenora, Ont, ' PLOWS.--Hamilton Plows, Oliver For any information R. Sweeney Massey-Harris Farm Dryden hy a : a HINES Casas aa LR LSE EYE CYR Y x ANOTHER SHIPMENT JUST RECEIVED. ~ IT am making a Special Price Reduction : 3 for the month of September. In addition to this my terms are very liberal. _ "10 per cén DISCOUNT FOR SPOT CASH, or MONTHLY PAYMENTS WITHOUT INTEREST Two days' free trial. * RJ. PRONGER SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS for ARREARS of SCHOOL and STATUTE LABOR TAXES. a Province of Ontario. District of Kenora. To wit: warrants given under the hands of the the Chairman and Secretary- ordance "with the Assessment Act, the Unorganized Territories ners (and in acc- Schools Act and the Act imposing Statute Labour in Unorganized Townships) for the collection of arrears of taxes due on the under 'mentioned lands, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that unless the taxes, together with the lawful costs and charges be-sooner paid, 1 shall, in the building occupied as a Meat Market by W. J. Robinson, Main Street, in the Town of Dryden, in the District of Kenora, on MONDAY, THE 6TH. DAY OF DECEMBER, 1920, at the hour of TWO o'clock in the afternoon, proceed to sell by Public Auction the said lands, or so much thereof as may be sufficient to discharge such arrears of taxes and charges thereon. ; : TOWNSHIP OF AUBREY. 4 ~ Lotor pottionof, &: 2 School 'Statute Total Tol Tas Patented e = Taxes Labour Costs Sch gor U: pat- 2 = : Taxes enncland ented 1) : Statute Lab- ©™ €¢ our & costs South 74. 12 6 n North Pr. © 3.6 3 lool N33 6, 8117 1p.at. a Eg 3 6 8034. Unp.at. IN. pols. ue %) W. us of 8, The gis : ; ~ Lod ulm aa ea Lot > 2.6 oy $3340 $5.49 $38.95 Unpat. South Pt.: 7 3 160: $7064 $31.95 $7.23 $109.82 Pat. North Pt. 6 2 160 $7034 $36.78 $r.11 $114.23 - Fat. North Py. 2 4 160. S31.31 © Siogs $5.80 $57.17 Pat, South 14 5 2 1291484362 $21.14 $6.28 $71.04 Unpat. + JOHN W. HUMBLE, Sheriff, District of Kencra. International Harvester Company of Canada Ltd., 2 Deering ~ BINDER TWINE The best of binders will not do good work without good twine. and | . Every ball of McCormick or Deer- \ i ing Twine is guaranteed for | : length, strength and evenness. Try it and be convinced. We have always some on hand, or it can be had from ; A. G. GARDINER, Eagle River, and KE. A. KLOSE, Dryden, Plows, Fleury Plows, and the Peter Hamilton Plows. Tractor Plows, Gang Plows, Sulkey Plows, Breaker Plows and Walking Plows. - = : 7 / WN \ \ it A Ji \ of literature on anything in the'line of FARM MACHINERY, write to . ) Oxdrift. oy BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Brick, Limo : B. C. Shingles © General Blacksmith AND. or Worker Wood © AGENT FOR Picture Framing Fibre, Ftc. Implemements, etc. | + Undirtaking in conneed on Bain Wagons : " and Sleighs - D. ANDERSON DRYDEN, ONT, = Fk nt. Sash & Doors Manitoba Gypsum Hardwall and Wood 3 pen S