Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 21 Jan 1921, page 2

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eR ims - me THE DhypEN OBSERVER Jn HESSIAN FLY HISTORY id idsiid kangen abit a ly A.J. GARDINER oo Facts About This Enemy of the Wheats, $6000 General Merchant EAGLE RIVER, ONT. ir "The Maggot Stage the Dangerous Pericd--Late Sowing to Evade Injury -- Trap Crops Are Also Recommended--=September Butter Packs Well. ry Duties AGENT POR Cogkshult Plow Go.. Frost & Wood Implements DAY SPECIAL The Case 10-20 is noted for its reserve For belt work this tractor drives a (Contributed by Ontario Department of 76 ners state that these tis = he Sn 5 Agriculture, Toronto.) power. Owners state that these tractors Line 20x36 thresher, fully equipped, are always capable in emergency, for 310 8 llers, hay presses, feed mills, ete. VERY year complaints are made of the ravages of this minute insect, especially in those parts of the Province McLaren's Jelley Powder, per doz. $1.25 where fall wheat is grown. In some |in sod or stubble. operation, burning kerosene successfully. places a large proportion of the crop It also handles other implements Itis built of the finest materials. You : "1 : . - Regular 15c. a package. Every oh get your monay's worth. % Ty i, 3 © 8 § i H @ © ) © & © e @ 8 & 6 § he ® - @ $ 9 8 a family should grab up two or © may be destroyed, while in others the |usually requiring about six herses, sucl 7 : ! 2 - : : ® M. 2. CROSIE R amount of injury may be slight: as two 7-foot binders, two 20 shoe grain . Before you decide on your tractor, let ; a o Q D 2 2) g : Charala'e firaom Canarsiare wp AEE pv u Wr ww Wu wiv gd Raw bus Bought aad Seid Creamery Butter, perth... . 58 extra hard plowing or for grades. For all round use this tractor demands This 10-20 is recommended for pulling your carefal consideration. It has long three 14 inch plows which it can pull proved its worth. It is economical 1n 00000066000000006066024 LF OPDOCIOLEVOL XEOVOVEOSNOVYT es an setts terasessssddis & three dozen at this price. s show you the advantages of the Ce ins ts its name from the il ; C tin Sg anne YO Tee antages of the Case The insect gets its drills, six section spike-tooth harrow, 8 jie. Youll then be better able to . General Merchant, {supposition that it was brought to .¢, 10 foot double dise harrow, ete. nd Fy : America in straw carried by some 7 > OX Rl FT, 0 Ont. Hessian soldiers, who were sent out > from England during the Revolution- 2 dealer in - ary War. These troops landed on Dry Goods Groceries Long Island in 17738, and three years Boots and Shoes later the wheat crops in the neigh- Hardware and Farm Produce borhood of their camp were found to : be seriously injured by the newly imported insect. This account of its arrival in America has been disputed Good Quality Western Hay $23.00 per ton, cash. Oxdrifi, Ont. KEROSENE | F.T. BRIoNALL, 2 5 Agent for Yorkshire Insurance Company :- by some investigators who declare D. W. 5 i I, | Frost ye and 1 that it occurred on this continent C ockshutt Implements }many years before. However this may H. . 3 : : ardware, FL fur nd Bu g iene be, the name of "Hessian Fly" has > £ s arniture and Butcher Shop Brenesode romans s a been universally adopted in all parts oe of the world where wheat i grown. R. Sweeney CHURCH OF E*GLAND| RB. H. PRONGER, |i sabi neil bo ont name (Cecidomyia hatin) from Now ig the time to buy our ST VES General Blacksmith ST LUKE'S CHURCH, Notary Public ye ee on Sov DRYDEN. Conveyanger, Eto. From Long Island it gradually A Full Line of GED a HARDWARE He ; 1 Ser : . re wd 8pread througheut the: State of New £ > Wood Worker Morag Prayer and Sermon at 11) pg ¥ BEN > ONT york and then southward, westward | Kent in Stoc ; Tr nd th d, till it finall hed ; = ; AGENT FOR Evening Prayer and Sermon at 7| messmo em : rd 5 a We carry a full i 2, . 5 . .m - associated with the Wheat Midge dur- Cally a Tul line of Electric Irons and ssey-Harris Farm| P™ Rev. ROBT. WILSON, Implements ete. | Rector. Bain Wagons ey ge om. Union Church tre eas Bee FORRES = ing the years 1854 to 1857, when the nip L wheat crops in this country were to- = Electric Stoves. BN. T 21 tally destroyed and the farmers were | Rd. j. In driven to despair. In 1856 the | Washing Machines. Floor Oils. Paints. Bureau of Agriculture in Toronto of- fered prizes for the best essays on the insect enemies and diseases of Brydes LH) Livery, Transfer "J the wheat plant. a mop pn : . = de to P H Hi 'ormick i= A J : > and $ bi Hi ee nik oe McC tenes EN ITE FERN AT ONAL Deering 1 SERVICES {|e Service at Oxdrift. Afternoon: Sunday . School and 2 Bible class (Dryden), ie Solicitor, a 7 pm. Preaching Service. IMPERIAL ANK BLOCK: Rev. G. E. ROBINS, '¢ DRYDEN - i Pastor. : : PevT FS The Hessian Fly is a small two- ENORA . . Ont. A Cordial Welcome Awaits You. I kese Liane $3o4Gesasent winged gnat, en) one-eighth of an pt : ---- re a Inch in length and dark in color. Ow- : : : : : Ing to its minute size and active habits it is seldom seen, and few, if any, of our farmers would be able to recognize it. The female fly lays from 100 to 150 eggs, depositing them in rows of four or five on the surface of the wheat leaf near the ground. From these small maggots goon hatch out and burrow beneath the sheaf and into the stalk where they absorb the juices of the plant. After a time the plants turn yellow | tiaxDeering and McCormack Seed Drills can be had in 14, 16 or 20 and die, which is usually the first in- dication of the insect's a | marker Single Disk, Double Disk, Shoe or Hoe, with or without | grass seed attachment. | After some time the maggot be- comes full-grown, its skin hardens, SPECIAL FEATURES. turns brown, and it forms a puparium = TN "neat tne: Two Lifting levers, two chain drives, which are thrown in and from its resemblance. in size, color out of gear automaticaily when markers are lowered or raised ; re oe con- Jong foot boards, wheel scrapers, land measures; grease cups on all tected by its Tonition in the oe large bearings; all steel box covers prevent warping, twisting, safe from injury. In the following checking or splitting, besides making the grain box rain proof. May the fly emerges and deposits its pssay was officially published in 1857 and widely distributed among the eo tarmers of this Province. The book Is an admirable production, and is tull of valuable information on these enemies of wheat which is just as aseful now as it was some sixty years Exchange Bar \ 5 POVBVOVE VOB ¥ IIB Rw eggs for the production of a second For prices and further particulars app ply to : brood. These eggs are laid upon the : young spring wheat at one of the low- 1, ©, CORNER Ox deift. er joints of the stem, and upon any 7 2 of the fall plants that have escaped or write to the previous attack and survived the = = ; o Tis : winter. The effect of the work of the INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO. Ltd., Winnipeg, Man. ' maggot is to cause a weakening and hardening of the stem at the point of - ae attack, which results in the bending ILOERS' SUPPLIES down or breaking off of the plant. The flax-sced stage is reached in due course and the insect remains in that condition till the crop is harvested. As the pest, when present, is usually very numerous, great damage is done to both the fall and spring crops and byeey serious loss is suffered by the armer. ih ; of Remedies. -- Prevention in this lanterns are Te seful. = case is better than cure. It has been = : : = found that fall wheat may escape at- tack if sown not earlier than the 20th | Special Sale | =i & {of September in southwestern On- ! y 8 tario, or a little earlier in other parts STABLE LANTERNS of the Province. T.e parent flies are : @ ! 5) on fhe wing at tuo beginning of at $1.35 : } September and by the dates mention- r 'oral i { @d, the period of egg-laying is over. are a bargain af the pies, This plan can be made more certain This is the time of year wheu he hingles 2 © 0 Boor: icture Framing > a nitoha Gypsum Hardwall and Wood = of success if a strip of wheat is sown | GI ; S : § rc at the beginning of the mouth to Cha ae : BOARDS, Fibre, Ete. serve as a trap crop. The flies lay at the new price, 75c. , their eggs on these early plants be- : ; for he Tm crop is above ground, i By ploughing under this strip the § We h ull St c of ' brood is effectually destroyed and all w 2 bavi en han nbn Brac - ; pe duner is escaped GENERAL HARDWARE | A NTE er the crop of an infested field a i Bb 3 : Ba Toei Ranges, Doors and Windows, iF, AN 27 ERSON stubble should be burned; but if this Paints, Varnishes, &c. JDEN, ONT ] cannot be done, it should be ploughed St BEY j deeply under to prevent the flies = i which are about to hatch out to reach { the surface of the ground and escape Cn for the production of another brood. IN | : Wheat should not be grown again on tthe same piece of ground for at least a couple of years. As many of the Porn Ont. 3 'lax-seeds' remain in the straw, it is advisable to collect and bun the | = screen. 3s from the threshing ma- chine. Ly the adoption of these meth- 2 i. 1) Lis ods, LE 2 volve litile trouble or i expenss, the farmer may be reason- 3 5 ably sure of getting a full i For Sale ndustry, as far as least as this te pest is concerned.--Dr. C. J. nts hune, O. A. College, Guelph, GWVA Applications for membership and . 14 informafion coii- cerning returned men, write ~ H. M. DAVIDSON Sec'y-Treas. r local fall fair is a good ad- | medium for your stoek. selection of a ram can be | E BY W carly before breeders are near- & a ? - ly sold out. The ram will become | , accustomed to Lis new quarters and / : ¢ give greater satisfaction. a ! sete : i { h { i i Reg'ulay meeting at 2.30 p.tu. [FIR ST SUNDAY every mort) i

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