THE DRYDEN OBSERVER gL 1s. crowned the 'efforts of, 4s ies "Good Time Club" at' my. he ev nt being a box-social] Org Nag try to raise funds for the For the nextew, tmas Treat, which is an ann-! feature al affair. - The Auctioning was' lone by one of the returned , Mr" Parson; 'the boxes anded out with "Harry's" nature, which : helped to ng good bids' for the dainty] ----mmproducts. GLASS WASH = BOARDS, at the new price, 75¢. wip e splendid sum of seventy- llars was" brought in for i = 'Several : ub + are also' ng for the event and over undred 'dollars 'are already a good time is "was indulged We have on hand a Full Stock of GENERAL HARDWARE Ranges, Doors and Windows, ~ Paints, Varnishes, &c. A. KLOSE Dryden, Ont. - g a wonderful vas troubled. "It was leap not know it, but she was ampire. She didn't blush when placed his arm about her waist, nd unconsciously moved closer. | | Sweet nothings he murmured| | shell-pink ear. = The| stray whisp of hair thrilled him} pleasantly as they brushed against | 'his hot checks... She knew that he had fallen, and that the time for the proposal was at hand. Heartlessly: she cooed at him: 'Don't you ever need sympathy? Don't you ever feel a longing for "tenderness?" she sighed. ~ "Uh-huh," replied her victim 'when T order a steak." 1e CASH STORE Ty z B n : ~ A prominent real estate dealer in Toronto says that ke gets better and quicker rasults from the Classified Want Ads! than f from any other kind cf. publicity. "He states that the results ar¢ out of preportion to the small expense Involved. There is 2 moral in that for you if you want to reach the pccopio FRESH MEATS. FRESH GROCERIES, FRESH FRUTIS. : FRESH VEGETABLES. | | : TJ . Latimer. - EL a T SELEY tesday last, when a Hamilton 3-furrow tractor plow was hitched behind Mr Wm. , Jahnert's TITAN. Plow was set es deep, the land was a cost of plowing nd by the Horse ee - Neely gramme re = Lig "POLITICAL ASSOCIATION 4 | : rv} THE annual convntion of the -U.F.O. Clubs of the Port Arthur- {Song (in lady's attire)--Charles rSubscriptions and collections were FORMED AT DRYDEN] Kenora federal riding was held in the Township Hall, Dryden, on RR. Ascough, Kenora, the retiring director, called the meet- ing to order at 4 p.m. In the 'absence of the secretary, M. Pea- cock of Dorrion, C. V. Nerdrum, Wabigoon, was appointed secy. of the meeting. The chairman as to organization of Clubs and ger<ral expansion" of the move- ment. From two rather small Clubs one year ago the organiza= tion had developed into a power- ful movement having fourteen strong Cubs in the federal riding, and now occupied an important strategetical position in the affairs of the riding and the provnce. Saturday last. The election of officers for the coming year was next in order. The important office of director for the district required the taking of a second ballot, which resulted in the election of D. Frejd, of Dryden. The various duties in- clude attendance at the big UFO. convention at Toronto during the gave a resume of the year's work] RURAL LEGISLATION Well Worth a Second Glance ; From Farmers, Cream and Milk Purchasing--Dog and Sheep. Protection--Sale of Fornsaldehyde -- Marketing Loan --Prevention of Bee Diseases. (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) OLLOWING are brief outlines Jd of some of the provisions of - certain bills passed at the last ~ session of the Legislature, and whieh touch very closely the interests of farmers of the Province, furnished by < the Agricultural Gazette of Canada: a Cream and Milk Purchase Act. This is 'a measure designed to pro- tect' the producers of cream in 'he matter of test. It provides !nat all cream purchased in a wholesale way shall be burchased on a basis of the butter-fat content, and that all milk that'is paid tor on a butter-fat basis shall be tested by ths Babcock method. At the present time, of course, practically all cream purchas- ed by wholesale is bought on a basis | of its butter-fat ccntent, so trat the chief purpose is to standardize the week. of December wath. KE. TH Ross of Port Arthur was elected to the office of assistant director. A. R. Ascough,® Kenora, was, again unanimously chosen presi- lent of the Association, with. F. | | Brignall, Oxdrift vice - president. C.'V. Nordrum, Wabigoon, was appointed secy.-treasurer., 'The necessary steps were then taken to complete the organiza- tion of a political association, in compliance. wth the recent Act, to further the aims and principles of the U.F.O. This body will act in conjunction with the labor party in promotin their united political interests. A joint confer- ence of the parties will be held in Dryden shortly to discuss" their future action. or At a session held in the evening various .relative to the convention of pubilc bodies at Fort William were dscussed. It was agreed that many questions affecting the wel- fare of farmers, such as the pro- posed union of municipalities and the appointment ef a commission- er for western Ontario, were sure to be brought forward. Regret was expressed that the import- each Club had not been earlier recognised, to give members .an opportunity to define their atti- 'tude. It was decided that the convention as a body should send a delegate representng the eleven Clubs in this end of the riding, (turn to last page.) CONCERT AT OXDRIFT The members and friends of : ance of sending a delegate from test and see. that the producer gets a fair 'fest. The Act and Regulations prescribe the method of testing and also provide that the shipper shall 'be entitled to a statement-in detail of the quantities of cream received and the amount which each tested. The inspectors are given aulaority to _ enter factories at all hours and make tests, and also look over the books of the companies, and check up the quantities of cream received and the manner in which it is disposed of. Dog - Tax and Sheep Protection { Amendment Act. The dog nuisance is so general and Heather and Grey, finest throughout, per pair trimmed NEW LINES JUST OPENED OUT FOR 'XMAS 4 . SELLING, LADIES' FANCY HOSIERY. Heather and Grey, fire Union Wool, seamless pair $1.75 Pure Wool, seamless hi Ladies' Juliet Slippers, leather sole Xmas here in Four Weeks Not a minute too early to start your Xmas Shopping. and heel, fur 5 $2.25, $2.50 & 2.85 $1.65 & 1.85 : 1.85 F mixed hose would make a pleasing combination a LADIES' GLOVES, in fine Pure Wool, Mocco Leather wool lined, Kid, Chamoisette, Lisle and Pure Silk in all sizes. CLARKS THE RED BRICK STORE. High Qualtiy and Low Prices. =D Classified Ads so serious to owners of sheep that there is an 'effort almost every ses- sion to further strengthen the legis- lation to protect sheep owners from losses by dogs. The act introduced at the recent session provides that all dogs in the province shall wear fags, to be secured from the officers of the municipality. Any dog found off the premises of its owner and not under the control of any person and not wearing a tag may be killed by any person, and there is also a fine to the extent of at least $10 for those who fail to secure tags. This section, however, does not come into effect until April 1, 1921, $0 as to give peo- ple concerned proper notice. TH . Another amendment gives the "councils of counties power to take over all dog taxes collected and to pay out the losses which maybe in- curred through damages to sheep. At the present time these losses are ~borne' entirely by the townships, which also receive and control the ; Tevenue from the dog tax. The Sale of Formaldehyde. ~ For some years past the Depart- ment of Agriculture and many lead- ing farmers have been advocating the tuse of formaldehyde for the. treat- the Oxdrift W. I. had an open meeting and concert at the home of Mrs McTavish, also a display of IFancy Work and presents suitable for Christmas. The Crotchet work, fancy work and Xmas Novelities were lovely. taken up to raise funds to have a Memorial Tablet placed in the School House with the names of Fallen Heroes, and all those who enlisted from Oxdrift and: were in Active Service. = Collections and subscriptions raised the same nght ammounted to $58. os, full subscription list will be handed in later. an The following programme was gone through:_ Opening Hymn--All, Song--Alice, Mrs Pateman. Song-- Juanita, Mrs Herring. Gramaphone selections--Mrs Me- - Tavish. = : Song--Mr J Crear. Song, Thora, Mrs Elliott. ment of seed grain for smut. | Fre- quent. complaints were heard that as | formaldehyde was only handled in | drug stores, it was not convenient in many rural sections where drug stores were often ten or twelve miles apart, It was found that all that was needed; was a slight change .in the Pharmacy Act which would put for- maldehyde in the same class as Paris green and other poisons that are handled by hardware stores or gen- eral stores. It is, of course, provided that formaldehyde can only be sold In sealed packages carefully Iabelled "Poison" so that the handling may be properly safeguarded. : The Marketing Loan Act. This is an important measure in- tended to grant financial assistance to organizations of producers: incor- Dorated® under the Companies Act Ywho desire to construct and operate seed centres or pctato warehouses. A loan up, to fifty per cent. of the value of the land, building, and equipment may be made, provided that such loan does n In any one case. This loan is free of interest for a period of two years, but fifty per cent. must be repaid in five years, and the balance at the end of a further period of five years. The act provides the usual machinery for Recitation--The Quarrel, Mrs T. H. Lewis. Song (in character)---Farm Maid, Charles Drummond.- Mouth Organ and Organ-- Mrs Allan & Mrs S. Washburn. | Song--Mr Harry Pateman. Song--IHome, Misses Washburn. {| Song--TI ong Ago, Mrs H Miss Neely. ir | Song--Till we meet again, Mrs! J. Adams & Mrs T. H. Lewis. Song--Children's Home, Mrs El-- liott. : Drummond. Song--Mr Crear. At the close of the ~coffee and were handed around. meeting for lending her home. 'About 109 people were present. The next meeting of Oxdrift W. IL. will be held at the home of Mrs Frances Neely, on Thursday 16th December, at 2 p.m. Miss | and Mrs Herring on pro- for that day . other refreshments * A vote of thanks was given Mrs McTavish the safeguarding of the investment. This measure is "introduced in Te- sponse to an indication i a real need in Ontario for encourag- ing the development of local seed. ceatres where mcdern equipment for cleaning seed "8rain can be estab-: lished, and in this way a market seed produced arly, there are thereby placi trol of the d Be | DAY GIRL WANTED. Apply Mrs T. C. R. CRAWLEY. MILCH COW wanted. Must be good milker and fresh. Send par- ticulars to . en DRYDEN OBSERVER FOR SALE. 160 Acres of unimproved Land (patented) 134 miles from town and school. For particulars apply to . "Wm. D. NEELY, N26c Oxdrift, Ont. A few good Toulouse Ganders for sale, $5.00 each. Apply JOHN REID, ~ Dryden. " For sale-- 1 Solid Oak Buffet, fumed finish, nearly new; also 2 Arm-chairs, leather upholstered. Reasonable prices. i Mrs I. J, CLARK. Black MARE, 10 year old, rr1o pounds. $75.00 for immediate sale. 'N. E. WILSON, Oxdrift, Ont. One Black Mare, 7 years old. Weight 1400tb: also suckling calf Apply, JOHN FISHER, Dryden, Ont. - ot exceed the sum of $3,000 ; that 'there is |: {WE have good Jups: GOOD HORSE for sale, 6 years 'old; 1250 bs. Broken to single or double harnéss. Also set single 'Work Harness; only used once. : JAS. L. DUNCAN, "Nab Team of Horses. for sale. Reasonable. Apply Mrs RICHA : : 'Waldhof. Price Was ost I have Rock cockerels, from {FOR SALE--A Filly and Colt, '|each 5 months old. Their dams | weighed 3200 pounds. / May be seen on application. ~~ ccommo- garag : C p te lock dation for tw Terms Dryden R. Sweeney General Blacksmith Wood Warker AGENT FOR {Massey-Harris Farm Imiplemements, ete. | Bain Wagons and sleighs Box 30, Dryden. RD EULER, | ort All The / \ Worlds s \ 1) 3 N\Music a Pho > . aly nographs have at their command' Ont.